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September 09, 1982 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-09

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Student-run bookstore
expands at new location

The University Cellar, the non-profit
student bookstore, has moved to their
new location and presents a new youth-
ful image.
The new location, 341 E. Liberty St.,
will have almost twice as much retail
ce as the Union location did, accor-
ng: to Bruce Weinberg, general
"It is set up in an intelligent manner,
it's not all crowded together, like in the
Union," Weinberg said.
THE CELLAR Board of Directors
decided last January to move out of the
Union when they were' unable to
negotiate acceptable terms on a lease,
The new store is much more spacious
9 d attractive than the old one. With
11 to wall carpeting and orderly
display shelves, on three floors, the
store presents a new image.
In stock now are Michigan insignia
items-a line the Cellar was not allowed
to sell in its Union location. The insignia
items, along with various soaps and
sundries, greeting cards, hats, frisbees,
posters, notebooks, paper supplies, and
other assorted items, are located on the
E't floor.
THE SECOND floor includes the
Cellar's huge selection of art supplies,
as well as professional books and
calculators. In addition, the store's
selection of classical records is on the
second floor.
The third floor is primarily tex-
tbooks. "Textbooks are still a major
focus, we're not putting it on the back
burner," said John Sappington, the
Cellar's assistant manager.
"We've maintained all of the things
at we had in the union and added
some things we haven't had before,"
Sappington said.
The U-Cellar moved out of the Union
on'June 20 because it would not accept a
65 percent rate increase to bring its rent
up; to market value. In addition, the
Cellar was asked to pay for ap-
proximately $300,000 in Union
renovations for its section of the
IN THE Union, the Cellar was
%stricted from selling highly-
profitable Michigan insignia items. The
Union director argued that to allow the
Cellar to sell insignia items would mean

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 9, 1982-Page 15
OnOver To
Hro0n Valley-
Campus Office
(across from the Diag and Hill Auditorium)
Open a new checking account or make a deposit in
your existing account and receive absolutely FREE,
a fabulous high flying, straight sailing Humphry
Flyer. Not only is your Humipl.hr Flyer free, but
your opening check book is FREE and the twenty-
five checks all have the Michigan "M" printed on
We will have extra personnel available to assist you

in opening your new account and for quick con-
venient 24 hour banking the Campus Office has two
ask for an Anytime Teller Bankcard application when
you open your account.

THE UNIVERSITY CELLAR opened at its new location on the corner of
Division and E. Liberty Streets on July 20, more than a decade after lhe
student-run bookstore began in the Michigan Union.

a significant decrease in revenues for
the Michigan Union Stop, the Union's
newsstand. .
With such restrictions, the Cellar
would have had to pass the cost of in-
creased rent on to its student
customers, Sappington said. The Cellar
was set up "to establish lower baseline
prices for the other competitors to
follow," he said, and moving out of the
Union was in the best interests of

On June 21, the Cellar was informed
by the city that their new location would
have to have a sprinkler system,
emergency lighting, and plumbing
renovations added to meet building
codes. So the Cellar rented a space in
Lorch Hall for three weeks in order to
sell course books. The Cellar opened for
business in their new location on July

... FREE Checkbook with 25 Michigan "M"
... FREE Fabulous Humphry Flyers


... FREE Apples at Huron Valley

National Bank






Reg. 139.95. At last! A practical survival method to combat the
midnight hungries and all-night crammings. A cube refrigerator
that measures just 18-5/8" wide, 19-1/8" deep and 17-1/8" high.
Yet features large storage area and freezer, two ice cube trays,
slide-out shelf, full-range temperature control. Quiet, efficient
;motor that uses little power. Polyurethane cabinet insulation,
fiberglass insulated door with door storage space. 232 units.*
In The Marketplace, at Briarwood and other Hudson's stores.

' I1

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