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See Editorial, Page 4
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
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High in the mid 70s again, but a bit
cloudier, Ri'n possible tonight.
.. " . ... . ^_ .. : .nn TL , A .. * - ' :.1
Vol. XCIIl, No. 27
Copyrighlt 19821, TheiMichigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 9, 1982
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
qw .
toet, 3
In contrast to the budget woes felt by many
University administrators and professors, it was
all smiles at yesterday's groundbreaking for a
massive expansion of the business school.
Top University officials seized the opportunity
at yesterday's ceremonies to laud the bigger,
but better additions to the still-growing business
THE $15-MILLIqN project includes the con-
struction of three new buildings for the school-
a new library, a computer center, and a 100-room
dormitory complex for visiting scholars and
All of the money for the project came from
private sources, mainly corporations, foun-
dations, and alumni, according to business
school administrators. Anne Yurik (left) and Lisa Dunn gorge themsel
Construction of the three buildings is at yesterday's Wolverine Submarine Festival.
scheduled to begin immediately and should be overly-long sandwich (right) stretched along
completed in about two and a half years, say side of the Union for 300 feet.
The business school-which is one of the few
University schools that has continued to grow
broth in budget and students over the past several
years-started raising the money for the expan-
sion about a year and a half ago, said John Ed-
man, the chairman of the school's fund-raising su b sa n d w
Edman said the school launched a major
"Capital Campaign" in April, 1981 to bring in the o p s re c o rd
money. So far, Edman said, the campaign has
raised $10 million of the $15 million needed to By GEORGEA KOVANIS'
build the three structures.
SLIGHTLY MORE than half of that $10 million Eight hundred pounds of cold cuts, .5,400 t
has come from corporations, such as Upjohn, slices, plus cheeses, mayonnaise, onions, and ]
Michigan Bell, and the Detroit Bank and Trust, added to a 300-foot long loaf of French bread wa
Edman said yesterday. Another third of the than a sandwich for University students - it
money came from grants from foundations and meal.
the remaining 11 percent came from alumni con- Michigan's record-breaking submarine san
tributions, he said: the "Wolverine Submarine," proved a tantalizir
The Troy-based Kresge Foundation was the filling taste tempter for students yesterday.
Thest cntrbuor, Krhe Fs aiproming $s hSponsored by the University Activities CentE
biggest contributor, he said, promising $2.5 Michigan Union and a host of manufacturer;
million to the project. The Kresge Foundation donated food and drinks, the goal was to raise $8,t
has also made sizable contributions to the United Way, promote the renovation of the
WARSAW, Poland (AP)-
Parliament formally ended
Poland's unprecedented ex-
periment in worker democracy
yesterday, voting overwhelmingly
to ban Solidarity and take steps to
stop future unions from gaining
Solidarity's national power.
The vote, taken by a display of
hands, was broadcast on the state-
run= national television. Officials
said only 10 members of the 460-
seat Sejm, or Parliament, voted
against the new trade union law,
while nine others abstained.
THE MOVE came after nearly
11 months of martial law under
which the Soviet bloc's only in-
dependent labor union was
suspended and most of its leaders
were imprisoned. The military
rule has been challenged by
periodic riots and protests, and the
vote was expected to provoke more
There were no protests outside
the Parliament, which was circled
by police. There also was no im-
mediate reaction to the vote from
the Solidarity underground, hit
hard by the arrest Tuesday of its
leader Wladyslaw Frasyniuk.
Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, the
Communist Party and government
chief who declared martial law
last Dec. 13, applauded quietly af-
ter the vote on the party-drafted
law. There was little visible
response from the deputies.
AN INFORMED government
source said Jaruzelski planned to
speak today when Parliament
reconvenes, and added he might
"offer a few sweets." No other
details were available.
The report prompted speculation
that the general might announce a
further easing of martial law, but
the government sources and other
officials said Jaruzelski did not in-
tend to lift military rule now. He
previously has said he might do so
at the end of the year.
The new law allows workers the
right to strike, but restricts it
severely and bans walkouts in case
of natural or economic emergen-
cies. Police and military unions
are not allowed and any labor
organization deemed to be har-
boring anti-government activists
would be deregistered.
provided for those who break the
rules. New unions will be based on
professions and initially limited to
the factory level, erasing
Solidarity's immense power as a
national force. Unions also would
be forbidden to tack names like
"Solidarity" onto their titles.
Nationwide organizations would
be prohibited and inter-union cen-
tral boards, or federations, would
be permitted only in 1984.
Some Western observers say this
timetable would allow the Com-
munist Party to monitor union
development and guard against
See POLISH, Page 2
Daily Photos by JEFF SCHRIER
Spartan s.
look for
first win.
in 1982,
Looks can be deceiving.
Or so hopes Michigan State head coach Muddy
Waters, who brings a down-but-not-out squad of Spar-
tans into Michigan Stadium this afternoon for the an-
nual bash with Michigan for state bragging rights.
THE SPARTANS have stumbledbthrough four
straight losses to open the season but have hung
tough against a rough schedule-Illinois, Ohio State,
Miami (Fla.), and Notre Dame-and that gives the
Michigan State third-year coach reason to believe
that his team is not as bad as it might appear.
"The team is not demoralized-they're just as
determined as they've ever been," said Waters
earlier this week. "We really believe we're going to
beat Michigan this week. I know we're capable of it."
Indeed, if ever the Wolverines were ripe for the
picking, it is now. With Michigan off to a mediocre 2-2
start, head coach Bo Schembechler has already
labeled the game, which will begin at 1 p.m., the key
to the season. "If we can beat Michigan State, we'll
be in the race-that's the key," he said.
MICHIGAN HAS been struggling behind the incon-
sistent play of junior quarterback Steve Smith and
the unavailability of star flanker Anthony Carter.
Carter missed most of last week's 24-10 win over In-
diana with a rib bruise, but is expected to start again-
sf the Spartans today.
The Wolverines cannot afford to struggle offen-
sively if they hope to put any points on the board
against a rock-solid Spartan defense that ranks
second in the Big Ten.4
"The strength of their team is the defense," said
Schembechler. "It's the strongest defense we've met
so far, and that includes Notre Dame."
ANCHORING THE Michigan State stop troops are
junior end Carl Banks, senior tackle Smiley Creswell.
See MICHIGAN, Page,9
Ste inem urges change
in U.S. power centers
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Unem- A record 6.6 million with job:
ployment soared to 10.1 percent in Sep- forced to take only part-time po
tember, breaking the double-digit because of the economy. Anott
barrier for the first time since the million were to discouraged to l
Great Depression with 11.3 million a job, according to third-qt
people out of work, the government figures, and were not even c
reported yesterday. among the unemployed.
The 10.1 percent seasonally adjusted With the Nov. 2 congressiona
rate topped the 1941 rate of 9.9 percent tions only 24 days away, Dem
and is the highest since the 14.6 percent seized on the new figures to c
in 1940. ouster of those House and Senate
BLUE-collar workers suffered the bers who backed President Re
brunt of the increase. program, but Reagan refused to
The Labor Department said the total blame for the high rate.
number of people officially unemployed IN A BILL-signing ceremony a
jumped 450,000 since August. Beach, Calif., President R
highest since 194
Although women have made great
progress in the past decade, they now
must direct their efforts toward making
a fundamental change in this country's
power structure, leading femipist
Glorida Steinem told a sell-out crowd
last night in the Power Center.
Steinem said the main issues facing
feminists this decade will be the con-
tinuing fight for equal opportunity in
employment, for a redefinition of work
and family roles, and for "reporudctive
freedom," which she defined as the
!right of women to decide if and when to
have children, this latter right, she
said, includes the right to abortions and
birth control.
THE FORUM was interrupted at
least seven times by enthusiastic ap-
plause and standing ovations from the
crowd of about 1,000, most of whom
were women.
"We have completed the first full
decade of the second wave of feminism
in this country," Steinem said last
night. "We have not yet begun to really
change the power structure in our
Steinem was joined on the platform
by two other feminists, Kate Millet and
Alice Walker. The forum was spon-
sored by Friends for Women's Credit, a
feminist group founded three years
s were
her 1.6
ook for
al elec-
all for
t Long
pledged to find jobs "for all the 10.1"
percent of the labor force out of work.
He chastised critics ".. . who would try
to make a political football out of this
cruel fate for so many people."
Reagan said the legislation would
create hundreds of thousands of jobs by
increasing U.S. exports and services
abroad. The president also said his
administration has reduced "double-
digit inflation, the single greatest
enemy of jobs" and added that "the
toughest, most urgent priority we have
is to create more jobs."
Noting that the rate was 7.4 percent
when he took office, Reagan said, "I'm
willing to accept the responsibility for
the 2.7 percent increase if others accept
the responsibility for the 7.4 percent."
IN UNEMPLOYMENT lines across
the country, workers seeking jobless
benefits were mixed in fixing the
blame. Some felt it was Reagan's fault,
others said he should have more time.
Some simply said they did not know.
Analysts with the Bureau of Labor
Statistics noted that joblessness curing
that era of hard times involved almost
exclusively male heads of households.
In recent years, they said, there has
beena substantial surge in the number
See DOUBLE, Page 2
... fight not over
JOINING Steinem were several other
women active in the women's
movement, including civil rights ac-
tivist Nellie Cueller, candidate for
lietenant governor Martha Giffiths, an'd
Helen Milliken, wife of Gov. William
See FEMINIST, Page 5
Last minute reprieve
TEXAS JUDGE granted Sammy Racoon a stay
of execution just 15 minutes before the state wasI
to carry out a death sentence against the 6-month-
nly rio~ t of na s.n ana d nla4 nA. an, , ,
Bad checks check out
THE MAN WHU bought Gene Autry's hometown of
Tioga, Tex. for $200,000 has been arrested on charges
passing a bad check, officials say. John Grice, a developer
in Houston and Dallas, was arrested after police saw news
reports about Grice's purchase of downtown Tioga, a once-
popular health resort located about 60 miles north of Dallas.
Grice-who is currently on six years' probation on fraud
and larceny charges-has been sought by police since July.
"I didn't know where he was until I opened the newspaper
and saw he'd bought this town," Constable Walter Rankin
Museum. "We have the image anyway, why fight it?"
asked museum director Susannah Stuart. Althouhg the
museum and the Chamber of Commerce only have $64 in
their budget, they are preparing a series of Halloween
events including a psychic festival, magic and juggling
show, parade, costume ball, haunted house, and even a
Monster Mash record dance. Salem has more to offer than
its horrific past, Stuart said, "but if that's what it takes to
get tourists here, why not run with it." For those who take
Halloween a little more seriously, there will also be lectures
and an exhibit on the "hysteria" of 1692, when colonists
executed 20 women believed to be witches and imprisoned
Also on this day in history:
* 1909-University President James Angell delivered the
annual address of welcome to the freshmen, advising the
young men to "avoid the path of unrestraint" and "tem-
ptation to take a sort of moral vacation."
" 1950-The Selective Service announced "2-A" plans to
exempt all "high-calibre" men the full time they are in
school. The program required men to pass an aptitude test
proving scholarly capabilities in their specific area of
" 1964-Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver spoke
to University students at a mass recruiting session at the