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September 12, 1982 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-12

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 12, 1982-Page 11

Veto fight
to budget
President Reagan at his word, last
week's dramatic veto struggle in the
House and Senate is just the prelude to
further confrontations when Congress
debates the remaining money bills near
the end of an election-year session.
But Republican leaders in both
houses say the president's stinging
defeat on the $14.2 billion ap-
propriations measure at the hands of
suddenly rebellious lawmakers does
not necessarily mean he has lost his
ability to get his way in Congress.
WHAT IT may forecast instead is
either a series of bitter confrontations-
or one major one-as government
becomes hamstrung when thousands of
federal workers are threatened with
furloughs and each party blames the
other for the predicament.
All the while, elections will be
drawing nearer - elections in which
Reagan will be trying to turn the "big
spenders" spotlight on the Democrats
and Democrats will be campaigning
against Reaganomics. "The politics
are going to be very thick," said Sen.
William Proxmire, (D-Wis.).
"I'm going to keep on doing what I
said I would do, to veto anytime there is
an attempt to bust the budget," Reagan
said shortly before the Senate joined
the House Friday in overriding his veto
of a $14.2 billion money bill.
House Republican Whip Trent Lott of
Mississippi supported the president,
contending, "I have every confidence
we can sustain every future veto on ap-
propriations bills this year."

Cleaning up the Capitol
A workman spiffies up the State Capitol by scraping off the old paint to make way for the new.

The Roots of Anti-Semitsm
Sixteenth Century
a lecture by
Heiko A. Oberman
Visiting Walgreen Professor
Tuesday, September 14
Rackham Amphitheater, 8:00 p.m.
A public reception in Rackham Assembly Hall
will follow the lecture
Professor Oberman is the Director of the Institute for the Late
Middle Ages and Reformation, Tubingen, West Germany.
The Walgreen Professorship in Human Understanding has been
made possible by the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walgreen,
who endowed a chair for the Study of Human Understanding.

Chinese to seek younger leaders

*PEKING (AP) - The Communist
Party closed its 12th National Congress
yesterday saying it had fulfilled its
promise to give China a stronger
leadership that combined "long-tested
comrades" with competent younger
Delegates representing the 39-million-
member party made provisions to
assure a smooth transition to the
younger generation and expressed.
revulsion with one-man rule like that of
late Chairman Mao Tse-tung.
But it also retained many elderly
leaders in top posts in "the great in-
tekest of our party and country - in-
cluding 78-year-old master politician

v CJ

Deng Xiaoping, who has been China's
most powerful leader since Mao's death
in 1976.
DENG AND other members of the
new party Central Committee are ex-
pected to meet today to select the
committee's general secretary. Obser-
vers say the certain choice is 67-year-
old Hu Yoabang, personally picked by
Deng last year to take over the now-
abolished post of party chairman.
Reworking of the party leadership
was demanded by Deng and others who
said Mao's one-man rule had left China
with a guarantee that its aging leaders
will be able to transfer power to
qualified successors.

One sign of revulsion with Mao's rule
was the abolition of the chairmanship.
CULTURE Minister Zhu Muzhi,
spokesman for the National Congress;
said more than two-thirds of the 210 Ce-
ntral Committee members now are un-
der 60, while only 16 are over 70.
Zhu confirmed that Deng will head
the newly created, 172-member Central
Advisory Commission. It is a body of
elders that party leaders said was set up
to "guide younger comrades and pass
on experience to them."
The policy-making Central Commit-
tee handles party affairs when the
congress is not in session andthe Polit-
buro handles day-to-day affairs.

Israel expects Syria to leave Lebanon

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)- After
ousting the main Palestinian guerrilla
rce from Beirut, Israeli troops in
stern Lebanon still face the Syrian
army across a battlefield prone to
cease-fire breaches.
But some senior Israeli officials say
thy don't think the Syrians are capable
of-a major military action in Lebanon,
aid they expect their old enemy to
withdraw from the country without a
During the past week, Israeli war-
planes twice attacked Syrian anti-a ir-
raft missiles in eastern Lebanon's
ekaa Valley and destroyed five bat-
te'ies by Israeli count.
ISRAEL ALSO is warning it is wat-
ching the Syrians closely and will
blame them for any attacks by
Palestine Liberation Organization
guerrillas in the area.
However, the Israelis also have said
repeatedly that they do not want any
new battles with the Syrians.,
"Personally, I don't think a con-
*gration is likely, butit is certainly a
iervous situation," said Chaim Herzog,
a former head of military intelligence
aid one of Israel's most respected
military commentators.
ISRAEL RADIO, quoting Defense
Minister Ariel Sharon at a closed-door
meeting of Parliament's foreign affairs
and security committee, said Israel
does not think it will have to use the
"military option" to get the Syrians out
of Lebanon.
*l The military chief of staff, Lt. Gen.
"'iphael Eytan, said on Armed Forces
Radio last Friday that Syrian troops
were well entrenched in eastern
Lebanon. But he said Syria had' not


made any buildups lately and he did not
think it could make an offensive against
Herzog said he believed the
Damascus government feared an
Israeli attack in eastern Lebanon, and
its batteries of heat-seeking SAM 9
missiles were deployed as a defensive

BUT THAT doesn't make them any
more acceptable to Israel, and along
with its demands that "the PLO must
go" and "Lebanon should sign a peace
treaty with Israel," the Israelis are
saying there must be no Syrian missiles
in eastern Lebanon.

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