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October 08, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-08

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Weekend Magazine



See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly sunny today with a high in
the low 70s. Look for increasing
cloudiness tonight, however.

Vol. XCIII; No. 26 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 8, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages plus Supplement

decline less
*severe than
Fewer students came to the University this year-but the
decline was less thanfialf of what administrators had predic-
Originally, officials expected a drop of up to 800 students
from last fall term's level, but to the benefit of the school's
coffers, the drop amounted to only 364 students.
THE BIGGEST decreases came in the School of Natural
Resources and the School of Education, both under budget
review, which lost 135 and 310 students respectively.
"I would not deny the reviewshave had some effect, but
they're not the entire cause of the decline," said Billy Frye,
University vice-president for academic affairs.
"Education has been falling for years, and I'm sure the
review doesn't help any," Frye said.
SOME OF the enrollment drop-most of which came from
fewer graduate students-was planned, Frye said. For
example, Frye noted the School of Public Health reduced its
enrollment by 101 students this fall. Last fall, the school had
almost 100 students more than in previous years, and this
year's cutback simply put the number back to normal, he
Another element in the decline of graduate students at the
University is an attempt by many schools to beef up, un-
dergraduate studies and not graduate programs, according
o John Gould, a student member of the University's Ad-
issions Advisory Committee.
GOULD ALSO indicated that the committee members hope
to see an increase in the number of out-of-state students ad-
mitted, which would bring in more tuition money to the
Current enrol'-ient at the Ann Arbor campus stands at
4;859. Undergraduate enrollment dropped 82 students from
last year, and graduate enrollment dropped 282 students.
One school kept rolling along, however-the College of
Engineering tallied up another 202 students, the biggest
enrollment jump of the University's 17 schools and colleges.

'the pits,'
book says
the University of Michigan is rated as one of the worst
leges in the nation for its relations between black and
ite students in a soon-to-be-published survey of 114 univer-
es. The study, which will be printed as a "Black Student's
ide to Colleges," describes race relations on the Ann Ar-
campus as "the pits."
'he survey, conducted by graduate students and a
>fessor at Brown University, along with its criticism of
chigan's black-white relations, points out that the Univer-
y does offer extensive courses in Afro-American studies.
MANY BLACK students, contacted yesterday by the Daily,
;reed with the survey's findinks.
I get the feeling that blacks are not really wanted or
come here," said University senior Keith Huckaby, a
ack student from Southfield. "I don't feel that I have an
ability to relate to whites. (But) we are outnumbered and I
1 like they're trying to get rid of us."
'I feel that there's a strong division (between black and
ite students) and anyone who crosses over appears funny
both groups," said another black student. "This place is
pposed to be so liberal but you really can't have the friends
.u want to have."
PATRICK MASON, a University graduate student who
ves as a minority peer adviser, called the guide's
sessment of Michigan an "understatement."
'You have a university that strives to cater to a certain
pe of student, traditional students, middle to upper class,"
ason said last night. "This is seen in terms of course elec-
ns; faculty make-up, course material."
See RACE, Page 8

* Doily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Sawdust memories
It's lonely at the top, or at the Michigan Union when it comes to renovations. Carpenter Ken Brown finds little company
yesterday as he works in the cavernous interior of the Union.
Jobless rate, edges higher,
nears new post-war pa

700,000 more Americans sought jobless
benefits late last month, the gover-
nment reported yesterday. That jolt
came on the eve of the expected release
of figures showing the highest unem-
ployment level since the waning days of
the Great Depression.
For the seventh consecutive week,
first-time claims for uremployment
compensation checks surpassed

600,000, a level considered by
economists as a clear signal of a pen-
ding rise in the overall national jobless
THAT RATE was 9.8 percent of the
work force in August.
The latest claims figures, reported by
the Labor Department, revealed that
697,000 people completed forms at local
employment offices designed to test
their eligibility for 26 weeeks of gover-

nment checks. you
The claims filings for the week en-
ding Sept. 25 fell 6,000 short of the P
record-setting 703,000 first-time claims ser
placed the previus week, according to ass
the Employment and Training Ad- i
ministration. typ
BUT THE filing binge, nonetheless, Ma,
was the second highest registered since tion
the government began compiling such
See JOBLESS, Page 8

Some clericals upset with raises

Tylenol deaths in two
c ities found. unrelated

University clerks and secretaries may get $2
million in raises, but the proposed pay increase has
left many of the clericals wanting something else - a
0 "What they're trying to do is buy people off with the
pay increase," said Donna Stern, a secretary who has
been passing around union cards in the mathematics
department, where she works.
STERN AND other clericals were angered that the

University's faculty members will share $5 million in
pay hikes, while secretaries, clerks, technical
workers, and non-faculty administrators will share
on $2 million raises.
"We don't begrudge the faculty their raises, but $2
million is a pittance," Stern said.
Vice-President for Academic Affiars Billy Frye
said the proposed increase, which "will have to come
out of our hides," would be given out on a merit-based
system, giving the biggest raises to those deemed the

best workers.
THOUGH THE plan still has to be approved by
the Regents at their meeting two weeks from today,
Frye said much of the money for the non-faculty
raises would come from reductions in
the University's non-salary budget, which pays for
travel expenses and supplies. The University also
has some unexpected money since utility hikes it was
expecting have not yet materialized.
See CLERICALS, Page 11

Defendant Arroyo takes stand in
conomies Building arson trial

PHILADELPHIA - No test for
Tylenol was performed on the body
of a graduate student who died April
3 of cyanide poisoning, and the test
can't be done now because the body
was cremated, a city official said
Illinois aujthorities said there is no
connection between the seven recent
deaths there from cyanide-laced Ex-
tra-Strength Tylenol and that of
William Pascual, 26, a University of
Pennsylvania= graudate student
whose case was originally closed as
a suicide.
PHILADELPHIA police were
silent yesterday about the matter,
which became public Wednesday
night when they released details in
Pascual's death that turned up
'during a blanket review of all
recent cyanide-related deaths.
A police search of Pascual's
Philadelphia apartment yielded an
Extra-Strength Tylenol bottle which
was fund to contain cyanide, accor-
ding to a second laboratory test
completed Wednesday.
The investigation of Pascual's
death was reopened when seven
people died in the Chicago area last
week after taking capsules of Extra-
Strength Tylenol that had been con-

taminated with cyanide.
CHICAGO'S top police official had
discounted a link between the
Chicago and Philadelphia cases
earlier yesterday after being briefed
by Philadelphia police about the in-
vestigation into Pascual's April 3
A spokeswoman said Chicago
Police Superintendent Richard
Brezeczek confirmed "there is no
connection between the death in
Philadelphia and the series of
Tylenol-cyanide-related deaths here
in the Chicago area."
I"That conclusion is based upon in-
formation received by the Chicago
Police Department and law enfor-
cement officials in Philadelphia,"
the spokeswoman said.
. AUTHORITIES in Chicago, after
starting the week with 24 prime
suspects, now have "eight or nine"
primary suspects, a spokesman
Meanwhile, in Oroville, Calif.,
detectives investigating the
discovery of Tylenol laced with
strychnine said they believe "the
crime probably is local," and a new
lead had turned up. Authorities there
had speculated that the poisoning was
See TYLENOL, Page 2

Arthur Arroyo, accused of burning
down the University's Economics
Building, took the stand in his own
defense yesterday, telling the court of
his troubled youth and confusion about
his homosexuality.
A chemical expert also testified, con-
tradicting previous police testimoney
bout the presence of fire accelerants
n the building, a key factor in deter-
mining if Arroyo meant to burn the
building down.
. ARROYO BURST into tears early in
his testimony after his attorney
questioned him about his childhood.
Circuiut Court Judge Henry Conlin ad-
journed the court for a brief recess, at

the request of defense attorney Mitchell
After composing himself, Arroyo
returned to the stand and told the court
that Nelson's questions "brought back
memories of how when I was little, we
moved so many times, I never got a
chance to establish friendships."
A former University employee,
Arroyo, 31, is charged with breaking in-
to the building last Thanksgiving to
steal a typewriter and setting fire to the
125-year-old structure the following
Christmas Eve.
Arroyo's attorney insisted that when
Arroyo confessed to both crimes before
police last February, he had not meant
to confess to intentionally burning down

the building. Arroyo had started a
small fire in a hallway to get attention,
his attorney said, and the fire got out of
control, burning the entire building
Arroyo talked quietly in a high-toned,
weak voice throughout his hour-long
testimony, his eyes fixed in a lifeless
stare on the courtroom floor. He sat
motionless, never once lifting his head
to look at his attorney while answering
He traced a lonely life from his frien-
dless childhood when he felt "unwan-
ted" and "alienated" to several broken
relationships in later years.
See ARROYO, Page 13

...sobs on stand

Fun with fire
FFICIALS IN Kentwood, Michigan, a Grand
Rapids suburb, think a video computer game
called "Firebug" might encourage arson, and
they have passed a resolution urging local
retailers not to sell it. "I think it's in very poor taste,"
Mayor Gerry DeRuiter said of the game after Tuesday's
vote. "We don't want our kids playing a game that tests ar-

new directions don't mention buildings or arsonists, Uret-
zky-Miller said. The brochure instead asks players if they
can "succeed at a test of fire" and "guide a mechanical
firebug through a maze." Muse also changed the object
from burning down a five-story building to destroying a
five-level maze, she said.i d
Luck be a lady
X TEVADA is famous in its taste for gambling. and the gam-

Grace in age
A T THE AGE of 75, Angus Walker figured it was time
for another career change. He had been a writer,
personnel director, labor expert, teacher, chief
photographer for General Douglas MacArthur during the
Korean War, and a family man with four children. So when
his wife of 51 years died in 1980, he decided to join the
seminary. "At the age of 77, why not become a priest?" he
said. "Grandma Moses was painting when she was 100. At
94, Bertrand Russell was teaching at Oxford. At 92, Bernard
Shaw wrote his play, 'Far Fetched Fables.' So if the good

permanently close the Michigan stadium was requested in
Washtenaw County Court by a resident complaining that
the available law enforcement officers were inefficient for
handling football games.
Also on this day in history:
" 1956 - Two University students were among 10 persons
sentenced in Municipal Court for scalping tickets at the
Michigan-Michigan State football game.
* 1971 - The History department unanimously approved
a code for the equal treatment of women.
" 1973 - About 620 people were standing in line at 8 p.m.
the day before tickets went on sale for the Moody Blues con-


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