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September 23, 1982 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-23

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 23, 1982-Page 5

State Senate passes

LANSING (UPI)- The Senate gave easy approval
*esterday to slim the state welfare budget for the
coming fiscal year, clearing the way for final ap-
proval of spending plans for other state programs
and agencies.
The Senate voted 29-5 on the compromise budget
and sent the measure for final House approval.
THE WELFARE budget is even smaller than the
current year's appropriation. It keeps grants to
families and individuals at current levels, could
mean the layoff of 211 Department of Social Services
central office staff and permits no spending for elec-
ve welfare abortions.
Contained in the state's largest budget bill is $1.68

billion in state funds, for a $3.36 billion budget when
federal funds are included. During the current fiscal
year, which ends Sept. 30, the state spent $1.74 billion
of its money on welfare for a total of $3.54 billion when
federal funds were included.
"This is a period of retrenchment," said Sen.
Stephen Monsma (D-Grand Rapids), a member of
the House-Senate conference committee on the bill.
"Grants are not increased for another year . .. in
spite of inflation that is eating away at spending
THE HOUSE originally voted to cut welfare
payments by $30 million.
Sen. Alvin DeGrow (R-Pigeon) said the budget is

relfare cut
based on optimistic predictions and added, "we
might have a $30 million to $40 million problem if
everything doesn't go as it should."
Gov.. William Milliken is expected to veto for a four-
teenth time a provision in the bill which bans the use
of welfare money for abortions except to save the life
.of the mother.
There was no debate on that provision.
The welfare budget did not fall into place until an
agreement reached with hospital and medical
representatives decided on a six-member committee
that would study the system of making Medicaid
payments to hospitals. In the meantime, state cost
reduction programs will continue.

Israel denies part
in refugee massacre

Directed by SUSAN VORRIS
NEEDED: 9 Men and 8 Women
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The Writers in Residence Program
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Presents a Reading by
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Tuesday, September 28
8 pm.-enzinger Librsy
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The Public is Cordially Invited
A reception for Ms. Levin
will follow the reading
Ms. Levin will be the guest at the Hopwood Tea, 3:30,
Thursday, September 30, The Hopwood Room.
Ms. Levin is a Residential College graduate and winner of
four Hopwood Awards.
The Writers in Residential Program is made possible, in part,
by a grant from The Endowment For The Arts.

(Continued from Page 1)
U. S. MARINES and French
paratroopers were sailing back to west
Beirut to try to prevent new bloodshed
in the Lebanese capital. Crews
bulldozing through the ruins of the
Sabra and Chatilla Palestinian refugee
camps in west Beirut recovered more
bodies yesterday, bringing to 293 the
total confirmed killed in last week's
slaughter of civilians by Lebanese
Chrisitna militamen.
Some 1,800 Marines set out from
Naples, Italy, yesterday, bound for
Lebanon aboard the U.S. helicopter
carrier Guam.
About 1,200 of the Marines, scheduled
to arrive off the Beirut coast Saturday,
will join 950 French troops and 1,000
Italian infantrymen in a multinational
force similar to the one that supervised
the withdrawal of PLO guerrillas from
Beirut in August.
The reconstituted force was requested
by the Lebanese government to guard
against repetitions of the camp
massacres and support the government
of newly elected President Amin
Gemayel as it tries to assert its
authority over the capital and even-

tually the country.
The Reagan administration has
demanded that Israeli forces withdraw
from Beirut. The Lebanese state radio
said the Israelis were pulling out
gradually under a plan that would have
them out of west Beirut by Sunday.
President Reagan's special envoy,
Philip Habib, returned yesterday to
Beirut, where he spent two months
negotiating the PLO pullout.
Lebanese government sources said
the Marines would guard Beirut's air
and sea ports, the Italians would be
stationed at Palestinian refugee camps
- although it was not clear whether this
would include the Sabra and Chatilla
camps - and the French would help the
Lebanese army secure the rest of west
The first French paratroopers were
expected to arrive by sea today, and the
Italians on Friday.
"They will be more welcome than the
Lebanese army" said a Lebanese of-
ficer who took over positions from the
withdrawing Israeli troops. "Because
it means America is here. And when
America is here that means security is

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
This aspiring young musician entertains a group of students taking a study
break in front of the Graduate Library with her harmonica yesterday.
Institute' sprofs charge
'U' review panel with bias

British workers rally
to support strikers

(Continued from Page 1)'
tee talked to, said Mary Ann Swain, the
committee's chairperson.
"THE INSTITUTE seemed to be a
disintegrating shadow of an institute
that existed before," said another
committee member.
The review committee, charged with
reducing the institute's budget-all the
While keeping in mind the possibility of
complete elimination-advised that
ISMRRD's child development division
be kept, but moved to another school.
Herbert Grossman, the institute's
director, said moving the child
W development program would be the
"kiss of death" for the division. In ad-

dition, he said the prospects of finding
another school for the division were
The committee's recommendation
for cutting the institute now goes before
the University's executive officers.
Frye said they would probably decide
on the institute's fate within the month.
After the administration's vote, the
recommendation will go before the
Regents, the University's governing
board. There is little chance the Regen-
ts will go against the executive officer's
recommendation, and just as small a
chance the executive officers will over-
turn the committee's recommendation.

LONDON (AP) - Hundreds of
thousands of British workers, from coal
miners to school aides, walked off the
job yesterday and joined in mass rallies
in support of striking health service
The one-day work stoppage, called by
the 11-million-member Trades Union
Congress in defiance of a 1980 law ban-
ning sympathy strikes, threatened a
confrontation with Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Par-
ty government.
IN THE LARGEST rally of the "Day
of Action," a festive throng estimated
at 60,000 by police and 120,000 by union

leaders marched through central Lon-
don to Hyde Park.
Union chiefs threatened one-day
strikes until Thatcher agrees to higher
pay for the 750,000 workers in, the state-
run National Health Service, among the
nation's lowest-paid workers.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates
invites all undergraduates to a
Lawyers Club lounge
corner of State and South VU
Thursday, Sept. 23, 1982 at 9 PM
for info call 763.4186


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Inteflex will add one year
to boost liberal arts study
(Continued from Page 1)

(at Hillel)
(at Power Center)
(at Hillel)

Sun. Eve.
Sept. 26
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
6:45 PM

Mon. Morn.
Sept. 27
10:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM

Mon. Eve.
Sept. 27
5:30 PM
5:45 PM
5:45 PM

Vic? ___

been screwed."
'Wallace said the larger lecture
elasses in the Medical School make her
feel self-conscious about asking
But Rich Green, a fourth-year
student, said the switch provides a
riore interesting approach, because the
laasses are taught by different lec-
hirers every day instead of one for the
entire term.
- '"I THINK it was a really good idea,
pretty much motivated by economic
reasons, not to make it a better
Grogram," Green said. "Basically, it
costs more money to have separate
(basic science) classes for us."
Since it started in 1972, Inteflex has

accepted 50 new students each year.
According to Pat Bailey, the program's
admissions secretary, about 500 people
generally apply for those 50 spots.
Competition obviously is stiff; Bailey
said a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) high school
grade point average is required, and
most students who are accepted are
"generally in the area of a 3.9
By the end of their first year, they
have already taken a Medical School
course: Introduction to Patient Care.
Most of their LSA courses are taken
during the first three years, but acting
co-director Nicholas Steneck said the
classes can be fitted into the fourth or
even the fifth year.

Dorm students may break the fast on
Mon., Sept. 27 at Markley until 9:00 PM
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