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September 29, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-29

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From horror, hope
See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Increasingly cloudy today with a
high in the mid-70s.

Vol. XCIII, No. 18

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 29, 1982

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

ecreate new
element in
Special to the Daily
EAST LANSING- German scientists
have created the heaviest element ever
made by man or nature.
The startling disclosure Monday of
the synthesie of Element 109 surprised
and delighted researchers here at the
International Conference on Nucleus-
Nucleus Collisions.
"I'M VERY excited," said David
Scott, director of the Michigan State
- University conference. "It's a
*remarkable feat."
Prof. Gisbert zu Putlitz, scientific
director of the GSI Heavy Ion Research
Laboratory in Darmstadt, West Ger-
many, said that only one atom of the
substance was formed, and that it
existed for only five millisecon-
ds-about five million times longer
than the time required to identify an
element-before decaying.
The discovery group was led by Peter
Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg.
* THE ELEMENT was synthesized in
the West German laboratory Aug. 29.
Formal disclosure had been set for Oct.
2 10 to allow time for peer review, but
word of the synthesis leaked and spread
throughout the conference.
Zu Putlitz explained in an interview
with the Daily that the still-unnamed
element was created by accelerating
iron attoms to a speed of 18,600 miles
per second in a linear accelerator, or
tom smasher, and then crashing the
Iron atoms into bismuth atoms.
It wasn't as easy as it sounds. Zu
Putlitz said a big problem was learning
how to smash the elements together
witht just the right speed to make them
fuse without heating up enough to blow
See GERMAN, Page 2

to vote on
funds for
student aiADdA

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK

'Art School Dean George Bayliss tells art students yesterday to defend the art school during the University review of it.
More than 100 art students attended the all-school meeting at the Chrysler Center on North Campus.
Dean asks art students
to defendtheir program

Art School Dean George Bayliss
yesterday told his students that while
they should not become preoccupied
with the current review of their school,
they should become actively involved in
its defense.
Bayliss, speaking to the students at a
meeting called yesterday, also urged
students to look at the review of the
school's budget and quality in a positive
"I SEE THIS (review) as an oppor-
tunity rather than a threat," Bayliss
told the more than 100 art students
gathered at the Chrysler Center on Nor-

th Campus. "We have to, in a sense,
strut our stuff."
"I still don't think it's time to do
anything gross. What is timely is to ad-
dress yourself as individuals," he said.
"It's not a time to get all panicky and
fretful. I think we've built a solid case
for the school."
Bayliss urged the students to write
letters defending the school to mem-
bers of the special faculty committee
reviewing the program. Students
should also press influential members
of the art community to write to save
the school, he added.
DEFENSE OF the art school by

students is crucial, said Bayliss. "You
are the ones whose future is most at
stake," he said.
But Bayliss also warned students
against allowing worries about the
review to dominate their lives. "I urge
you all to maintain courage and for-
bearance," he said. "Students didn't
pay all their money to come here and
worry about (their) school being
reviewed. We have to keep our
priorities straight; you mustn't let this
thing get too-important."
Bayliss praised the faculty review
See DEAN, Page 5

United States senators and
congressmen will be scrambling today
and tomorrow to meet Friday's
deadline for maintaining federal finan-
cial aid to college students at present
The move, called a continuing
resolution, would keep federal funds for
financial aid - including Basic
Educational Opportunity (Pell Grants,
College Work Study, Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants, and
National Direct Student Loans) - at
current levels until Congress can
decide on new levels for next year.
All financial aid amounts, however,
would be adjusted to keep up with in-
flation until new levels are set.
THE MOVE IS necessary because a
definite appropriation for financial aid
programs was not prepared in time for
the Oct. 1 deadline, according to Thoas
Butts, the University's Washington
D.C. representative.
The federal financial aid system,
however, has been working on similar
continuing resolutions for the past two
years, said Harvey Grotrian, director
of the University's Office of Financial
A resolution passed 381 to 19 in the
House last week, and the Senate passed
a similar version two weeks ago. A
joint House-Senate conference commit-
tee last Thursday reconciled minor dif-
ferences between the two versions, and
the final resolution awaits passage
today and Thursday, something Butts
and other University officials consider
very likely.
FOLLOWING the vote this week, the
resolution will be signedorsvetoed by
President Reagan. Butts said it
"wasn't clear whether or not the
President will veto the bill," but said

... veto will have little effect

that an override is possible in light of
the overwhelming vote in both houses'
for the resolution last week.
Grotrian said a veto of the resolution
would have minimal effect on students
for the 82-83 academic year, but could
cause problems later on.
If the president vetoes the resolution,
Congress would be forced to set concrete
fund levels for 1982-83financial aid; and
would probably have to compromise on
the amount of the appropriation,
Grotrian said.
THE NEW resolution, if passed,
would run from the date of its signing
until either Dec. 15 or Dec. 22, depen-
ding on which version Congress agrees
to. When the new Congress takes office
See CONGRESS, Page 5

Marines ready to land in Beirut

From the Associated Press
Israeli troops and armor evacuated
Beirut's harbor yesterday and
prepared to leave the airport after,
resolving a dispute with the United
States that cleared the way for landing
1,200 Marine peacekeepers.
The Israeli government, meanwhile,
approved a full-scale judicial inquiry
nto the massacre of Palestinians in
west Beirut, and the PLO's chief of
staff, Brig. Saad Sayel, was reported
ambushed and killed in eastern
THE U.S. sources, who requested

anonymity, said a "satisfactory
arrangement had been worked out" on
the airport, and the American con-
tingent in the multinational force
probably would be able to deploy in
Beirut today as scheduled.
The departure of the Israelis left
French, Italian and Lebanese forces in
control of the port for the first time sin-
ce Israeli forces invaded west Beirut on
Sept. 15, one day after the assassination
of . then President-elect Bashir
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister
Menachem Begin's government

decided to set up a full-scale judicial
inquiry into Israel's conduct during the
massacre at Sabra and Chatilla.
CABINET Secretary Dan Meridor
said the government was giving the in-
vestigating committee free hand to
probe any question related to the
killings in the camps and to call any
witness, including ministers and
generals, to testify under oath.
Israeli Cabinet sources said Begin
hoped the inquiry would take the edge
off the furor that swept Israel when it
was revealed that Israeli troops
allowed Christian militiamen into the

refugee camps.
The sources said that by ordering the
probe, the government hoped to dispel
any impression, especially abroad, of a
ISRAEL invaded Lebanon to rout the
Palestine Liberation Organization, and
thousands of PLO fighters were
evacuated last month. But Israel's U.S.
ambassador, Moshe Arens, said in
Washington that Israel believes many
guerrillas returned to Lebanon "by the
back door" and are now in the eastern
part of the country with Syrian forces.
See MARINES, Page 5

Get to know all the
Michillaneous facts

Hacky Sackers alive, kicking

There's nothing new in the idea of students taking
time out from classes for a little rest and recreation.
But this year they're getting a real kick - quite
literally -out of a new fad they've found to fill that
time: footbag.
Players of footbag, commonly called by the
trade name Hacky Sack, are hard to miss around cam-
pus; they're the ones standing around in a circle on
the Diag, or in the middle of a street, picking a small
leather bag to each other. They try to keep the pouch
in motion for as long as possible by kicking, punting,
and knocking it with their knees and legs.
Last August, a new world record of 13,901 con-
secutive kicks was set at the national footbag cham-
pionship in Portland, Ore. This feat took two hours,
18 minutes, and 12 seconds.
"IT'S NOT GOING to be a big sport, but it's fun,"
said John Markus, a senior in engineering who has
taken up the game. "I mostly play soccer. It (foot-

bag) takes less room, and is a little easier to play.'"
Actually, Hacky Sack - the original footbag - was
developed as a rehabilitation tool for knee injuries by
John Stalberger of Portland, Ore. Stalberger
discovered that the leather bag filled with
polyurethane pellets was useful as a warm-up device
and training supplement for athletes, and in 1977 put
the footbag on the market. Since then his company,
Kenncorp. Sports, Inc., has sold 700,000 Hacky Sacks,
according to Sales and Promotion Director Bruce
Kenncorp also sponsors the National Hacky Sack
Players Association, which sends teams across the
country to perform at school assemblies, NBA half-
time shows, and professional soccer halftimes.
BECAUSE HACKY Sack was developed in the nor-
thwestern part of the country, Guetich said its
popularity is most heavily concentrated there. But,
as a glance at the Diag and similar spots on other Mich-
See HACKY, Page 5

A rash of elliptical UFOs flashing
red and green lights flew, dipped,
hovered, and landed in the Ann Ar-
bor-Dexter area for three days in the
spring of 1966. Law Enforcement of-
ficers and more than 50 reliable
citizens spotted and chased the ob-
jects. Selfridge Air Force Base con-
firmed radar contact and then
Congressman Gerald Ford
requested a Congressional in-
Cathy Burke married her former
skydiving instructor, John "Chico"
Martinez, during a 90-second, 3,500
foot fall over Ann Arbor's Tecumseh
Airport on June ;5, 1979. Seventeen
friends fell in diamond formation af-
ter the quick ceremony, performed
by a skydiving minister. The bride
wore a wedding dress under her
THESE FACTS, and anything else
you never knew about Michigan or
Ann Arbor, are listed in

Michillaneous, a new book by Gary
Barfknecht of Davison, Mich. the
book is a collection of anecdotes and
lists of the unusual and the com-
monplace, ranging from two major
interracial riots, to three dogs who
shot their masters, to a 10-pound, 12-
ounce celery stalk. r
Among the bizarre items in the
book is this one: "Ann Arbor -
June, 1975. A 29-year-old yoga in-
structor mysteriously died while ex-
perimenting in a rare form of Hindu
meditation. The completely healthy
man, with no history or evidence of
medical problems, was discovered
dead in a classic yoga position."
Doctors at first speculated that he
had died while in a deep self-induced
trance that somehow had slowed his
heart to the point his brain received
too little blood. Yoga practitioners
felt he had projected his soul
through 'astral projection' to a dif-
ferent time and place. An autopsy
ultimately revealed that he had died
See NEW, Page 2

The official Hacky Sack ball

Do it today, don't delay
T ODAY IS THE day at CRISP, for several reasons.
If you have given up getting an education and
want to go to Mexico with a little spending money,
today is the last day to withdraw with only a
payment of a disenrollment fee and registration fee.
Tomorrow, the first tuition payment is due. If you only want
to slack off a little, do it today, the last day of drop/add with

lecture on women's issues. Steinem will appear Oct. 8 with
authors Kate Millett and Alice Walker in an evening spon-
sored by the Friends for Women's Credit, a group formed to
offer forums on women's issues, and by the Women's
Studies Program. The lecture, originally scheduled for Hill
Auditorium, has been moved to the Power Center to ac-
commodate a larger audience. Tickets for the event are $10
and are available at the Michigan Union ticket office. fl
Big bank boo-hoo

said the clerical error was a good example of why people
should check their bank statements. Others would say it
was a good example of why they should ignore the
statements completely, and just keep writing those
Review hearing
THE COMMITTEE currently reviewing the School of
Art is open to suggestions. Persons wishing to reserve
a speaking time before the committee are welcome at the
hearing, to be held Oct. 14 from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the

Also on this date in history:
" 1972-District Court Judge Sandorf Elden voided the
city's $5 marijuana ordinance, substituting a $100 fine
and/or a 90-day jail sentence.
" 1971-LSA held the first in a series of coffee hours.
Bringing together nearly 100 college administrators,
faculty members, and students, the sessions were "aimed
at promoting communication within the literary college."
* 1966-Members of the Voice political party held an all-
night sleep-in outside of the office of Vice President Wilbur
Pierpont to protest the use of plain-clothed policemen
during demonstrtins. r,




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