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- - - .
wVol. XCIII, No. 15
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1982
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Rally and march
protest Israel's
role in Lebanon
Death toll in
Beirut camps
reaches 597
Chanting anti-Israeli slogans and bear-
rig signs demanding Israeli troops
eave Lebanon, more than 200
protesters gathered in the Diag yester-
day to condemn Israel's alleged par-
ticipation in last week's massacre in
Lebanon and to demand an end to U.S.
military aid to the Jewish state.
The rally and the march through the
city immediately following climaxed a
week of smaller anti-Israeli demon-
Yesterday's rally was met by several
*ro-Israeli groups distributing leaflets
that denounced the marchers for at-
tempting to "manipulate (the
massacre) for political advantage."
THE protesters began the noon
demonstration by circling the Diag and
listening to speeches delivered by
representatives of local pro-Palestinian
Anan Jabbara, president of the
Palestinian Aid Society, told the group
that "it is important that we do
*omething to make sure another
massacre doesn't happen.
"We must write to Washington and ask
that no more aid be given to Israel."
ADBEEN JABARA, a representative
of the Palestinian Anti-Discrimination
League, expressed disappointment
during his speech that American reac-
tion to the massacre was not greater,
"I don't want outrage from Ronald
Reagan whose hands are dripping in
q lood. I want the American people to
now what is going on and to do
something about it."
Uriel Ketron an Israeli supporter of
the Palestinians, accused Israel's
government of "denying responsibility
for the massacre which has occured."
He also used the forurto call for the
Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip. -
Following the speeches, the group
From AP and UPI
beirut, Lebanon - Relief workers
uncovered a new mass grave of 19
bodies Friday, and Lebanon's chief
prosecutor reported a death toll of at
least 597 from the refugee camp
massacres - double the number confir-
med by the Red Cross.
An advance unit of 350 French
paratroopers and infantymen came
ashore yesterday, vanguard of a U.S.-
French-Italian force changed with
trying to stop Beirut's bloodshed. U.S.
Marines were to follow this weekend.
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister
Menachem Begin's government, con-
fronted by a wave of criticism of
Israel's role in the massacre, asked
Israeli Chief Justice Yitzhak Kahan to
investigate the slaughter. Begin's
political opponents rejected the
proposed investigation as insufficient,
since Kahan would not have subpoena
power or the power to iail. veriurors, as
in a normal judicial inquiry. (See story,
Page 7).
The mass grave unearthed yesterday
was discovered near the Chatilla camp.
Jean-Jacques Kurz, an International
Red Cross spokesman, said the 19 vic-
tims were all members of the same
family. A relative said the bodies had
been dumped by a bulldozer into a
crater left by an Israeli bomb, then
covered over.
This brought to 317 the total number
of bodies reported found by Red Cross
teams searching piles of rubble at the
Sabra and Chatilla camps.
But Lebanese Prosecutor-General
Camille Geagea, who is heading an in-
vestigation of the killings, said 597
bodies had been discovered thus far,
and more than 2,000 people were
still missing.
He said his figures were compiled
from all relief agencies involved in the
recovery operation.
Relief workers say the exact number
of deaths may never be known because
the mass, graves believed dug by
Christian militiamen have been dif-
ficult to find.
The mass slaughter prompted the
Lebanese government to request the
return of French, Italian and U.S.
troops - the components of the
peacekeeping force that oversaw the
evacuation of Palestine Liberation
Organization guerrillas from wet
Beirut last month.
The new peacekeeping force is expec-
ted to remain until the Lebanese
authorities can assume total control of
the nation's capital.
The French unit that arrived early
yesterday will be joined by another 750
French troops, as well as 800 U.S.
Marines and 1,150 Italian soldiers. The
See DEATH, Page 7
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - The 110-
member International Atomic Energy
Agency suspended Israel's credentials
yesterday. The United States denoun-
ced the action as 'unacceptable'
politicization of a U.N. agency.
The watchdog agency's function is to
safeguard against diversion of nuclear
power plant fuel for making weapons
and to promote peaceful uses of atomic
U.S. DELEGATE Kenneth Davis and
his British counterpart walked out to
protest the suspension, which was
carried by a vote of 41-39 and followed
the narrow defeat of a resolution to oust
Israel entirely.
Twelve nations had introduced the
expulsion resolution, accusing Israel of
"genocide perpetrated aginst the
Palestinian people" and reflecting
fears that Israel is developing nuclear
The Soviet bloc, Arab ;and African
countries generally favored ousting
See U.N., Page 7
Doily Photos' by JEFF SCHRIER
A pro-Palestinian (above) protesting Israeli involvement in the massacre in Lebanon attends a rally in the Diag yester-
day. The rally later became a march through the city.
Valse fire alarms on the decline
they used to
One night earlier this month, as the potenti
freshperson Amee Vinsohaler was get- alarms, offi
ting ready to go to sleep, someone down tors are find
the hall from her sixth-floor Alice Lloyd the offender
room pulled a fire alarm. There wasn't "The prob
afire. down from
0 "A bunch of people were out in the years ago,
hall being rowdy and drinking and four alread
having a good time," Vinsohaler said. Foulke, man
'Everyone knew it was a false security. "
alarm-our RA told us it was-but we pressure on
followed the rules. We had to go down a false alarn
six flights of stairs and out in the cold in that any long
our nightgowns." MARY A
"THESE KIDS are supposed to be at Quad-trad
least 18 years old," Vinsohaler said. activity-sa
"They shouldn't be playing jokes like alarms
that." dramaticall
University officials don't like it said, "we h
either, and they are relieved that late ms in one ye
night false fire alarms like the one Sept. we had only
16 in Alice Lloyd aren't as common as The dorm
le Corp.
*buys Bendix,
eads corprate
.takeover fight
o be. More students realize
al danger of pulling the
cials say, and dorm direc-
ding new ways to outsmart
blem has definitely settled
what it was four or five
though we've had three or
y this term," said David
onager of University housing
There's much more peer
the students now not to pull
m. It's clearly not cool to do
NTIEAU, director of South
itionally a hotbed of alarm
aid the number of false fire
there has dropped
y. "Five years ago," she
ad well over 100 false alar-
ear. Last year in South Quad
n's staff has tried to make
clear the dangers of false alarms to
residents, Antieau said. "We've worked
very hard to educate people in the dorm
by using slide shows, posters, and
discussions at house meetings," she
said. "We've tried to make them under-
stand that false fire alarms are not fun-
ny." South Quad also offers cash incen-
tives to residents for information about
University Fire Marshal Russell
Downing said students sometimes
ignore fire alarms after they've been
dragged out of bed for enough false
.ones. "When they hear an alarm,
they'll just hold the pillow over their
head and go back to sleep," Downing
said. "If that's a real alarm, that's
where we'll find them when the smoke
"It's so easy for them to get caught
even if there aren't any flames-it's the
smoke that'll get them."
ANOTHER factor in the drop-off of
false alarms, according to Foulke, was
the 1978 change in Michigan's legal
drinking age from 18 to 21 years. "I'm
not naive," Foulke said. "I still see the
kegs rolling into the dorm, and I know
they drink under age, but there's more
pressure on them now to behave and be
According to South Quad's Antieau,
Foulke may be right. "Almost everyone
who has pulled an alarm, with a few ex-
ceptions; has been positively drinking,
and several were classified as legally
drunk," she said.
But the decline in the number of false
alarms hasn't led officials to go easy on
offenders. "If we catch someone setting
off a false alarm, and they live in a
University residence, we terminate
their lease," Foulke said. "If they are a
non-resident, then we have always tried
See FALSE, Page 6
Whopper ads make
MIAMI (AP) - Big Mac took the
Whopper to federal court here yester-
day to try to ban television commer-
cials that delve into a sizzling com-
parison of how hamburgers are cooked
at McDonald's and Burger King.
McDonald's Corp. sought an injun-
ction to block Burger King from landing
a $20 million television advertising
campaign Monday. The issue boils
down to the question of whether Big
Macs are fried or grilled.
THE SUIT attacks the ads which say
a customer survey concludes people
prefer the taste of Burger King ham-
burgers to those of McDonald's or Wen-
dy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers.
At stake in the ad campaign is
America's multi-billion-dollar burger
market. McDonald's raked in $7 billion
in revenues last year, while Burger
King, the nation's No. 2 hamburger
seller, totaled $2.3 billion in receipts.
Burger King wants to tell millions of
NEW YORK (AP)- Allied Corp. settled the
tangled takeover fight between Martin Marietta
Corp. and Bendix Corp. late yesterday with an
agreement to buy Bendix for about $1.9 billion and
gain a significant stake in Marietta as well.
The companies said Allied would buy the Bendix
shares recently purchased by Marietta, a.1 after-
ward would acquire the rest of Bendix's stock in a
merger, according to a joint statement.
ALLIED HAD jumped into the fight on Wednesday
with an agreement to merge with Bendix and swallow
Marietta, too. But shortly afterward Marietta bought
44 percent of Bendix's stock, forcing Allied to recon-
sider its ambitious, $2.3 billion plan.
The prospective truce for the most complicated and
bizarre takeover battle in Wall Street history would
break the "Mexican standoff" between Bendix and
Marietta, each of which owns a large chunk of stock
in the other.
It was understood that under the tentative
agreement Marietta, the Bethesda, Md., missile
maker, would swap the near 50 percent of Bendix
stock it acquired this week in exchange for its
freedom and many of the 70 percent of Marietta
shares Bendix purchased earlier. The rest of the
See ALLIED, Page 2
customers that . McDonald's ham-
burgers weigh 20 percent less before
cooking that those sold at Burger King.
McDONALD'S says that's not true
and contends Burger King is planning
to broadcast "false descriptions,
misrepresentations and omissions of
material facts."
When it comes to protecting our
hard-earned reputation, you'll never
see a white flag flying over the golden
arches," said McDonald's spokesman
Bob Keyser in Chicago.
But a public relations man for Miami-
based Burger King Corp., reached at an
advertising meeting in New York,
defended the ads.
"EVERY ONE of the assertions
made in the advertisements can be sub-
stantiated," said John Weir. "The
campaign will be launched as
Thedcontroversy centers on the
See WHOPPER, Page 3
Mein mistake
CALLING ALL STUDENT enrolled in Great Books
392. Please attend class. Prof. Al Meyer came to
class last Thursday expecting to see rows of
bright, shiny faces eager to discuss Adolph
Hitler's Mein Knmnf Tmagine his suirrise when he viewed
Meeeechigan on parade
M EEEECHIGAN GREAT Bob Ufer will be honored
with a parade in Westland tomorrow on Wayne Rd.
between Cherry Hill and Ford from 2-3 p.m. The Parade,
sponsored by Malarkey's Pub in Westland Mall and by the
city of Westland, will feature the Michigan field band, 60
classic cars, and floats built by businessmen along the
route. Donations for the Bob Ufer Memorial Fund, which
gives athletic scholarships to University students, will be
collected along the route. Q
bathroom and found a man sitting in the tub, according to a
report of the incident by Curry County Sheriff's Deputy
Douglas Dickens. He said McCLure asked the intruder
what he was doing and the man replied, "I'm taking a
bath." While McClure called the sheriff's office, the man
"finished his bath, got dressed and left. He was walking
down the driveway when the deputy arrived," Dickens
said. The sheriff's office said Roderick Schnabel, 29, of
Haines, Alaska, was arrested and charged with burglary.
Sheriff's deputies said the intruder apparently got into the
cabin by reaching through a pet entrance and unlocking the
back door. Q
record 29,103, led by the literary college, with a 755 jump
over last year.
* 1958-The History Department's Prof. Preston Slossen
proposed the U.S. "sell" diplomatic recognition to Com-
munist China in return for the safety of Formosa, now
called "Taiwan;"
" 1954-Michigan downed the Washington Huskies 14-0,
playing almost exclusively from the T-formation.
On t neri