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September 14, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-14

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M Go Boom
See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety- Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy today, with a chance
of showers and thunderstorms, and
a high in the mid-80s,


XCIII, No. 5

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 14, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Shuttle bus:
long waits,
For students who live on North Cam-
pus, these first few days of classes have
brought extra aggravations-crowded
buses and longer rides.
"I've never seen that many people
waiting at a bus stop except on football
Saturdays." said art school junior
Margret Korfhage, who said her trips to
North Campus have become more dif-
ficult this term.
Other students estimated 15- to 20-
minute waits for buses, 'with rides
lasting as long as 20 minutes, about
twice as long as last year.
"THE BUSES used to come about 10.
See BUS, Page 7

.cut tc
From staff and wire reports
State budget officials and key law-
makers agreed last night to a plan
which would slice $8 million in aid to the
University immediately but includes a
promise to pay the money back next
The plan - part of a $150 million
package that will bring the state's
budget in balance by September 30 -
involves eliminating payments t
Michigan schools and colleges planned
for the final days of the state's fisca
year and making it up to those in
stitutions on June 30.
THE AGREEMENT came following
a 90-minute meeitng by budget official
and leading lawmakers.
State Budget Director Gerald Miller
said he plans to reissue Gov. William
Milliken's $150-million executive order
to the legislative appropriating com
mittee tomorrow.
THE CUT WILL be identical to an
executive order rejected by those
committees two weeks ago.
But Univerdsity President Harold
Shapiro last night described the plan as
"a decided step forward" over
Milliken's earlier proposal. He saida
deferral of funds would create a tem
porary cash-flow problem, but that the
University would be spared a per
manent budget cut.
The state's ability to return the
money will "depend on the priority

(state officials) put on if," Shapiro said.
Other important decisions concerning
- the future of the University's state ap-
e propriation will be made within the
next few weeks when the legislature
considers next year's budget, Shapiro
Last night's proposal, which has the
support of legislative leaders and the
s governor, helps the state out of its fiscal
muddle by tinkering with the differing
° fiscal years that Michigan .and its
school districts operate under.
1 The state is on an Oct 1 to Sept. 30
-' fiscal year and is unable at this time to
afford the $112 in payments to schools
g and $38 million for local government
s revenue sharing.
Schools, however, began their fiscal
r year on July 1 and will end it June 30.
a To make ends meet, the state will make
r the August school aid and college
payment on June 30 - still in the
educational budget year, but into a new
e and hopefully better state fiscal year.
e THE STATE is counting on at least a
d partial economic recovery early next
year to provide the money to pay back
s the schools. The state has used the
r same strategy all year in deferring aid
a payments to schools, but a previously
hoped for economic upturn never came
e about.
University Vice President for State
Relations Richard Kennedy said last
ySee STATE, Page 5

A rare smile contrasts solemn faces in this familiar scene to North Campus dwellers. Crowded buses and long waits
plague these commuters during their first days of school.

Geography maps out new home

Although they Are still waiting for the official go-
ahead, professors left behind after the closing of the
geography department two months ago say they are
Wset to go with a new, smaller "Program" of
"We (the proposed geography program) haven't
been formally approved yet," said Prof. George
Kish, who will be the program's director. "But we've
had our stationery printed. I think it (official
recognition) is just a matter of administrative
THE NEW PROGRAM will offer undergraduate
courses and degrees in geography, just as the depar-
tment used to. The major difference is that the
program, with a smaller staff, will not offer a
graduate program.
The University's Department of Geography was of-
ficially closed July 1, a year after the Regents ended
a long and controversial review of the unit by voting
to eliminate it.
But a faculty committee, working since January to,
keep the discipline of geography alive at the Univer-
sity, won tentative approval for the smaller program.
Though some top administrators, including Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye, said they

'The decline (in the num-
ber of Geography studen-
ts) is noticeable and it can
only be attributed to the
fact that people think
Geography is dead."
- Prof. George Kish
like the idea, the program still awaits formal ap-
proval from the LSA Curriculum and Executive
PROBABLY THE biggest obstacle to the
program's success now, admitted Kish, is finding the
students to fill the classes. Apparently, he said, many
students assume the discipline died with the depar-
The new program's courses will be taught by the
same professors who made up the old department,
but they have been transferred to the payrolls of
other University departments. By downsizing the
department to a program, and by eliminating six non-

tenured faculty and staff, the administration plans to
save about $200,000 a year.
But at least one former geography professor doubts
that much will be saved in the end. Prof. Samuel Out-
calt, now a geology professor, said the savings in
eliminating the four non-tenured faculty members
will be offset by the loss of revenue generated by
graduate students.
VICE PRESIDENT Frye, reached last night at his
home, said that while he did not have specific budget
figures with him, he stands behind his earlier
estimate of significant savings:
The program has a "very modest budget" accor-
ding to Kish. It includes only the salary of a part-time
secretary and office expenses, he said. Kish has been
named professor at large in the University, so his
salary is payed outside the program's budget.
Kish maintains that the University is committed to
keeping a geography curriculum alive. "I think it will
fly," he said of the program.
OTHERS INVOLVED with the program are not so
sure. "I don't think it will last," said John Op-
penheim, who is finishing up his Ph.D. in geography.

Stills steals the show

senator at
Dems rally
Don Riegle may hae-been the head-
liner, but most of the people who
showed up at the Michigan Union An-
derson Room yesterday were there to
hear his backup, Stephen Stills.
The senator and the singer were in
town yesterday calling for a nuclear
arms freeze and generally assailing
policies of the Reagan administration.
* - - But it was Stills who stole the show.
I HADN'T heard of Riegle until I saw
the ads (for the rally)," said Doug
} - Dougherty, an out-of-state student in
the Institute for Public Policy Studies.
"Mostly I came because Stills were
Riegle who is running for re-election,
spoke for about 10 minutes and then
relinquished the floor to the folk-rock
singer from Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
Looking somewhat rumpled in.a blue
t three-piece suit with an open vest and
J M~scKloosened tie, and relying heavily on a
eMASC K glass of water to combat the heat in the
ectoion. room, Stills encouraged the crowd to

AP Photo
I'm Clean
Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan raises his hands before reporters
yesterday to comment on a special prosecutor's report that there is "insuf-
ficient" credible evidence to link him to mobsters.

Stephen Stills (right) belts out a song for Sen. Donald Riegle (left), who is running for re-ele
Two hundred people showed up to see the pair yesterday at the Michigan Union.

See SINGER, Page 7

Handshake hazard
TAKE NOTE, aspiring politicians: Runners may
develop shin-splints and tennis players, tennis
elbow, but being a congressman has its own
hazards, as Rep. Charles Pashayan (R-Calif.)
discovered. He disconnected a tendon in his elbow as a
reu1t of ton much handshaking on the campaign trail. The

their pates Saturday for a showdown over who has the pret-
tiest, sexiest or most kissable hairless head in the nation. A
Morehead City. N.C. restaurant was chosen as this year's
convention site and the slogan for the event was:
"Morehead-less hair." Contests for the sexiest bald head,
best all-round bald head, prettiest bald head, smoothest
bald head and most kissable bald head highlighted the con-
vention. Held annually during the second weekend in Sep-
tember, the convention ends the "Rub a Bald Head Week."
(Did you forget to rub a bald head last week?) John T. Cap-
ps III founded the club in 1973 and claims about 9,500 mem-
bers in all0 st atesa nd 20 foreien ncontries .Cnns advises

Beef up a tree
Never underestimate the talents of your friendly neigh-
borhood firefighters. Rescuing treed cats may be an
everyday feat for them, but firefighters in Union, Mo., were
faced with a more unusual rescue. Fire Capt. Vernell
Kasmann and about 20 firefighters responded to a report
from a canoeist on the Bourbeuese River in Franklin Coun-
ty Sunday, who said a 250-pound calf was entangled in tree
limbs overhanging the water. The calf apparently had
stepped off an incline and fallen into the tree, Kasmann

voted overwhelmingly to strike down rules imposing a cur-
few on freshmen.
Also on this day in history:
1962-Two University graduates, Edward White and
James McIvitt, were named to the new U.S. astronaut
1963-South Quad dining halls went coed.
1972-Women were allowed to perform in the University's
marching band for the first time since restrictions barring
women were abolished the summer before.
1976-Two male athletes charged the University's athletic
department with discrimination under Title IX provisions.



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