4 Page 2-Wednesday, September 29, 1982-The Michigan Daily Reagan: U.S. to stay in Beirut U. S. Marines will re-enter Beirut and remain until the Lebanese government is "able to preserve order," President Reagan said in a nationally-televised news conference last night. "The Lebanese government will be, the ones to tell us when they feel that they're in charge, and we can go home," Reagan said. IN OTHER Middle East items, Reagan disagreed with a comment by U. N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick that the U.S. must share the blame for the massacre of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps. "They (the Marines) were sent in there . . . to make sure the PLO left Lebanon. Who could have foreseen the assassination of the president-elect that led to the other violence;" he said. , Reagan defended his economic program, saying there are signs of recovery soon. He blamed Democrats 'The Lebanese government will be the ones to tell us when they feel that they're in charge, and we can go home.' -President Ronald Reagan needy people losing government benefits. Responding to criticism of his busing policies, Reagan insisted that the Justice Department is going to court to overturn existing school busing orders only in instances where the local com- munities involved are trying to get the orders changed. In many cases, he said, it is the black community seeking the changes. ASKED WHY his administration is moving to counter desegregation or- ders obtained under prior ad- ministrations, Reagan said, "Well I suppose it's because there's been so much court ordering and some of it seems to be a violation of the rights of the community, of the school board and so forth." "The Soviet Union, which has been expanding over the years . . . they haven't expanded an extra square inch since we got here," the president said. for persistent problems of recession and unemployment. "We still have a long way to go, but together we pulled America back from the brink of disaster," he said. HE SAID inflation has been cut in half, interest rates are declining, and "there are other signs that we're heading toward a good recovery." The president disputed contentions that many of the budget cuts he has pushed through Congress have been particularly harmful to poor people while the middle class got a tax reduc- tion. "In a number of instances, those cases have nothing to do with our budget cuts," he said, citing reports of people suffering from losing benefits. Instead, he suggested, bureaucratic error is often responsible for truly MSA votes against cutting study lounges By ROB FRANK The Michigan Student Assembly last night criticized a University proposal to close lounges in the Undergraduate and Graduate libraries and ban food and drinks from both. The associate director of University libraries, Jane Flener, had asked MSA to respond to the plan to con- vert the lounges to study areas and last night the assembly backed a motion to oppose the idea. Flener told MSA President Amy Moore that the plan was drawn up after some students and faculty members complained that library books and facilities were being damaged by food spills. Library officials announced earlier this month that they will be getting tougher in enforcing a long- standing policy against taking food and drinks out of the lounges and into the study areas. But some of- ficials felt it might be necessary to ban food from the library altogether to keep students from eating and drinking outside the lounges. BUT MSA members last night voted to recommend that the University kill the plan. "It's important to take breaks, and having study lounges is better than having people roaming around the library," argued MSA representative Mark Klein.-Ben Davis, another assembly member, had more personal concerns. "I don't know he said. what I'm going to do without my coffee," Also last night, MSA voted to appoint its president, Amy Moore, to represent students on the University's Budget Priorities Committee. Moore would serve as one of three students on the BPC, which plays a major role in University budget decisions. Some assembly members had expressed concern that Moore's frequent contact with the student press might threaten the confidentiality which is required of BPC members. -But the assembly ultimately agreed that Moore would be able to keep the Univer- sity's budget discussion private. German scientists create new element in cycletron (Continued from Page 1) apart immediately. "IT'S JUST like a kiss-very gentle," he said. "That is really the trick." Zu Putlitz said the same techniques were used to create element 107 at the GSI laboratory a year ago. Element 108 has not yet been produced, and would be much harder to synthesize than Element 109, he said. There may be more elemen- ts-"superheavy" ones-beyond No. 109, zu Putlitz added. He said these superheavies might be stable or long- lived, but "we really won't know until we create them." The research could lead to an understanding of how all elements were synthesized in the universe, he said. MSU'S SCOTT called the discovery an important step toward making the superheavy elements. He said the fact that scientists could identify element 109 with confidence assures them they will be able to identify other elements if they are produced. "It's a remarkable feat that we can observe one atom of anything," Scott said. University of Michigan nuclear physicist Joachim Janecke, who was attending the conference, called the discovery "excellent work. It has ap- plications everywhere. Who knows what will come out of it." The Nucleus-Nucleus Collision con- ference is being held along with inaugural ceremonies for the new National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at MSU, which is drawing more than 300 scientists from 20 coun- tries. A CYCLOTRON is a circular type of atom smasher. "This is going to become a major national facility with a lot of impact on nuclear science," Janecke said of the MSU laboratory. He added that other countries were nany years ahead of the United States in this field. "It was about time they (the United States) made an effort to build a facility like this," he said. Other cyclotrons exist in the country, but the MSU facility will be one of the best in the world for heavy ion research, he said. Every element is composed of atoms which, in turn, are composed of still smaller sub-atomic particles. Models portray an atom as consisting of a nucleus containing sub-atomic par- ticles called protons and neutrons, and orbited by sub-atomic particles called electrons. An element is numbered ac- cording to the number of protons it has in its nucleus. Thus, the nucleus of element 109 contains 109 protons-the largest number known to date. IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and United Press international reports . . . Wallace leading in primary MONTGOMERY, Ala.- Former Gov. George Wallace, battling hard for the black votes he once scorned, edged into a slight early lead last night in his Democratic primary runoff against Lt. Gov. George McMillan. McMillan, an urbane, 38-year-old moderate who urged voters to reject "the politics of the past," had predicted an upset victory over Wallace but trailed as initial fragmentary boxes reported. With 453 of 4,144 precincts, or 10.9 percent, reporting, Wallace had 49,757, or 53.4 percent, and McMillian had 43,384, or 46.6 percent. Wallace, now 63 and wheelchair-bound for 10 years, already has been governor a record three times and, during the past two decades, made four runs for president while dominating the statehouse. Phone bills to increase 4.4% LANSING - Michigan Bell Telephone Co. customers will see bill in- creases averaging 45 cents per month as the result of a $72.2 million in-, flation-related increase awarded by the Public Service Commission yester- day. The 4.4 percent rate hike, which was based on increases in the Consumer Price Index, will add an average of about 45 cents to a customer's monthly bill, depending on the phone user's location. The increases range from 37 cents in such areas as Albion and Cadillac to 51 cents in Detroit. Lansing, Saginaw, Flint and Kalamazoo are in a middle range, with increases in those areas at 43 cents a month. A PSC spokesman said the hike was the third and final such order resulting from the company's last general rate case about three years ago. He said the increase was lower than the two previous ones because the rate of inflation has slowed. Shultz, Gromyko meet at UN UNITED NATIONS - Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet: Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko met yesterday to discuss relations bet ween their two countries, but U.S. officials predicted little progress toward easing tensions. They started their meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the office of the U.S. am- bassador to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick. Neither Gromyko nor Shultz smiled for photographers as they exchanged small talk during a brief photo session before entering the office. Meetings between the U.S. secretary of state and Soviet foreign minister, have become an annual event during the opening session of the U.N. General Assembly. Shultz had met earlier with British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym. They, discussed possible compromises on the divisive U.S.-imposed Soviet pipeline. sanctions, but they are still far apart on the issue, a U.S. spokesman said. Before the Shultz-Gromyko talks began, officials said the two men probably would discuss a U.S.-Soviet summit conference, but make no decision on holding one. Schmidt loses old allies BONN, West Germany - The Free Democrat Party joined the political opposition yesterday and decided to try to topple Chancellor Helmut Sch-. midt with a no-confidence vote in Parliament. The liberal Free Democrats had been coalition partners of Schmidt's Social Democrats for 13 years until Sept 17, when the four Free Democrat deputies pulled out of the government over a long-running economic feud. Free Democrat deputies caucused yesterday and 34 of the 53 voted to turn their backs on Schidt. The chancellor's long-time conservative foes then reaffirmed unanimously that they too were ready to try to topple Schmidt. The Parliament vote is planned for Friday. By low the Parliament decides in a single vote whether it has confidence in Schmidt and if not, his replacement is automatically elected. If the opposition succeeds, Schmidt would be removed from office after eight years as chancellor - two years before his term is officially up although polls show he is West Germany's most popular politician. Prison inmates jump from bus CASTAIO, Calif. - Eight prisoners, including three convicted murderers, broke through the back window of a moving prison bus and leaped onto a rural freeway, authorities said yesterday. One of them was killed when a car hit him, but his comrades escaped. Los Angeles County deputies said an intensive search through the rugged foothills north of Los Angeles had been fruitless. Investigators said t ey believe most of the men took a car from a woman motorist and headed south on Interstate 5 after the escape late Monday. The breakout was not detected until the bus had arrived at Wayside Honor Rancho around 9 p.m. Monday after a drive from,the county jail in Los Angeles. The rural prison camp has both maxiumum- and minimum- security wings. The three murderers, two robbers, a rapist, a kidnapper and a burglar were destined for Wayside's maximum-security unit, deputies said. * One of the eight was injured when he hit the pavement, then was hit by a car and was killed, deputies said. His body was found on the road by a second prison bus that had been following the first. The 48 other inmates on the first bus did not try to escape, officials said. Vol. XCIII, No. 18 Wednesday, September 29, 1982 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub- scription-rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satursay mor- nings. Subscription rates: $7.50 in Ann Arbor; $8 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar- bor, MI. 48109.x The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syn- dicate and Field Enterprises Newspaper Syndicate. News room (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY. Sports desk, 764-0562; Circulation, 764-0558; Classified Advertising, 764-0554; Billing, 764-0550.a 0 I I 0 New book explores state 's lesser- known stories (Cnntinued from Page 1) - from an overdose of cocaine." MICHILLANEOUS is not at all shy about gruesome stories. Andrew Kehoe, school board treasurer for the town of Bath in Clinton County, spent a month in 1927 painstakingly wiring and precisely placing hundreds of pounds of explosives under Bath's newly con- structed schoolhouse. Kehoe killed his wife, Nellie, and set a timing device for the next school day. On May 17, 1927, Kehoe drove a dynamite-loaded truck to a street near HUNGRY FOR EUROPE BUT NO MONEY? NORTH AMERICA'SMOST POPULAR SUMMER-IN- EUROPE-FOR-COLLEGE- STUDENTS"PROGRAM SEEKS CAMPUS PUBLICITY REPRESENTATIVE Excellent salary for app. 5 hrs. of work per week and/or chance to quickly earn part or all of Summer Europe Trip in 1983. If interested, please write immediately to: Trudi Fanale, 802 W. Oregon, Urbana, IL 61801. the school. As a tremendous blast tore the school apart Kehoe exploded his truck. Forty-five people died in Michigan's worst mass murder. Author Barfknecht, a free-lance writer and amateur hockey program- ming director, explains in his book's in- troduction: "This book is a rather ex- tended answer to my wife who offhan- dedly asked one bitter-cold evening, 'What's the coldest it's ever been in Michigan?' I said, 'I don't know,' then wondered out loud what the hottest temperature was." (As he found out, the coldest was -51 degrees Feb. 9, 1934 in Vanderbilt. The hottest was 112 degrees July 13, 1936, in Mio.) BARFKNECHT'S curiosity reaches everywhere. "Fifty-two patients in the intensive-care unit of the Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Hospital mysteriously quit breathing during the summer of 1975, and 12 died," he repor- ts. "Two nurses were accused of injec- ting Pavulon, a powerful muscle relaxant, into the patients' intravenous tubes to induce the breathing failures.' n IO I Iq Don't Let a Bad Break Disrupt your College Budget Whether it's an intramural football injury or a surprise attack of appendicitis, an unanticipated sickness or accident can result in large medical bills. And if you're like most college students, your budget doesn't allow for any bad breaks.' That's why it's a good idea to help protect yourself against the medical expenses of an unexpected sickness or accident by enrolling now in the 1982-83 Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan, approved by the MSA for University of Michigan students and their dependents. 2 t-' [)ERNRii tf\ Rl MutUdi etOtlldhd PPnnlp unit ran rn~nr nn I Editor-in-chief. . . . . . . Managing Editor News Editor. Student Affairs Editor.... University Editor . Opinion Page Editors. Arts Magozine Editors. Associate Arts Magazine E Sports Editor . .. . .. .. Associate Sports Editors... -....DAVID MEYER' .... PAMELA KRAMER ANDREW CHAPMAN ...ANN MARIE FAZIO, MARK GINDIN . JULIE HINDS CHARLES THOMSON RICHARD CAMPBELL MICHAEL HUGET ditor---------BEN TICHO .. BOB WOJNOWSKI - BARB BARKER SPORTS STAFF: ki.se Sorkin, Tom Bentley. Randy Berger, Jeff Bergida. Mike Bradley. Joe Chopelle., Laura ClarkRichard Demok. Jim Dwormon. Dbvid Forman, Chris Gerbosi, Paul Heigren. Mott Henehoa Chuck Jaffe. Steve Komen. Robin Kopilnick Doug. Levy, Mike McGraw ,Lorry Mishkin Don Newman Jeff Quicksilver, Jim Thompson. Karl Wheatley. Chris Wilson, Chuck Whitman. LIBRARIANS: Bonnie Hawkins. Gary Schmitz. -BUSINESS Underwritten by Mutual of Omaha, this plan provides hospital-surgical protection for covered sickness and accidents - plus benefits for X-rays, 1'-~ctc mhi Innr- an d even micnr medir(MllPXnenlps. Business Manager ...... JOSEPH G. BRODA K A THRY HDV RIK -1 I1 /°