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September 10, 1982 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-10

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Pag& 24-Friday, September 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily

prof. dies
at age 74
Gerald Else, former chairman of the
University's classical studies depar-
tment, died Sept. 6 in Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, at the age of 74.
A professor emeritus of Greek and
Latin, Else was the author of two major
works of classical scholarship, in-
cluding "Aristotle's Poetics: The
Argument," published in 1957.
ELSE, WHO received associate
Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees from Har-
vard University, was classical studies
chairman at this university from 1957-
68. Founder of the University's, Center
for Coordination of Ancient and Modern
Studies, he served as the center's direc-
tor until his retirement in 1977.
"I think he was special in two ways,"
said Prof. John D'Arms, current
chairman of the classical studies
department. "As a chairman in the
modern, democratic form, he was
remarkably sensitive and gifted. He
was tolerant of many divergent points
of. view, but firm in his own judgmen-
Else often sought advice from
younger faculty members and urged
their participation in departmental
matters, according to D'Arms. "I lear-
ned that lesson from him and feel for-
tunate that I learned it," he said.
A lectureship established last year in
Else's name, the Gerald Else Lecture
in Humanities, will continue, D'Arms
said. "We hope that contributions will
be made to the University in order to
help continue that lectureship," he
A memorial service for Else will be
held at 4 p.m. on Sept. 17 at St. An-
dreV's Church.

'U' considers expanding
refrigerator rentals to
include all campus dorms


After testing the w ters in the refrigerator rental.
business, University officials are considering expanding
the service and offering refrigerators to students in all 14
dormitories next fall.
This year, the University offered refrigerators to residen-
ts of four dormitories - Baits, Bursley, Markley and South
Quad - on a trial basis to see if the service would prove
profitable. And even before classes started yesterday, of-
ficials seemed happy with their gamble, pointing out that
most of the' University's 1,000 refrigerators had already
been rented.
IN FACT, said the University's housing business
manager, there is "a good possibility" that all dorm
residents will be able to rent refrigerators directly from the
University starting next September, bypassing the two
private rental agencies in town.
"We're doing very well. Eighty percent of the
refrigerators are in place and ready to go," said Larry
Durst, the housing business manager. "It's making the
return a little bit simpler for students."
The University has done well in its first attempt to com-
pete with the private rental services despite the fact that it

charges a higher fee for the service.
DURST JUSTIFIED the higher fee-ranging from $4 to
$6 greater than the private agencies-pointing out that the
University does not charge for insurance or a deposit and
delivers the units directly to the dorm room.
The University's announcement of the new service in
June sent the competition-the University Cellar and
Frigid Midget rentals-scrambling. University Cellar
managers decided to back out of the race slightly, selling
off 600 of their 1,500 refrigerators to a firm in Ohio. Frigid;
Midget cut its rental rate from $32 to $30.
But a week into the fall rush, managers of the two private
services seem less worried Fred Flis, manager of Frigid
Midget, said "it's business as usual" and said the new com-
petition was having few effects on his business.
While acknowledging that rentals were clearly off this
year, Bruce Weinberg, the general manager of the Univer-
sity Cellar, said his store has not suffered financially from
the change since it anticipated the loss and sold many of its
" We calculated how many (refrigerators) we would need
given that the University was renting them," Weinberg
said, "and it looks like we estimated correctly because
we've rentedabout 90 percent of them."


- STUDENTS CLAIM their rented refrigerators outside of South Quad dor-
mitory yesterday. The University is competing, with local businesses in
refrigerator rentals this fall.

Alcohol: A
The consumption of alcohol, always a
popular pastime on campus, can often
become too much for students to han-
dle. But when students develop
drinking problems,' the services
available may not be reaching them,
local experts say.
"There is no direct way this univer-
sity can come into contact with
alcoholism," Harold Korn, director of
the University's counseling services
said. "We can only find out about
alcoholics if they come to us. As a
result, all I have is grapevine evidence


-fine line b
that the problem is increasing."
THE PROBLEM with treating
students for alcoholism lies in reaching
them, officials from the University
counseling centers agree. The Univer-
sity's counseling service, the Univer-
sity Hospital's Outpatient Clinic, and
Health Service all have suffered from a
lack of out-reach programs, according
to various health experts.
University Hospital officials also fear
that those agencies that do treat
alcoholic patients are under-equipped.
"Only 10 percent of our patients are
students because our program is so
very small," said Terry Dunivin, a
senior social worker at the University
Hospital's outpatient clinic. "We just
don't have the resources to reach out to
THE PROBLEM with alcoholism is
growing, not only on campus, but on a
nationwide level. The Department of
Health and Human Services reports
that in 1981 some 10 million adults suf-
fered from problem drinking with 3.3
million people affected between the
ages of 14 and 17.
Although no specific data is available
concerning the alcoholism rate among
University students, Washtenaw Coun-
ty's Substance Coordinating Agency
reports that 833 of the 3,000 people
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etween pastime and problem


treated for alcoholism last year were in
the 18 to 20 age group.
The University has a problem in
determining how many students are
simply "weekend" drinkers and how
many are addicted to alcohol, accor-
ding to Jean Brown of the Washtenaw
County Substance Abuse Coordinating
"IT WOULD be difficult for the
University to do comprehensive
research on the question because it has
such a large influx and outflux of
students and alcoholism is a long-term
problem," said Brown adding, "It
would be damn nice if they could do
more than they are doing now."
The University's Health Service has
no agency or official specifically
assigned to the issue of alcoholism.
Universities across the country,
however, are beginning to deal with
alcoholism in a comprehensive man-
ner. One of the major innovators in the
area of alcoholism -treatment and
education is Dartmouth. University,
which has created a four-year training
program to help medical students find
ways to identify-and treat alcoholism.
"PHYSICIANS are running around
the country who have no idea what an

alcoholic patient looks like. We are
trying to correct that," said Judy Low,
a worker in the program, called
Operation Cork.
Although the one-million-dollar grant
for Operation Cork is not specifically
for student treatment services, faculty
members from the, program have
begun aiding student campus
alcoholism groups, Low said.
The University trains its dormitory
resident advisors to deal with a variety
of medical and psychological problems,
but some say the University may be
relying too heavily on RAs to spot
alcoholism and other substance abuse
w "THE UNIVERSITY is depending
too much on RAs to take care of the
whole problem," said Mary Ann
Caballero, an outgoing resident direc-
tor in West Quad. "We can counsel
students and refer them to clinics, but
we are only students and have our own
problems, too."
Social worker Dunivin agreed.
"Unless the RAs are especially well-
trained, there is no way they can do it.
Often the RA will treat alcoholism as a
psychological problem, but that just
makes things worse-some people must

simply never drink again."
Economic difficulties and family'
problems are two main reasons behind
the rise in alcoholism, area experts
"I've seen many students who have
one parent out of work, are under
pressure to take more credits because
education costs are going sky high, and
who want to do well because the job
market is so depressed," said Margot
Morrow of the University's Honors Of-
fice. "This year's group of students is a
highly pressured lot."
Another problem with fighting-."
alcoholism on campus is that without
parents near to recognize the problem
and prod them to seek help, many
students avoid admitting they are
alcoholics, said local psychiatrist
David Logan.
"Those who become drug-dependent
in their early twenties will drop out of
life by their early 'thirties. Their sex"
lives amount to zero, their vitality gets
diminished over time, their marriages
aren't worth a lot, and by their forties,'
they don't have much to live for,"
Logan said.
This story was reprinted from the,
Daily's summer edition.

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'U' fraternity brothers killed
in summer automobile accident

Two members of the University's
Sigma Chi fraternity were killed in an
auto accident August 29 while returning
from a fraternity brother's wedding in
Thomas Cravens and Timothy Girar-
dot, 20-year-old juniors, died when a
pickup truck hit the car in which they
were riding, according to an officer from
the Mentor, Ohio police department. The

accident occurred on a highway about
20 miles from Cleveland.
TESTS REVEALED that both the
car's driver, 22-year-old Frederick
Schuler, and the driver of the truck
were under the influence of alcohol
during the accident, according to Men-
tor Police Sgt. David Hyslop. Both
drivers are charged with a first degree
misdemeanor for drinking and driving
and they face possible jail sentences.
Schuler, a recent University
graduate, and former Sigma Chi chap-
ter president, was seriously hurt and
remains hospitalized with internal in-
juries. The driver of the truck was not
Schuler may face stiffer penalties for
his involvement in the accident, Hyslop
said. "Even though the driver of the
pickup was under the influence of

alcohol, Schuler failed to yield while
'making a left turn," he said. "He's
probably in more of a hot seat."
Although formal charges have been
filed against the drivers by the state of
Ohio, the parents of the deceased do not
plan to prosecute, Hyslop said.
Cravens, of Evanston, ,Ill., and
Girardot, of Birmingham, Mich., were'
active members of the fraternity, said
Thomas Merchant, current president of-
the University's Sigma Chi chapter.
"They were very instrumental in th'e
organization of the house," Merchant
said. "It's a great loss, because they
were both well-liked people and very
popular around campus."
Fraternity members will hold a
memorial service in Ann Arbor and are""
considering creating a scholarship fund
in their memory, Merchant said.

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