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October 06, 1982 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-06

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Program offers
students foreign
job internships.

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 6, 1982-Page 3.
Tylenol pill poisons
man on West Coast

David Nygaard, a business school.
penior, worked at the Munich, Germany
stock exchange and took a $25.week-
long trip to Berlin last summer. He was'
one of 21 students sent overseas as part
of a University business program.
Nygaard is a member of AIESEC, an
abbreviation for the French translation
of the International Association of
Students in Economics and Commerce.
THE STUDENT -run organization
arranges an internship exchange
program so that the number of U.S.
$tudents sent to any of 60 different
,countries is equal to the number of
foreign students working here.
The students' jobs usually involve
financial analysis, marketing, and ac-
counting. But Cheryl Tyler, vice
president of the University chapter
last year, emphasized that the
association is not only for business
students. "The business world needs
all kinds of people with different
skills," she said. "For example,
graphic artists are in demand right
AIESEC attempts to assign jobs to
students best suited for them. This in-
cludes a complex procedure in which
the traineeships available and the
students' choices and qualifications are
entered into a computer to be matched.
It's a lot like how a computer dating
service works," Tyler said.
ALTHOUGH students must pay tran-
sportation expenses, their wages cover
room and board. AIESEC sets up the
living arrangements. Students usually
stay with families, rent apartments or
live at youth hostels.
Senior Pete Constance, an economics
major, held a survey position at a state
farm in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He
compared the efficiency and economy
of Czechoslovakian and American farm

Constance stayed in a dormitory with
50 other AIESEC members.
"Living with people from around the
world was the best thing about the
whole trip," he said. "I got to learn
about a lot of different cultures and I
made some really good friends." While
he was there, Constance said he even
won an international dance com-
TYLER WORKED on the commodity
exchange at Istanbul, which she said
increased her knowledge of the inter-
national business world dramatically.
And getting to know so many people
from other countries at the youth hostel
where she stayed broadened her per-
spective, she added. "It was great to
get around the daily chit-chat and talk
about world issues that were important
to all of us.
When she was elected vice president,
Tyler became interested in increasing
the chapter's membership. AIESEC
did not reach the University until the
1960's, though the organization has been
in existence for more than 30 years.
With 140 members, the University
chapter is now the largest in the coun-,
try. Tyler recievedaUniversity
Student Achievement Award for her
TYLER IS currently organizing a
national conference to be held in
Detroit this December. In addition to
educating people about AIESEC, the
conference will discuss international
The local chapter of AIESEC has ap-
proached several Detroit-area
businesses, such as Renault and
Manufacturer's Bank, to increase the
internships available to international
students. The number of jobs open to
foreign members directly relates to
how many American students can get
jobs overseas, since the program is on
an even-exchange basis.
See PROGRAM, Page 6

From AP and UPI
CHICAGO- Strychnine-
contaminated Tylenol capsules
poisoned a man in California, officials
announced yesterday, and it was feared
someone could be imitating the Chicago
saboteur whose cyanide-loaded Tylenol
pills killed seven people last week.
Spokesmen for the Food and Drug
Administration and McNeil Consumer
Products Co., manufacturer of Tylenol,
said at least one person, possibly more,
ingested strychnine from Tylenol pills
sold in a store last week in Oroville,
Calif., a city of 9,450 about 75 miles nor-
th of Sacramento. None died.
THE FOOD and Drug Administration
and McNeil Consumer Products Co.,
manufacturer of Tylenol, issued an
immediate warning against consum-
ption of any type of Tylenol cap-
sule-extra or regular strength.
The discovery heightened fears of
nationwide health dangers associated
with Tylenol products since the Chicago
deaths. At least 10 possible suspects
were the subject of around-the-clock
surveillance by investigators in the
Chicago area.
In Chicago, the head of a massive in-
vestigation into the cyanide deaths
warned against national hysteria.
"It would be very counter-productive

for people to become hysterical,
because that just encourages the
screwballs," Illinois Attorney General
Tyrone Fahner said.
Asked if a "copycat" could be at work
in the California case, Fahner said:
"That's been a constant fear-that
other people would do that sort of
He said it would be "premature" to;
say the cases were not linked, but "it is
FAHNER SAID investigators were
interviewing numerous potential
suspects in the cyanide cases, including.
several with a history of mental illness
He denied published reports that
authorities were reviewing drugstore,
videotapes of customers. "I'm not
aware of any videotapes," he said.
In California, meanwhile, authorities
ruled out tampering as the cause of
severe eye burns suffered on Monday
by a woman in San Bernardino.
The woman suffered the burns after-
using a new bottle of Visine A.C. eye
drops, according to Dr. Douglas Gruzd,
who treated her at the emergency
room. Gruzd had said preliminary tests
showed "dangerous acid solution" in
the drops, but the sheriff's depar-
tment's crime lab reported Tuesday,
that the drops had not been con

A sticky situation

AP Photo

Boise firefighter Steve Raynes wades through the 5,000 gallons of molasses
that spilled Monday night on Interstate 84. The 200-foot-long puddle of
molasses-which poured onto the road after the 40-foot tanker split in
two-was finally removed with road graders.


, y '

For sale: Classroom desks, slightly used
(Continued from Page 1)

We try to sell off-campus to get a reasonable price."
Wenk, a University business administration
graduate experienced in retail and marketing, is
pragmatic about his job. "When it comes to selling, I
have no friends," he said.
A VARIETY of customers come through Wenk's
warehouse. Proprietors of new businesses come
looking for cheap office furniture, such as bookcases,
desks, and file cabinets. Underdeveloped nations buy
used hospital equipment, as do veterinarians, since it
is considerably less expensive than new machinery.
Students can find useful bargains at the warehouse,
too. Typewriters sell from $50 to $325, desktrays from
$2 to $7. They even have used lawnmowers for $25.
Wenk admitted he is having trouble selling the 700

mattresses and five drinking fountains, minus the
mouth pieces, he received from housing this summer.
"People buy things for the oddest uses," Wenk
said, referring to the gorilla box/fish tank. Surgical
lamps, he said, are popular with welders. Wenk him-
self plans to buy a file card cabinet to store his fishing
WENK'S OTHER job responsibility, the upkeep of
classrooms, was especially time-consuming this year
because of the new chairs in Mason Hall. That pur-
chase was part of a campus-wide project started in
1980 to replace worn chairs in all the classrooms.
Fiberglass tablet-arm desks are now standard, a
move to save money by enabling the warehouse to
store parts for the desks when they need to be

The new model is "child-proof" and resists efforts
of even the most determined students to doodle- on
them with ball point pens.
WENK SAID he eventually wants to restore the
upholstered chairs in the Dennison Building and
Angell Hall auditoriums. The money for that,
however, is not available right now, he said.
Despite the University's budget constraints, 'we
can't let our plant become a slum," Wenk said.
"Even though money is tight, there must be a balan-
ce," he added.
"At this point, we don't know when (more
renovations) should be done," he said. "The vice
president makes that decision."

Britons celebrate Beatles' 20th anniversary

The Veteran's Park Indoor Ice Arena will launch a gala opening to the
1982-83 ice skating season with the Second Annual Open House from 7:30 to
9:30 tonight. The opening will feature performances from The Hokkettes, as
well as representatives from several local skating organizations.
Hill St. Theatre-The Producers, 7 & 9 p.m., Hill Street Theatre.
Alternative Action-Hiroshima, Mon Amour, 8:30 p.m., Room 126, East
Cinema Guild-From Here To Eternity, 7& 9:10, Lorch.
Cinema II-Olympia, Part I, 7 p.m.; Part II, 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Ark-Open Mike Night, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Professional Theatre Program-"Born Yesterday;" 8 p.m., 27 S. Ingalls.
UAC-Laugh Track featuring Tim Lilly, 9 p.m., U Club.
Canterbury Loft-Bent Lec. Series: Frithjof Bergmann, "The Nature of
Fascism Today," 4 p.m., Angell Aud. 3.
Ann Arbor Libertarian League-Ross Levatter, "The Libertarian Party
as an Alternative," 7:30 p.m., Henderson Room, League.
Chem. Eng.-Brice Carnahan, "The Fortran IV Programming
Language-III," 7-9 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Afro-American & African Studies-Ali A. Mazrui: "Comparitive Regional
Hegemony-Israel & South Africa as Dominant Powers," noon, 246 Lorch.
Psychiatry-Jacques Quen, "Issac Ray & the Development of American
Psychiatry," 10:30-noon, CPH Aud.; Jacques Quen, "History of the Insanity
Defense," 1:30-3 p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Natural Resources-Gerald Thiede & Dennis Tierney, "Oil, Gas, Minerals
& Forestry Development Activities," 3-5 p.m., 1040 Dana Building.
Chemistry-Analytical Sem. Chris Cantrell (title to be announced); Ber-
nard Hulin, "Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Via the Ene Reaction," 4
p.m., 1300 Chem.
CRLT-Bill Coburn, "The Large Lecture," 7-10 p.m., Registration
required, 763-2396.
Russian & E. European Studies-Zvi Gitelman Brown Bag Lec., noon,
Commons Room, Lane Hall. .
Physicians For Social Responsibility-William Zimmerman, "The Soviet
View of Fighting World War III,"8 p.m., 2903 Taubman Med. Lib.
Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "Intro to the MTS File Editor (IV),
Advanced User's Overview," 3:30-5 p.m., 171 BSAD.
Ind. & Oper. Eng.-John R. Birge, "New Monte Carlo Procedures for
Numerical Integration," 4-5 p.m. 218 W. Eng.
Transcendental Meditation Program-Free Public Lecture, 8:15 p.m., 528
W. Liberty.
Dept. of Statistics-Ed Rothman, "Estimating the Number of Alleles at a
wGenetic Locus," 4 p.m.,, 451 Mason Hall.
Seminar in Oral Biology-S.S. Hann, "Cutaneous Aging; Can Your Local
Cosmetician Help?" 4-5 p.m., 1033 Kellogg Bldg.
Museum of Art-Art Break, Barbara Hamel, Stella Exhibition, 12:10-12:30
p.m., Art Museum.
Science Fiction Club-8:15 p.m., Ground Floor Conference Rm. Union.
Alcoholics Academic-1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Bicycle Club-B p.m., 1084 East Engineering Bldg.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates-8 p.m., Conference Rm. A, League.
School of Music-Tour of Carillon, 4-5 p.m., Top of Burton Tower.
o Tae Kwon Do Club-Martial Arts Practice, 6-8 p.m., Sports Coliseum.

LONDON (AP) - It was 20 years ago
yesterday that the Beatles' first hit was
released, and Britons remembered
with music marathons, a special post-
card and restoration of the Liverpool
cave where it all began.
The Beatles' first hit, "Love Me Do,"
was released Oct 5, 1962. the record
crawled up the charts to make No. 17 - a
modest first shot in a rock 'n' roll
LOCAL RADIO stations around
Britain broadcast hours of Beatles'
songs yesterday. In the bleak streets of
economically depressed Liverpool, fans
listened to all-day sessions of Beatles'
Ron Jones, county tourist development
officer who has built up a Beatles' in-
dustry in Liverpool, said; "We couldn't
let the 20th anniversary of the first
record pass without marking it some.
"That record started a chain of even-
ts which keeps our tourism staff so busy
these days with inquiries from all over
the world."
Thousands of fans have visited
Liverpool this year for Beatle Weeken-
ds organized by Jones' office. They pay
$66 for a ticket to ride on a magical
mystery tour of Beatle landmarks, like
Ringo Starr's old home, the hospital
ward where he first started drumming
and the hospital where John Lennon
was born during German air raid in
THE LATEST addition to the
pilgrimage is Reece's Restaurant, a
first-floor canteen for shoppers, where
Jones said Lennon and his first wife,
Cythia, had their wedding breakfast of
soup, chicken and trifle in 1962. They
divorced in 1968.
Construction crews yesterday ex-

cavated the Cavern Club, the basement
nightspot where the Beatles first
played. The club in grimy Mathew
Street closed years ago and has been
covered by a parking lot.
Now a multi-million-dollar shopping
mall, containing a bronze statue of
Lennon, Paul McCartney, George
Harrison and Starr is to be built on the
site with a partial reconstruction of the
HUNDREDS of fans gathered
around the site yesterday for a glimpse
of the arches that once supported the
vaulted club ceiling.

None of the surviving Beatles was in
Liverpool for the celebrations. McCar-
they, 40, is in London working on new
projects. McCartney, worth an
estimated $420 million, is working with
Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, to get back
the Beatles' birthright, the copyright of
"Yesterday," "Penny Lane" and a host
of other hits he wrote with Lennon.
The songs are owned by the ACC em-
pire taken over by Australian tycoon
Robert Holmes A'Court last year. Mc-
Cartney is offering $42 million.
George Harrison, 39, spends most of
his time with his second wife, Olivia,

gardening on his 33-acre estate near
London where he lives in a fairy-tale
palace built by an eccentric millionaire
in 1889.
Ringo, at 42, the oldest of the sur-
viving trio, is reported working oia
comeback album.
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also offered:
Self Defense
Wine Tasting

Sign Language
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For questions call: 763-1107


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