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September 18, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-18

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A floor
for the poor
See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety- Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy today with a chance of
showers. The high today should
reach only into the mid-60s with the
low tonight dropping to about 45.

Vol. XCIII, No. 9 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 18, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

With all the books examined, audited,
and finalized, administrators told the
itegents yesterday with a sigh of relief
that the University managed to stay
under budget last year despite cuts of
$9.5 million in state support.
The University's top decision-
makers, however, didn't linger on last
year's budget nightmares. - After
speculating about what fiscal terrors
the state may provide the University
with in the future, the Regents agreed
to push back forming this year's budget
another month.
ALSO AT THE meeting Regent Nellie
Varner (D-Detroit), in response to a
recent Daily article about possible
ethical implications of the University
investment decisions, requested that
the Regents be given a report on how
other schools handle the issue.
Addressing the lack of a non-faculty
pay plan, University President Harold
Shapiro said that a higher education aid
proposal, which the legislature is now
considering, would provide enough
See 'U' REGENTS, Page 6

Israel smashes


tist stronghold
west Beirut

From AP and UPI
TEL AVIV, Israel- Israel smashed
the last major leftist militia stronghold
in west Beirut yesterday with tanks and
house-to-house searches.
It tried to ease a confrontation with
Washington by calling for talks with
Lebanon's army on taking over the
Moslem half of the city. But the United
States joined the other 14 U.N. Security
Council members last night in condem-
ning the incursion and demanding an
immediate Israeli pullback.
IT WAS THE first time U.S. vote to
condemn an Israeli action since the
bombing of an Iraqi nuclear action in
June 1981.
In another development, the Reagan
administration filed a vigorous protest
over an Israeli officer firing a shot
Thursday at an unarmed Marine guard
atop the U.S. Embassy in west Beirut.
It said the shot missed the Marine and
Israel apologized, claiming it mistook
the Marine for a leftist militiaman.

Despite U.S. demands for immediate
withdrawal, military leaders said
yesterday that Israeli armed forces will
stay in Beirut until the last terrorists
are eliminated and "what has to be
destroyed"is destroyed.
"THE ISRAELI army will remove its
forces from west Beirut only after all
the terrorists are expelled," Defense
Minister Ariel Sharon said.
"Our troops are holding the key
positions in west Beirut," Sharon said.
"We believe this will bring the
elimination of the remaining terrorists
which are still operating in west
The U.S. government demanded
Thursday that Israel withdraw im-
mediately from west Beirut. It said the
incursion, which followed the
assassination Tuesday of President-
elect Bashir Gemayel, violated Israeli
assurances that they would not enter
the Moslem sector following the depar-

ture of most PLO guerrillas last month
under the protection of U.S., French
and Italian peacekeeping forces.
ISRAEL HAS said it will riot order a
withdrawal of its forces until the
Lebanese army can control the
situation in coordination with the
Israeli army. The Israelis pushed into
west Beirut Wednesday after the
Assassination of Lebanon's President-
elect Beshir Gemayel Tuesday.
The communique said "represen-
tatives of the Israeli army and the
Lebanese army should meet as soon as
possible at which times detailed plans
will be exchanged for the evacuation of
IDF (Israel Defense Forces) positions
when the Lebanese army will be ready
to assume control over there."
A Foreign Ministry statement called
on Lebanon's army officers to meet as
soon as possible with Israeli counter-
parts to work out details for replacing
See ISRAEL, Page 2:

AP Photo
his patrol position below a poster ad-

An Israeli soldier in west Beirut holds1
vertising the movie "Endless Love."


Blue gridders meet Irish
in first ND night game

Special to the Daily
SOUTH BEND- Notre Dame
Stadium will light the night sky tonight
forihe first time in its 52-year history
as Michigan and Notre Dame lock hor-
ns in the football arena before a
national television audience.
For the 20th-ranked Irish, it will be
their season-opener and a chance to
avenge last year's 25-7 loss to the
Wolverines-a defeat that started
Notre Dame on its way to a 5-6 record,
its worst mark since 1963.
FOR THE 10th-ranked Wolverines, it
will be an opportunity to again test their
relatively inexperienced offensive line

while being showcased on prime time
national television (9 p.m. EST on
ABC). Michigan has the advantage of
already having played a game-a 20-9
victory over Wisconsin-but that may
not b6 as big ari edge as one might
"I believe you can improve a lot bet-
ween the first and second games," said
Michigan head coach Bo Schem-
bechler, "but I don't know quite what to
expect (from Notre Dame)-they
haven't played a game yet. You know
there's a wealth of talent down there."
Indeed, the Irish return 19 starters
from last year's disappointing squad
and they are hoping to make their

second year under head coach Gerry
Faust a brighter one than the first.
"THE OFF-SEASON isn't quite so
much fun after you've been 5-6 the year
before," said Faust. "We're all anxious
to make atmends for that and I would
expect the Michigan game to be a key
one emotionally."
The key man for the Irish on offense
is quarterback and punter Blair Kiel.
Kiel split starting time with the
graduated Tim Koegel last season and
completed just 44 percent of his passes
with 10 interceptions.
This year, Faust is looking to his
junior quarterback to take charge of

'U' fined for lab mishap

Blast sceneAht
Debris litters a Paris street yesterday after a bomb exploded in an Israeli diplomatic.car, injuring 47 persons, four
seriously. The blast took place on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. See story, Page 3.

The Nuclear Regulator Commission
(NRC) has fined the University $1,500
for exceeding radioactive discharge
limits in a University Hospital
laboratory, an NRC official said yester-
Although the release did not pose a
significant health hazard, University
officials failed to follow NRC
procedures, said NRC Public Affairs
Officer Russ Marabito.
THE RELEASE in the medical
school's nuclear medicine department
was discovered in January by the
University's Radiation Control Service,
who promptly notified the federal
agency, said Jim Carey, a nuclear
medical physicist.
The department's laboratory was
cited for violating NRC regulations by
dispensing a drug called NP-59 in a
manner that allowed radioactive Iodine
131 to escape into the atmosphere, said
]ecause of the small amounts of
iodine involved, and its relatively short
half-life (eight days), both the Univer-
sity and the NRC agreed that health
risks involved in the release were

'The problem with the NRC is that they are
so paranoid after Three Mile Island.'
-Jim Carey,
University Nuclear Medical Physicist

THE NRC, however, is still deman-
ding the University be fined for failure
to evaluate the radioactivity of the
discharge before its discovery in
NRC conducted its first evaluation
immediately after the University
notified the agency, and initially fined
the University $2,000, including $1,500
for failing to evaluate the discharge,
and $500 for exceeding NRC radioactive
limitations. The University then could
either pay or protest the fine.
The University disputed the fine, and
the NRC, after reviewing the protest,
reduced the fine this week to $1,500. If
the University chooses to appeal this
ruling, the NRC will appoint an ad-
ministrative law judge to settle the
dispute, Marabito said.
ALAN PRICE, assistant vice

president of research, said yesterday
that the University had not decided
whether to pursue the matter with the
NRC or pay the fine.
While he lauded the University's
prompt report of the radiation release
to the NRC, Marabito said, "the point is
that . . . they (the University) were in
violation. These regulations are made
for a reason."
Carey said, however, that the NRC is
being oversensitive. "The problem
with the NRC is that they are so
paranoid after Three Mile Island," he
said. "The dilution effect of the en-
vironment is enough to keep the
discharge below permissable levels."
SINCE THE Januar discovery, the
University has developed a system for
dispensing the drug into containers, so
that the iodine is unable to escape into
See 'U' FINED, Page 6

Schmidt calls
BONN, West Germany (AP)- Chan- substantialI
cellor Helmut Schmidt, bowing to a between So
year of pressure, called for new elec- Free Democ
tions yesterday after Cabinet Schmidt,t
resignations shattered the 13-year-old new election
governing coalition. lead out of th
It appeared the conservative op- HE SAID1
position would move quickly to attempt Democratsi
to oust the 63-year-old socialist chan- continue go
cellor and deny his request to lead a ministers ta
minority government until elections resigned F
this fall. said he will
SCHMIDT CALLED for new elections Foreign Mi
in a speech to the Bundestag, or scher, leade
Parliament, at midday, just after word Helmut K
leaked out that four Cabinet ministers opposition C
from the Free Democratic Party were on Schmidt
quitting. The resignations capped a and resign,t
long-running dispute over welfare to form a n
spending, which Schmidt's trade union- majority as
based Social Democratic Party refused put it to thec
to cut. His speec
"I regret this exceptionally," Sch- THE WES
midt said. "For I am still of the opinion fers two av
that even today a solid basis exists of nments. Or

political comm
cial Democrats
however, saidl
ns were "the b
he inner politica
he and the 11c
in the Cabinet
verning, with1
king on the port
ree Democrat
take over the
nister Hans-Di
r of the Free De
ohl, 52-year-old1
Christian Demo
to do his "pat
then declared:
ew governments
soon as possib
decision of the v
;h left his next m
ST German con
venues for chan
ne, favored by S

t new elections
non ground no-confidence vote followed by an elec-
and liberal tion in the fall. The other method would
be a Parliament vote ousting the chan-
he believed cellor followed immediately by
best way to Parliamentary approval of a new chan-
d crisis." cellor.
other Social Much depends on whether Kohl can
intended to convince enough of the 53 Free
four of the Democrats in the Bundestag to go along
tfolios of the with the conservatives - 174 Christian
s. Schmidt Democrats and 52 deputies of the
portfolio of Bavarian Christian Social Union. Sch-
etrich Gen- midt's Social Democrats have 216
mocrats. seats. Two leftist independents, former
leader of the Social Democrats, also hold seats.
crats, called Kohl, who unsuccessfully challenged
riotic duty" Schmidt for the chancellorship in 1976,
"We will try nees 244 votes to replace him.
capable of a
ble and then The Free Democrats, allied with the
ioters." Christian Democrats in the early post-'
ove unclear. war years and then with the Social
astitution of- Democrats in 1969 when Willy Brandt
aging gover- came to power, are divided in their
chmidt, is a feelings toward Schmidt.

Let him eat cake
ABAKER IN Cambridge, Mass. found herself in af
jam recently when she lacked the dough to pay
her rent. But she and her landlord have worked
nut a tast nlutinn When landlnrd David Pill

hosted by South Dakota Gov. Bill Janklow. Republicans
willing to spend $10 a ticket for this "50's revival party"
were treated to grease and rock'n'roll. Janklow arrived
wearing white sneakers and blue jeans in a 1950 Ford. The
party-goers also wore '50s clothes and some even greased
their hair. The theme of the party derived from Janklow's
thousands of records of that era. Also a celebration of
Janklow's 43rd birthday, the party featured a birthday cake
designed like the cover of the 'Rock Around the Clock'
album by Bill Haley and the Comets. Q

does not apply to "writing, composing, and other artistic
activity." Per Hvolby said he and his fellow craftsmen will
decide soon if they should appeal the decision. When he and
the other tattooists filed the anti-tax suit, Hvolby summed
up the issue this way. "If I draw a picture on paper and sell
it to you, it's art. But the tax people say if I draw it on your
skin, it's not." O
The Daily almanac

* 1955-A year-old renovation of the Michigan Union
neared completion with extensive improvements in plum-
bing and electrical facilities, expansion of the Anderson
room, and addition of new corridors on the second floor;
price tag, $3 million;
* 1975-Fugitive newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst and
three radical comrades were arrested by the FBI, ending
one of the longest and most bizarre searches in American


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