0 OPINION Page 4 . Why MSA Saturday, September 18, 1982 The Michigan Daily* dues should be mandatory By Richard Layman The mandatory fee supporting the Michigan Student Assembly is insup- portable, Charles Thomson writes in 'MSA tax: Pay up or drop out" (Daily, Sept. 9). Thomson's article, however, shows little comprehension either of MSA's structure or the value of such fees. Yet, it does raise questions about the fee to which students deserve an an- swer. There are two major points to Thom- son's thesis: 1. Mandatory fees violate individual rights. Making the fee mandatory is "organized, legalized thievery," ac- cording to Thomson. "Students should loot be forced to contribute money to private groups they do not support." This mandatory fee actually results from a two-part democratic process. An ad-hoc student committee first negotiates the fee. Then, imposition of the fee is voted on by the entire student body. (The last vote was in March, 1980. The fee was approved for a three-year period). Hence, the MSA fee is deter- mined by students and voted upon by students in an effort to provide services for the benefits of students. Although the fee is mandatory once it is ap- proved, it is not the result of an un- democratic process. .--Eharges that the fee supports groups with which individual students have ideological differences are irrelevant. ,With more than 34,000 students on cam- pus, generating broad consensus on lW1A's allocations to various groups is litpossible. But spreading a wide variety -f opinions and promoting free thought on campus is important. The University foremost is a community of ideas and ideals; students should and do support this through the MSA fee. The omnibus MSA fee provides funds to Student Legal Services, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, and Course Evaluations as well as to general MSA operations. Student fees are an all or nothing proposition. The principle behind such fees is one of collective responsibility. Services supported by such fees benefit the student community as a whole, but maintaining these services is possible only if students collectively support them. Collecting individual fees is un- manageable on a large campus; positive check-off-the PIRGIM method-encourages the avoidance of such fees. Debate on whether the fee should be mandatory is an example of the "free rider" question-"If everyone else pays, why should I?" But when few people pay, an organization suffers because it is forced to spend more time collecting money than doing work. Objection to the fee on the grounds -that it is unfair taxation is inevitable, but the only real solution is political. I hate to use this cliche, but get involved. MSA meetings are open to all students. Students can speak during constituent time, help set budget priorities, take part in activities supported by MSA fees, complain about MSA to the Regen- ts, etc. 2. MSA is not a representative body and thus does not deserve mandatory financial support from the student body. On the contrary, MSA is quite representative. First, all schools and tured to fail. First, MSA is a student government at a university where ad- ministrators and faculty frame and maintain the "Thomsonian legal code" essential to government. The ability of MSA to take part in the decision- making process of the University is set by the University. MSA is "really a lob- bying organization," as Thomson puts it, because that's theonly significant avenue of participation. MSA is not in- cluded in the official University decision-making structure. Second, because of the decentralized nature of the University, MSA can take part in academic issues only when they become campus-wide. FOR EXAMPLE, MSA can take part in the redirection issue, but trying to eliminate LSA 's foreign language requirement is an individual college matter. Hence, most University decisions which MSA attempts to ad- dress fail to rouse student interest. How exciting is recognizing student organizations or working for student representation on budget review com- mittees? Even though such issues have a major impact on the quality of student life, they do not excite interest. The end result is that it is easy to con- demn MSA for not doing anything. Third, it generally is hard for studen- ts in any type of student government to master the information necessary to become an effective representative. Students have limited access to Univer- sity information networks and lack knowledge about the history of the University. This problem is com- plicated by the high rate of turnover in student participation. Because of these difficulties, MSA's ability to influence the University is short-circuited. THE MANDATORY fee is the least of MSA's problems. The unethical nature- of MSA's predecessor-the Student Governmental Council-spelled MSA's doom. SGC, with its scandal-ridden history of fraudulent elections, charges of embezzlement, and convoluted system of electing representatives, for- ced the. Regents to call for the reorganization of central student government. What happened was that MSA was structured to prevent unethical behavior at the same time its access to University decision-making was constrained. Unless the student government's structure includes mechanisms to correct the many problems examined above, it is likely that student gover- nment will remain both controversial and ineffective. But the "ineffec- tiveness" of MSA is not only the fault of MSA, it is the fault of the University's decision-making structure. In many ways, MSA and the Univer- sity have a working relationship similar to that of an aristocracy and an autocratic ruler. The ruler lets the nobles represent themselves, but he can change his mind whenever he wan- ts. And with "divine right," he doesn't have to give any explanations. But individual lords had armies; MSA doesnot. Because oversight of MSA is vested in the Regents, it is likely that the system will not change. Layman, a senior majoring in political science, is a member of the LSA Curriculum Committee and a project co-coordinator of MSA 's Course Evaluation Committee. MSA: Paying the price for student government colleges elect representatives to the assembly. Second, the number of representatives per school is propor- tional to total enrollment. What could be more representative? In terms of the actual number of voters in a student election, however, Thomson may have a point. (Yet, I suggest he count the number of faculty who attend an LSA governing faculty committee. If he finds more than 10 percent, I'd be surprised). The real question is-not whether MSA is representative, the question is why students don't vote. Political disaffec- tion on campus and nationally is a com- plicated question to which I have no an- swer, but, in relation to MSA, much in- sight. THOMSON'S statements that "MSA isn't really a government and shouldn't be able to tax like one" and "man- datory funding actually weakens the power of MSA" appear to rely on the following definition of government-a corporate body with a legal code which must be obeyed by all citizens in face of punishment. Under this definition, there are a number of reasons why MSA is struc- V Eit ade bt g a nivesio Mhig Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Sinclair S rLf4naI1e - / / S Vol. XCIII, No. 9 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 r% < _. - t !,_._ ,._ _ ._ . ___ ,I '__= rte. .-ter i..,. .e.- ^ i F . _ ' ''f i;.. _ "_ _ Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Dail y's Editorial Board A floor for the poor N WASHINGTON, almost any interest group, be it cigarettes, s, or butter, can muster up big es to speak out in its behalf. The r, however, fail as lobbyists; they e to hope for any advocate they can ut yesterday some very big names ke up for the poor in the Capitol. ight former secretaries of Health, education, and Welfare-spanning the ideological and temporal gap from Eisenhower to Carter-came out in Favor of a national minimum benefit Xor welfare families. A consensus of such experience ?nerits attention in itself. These are the people who for the past thirty years have struggled to manage the myriad 'American social programs. 0 But the eight offer more than im- 'ressive credentials. They offer an equitable plan. Under current policy, states can set their own level of benefits. The wide variance that exists in state welfare programs-which of- ten adds up to hundreds of dollars-demonstrates that states can nd do shirk their responsibility to the goor. -The president, of course, has his own plan for ironing out inequities. If the [C poor don't like what a state is handing out in the way of aid, Reagan suggests, they can "vote with their feet" by moving to a different state. With such an absurd line of logic, the president soon may be advising the poor to lick poverty through smart shopping. Reagan's determination to give social aid programs back to the states and to restrict program eligibility smacks of callousness, of an im- plication that social welfare just isn't the federal government's respon- sibility anymore. A national minimum benefit would help correct this im- pression, by offering proof that the nation's commitment to the poor can- not fluctuate with each new ad- ministration. Arthur Flemming, HEW secretary to both Eisenhower and Kennedy, spoke for his colleagues when he said that the poor need a nationally-set "floor below which no one should fall." Reagan has made promises- to the poor. Early in his term he offered them a safety net. As it turned out, that net was full of holes., But when it comes to finding a safe ledge against the plunge into poverty, a floor will do better than a net-anytime. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: A Riegle visit from a selfish senator To the Daily: Sen. Don Riegle dropped by the University the other day (good thing, too-we hadn't seen much of him in the last five years until he started campaigning for re- election). Along with telling us just how much he dislikes nuclear weapons (that's his campaign theme for campuses) he said that "to find the money to go to college in this economy. . . it's not feasible" for a lot of us students. Right you are, Senator! When we have a Congress in Washington filled with the likes of Don Riegle practicing the politics of promise, it's no wonder that we have had a period of high in- flation, high interest rates, and low growth. When the federal government runs such a huge deficit (and Riegle voted for one twice as big as the already mammoth one), no one has the money to build a business, go to college, or anything else. Well, Senator, I don't need any more student aid. I need a job in an economy that works - not the one you've given us. Raise that nuclear freeze issue, Don - you've already lost it here at home. -Martin Tatuch, ,Sept. 13 Housing inaccuracy Support the Filipino people To the Daily: Your article on local housing options ("Ann Arbor housing of- fers diverse choices," Sept. 9) contained several inaccuracies and omissions concerning cooperative housing that I, as treasurer of the Inter- laundry facilities. Also, our co- ops are fully furnished, fully equipped and offer leases for as short as eight months. We feel that co-ops meet the full range of student housing needs. And they should-they are owned and operated by students. To the Daily: President Marcos visits the United States this week in an ef- pines which facilitates the depor- tation of Philippine citizens without the benefit of due