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September 11, 1982 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-11

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 11, 1982-Page 11
European rocket crashes

on first
KOUROU, French Guyana (AP) -
The rocket Ariane, intended as
Europe's answer to the space shuttle,
crashed into the Atlantic Ocean 13
minutes after its first operational
flight, and scientists began piecing
together clues yesterday to explain its
Officials estimate the Ariane satellite
launcher came down late Thursday in
the ocean about 1,860 miles west of the
jungle launch pad in this country on the
northeast shoulder of South America.
The fate of the Ariane's payload, two
satellites intended to be sent into
stationary Earth orbit, was not im-
mediately known.
THE 10-NATION European Space
Agency said the coundown and liftoff

were perfect and the first two stages U.S. spac
functioned normally, but the third- scheduled1
stage booster reached neither the right until Noven
altitude nor speed for orbit. Agencyc
Ariane was developed at a cost of know if the
about $1.6 billion in Europe's attempt to Ariane's t
crack the billion-dollar market to laun- commercia
ch an estimated 200 telecom- 1983 with th
munications, weather, and other France f
civilian-use satellites in the next the Ariane
decade. many abot
The European agency had hoped the nments of
test, the first in which the Ariane had a the Nether
payload to launch into orbit, would give and Switze
it a significant lead over the reuseable cent or less

e shuttle, which is not
to begin operational flights
officials said they did not
e problems would affect the
imetable, which calls for
al operations to begin in mid-
he 11th launch.
inances about 60 percent of
program, and West Ger-
ut 20 percent. The gover-"
Belgium, Denmark, Spain,
lands, Italy, Britain, Sweden
rland each account for 5 per-
of the budget.

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
ALTHOUGH RENOVATIONS have emptied the Union's basement, it eventually will contain such new features as a
unisex hair salon, banks, a pizza parlor, and a salad bar. The project is running a month behind schedule.
Union renovations behind schedule

The renovation of the Michigan
Union, a project that has been under
way since January, is about a month
behind schedule, according to the
building's director.
The University Club Ballroom, ex-
pected to open at the beginning of
classes, will open in October, said
Frank Cianciola, director of the Union.
THE UNION basement, which once
housed a bookstore, a barbershop and
pinball machines, now has only an Ann
Arbor Bank and Trust Readyteller,
surrounded by a cavernous set of empty
rooms and corridors.
When the project is completed, the
basement will contain a unisex hair
salon, a post office, banks, an ice cream
stand, a pizza parlor and a salad bar,
Cianciola said.
The first floor renovations are still
scheduled for completion by the fall of
next year, he said.
ALTHOUGH the University Club
ballroom is closed, an umbrella-
speckled patio bar has been open all
summer, serving alcohol and snacks.
In addition, Cianciola said the Union

plans to put a -new student computer
center in the building's basement,
where the bowling alley was once
Union management is preparing to
accept construction bids for the com-
puter center, and it could be finished by
Jan. 1, 1983, Cianciola said.
THE renovations are progressing in
stages, with some projects, taking
precedence over others, said Chet Bar-
tosik, superintendant in charge of the
project. He said the University Club is
the most important project, followed by
the Union Stop, the building's all pur-
pose store.
"We're maintaining essential ser-
vices," he said, adding that all existing
operations will stay at their present
locations until new spots are ready.
In once sense, the renovations are
even ahead of schedule.
THE BUILDING'S management had
originally planned a time lag in the
project, in order to allow the U-Cellar to
move to a new location in the Union's
basement. The U-Cellar instead moved
to a new location on the corner of
Division and West Liberty Streets, thus
giving the Union six extra months for

renovations, Cianciola explained.
Because of this loose schedule, the
month delay should not cost the Union a
significant amount of money, Cianciola
In spite of the sawdust, plywood,
paint cans and other signs of cnstruc-
tion, students seem to be taking advan-
tage of the Union's services.
JORDAN Schreier, an employee of
the Campus Information Center,
located on the Union's first floor, said
"even with the U-Cellar gone, the
amount of (student) traffic is much
greater than before."
Said Heather ,Childs, another CIC
employee: "We've been crazy busy.
It's about as busy as it always is this
time of year."
Betty Torres, a clerk at the Union
Stop, said "The last couple of days
we've been very busy . . . really
packed." The Union Stop sells
Univesity of Michigan items, such as
jackets, T-shirts and Wolverine
Jeffrey Sotman, who was using the
revamped information desk, said "I
think they (the workers) are going a bit
slow. I thought they'd be done by now."

Fund to
'U' prof
Friends of a University
psychology professor who commit-
ted suicide this summer have
established a memorial fund in his
name to help graduate scholars.
The fund, which will award out-
standing graduate work in
psychology each year, was created
in memory of Prof. Philip Brick-
man, who fell to his death from the
Tower Plaza apartments on William
Street last May.
The idea for the fund came from
Brickman's father, who worked with
psychology Prof. Jeffrey Paige to
establish the fund, said Prof. Cam-
mille Wortman, another of Brick-
man's former colleagues.
The fund, which Wortman said
was already growing, will be used to
provide grants each year to one
graduate psychology student who
prepares an outstanding Master's
Brickman, who graduated with
honors from Harvard University
and the University of Michigan, was
director of the Center for Group
Dynamics at the University Institute
for Social Research.

Solutions Books-
H N ,,bOI
Limited Time Offer
Get the HP-11C or HP-12C Solutions Handbook ($20.00 Retail Price)
Free with the purchase of an H P-11C or HP-12C. This offer is good
September 6- November 30, 1982.
The new Scientific Advanced The most powerful handheld
Programmable Calculator from financial calculator ever made by
Hewlett-Packard. Over 200 steps Hewlett-Packard.
of program memory.
suggested Retail Yout Price Suggested Retail Your Price'
$ 100.00 $ 79.95 $ 150.00 $ 119.95
Electronics Showroom: Main Store:
1110 S. University MORE THAN A BOOKSTORE 549 E. University
(at the corner of E. University & S. University 662-3201)

Senate saves aid by overriding vetof
(Continued from Page 1)4

The new - and unexpected - funds
will require the University to revise its
financial aid packages, forcing them to
renotify students who may be eligible
for more money, Butts said.
In the BEOG program, the increase

will alter the grant's payment schedule,
with most of the funds being awarded to
students at the lowest income levels,
Butts said. The additional SEOG funds
could possibly be awarded to students

entering the University during either
winter or spring/summer term.
Both of Michigan's Democratic
Senators Carl Levin and Donald Riegle
voted to override the veto.



iii I

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