Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
crit/t43 U
Temperatures will rise
today to a comfortable up-
per 40s with increasing
lIol. XCII, No. 151
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor; Michigan-Saturday, April'10, 1982
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
" i
'Cattle prod of edu4
Although it compares University
students 'to "steers being pushed and
rodded through the stockyards of
igher education," the controversial
New York Times Selective Guide to
Colleges has become a hot-selling item
on campus in recent weeks.
The book, compiled and edited by
Edward Fiske; the education editor of
the Times, has either sold out or is on
order at most local bookstores.
Ulrich's, which originally didn't even
plan on selling the guide, ordered the
book after receiving many requests
*om their customers. A spokesperson
for Ulrich's said they received about 22
requests, which they said is a lot for a
college guide.
rices fatl
for second
WASHINGTON (AP) -'For the first
time since 1976, wholesale prices tum-
bled two months in a row, falling in
March at an annual rate of 1.7 percent,
1 the government reported yesterday.
The White House called it "further,
evidence we are bringing down the rate
of inflation." Private economists
cautioned, however, that the report
mostly reflected the severe recession
and was not without its costs to the
The slide - matching the decline of
February - was driven by falling food
and energy prices, which registered
their sharpest monthly drop in more
than six years, the Labor Department
"IT IS A GOOD sign and one that is
See WHOiLESALE, Page 3
15ook rates U'ctasses
BUT DESPITE its popularity-or
perhaps because of it-the book has
generated a small storm of criticism
from people who claim it is a
misleading and at times inaccurate
guide to the nation's campuses.
Unlike other college guides, which
provide primarily statistical and fac-
tual data, Fiske's guide offers
assessments of six broad categories:
academics, student body, housing,
food, social life, and quality of life.
xl life low
Fiske also uses a five-star. system
which rates academics, social life, and
quality of life.
The University rates five stars
academically, but only.three on social,
life and quality of life. The guide says
that the University "ranks in the top
five or 10 schools in the country," and
refers to is as the "mother of state
THE GUIDE says the University em-
ploys some of the biggest names in each
WLLGESr ________
profession to teach, and that these
"academic stars" are easily accessible
even to first- and second-year un-
Although the academic pressure is in-
tense, according to the guide, the cam-
pus is alive on all weekends-especially ii:
during football season-"and totally
out of control if the Wolverines happen
to get past Ohio State and into the Rose
"He really captured the personality
of the school," remarked LSA junior
Carla Grey about the Fiske guide. "It
sounds like the guy was here. He tells it
like it is, and it's a much better guide
than the cut and dried ones that only tell
you statistics."
See COLLEGE, Page 2
YA ~ *
Off center
This dizzying labyrinth of diagonals is niot intended to give headaches to ,onlookers,
students gathering to reminisce or just hang out. It is the roof of the new Alumni Center.
fight British
if attacked.
km -
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
but shelter former University
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP)-
Argentina poured more reinforcements
into the Falkland Islands yesterday,
broadcast air raid instructions in a
major coastal city, and warned it would
defend itself if Britain attacked.
The Pentagon announced in
Washington that U.S. merchant ships
had been advised to stay away from the
200-mile war zone around the Falklands
that Britain declared effective Monday,
but said the notice "in no way con-
stitutes" U.S. policy in the dispute.
Twenty-one Americans were reported
on the islands.
SECRETARY of State Alexander
Haig was expected in Buenos Aires last
night from London for peace-seeing
talks with President Leopoldo Galtieri
and Foreign Minister Costa Mendez.
"If Britain persists in its hard-
headedness and attacks, we will defend
ourselves," Costa Mendez told repor-
ters. On Thursday he said "the danger}
of war with Britain is fading.
Labor and political leaders, echoing a
call from a Buenos Aires radio station,
urged Argentines to gather in the Plaza
de Mayo across from Government
House this morning, in a mass show of
support for the seizing of the Falklands
after 149 years of British rule.
DESPITE THE Good Friday holiday,
hundreds of Argentines waited outside
the Defense Ministry to volunteer for
military duty. Officials said "thousan-
ds" had volunteered since the office
opened Wednesday.
Argentina continued flying troops
and munitions from coastal air bases to
the islands, which Argentines call the
Malvina Islands, in preparation for a
possible attack by a British armada
heading for the archipelago 250 miles
off Argentina's southern tip.
New GM pact narrowly ratified
DETROIT (AP) - In the closest
ratification vote ever at General
Motors Corp., auto workers approved a
new contract which will save the com-
pany $2.5 billion over the next 30 mon-
ths, the United Auto Workers announ-
ced yesterday.
The accord, ratified amid the longest
auto industry slump in half, a century,
"should stop the hemorrhaging of our
jobs and bring many thousands of our
laid-off members back to work," said
UAW President Douglas Fraser.
WHEN THE pact takes effect Mon-
- day, it will mark the first time in
automotive industry history that
workers at each of the nation's top
three companies have contracts gran-
ting concessions to their employers,
said inudstry analyst Arvid Jouppi of
Colin Hochstin Co. in Detroit.
The union announced that 52 percent
of those casting ballots favored the
pact, which passed by a vote of 114,468
to 105,090.
The contract eliminates annual wage
increases and nine paid personal
holidays a year and defers three cost-
of-living allowance increases. Analysts
estimate the savings over the life of the
pact, to Sept. 14, 1984, at $2.5 billion.
GM IS RESCINDING four announced
plant closings, saving more than 8,000
jobs, and is agreeing to a limited
moratorium on further plant closings.
The contract covers 470,000 active
and laid-off hourly employees at the No.
1 automaker's plants in the United
David Lewis, president of the Society
of Automotive Historians and a
professor of business listory at the
University, said it is the closest margin
at GM since the UAW's first contract
with the automaker was signed in 1937.
THE ACCORD almost went down to
defeat because GM made a profit last
year and because of traditional worker
distrust for the nation's 'largest
automaker, said UAW Vice President
Owen Bieber, in charge of the union's
GM department.
Chrysler Corp. won more than $440
million in concessions from the UAW in
1979 and 1980 while Ford Motor Co. is
gaining $1 billion in savings from the
UAW in a contract signed March 1.
The union and GM started con-
cessions talks Jan. 11 but the
negotiations broke off Jan. 28 on the
issue of job security for autoworkers
and because of widespread opposition
among GM workers.
THE TALKS resumed March 12 after
GM announced seven plant closings and
the Ford pact was signed.
Fraser said most of the votes in op-
position to the pact with GM, which had
a profit oif $333 million last year, came
from assembly plants and facilities that
make non-car items.
The non-car plants have not had as
many layoffs as the other plants. Em-
ployees at plants threatened with,
closure voted overwhelmingly for the
accord, Fraser said.
THE OTHER Big Three companies
have fared worse than GM in the in-
dustry slump, which has lasted for
three years. Ford lost $1.06 billion in
1981 and its newly won concessions con-
tract with UAW was a pattern-setter for
the GM talks.
Alfred Warren, GM's vice president
in charge of industrial relations, said
the contract "opens a new chapter in
American labor relations."
a painful step
declare MSA
At about 2:30 a.m. yesterday, exhausted elections
officials, after having spent two full days sifting
through ballots, counted the last votes cast in this
week's Michigan Student Assembly and determined
the final list of winners.
Elections workers, who had converted MSA's
Michigan Union offices into a temporary election
center for the past few days, were finished by about
1:30 a.m. counting the ballots from all of the
University's 17 schools and colleges, except for the
largest, LSA.
AFTER ALL the votes had been recorded, it was
clear that both of the two ballot proposals won very
easy approval from students, with almost twice as
many "yes" votes as "no" ballots. But the results of
the proposals are non-binding and will simply be used
to guide the lobbying efforts of the newly-elected
MSA officials.
If the MSA Election Court certifies the election
results Monday - as it is expected to do - the new
MSA administration will take over the assembly in
the regular meeting Tuesday.
See MSA, Page 3
"T I
These Burton Tower clocks present students with a puzzling dilemma-
deciding whether they are almost late or bright and early for their 5 o'clock
Hopping mad in Cleveland
Performances by a male stripper and a woman dressed
as a Playboy bunny at a Cleveland Parent Teacher
Association dinner has gotten parents in a suburban school
district "hopping" mad. The incident at the Lincoln School
PTA was brought to the attention of the Wickliffe Board of
Education Wednesday night at its regular meeting. Parent..
offensive. They added that those who were offended should
have left. PTA President Pam DePalma defended the bun-
ny's appearance at the meeting. She explained one of the
mothers dressed up as a Playboy bunny to kid the Lincoln
Principal Dominic Mongiardo, who for 14 years has
jokingly asked for a life subscription to Playboy magazine.
"So as a joke one of the mothers dressed as a bunny and
gave him one issue," Mrs. DePalma said. She said the
group did not pay for the male stripper who was sent by a
firm that delivers in-person telegrams. "We still don't know
who naid for it" she said. Ah. life in beautiful Cleveland is
and I'm not sorry for it a bit," Lawyer said in an interview
after Monday's match. Kaufman, who weighs in at 165
pounds, is recuperating from a whiplash injury to his neck
when Lawler twice slammed him into the mat headfirst.
"No more wrestling," the co-star of ABC's "Taxi" said. "I
never thought he would pick me up and throw me down. I
was doing comedy and he was doing real." For two years,
Kaufman rhas wrestled women as part of his comedy
routine, and had proclaimed himself "Intergender
Wrestling Champion of the World." He was challenged by
Lawler after a match against a woman in Memphis last
ficer Training Corp program. More than 50 students were
injured during a massive arrest by riot-outfitted police.
Also on this date in history:
* 1973 - University President Robben Fleming asked the
Regents for a tuition hike of from 5 to 7 percent - an in-
crease described by some of the Regents as "uh-
* 1973 - University art historians reflected on the death
of Pablo Picasso, terming his passing as "the end of a great
era" in painting.
" 1980 - Young radicals holding 50 Americans in Tehran,