OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, September 15, 1982. The Michigan Daily < r' aJ'r" , . ! i r li .J '. I Y ' vs +r is wfy r r Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Stewart Filling up the park bench Vol. XCIII, No. 6 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 LosT N1its Lusr fHS souj4L v-ow 1-4 IS STUDENT L-OAN,,,~ Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The OR STUD the begi i t. The w pjaceful retre $tate/Street Weir f@ll color 1l~s the air r Ey-the soun Mig by on th4 al Campus. Most studen the Universi residents also like a sardine ever-crowded buses. It's a tr aip freshmen. :bne's life with and from Nort This term, r been made ev unfortunate c ion detours a Nschool depart Campus have :wait than ev idisheartening tial plus, here whiling away takes to get a 20 or so minut to Central Can " Do home nights at the g reading durini Sgets any more T WASN'T Senate fei, of the new H know, the one the $130 milio Now it turns spending that years to send ters. According t the Senate Mo Mathias (R-M for sending o will be $37 mil amnount three One senato tmillion pi year and anot half of this ye have mailed o there are mail Incredible? exactly. It's tu.ally, for a 1 joys of forced busing ENTS on North Campus, possible to polish off a term paper or a nning of fall term is a take-home test before the Geddes stop; wooded acres offer a . Break down social barriers. What at from the hectic pace better time to meet new people than , the trees begin to turn , thd trfamiliar sound when wedged next to them in common rs and a 1amimasa strife? The possibilities are endless on more than 100 times a the North Campus ride-imagine an id of diesel buses rum- art school aesthete and a calculator- eir regular route to Cen- toting engineer having a go at talking ts feel like a number at about design. ty, but Bursley-Baits " Strike up a, romance. North Cam- get the chance to feel pus students know that many of the as they pack into the best dates can be found on the late- ever-behind-schedule night shuttle. Perfect pick-up lines ial by fire that toughens with an appropriate twist: "What's a It's a way to balance nice boy/girl like you doing squashed suffering. It's getting to in a bus like this?" If the relationship h Campus. becomes too demanding, you have the however, the ordeal has time to end it before your stop arrives. en more acute. Due to an " Play a round of the look-out-the- ombination of construc- window-and-find-things-that-start- with nd shifts of engineering -this-letter-of-the-alphabet game. Use ments, buses to North the zoology museum and the hos- a tighter fit and a longer pital's x-ray wings to stump friends. er. To help turn this . Learn how to drive the bus. Why drawback intota poten- not relievehthe arduous duties of the are a few suggestions for driver and pick up a marketable trade the 20 or so minutes it at the same time? An especially bus these days (and the desirable alternative for liberal arts es it takes the bus to get majors. npus):. work. Avoid spending And above all, don't worry. A task Ugh by doing required force of officials has been formed to g the wait. If the system alleviate the problem. clogged, it may even be Maybe they have a five-year plan. Junk mail junkies too long ago that the money on itself. gned outrage at the cost It's not that franking-the priviledge art Office Building-you which allows Congressmen and with the gymnasium and Senators to mail letters to their con- n price tag. stituents for free-is itself inherently out that the senators are bad. Naturally, it's a good idea to en- much money every four courage contact between those who out their insipid newslet- govern and the governed. Most of the newsletters, however, o remarks made before are not designed to establish contact nday by Senator Charles with constituents as they are to plug aryland), this year's bill the sponsoring senator. In some cases, ut all those newsletters the pols' goal in sending out newslet- lion, more than twice the ters is nothing more noble than a years ago. desire to develop those all-important mailing lists. r, said Mathias, sent out Later this year, Mathias-who says eces of newsletters last he quit mailing out newsletters in her six million in the first 1980-will chair a hearing on newslet- ar. He said some senators ter production and mass mailing. But ut more newsletters than even though the desire to control mass [boxes in their states. mailings is well intentioned, the Sure. Surprising? Not prospects do not seem very promising. rather predictable, ac- After all, the Hart Building eventually body that loves to send was built. Coping with teen age suicide I By Rasa Gustaitis Steven Koenig was about to graduate from high school and was already registered for college when one night, after finishing work at an ice cream store, he drove to a lonely spot near Sacramento, Calif., and shot him- self. Steven's mother, Marilyn Koenig, still does not know why her son took his own life. She had viewed his moodiness as just another stage-something others of her seven children had gone through. What she does know, now, is that Steven's method of han- dling his adolescent problems has grown shockingly common among American youth. Suicide now is the second leading cause of death for male adolescents in California (third in the nation), reaching the highest rate since World War I. THE SUICIDE rate for 15- to 24-year-olds has risen 300 percent nationwide in the past 20 years, the most significant increase among age categories, according to the U.S. Bureau of Vital Statistics. White males, often from middle-class and affluent suburbs, are the most likely victims. So alarming is the increase that suicide prevention is beginning to be taught in high schools in communities as widespread as Ithaca, N.Y., Omaha, Neb., and the counties of Marin and San Mateo in California. In Por- tsmouth, Ohio, a course will be offered at a community college. Prompted by the "shocking statistics," California statehSen. RobertsPresley, Democrat from Long Beach, has set up a task force on the problem, which may recommend that all high school students in the state be taught about suicidal behavior and ap- propriate responses. ACCORDING TO Charlotte Ross, task force co-chair and director of the Suicide Preven- tion and Crisis Center in San Mateo County, "Ten percent of high school seniors will report they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives. More than 50 percent have seriously considered it to the point where they figured out how to do it." Ross conducted pioneering research on suicidal behavior in 1977, set up the first prevention program in high schools, and has seen her work replicated elsewhere. Young suicidal teen-agers are most likely to hang themselves, older teen boys to shoot themselves, older teen girls to cut their wrists or take overdoses of aspirin, small children to fall from windows and balconies or to run in front of cars, Ross said. The method of choice helps explain why many more boys than girls die. Most girls who try suicide are rescued. - According to the National Center for Health -Statistics, about,4,000 young people between ages 15 and 24 killed themselves in 1978, the last year for which firm figures are available. The rate appears to have increased since then. In addition, many car accidents in- volving teens-perhaps half, by some estimates-are in fact suicides, though they are not listed as such, according to experts. THE EXPLANATION for the rising adolescent suicide rate still is mostly shrouded in mystery. Marilyn Koenig, for in- stance, had no idea that her son was suicidal, yet Steven had planned carefully, going so far as to write a note and sign over his auto ownership papers. Research shows that parents and adults are far less likely to know of suicidal tendencies in their children than are peers. "Most of them turn to each other-and they don't know how to help each other," said Ross. Often, in fact, friends can unwittingly precipitate tragedy by scoffing or even daring a depressed youngster to go ahead, according to Michael Peck, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles and the other co-chair of the Califor- nia legislative task force. Therefore, he ways, "the most important single rescue group are peers." But some authorities resist efforts to provide straightforward information about suicide to young people on the basis of what Ross calls "contagion. theory"-if you talk about it, you might provoke it. In fact, she says, "the reverse is true: When you don't talk about it you get underground infor- mation. It's like sex-if anything, there is an added mystique to a subject that is forbid- den." IN FOUR years of work with adolescents in San Mateo's schools, Ross and her allies have tried to convey some critical messages. For instance, she stresses the importance of con- sulting a trusted adult, of understanding that "suicide is a permanent solution to a tem- porary problem," and tells youngsters who might be sworn to secrecy that "it's far more important to keep a friend than a secret." Suicidal children are like seedlings that have been transplanted too often, says Ross. They lack the root strength to deal with stress. Many come from "reconstituted families": In San Mateo, less than half of all children live with both natural parents. Frequent moves, for economic or personal reasons, disconnect them from friends, teachers, other adults. Unlike children who grow up in the two worlds of adults and of peers, many suicidal children are forced to rely on peers* aloneg because the adult world no longer is there as a support system, Ross says. "You have kids who are not that tied to life. And then, when you have stress, a depression, and there is no one to turn to, it can be fatal," ROSS AND others believe that it is too sim- plistic to think of economic stress, drugs, and alcohol as causes of suicidal behavior. Drinking and drugs, however, may precipitate an irrevocable act by lowering inhibitions. They can be viewed as a form of~ "suicide by inches," asvsome experts call" them, allowing escape from emotional suf- fering. No generalization fits all cases. "You can- not pin it to any one thing," said Marilyn Koenig, who has become a member of Senator Presley's task force in the hopes of saving other children from the tragedy she could not avert from her own. "I don't know; if we had a program maybe Steven would be alive, maybe not." Koenig also has joined Compassionate Friends, a nationwide network of parents who have lost children. At one meeting, she said,' half the parents present had lost children to suicide. "What I would like to pass on to parents is an awareness that your child can be more depressed than you realize," she said. "I just had not considered that. If you don't have proof positive, you just don't want to believe it.' Gustaitis wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. .,,...mod ... .. ., , v., ..., _.j.,. _. 4 '1- - *- * a a- 4" I '' dI ! e : V !! i a: W4 'ir } c '. t i > f "s i 4 E ( ,. i Ii 2! F7< 'I ' .:: . E1M LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Mandatory fees for MSA should end . . - - _ ' - - - j- To the Daily: Finally, a member of the Daily staff has seen the light! Charles Thomson's article criticizing MSA's mandatory "con- tribution" (MSA tax: Pay up or drop out, Sept. 9) has hit the nail on the head. Of the four points he brings up, two deserve special at- tention. The most important of these is the first: "Students should not be f:r..,. n nnn.rhittPmnva, to~ I on campus. Well what about my freedom to support or not sup- port those "thoughts"? Thomson's fourth point is telling also. Without mandatory dues, we would soon see if MSA really represents the needs and viewpoints of the student body. If they do, then the money will flow, if they don't, (which I think is the case), then they will have a problem. They will also have to cath mna a..*n ri,.n an wav..ne current assembly and its op- pressive, unfair, and destructive Sink the s To the Daily: The Trident submarine is the most ominous instrument of war ever invented. Just one of these, we are told, contains more destructive power than all of the system of funding. -Steve Horwitz Sept. 10 ub salute' Behind this act of pre-game stupidity is the fact that this huge (as long as two football fields) new nuclear-armed submarine happens to be named the U.S.S. Michigan. But the insensitivity, the shermindlessness. of thi