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September 30, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-30

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Black Student
See Editorial, Page 4


I1E Y43U
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy today, but who
cares-it's going to be near 80!

Vol. XCIII, No. 19

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 30, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Senate vote



aid hopes

# In an eleventh-hour vote last night,
the Senate passed urgent legislation
needed to keep the government - and
federal financial aid to college students
- running after midnight tonight.
The final vote, 72-26, approved a con-
tinuing resolution to maintain ap-
propriations for many federal
programs, including financial aid, at
their current levels until mid-
December, at which time the new
Congress would have to arrive at its
own budget figures.
THE VOTE clears the way for a
House-Senate conference committee to
reach a compromise resolution today
and to vote on the measure, needed to
provide funds for every federal agency.

The House passed a similar resolution
last week.
According to John Graykowski, an
aide to Michigan Sen. Donald Riegle,
the resolution included an amendment
to keep federal financial aid to college
students at 1982-83 levels ,for the next
academic year.
Thomas Butts, the University's
representative in Washington, said
there were no substantive differences
between the Senate and House
"There will be a joint House-Senate
conference this morning to work out the
differences," Butts said, "and if the
scenario plays out as it is supposed to
be played out, each house will vote in
See SENATE, Page 5

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEW

Mike Masley makes music in the Diag with his 8-hammer dulcimer. He describes his music as "astrafazz."
I R supporters voice
opposition to cutbacks

land in
may up
From AP and UPI
About 900 U.S. Marines landed in
west Beirut for the second time in a
month yesterday, and American of
ficials reversed President Reagan's
statement that the Marines will stay in
Lebanon until Israeli and Syrian forces
Assistant Defense Secretary Henry
Catto said he expects the U.S. military
presence in Beirut to total 1,200 men by
the week's end. He also said "some
tanks will be going in."
U.S. OFFICIALS maintained yester-
viS day that the Israelis had met Reagan's
condition that they leave the city before
the Marines went in even though they
are less than a kilometer from the
American troops. Catto said the United
States would like to maintain that
distance. But he said he knew of no
formal agreement with Israel to do so.
"It is possible that people might take
shots at the Israelis," he said. "And one
of the things we want to be sure of is
that the American troops are as far
away from a military encounter as they
can be."
Reagan notified Congress yesterday
that the first contingent of Marines had
returned to Beirut. His formal
her notification, required under the War
n of Powers Act, said the troops "will not
tion engage in combat," but may "exercise
rim the right of self-defense and will be
equipped accordingly."
LIR YESTERDAY, the State Department
bor took the unusual step of reversing
ked Reagan's statement Tuesday that the
t its Marines will remain until both Israel
the and Syria withdraw their armies from
the "I don't think he was putting forth the
ials question of Israeli and Syrian with-
tion drawals from Lebanon as a criteria,"
IO) State Department spokesman Alan
Romberg said in Washington.
ted, "I think he was putting that forth as
not an expectation of what is going to hap-
ave pen and what we see happening in the
mit- immediate future," he said.
See MARINES, Page 5

A coalition of professors, labor leaders, and students
came to the University from around the state yesterday to
put in their good word for the University's Institute for the
Study of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Nearly 20 speakers came from as far away as Lansing
and Detroit to spend five minutes each defending the ILIR at
a public hearing called by University administrators who are
reviewing the program for cutbacks.
COMMENT FROM the speakers, assembled by ILIR's
director, Malcolm Cohen, was almost completely behind an
earlier recommendation by a faculty committee to spare the
program from extensive cuts.
"It was 100 percent positive toward the institute," said
social work Prof, Armand Lauffer, who spoke at the hearing.
"Some of the labor leaders were (even) arguing that the
University should put more money into the institute."
YESTERDAY'S public hearing, called by Vice President
for Academic Affairs Billy Frye, was the second-to-last step
in what appears to be a happy ending to the Institute's

The institute was targeted along with two ot
programs - the Center for the Continuing Education
Women and the Institute for the Study of Mental Retarda
and related Disabilities - to be considered as places to t
parts of the University's budget.
After an extensive summer publicity campaign by II
staff members, and effusive support from state la
leaders, the faculty committee reviewing the program as
that it be spared from deep cutbacks. The committee sen
recommendation to Frye, who will in turn suggest to
Regents how they should decide ILIR's future.
SUPPORT FROM labor has remained strong since
committee's recommendation. Yesterday, four offic
from the United Auto Workers and the American Federa
of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-C
drove in from Detroit to speak.
Members of the faculty committee have insist
however, that ILIR's well-organized publicity drive did
influence their positive recommendation. Instead, they h
said that the institute's quality, as revealed by the comr
tee's investigations, was theimportant factor.

Some ills are medical orphans

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Students rush to the computer terminals to drop or add courses yesterday,
the last day to CRISP free.
Late eebrings4
extra to CRISP early

Apparently, the University's plan to
push. students to register on time with
the threat of new fees has paid off.
Last year, University officials,
frustrated with students who waited
beyond the deadline to drop or add
classes, warned that starting this term
students would be charged $10 for each
class change after the normal
registration period.
* THIS YEAR, seemingly responding
to that warning, about 400 more studen-
ts crammed into Lorch Hall to make
last-minute class changes before the
drop/add deadline passed yesterday.
On the last day of registration about
1,600 students usually show up to drop
or add classes, according to Thomas
Karunas, assistant University registrar

and director of CRISP. Yesterday there
were about 2,000 students waiting to
register, Karunas said.
Most students on line mentioned the
fee as one of their reasons for
registering yesterday, however, they
also said the worrisome "W" on their
transcripts for official withdrawal
prompted them onto Lorch's floor.
"The $10 looms largely in their min-
ds," explained one student.
THE WAIT WAS also longer than in
previous years, according to another
student. At 2 p.m., one student said she
waited 45 minutes before getting to an
open computer terrmiinal.
Other students reported that the lines
fluctuated throughout the day, with the
wait dropping to about 10 minutes later
in the day.

Millions of Americans suffer from
debilitating diseases each year because
there are no cures. Thousands of scien-
tists are searching for ways to help
many of these patients, who are afflic-
ted with cancer, high blood pressure,
heart diseases, and other ailments.
But many other sufferers have no one
working for them. There are no in-
stitutes or multi-million dollar foun-
dations to research the diseases and
provide treatment for the patients.
THESE ARE the patients who suffer
from rare diseases, generically
referred to as "orphan diseases."
Pharmaceutical companies won't
market drugs for these diseases
because there aren't enough buyers,
university scientists won't research the
diseases because the federal gover-
nment doesn't provide money for
projects with small constituencies, and
the patients are stuck.
In recent years, though, the problem
of orphan diseases has caught the eye of
the Federal Drug Administration, the
drug industry, and the medical-
THE HOUSE of Representatives
passed legislation Tuesday calling for
better incentives to study orphan
diseases and the drugs that are needed
to treat them.

And a three-day University-spon-
sored symposium of orphan diesases-
which brought together representatives
from academia, the pharmaceutical
industry, the federal government, and
consumer activist groups-concluded
yesterday at the Campus Inn.
The conference was an effort to
develop communication between the
various groups to find some answers to
the orphan disease and drug problem.
GEORGE BREWER, a University
professor *of human genetics and
chairman of the conferences, describes
orphan diseases as "those whose
frequency is too low to make drug
development a profitable commercial
enterprise for drug companies.
Brewer estimated that there are as
many as 2,000 orphan diseases, each af-
flicting from 1,000 to 10,000 people.
Drug manufacturers are reluctant to
spend the estimated $60 million to $100
million to develop orphan drugs
because there isn't a large enough
market to buy them.
But Abbey Meyers, a director of the
Tourette Syndrome Association-one of
about 100 organizations devoted to
various orphan diseases-questions the
companies' thinking.
"WHY IS profit the major motive for
drug development?" asked Meyer, the
See SOME, Page 5

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Abbey Meyers, a participant in the conference on Orphan Diseases and Or-
phan Drugs, questions why pharmaceutical companies find human need less
important than profit.

Striking back
ADIO LISTENERS are being offered an
"armchair quarterback" prize package if they
can predict the date on which the strike by

Money for sale
AN OUT-OF-WORK plumber, who says his luck has
been so bad he probably couldn't even sell a $10 bill for
98 cents, is finding he's a better salesman than he thought.
Larry Ironsun, 41, of Granite City, Ill., said that he had
received about 25 calls responding to an ad in a St. Louis
newspaper that offered "$10 bills for 98 cents plus 27 cents
postage." He said the idea for the easy money came to him
as he was leaving the office after being fired. "I was feeling
bad and said something to the effect that I ought to run an

ter. The gestation period for elephants is nearly two years,
and Bomba has been thought to be pregnant for 34 months.
"I think it would be less than 50 percent" chance she is
pregnant, said Dr. Harrison Gardner, the zoo's medical of-
ficer. "Everything points to it being nothing there." He said
that leaves unexplained a weight gain of nearly 700 pounds.
"The next likely thing is fat," Gardner said. At one point,
Bomba was watched around the clock in anticipation of a
birth. These days guards just check on her from time to
time. "I can't walk out of my room without somebody
asking me, 'Hey, Jack, what about that elephant you've

" 1955-A pep rally for the MSU game turned into a
massive panty raid, when more than 1,000 men stormed the
women's dorms on the hill;
" 1958-Detroit Metropolitan Airport opened, boasting the
ability to service jet airliners;
" 1961-A personal ad in the Daily read "Will the girl who
did the sexiest twist yesterday please keep practicing in
front of her window nights before going to bed?"
" 1975-Muhammned Ali pounds Joe Frazier in a 14th round
TKO victory in Manilla.10J



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