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September 09, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-09

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pag -Thursday, September 9, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Financial aid picture:*How bleak is it?.

lo fight
In recent years, "apathy" has been
the byword for college students. But
this year, the Reagan administration
Igave students a reason to stand up and
'be counted-on the subject of cutbacks
in federal financial aid.
From a protest in Washington to an
aborted plan to "bandaid" the cube,
'University students allied in opposition
"fo President Reagan's proposals. .
"THE STUDENTS became visible
and showed the Reagan administration
that they were really upset with what
federal officials) were going to do with
;heir education,\' said Amy Moore,
president of the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA).
"Students have been able en masse to
%get to these people and show them
,e're concerned," she said. "I .don't
think people had much confidence that
(student :opposition) would be suc-
oessful; but as the movement gained
force, people realized that it could be
In addition to MSA, the Public In-
:terest 'Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM) and LSA-Student Gover-
nment also led University students in
tthe fight against the proposed cutbacks.
: "IT DEFINITELY became an issue
:iat all the Republicans and Democrats
:had to answer," said LSA junior Carla
'Dearing, who addressed a
'Congressional subcommittee last April
*dn the issue.
y Although college administrators and
.other officials from nearly every state
in the country also lobbied for financial
'aid, "students were at least a large
component-a big part of it," Dearing
In early April, Dearing, at the
equest of Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ann
Arbor), testified before the House Ap-
propriations Subcommittee on Labor,

Reductions less severe


than students anticipated

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
THOMAS BUTTS, the University official who keeps an eye on the situatinn
in Washington, says students will survive this year's cuts in federal aid

Health, Human Services, and
Education. She presented the commit-
tee with written and verbal testimony
about her personal financial situation
and read a series of quotes from other
University students.
"People wanted that student
material," Dearing said. "They hadn't
heard enough of it."
University of Michigan officials
agreed on the success of student
protests. "I think the students both at
the University and nationally have done
an outstanding job of communicating
their concerns," said Thomas Butts, an
assistant to the University's vice
president for academic affairs. "I think
Congress has responded to the studen-
STUDENT leaders explained,
however, that some of the credit for
defeat of Reagan administration
proposals must go to University of-
"There was a lot of teamwork bet-
ween administrators and students and
national organizations," Dearing said:
"It seemed that the more people we
could get together, the better."
According to Moore, because of a loss

of state funds and other sources of
revenue, the University was as opposed
to the cutbacks as the students were.
"THEY HAD a lot of tuition money to
lose," she said. "It's very important for
the University to maintain a large
student body to get the money that they
There is some concern that because
many of Reagan's proposals were
defeated, students may think the fight
against financial aid cutbacks is over.
Although actual cutbacks were less
than had been anticipated, financial aid
programs were still hit hard, said Cor
Trowbridge, coordinator of PIRGIM's
Financial Aid Task Force.
"It seems like human nature that on-
ce the big scare is over to relax into a
sense of false security," Trowbridge
said. "But if the cuts (for 1983-84) come
out to be huge," she added, "people
may respondagain."
During this election year, student
leaders will be concentrating on voter
registration and information drives.
"It's time students became aware of
what's happening," Moore said, "and
that there's a true need for them to

The University lost some $1 million in
federal financial aid money this year,
but the cuts were less than had been an-
ticipated, University officials said.
"The key theme is that there have
been some reductions, there will be
more pain, and students may have to
borrow a little more than desirable,"
said Thomas Butts, the University's
Washington liaison.
FOR THOSE who lost aid, "life may
be a little different this fall," said But-
ts, assistant to the University's vice
president for academic affairs, but "it
was not the worst case."
There has been a great deal of con-
fusion about which cuts were only
proposals from the Reagan ad-
ministration and which ones actually
were approved by Congress, Butts said.
"There's no reason why students
shouldn't go to school this fall," he said.
"If people are turning themselves
down, they're making a tragic
BOTH FEDERAL and campus based
programs suffered equally. More than
$325,000 in federal aid has been cut from
the Supplemental Educational Oppor-
tunity Grant (SEOG), College Work
Study (CWS), and National Direct
Student Loan (NDSL) programs, all of
which are campus-based.
Although the SEOG program will be
losing one-quarter of its allocation, the
most severe loss is the 17 percent cut in
the work-study budget, according to
Harvey Grotrian, director of the
University's Financial Aid Office.
The loss of almost $400,000 in the
work-study program will eliminate
several hundred student jobs, Grotrian
said. In addition, the government will
be paying a smaller portion of student
salaries, he said.
Under the work-study program, the
federal government and the em-
ployer-either the University or a non-
profit organization-share the cost of
employing a student. The local em-
ployer will now pay 35 percent of a
student's wages, up from 30 percent.
DUE TO WHAT Grotrian described
as a " 'quirk in the federal formula," the
University will receive a 16 percent in-
crease for the NDSL program.
Two other federal aid programs, the
Basic Educational Opportunity Grant
(BEOG) and the State Student Incen-

tive Grant (SSIG), however, suffered
The University will lose about 12 per-
cent, or $400,000, in federal funds for the
BEOG program, also known as Pell
Grants, but the SSIG program will suf-
fer a loss of only $23,000, or 4 percent.
Although most program cuts affect
those who receive aid equally, in-
coming students who receive Social
Security benefits have been harder hit
than continuing students.
STUDENTS who receive social
security benefits were hit by varying
degrees. Incoming students who were
not enrolled in college by May 1 are no
longer eligible for Social Security
benefits, and continuing students had
their aid cut by up to 25 percent:
"The rug's been pulled out from un-
der them," Butts said, but added that
some legislators are still fighting to
change the law.
According to Butts, some-
Congressmen still are attempting to
have funds restored to other federal
programs that have been cut. "The aid
situation for 1982-83 is pretty much
fixed," he said, but added that a sup-
plemental bill "would cover any
program they felt needed money."
ALTHOUGH legislative changes are
still possible, funding for the Guaran-
teed Student Loan (GSL) program,
basically is set.
Congress is "going to take a wait and
see attitude," said Elaine Nowak, a
senior aid officer. "As far as we know,
no further changes will take place until
this fall, if any at all."
GSL eligibility requirements are ex-
pected to remain at the level set on Oct.

1, 1981. At present, students whose
family income ' is 'below $30,000 may4
qualify for a maximum loan of $2,50
without being subjected to a needs test.
If the family income is over $30,000,
students must demonstrate financial
FOR THE 1982-83 academic year,
family contribution tables have been
updated to account for inflation but
still do not take family assets into con-
In addition, the 1982-83 tables will be
cut off at $75,000. However, familidse
with incomes above that, who, fqr
example, might have four children in
college, can apply for other forms of aid
by undergoing a needs test.
As of mid-July, the financial aid of-
fice had received about 5,600 GSL ap-
plications, down from almost 11,000 orte
year ago, according to Nowak, who said
she thought both students and their
parents were misinformed about th
GSL program.
"ARTICLES in the newspapers hai e
led people to believe that if you make
more than $30,000, you are excluded
from the program," she said.
Although it is virtually impossible to
predict what will happen in 1983-84,
Butts said, members of Congress haV~e
reacted unfavorably to additional aid
cuts proposed by the Reagan ad-
"The fact that most of the proposals
have run into difficulty can be al-
tributed to the reaction that paren
and students have shown," Butts said.
He cautioned, however, "It's not time
for parents, students, and the Univer-
sity to become complacent."

To our readers:
Welcome to the 93rd year of The Michigan Daily and our New Student
Edition. The purpose of this much-larger than-usual edition of the Daily is
two-fold: To introduce newcomers to the University and environs; and to
bring veteran students and faculty and staff members up to date on what's
been happening around campus.
In many of our stories, we've tried to shed new light onto old or
recurring topics. In others, our writers have given their personal analyses of
the subjects that you likely will encounter while you're on campus. Some-
times, we've taken the liberty of injecting opinion into our reviews of the city
and its various elements, but we leave it to your own college experience to
decide if our advice was good.
We encourage you to hang on to this issue; you may find it a valuable
resource in the months ahead.
-The editors

A Chicago legend
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New Student Edition
Editor--News U-turns sections..........Barry Witt'
Editors--in the city. Arts &
Entertainment sections...........Ann Marie Fazio,
Barry Witt
Associate Editor....... ................ Lou Fintor'
Sports editor........................Ron Pollack-
Advertising Manager ......... .... Kathy Hendrick-
Photographers: Jackie Bell, Kim Hill, Deborah Lewis~2
Brian Masck, Doug McMahon, Jeff Schrier, Elizabetk,
Staff writers: George dams, Sarah Bassett, Jil11
Beiswenger, Greg Brus r, Richard Campbell, Jane
Carl, Joe Chapelle,"Tony Corbeill, Richard Demak, Jim
Dworman, Amy Goida, Mark Gindin, Julie Hinds;.
Michael Huget, Elliot Jackson, John Kerr, Douglas
Levy, Mike McGraw, Larry Mishkin, Buddy
Moorehouse, Maria Petkoff, Kent Redding, Ellen
Rieser, Chris Solata, David Spok, Bill Spindle, Kristin,
Stapleton. Scott Stuckal, Charles Thomson. Ben Ticho ,
Fannie Weinstein, Bob Wojnowski.
Cover photos: 'U' turns--Emily Koo; in the
city--Elizabeth Scott; Sports--Brian Mosck; Arts B En=
tertinment--Deborah Lewis.


.o _ tz
t ,

Vol. XCIII, No. 1
Thursday, September 9, 1982


The Michigan Daily is edited and
managed by students at The Univer,
sity of Michigan. Published daily
Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbot,
Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates:
$13 September through April (2
semesters); $14 by mail outside
Ann Arbor. Summer session.
published Tuesday through Satur-,
day mornings. Subscription rates;:
$7.50 in Ann Arbor; $8 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class
postage paid at Ann Arbor;
Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to THE
MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynart.
Street, Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

Burning the midnight oil can be tough .on your eyesight,
pookie. (Didn't you know Ulrich's carries a full line of Luxo
lamps?) And you say you missed that 8:00 class AGAIN?
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