Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
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Sir igan
l~a ig
Sunny today with a won-
derful high in the upper 60s.
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W Vol. XCIl No. 155
C~opyright 142, The ichigan DiJly~
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 15, 1982
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Admissions: A
Copyright12, The Michigan Daily
When Bo Schembechier feels strongly
enough about getting a recruit with marginal
grades into the University, he pounds on the
desk of the University admissions director.
According to the director, Cliff Sjogren, foot-
ball coach Schembechler will say 'Damn it, I
want those kids admitted.' And I'll say,
'Damn it, I can't admit them.' And this goes on.
"SCHEMBECHLER wants the best football
team in the country and I want the best ad-
missions office in the country. I think both of us
are approaching our jobs in a professional,
defensible way," Sjogren continued.
"It just can't all fit into place. I can't have
the best academic students and have the best
athletes. There have to be some com-
Sometimes Schembechier gets his way -
and sometimes he doesn't. The result is a foot-
ball, hockey, basketball, or baseball team, that
game ol
currently a junior at the University, was ad-
mitted in 1979 with a University-recalculated
high school grade point average of 1.7 (on a 4.0
scale) and Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of
200 on the verbal portion and 270 on the math
test, according to University records.
Scores on the standardized aptitude tests,
taken by high school students across the coun-
try, range from 200 to 800. Generally, minimum
scores for acceptance to the University are 530
on the verbal section and 600 on the math
section, according to admissions officials.
The University admissions office
recalculates the GPA of all applicants, discar-
ding the "cake" courses, and giving more
weight to the "serious" ones.
NCAA RULES state that a student athlete
must have an original 2.0 GPA in high school, or
that student becomes ineligible for collegiate
Other athletes had the following recalculated
GPAs and SATswhen they were admitted to
the University:
" A football player, admitted in 1981; 2.8 GPA;
200 verbal, 240 math.
" A football player, also admitted in 1981: 2.1
GPA; 230 verbal, 340 math.
" A basketball player, admitted in 1981:. 2.2
GPA; 220 verbal, 360 math.
" A football player, admitted in 1978: 2.0 GPA:
340 verbal, 350 math.
* A basketball player, admitted in 1978: 2.4
GPA; 340 verbal, 290 math.
" A football player, admitted in 1981: 2.4 GPAi
330 verbal, 370 math.
" A basketball player, admitted in 1978: 2.1
GPA, 340 verbal, 320 math.
SCHEMBECHLER and other athletic depar-
tment officials defend the admission of these
students, saying that- the University is
obligated as a public institution to provide op-
portunities for young people from all
Says Athletic Director Don Canham: ".This
school is pledged to help educate the black, un-
derprivileged kid. I don't think we're doing
V 7 -'
has at least some student athletes with very
low grades.
FOR EXAMPLE, one football player,
Protest set
rfor Regents
mee today
Student leaders yesterday said they
expect more than 200 protesters to jam
today's Regents meeting ,td oppose
administration proposals for the
University's redirection.
The Regents are scheduled to vote on
a student health service fee increase, a
second series of bonds to finance the
Replacement Hospital Project, and a
new operating budget for the Univer-
sity Hospital during today's meeting in
the Fleming Administration Building.
THE TIME allotted for public com-
ments during the meeting has been ex-
tended by 3 minutes to accommodate
an unusually high volume of requests to,.
speakto the Regents, according to
student leaders.
The requests were solicited by flyers
posted throughout the University as
part of a protest by several student
groups calling themselves "The April
15 Coalition." The Coalition plans to
stage a demonstration in the Regents
Plaza at 3 p.r. today. Public comments
will be heard for an hour and a half
beginning at 3:30 p.m.
According to student leader Jamie
Moeller, the students are protesting to
"voice concern and discontent about
the entire re-direction of the University
and all the-sub-issues that stem from
The Regents' regular agenda today
includes consideration of a $2 increase
in next year's student health service
fee. The fee hike is "well below medical
care delivery and cost increases," ac-
cording to Vice President for Student
Services Henry Johnson. If it is ap-
proved, students would contribute $49
each term to subsidize the service.
The proposed increase has come un-
der attack from various student leaders
concerned with what they call a lack of
student participation in determining
the necessity of a hike.
Health Service administrators main-
tain that a formal student advisory
group, the Student Health Advisory
Committee, is responsible for advising
Health Service administrators on all
mnatters. The group was included in
budget discussions, they said.
Former committee members,
however, said that thegroup has been
"ineffective" in actively participating
in policymaking, and that member-
ship and retention have been declining
for some time.
The- Regents also will be asked today
to approve bond anticipation notes
totalling about $45 million to finance the
University's Replacement Hospital
Among the hikes planned for
discussion today as part of next year's
University Hospital budget are room
rate increases averaging $38 per day,.
and a 5 percent pay raise for hospital
See REGENTS, Page 3
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Grade-schooler David Edwards mans the controls of the Michigan Flyers Club's Cessna among the Diag sunworshipers yesterday.
Fears of Bursley assaults grow
Cuts hurt PIRGIM,
Bursley dorm residents are worried
about rumors of assaults outside their
door, but University and Housing
Security officials say the rumors
haven't reached the attention of
authorities who can investigate them.
A notice posted March 31 in Bursley
bathrooms warns of "various incidents
of women residents being attacked and
harassed near Bursley." The notice,
written by Pablo Cuevas-Cummings, a
resident director at Bursley, says that
University Security and the Ann Arbor
Police "have been alerted and urged to
increase surveillance" in and around
the dorm.
But David Foulke, director of
Housing Security, said he knows
nothing about the rumored assaults.
"I'm not'sure if the attacks did occur,"
Foulke said. "But we need to be notified
about them if they have occurred."
Bursley Building Director Caroline
Gould said that she has heard about two
harassment incidents just outside of
Bursley, but that neither were assaults.
"Bursley doesn't show a need for ad-
ditional security," she said.,
"From what I've heard lately it
(security) has been real bad," said
resident Denise Lindstrom, an LSA
freshperson. Resident Assistant Gina
Aranki said she agrees that Bursley
security is undermanned and "needs to
be beefed up."
But rumors are the main problem,
according to Aranki. "There have been
rumors back and forth, but that's all
they've been-rumors," she said.
"When rumors come up we need to
know whether or not it's happened,"
Aranki said. "I think we need to get the
facts straight immediately."
Resident Director Cuevas-Cummings
said "several incidents" caused him to
write the notice about the problem, but
he would not discuss those incidents in
detail. He also said he had requested
more security for the area outside Bur=
sley and it had been granted.
"Normally, I would hear about it (the
security problem) from the building
director," Housing Security Director
Foulke said. He denied hearing of any
additional security requests.
Walt Stevens, director of University
Security, also said he has not heard of
the alleged assaults. "If we had a
problem," Stevens said, "we would do
new coorwf
Lack of funds and low levels of public
awareness are the two biggest
problems plaguing the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan, accor-
ding to Wendy Rampson, recently
named campus coordinator for the
University's PIRGIM chapter.
"You hate to boil it down to one issue,
but you can't operate on just good inten-
tions," Rampson said.
FEDERAL budget cuts have forced
PIRGIMs across the , country to
eliminate many paid staff positions, she
-said. "Our presence at the state level
has been weakened by federal cuts in
the Comprehensive Employment
Training Act (CETA) . . . A lot of our
:staff was paid by those funds.
"The (PIRGIM) people in Lansing
are not getting any money coming in,"
tnator say
Rampson said. However, she noted, the
newly formed chapters at Wayne State
and Eastern Michigan universities may
help ease the financial problem.
Rampson said PIRGIM may also
benefit from what she considers a coun-
ter-movement to the Reagan ad-
ministration. She said the emergence of
the "new right" has generated new in-
terest in consumer rights groups.
been running on enthusiasm of the '60s
and '70s and now some new life has
been injected," she said. PIRGIM will
celebrate its 10th anniversary next fall.
Rampson, 23, graduated from the
University last December with a
bachelor's degree in urban studies.
Although until now she has never
worked directly with PIRGIM, she in-
See PIRGIM, Page 3
__ - --- t
Reagan asks
for funds
to increase
production of
nuclear arms
WASHINGTON (AP)- In a quiet move shadowed
by the growing movement for a nuclear arms freeze,
President Reagan has asked Congress for an ad-
ditional $400 million to accelerate production through
Reagan's request for more money to build atomic
bombs \vent to Congress at the very time Senate and
House members were focusing on resolutions calling
for either a gradual arms reduction or an immediate
freeze by the United States and the Soviet Union.
THE PRESIDENT'S March 29 request drew vir-
tually no notice at the time. In recent days, however,
administration officials pointed to the proposed
spending increase as one of the factors driving the
budget deficit higher than the administration had
estimated in February.
Reagan is seeking $97.4 million more for bomb
production in fiscal 1982, which ends in September;
an additional $310.9 million for 1983, and an additional
$1 billion for 1983-87.
Reagan's latest request comes on top of a $1 billion
budget increase for nuclear warhead production
already approved by Congress for 1982 and a further
$800 million increase Reagan is seeking for 1983. Un-
der Reagan's proposal, total spending would climb
from $3.65 billion in 1981 to $5.8 billion next year.
THE LATEST request for more money was
triggered by a recent presidential signing of a
"stockpile memorandum" calling for an accelerated
program of warhead development.
One administration official, who did not want his
name used, said Reagan had to ask Congress to in-
crease spending because he signed the memorandum
after, Feb. 8, when he sent his proposed budget for
1983 to Congress.
See REAGAN, Page 2
The ultimate in preppy
OME PEOPLE hire bodyguards. Others carry
guns. Carl Mann has a three-foot long 'gator guard-
ian. Police learned of Mann's alligator bodyguard
after Detective George Adymy and Officer Mark
Stambach sawahim throw a bag into his car. "We asked him
.. nwhi li ... sA r.4.4.n innant ma am ni ia Lk
it around by its tail, that's illegal." Police Commissioner
James Cunningham said it appears there's no law against
an alligator bodyguard. He added: "If there's no law again-
st it, there should be. I'd hate to run up against that thing on
the street." o
Poor Brooke
Just when the future was looking bright for teen-age
moviestar Brooke Shields, People Magazine had to go and
hold their annual "people pole." Shield's was picked by the
politician with 21 percent. Ted Kennedy, last year's least
trusted politician, turned it around this year and finished
as the second most trusted. El
It just happened
Yesterday, at approximately 2:05, the disaster alarm
sounded. No, it wasn't a martian invasion, nor a warning of-
after Detective George Adymy and Officer Mark
Disaster Preparedness, said city technicians were
repairing a disabled siren and when thev hit the code buttn
being held for twelve hours, they were released.
Also on this date in history:
* 1944 - Lt. Edwin Rackham, of Ann Arbor, was awarded
seven decorations - the air medal and six clusters. He was
a Ninth U.S. Air Force fighter pilot. Rackham attended the
Literary College from 1939 to 1941.
- 1961 - The state senate voted down an increased ap-
propriation for colleges. It would have added 2.5 million to
the total state appropriation. The University would have
received $750,000 if it had been passed.
" 1977 - The Regents voted 6-1 to eliminate the Depar-