01 1 OPINION Page 4' 1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Friday,. April 9, 1982 Robotics and the The Michigan Daify Uy University: Vol. XCII,)No. 150 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Tackling the social problems Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Waking up to the reviews We cannot make our} decisions about the fate of any particular program merely on the intrinsic merits of that program, but only in reference to this overall goal of reallocation. -Billy Frye, February 8 Thelabove statement represents the University administration's approach to cutting the budget, as outlined by the vice president for academic affairs in a memo to his planning staff. In tran- slation, Dr. Frye is saying that quality programs will be reduced or eliminated in order to beef up those departments designated as "high priority" by Frye, his staff, and the elite and secret society of the Budget Priorities Committee. The recently announced decision to review the Schools of Art, Education, and Natural Resources was made on the basis of the above stated method. Meanwhile, Frye has been able to convince the deans of these schools that their programs may come away from the review, process with nary a scratch, once the schools have proved themselves worthy of continued sup- port.. Paying. JUST AS GASOLINE is becoming cheaper, a growing number of congressmembers and administration officials are proposing a tax that would raise prices nearly 12 cents a gallon. The plan calls for a $5 to $10 fee for ,each barrel of crude oil imported by the United States. Proponents argue the tax could be used to reduce the federal budget deficit, cut our oil im- ports, and serve as the death blow to the bickering Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Unfortunately, the world is not so simple. With 1983 deficits projected to >e over $100 billion, revenues from the tax (expected to be less than $10 billion) would hardly solve the budgetary problems of the nation. Certainly the tak would help reduce imports, but at considerable costs to consumers who enjoyed the prospect of lower fuel costs. Middle and upper glass families could probably absorb The deans have told their faculty members and students this "good news," and nobody seems to be worried. It's high time to wake up. With the stated objective of cutting a total of $20 million from one budget and shifting that money to others, in the next five years something's got to go. And the first schools scheduled for reviews appear to be the easiest can- didates for cuts in the eyes of the cen- tral administration. To achieve its reallocation goals, the administration has two options available now. Either it will reduce each school by a relatively equal amount-in the 15 percent to 30 percent range-or it will hit one school, for the time being, especially hard. The ,,"smaller, but better" philosophy dictates the second option, and that's the one the administration seems ready to use. In either case, trouble is ahead for the schools given the dubious honor of being reviewed first. To look at the reviews merely as a chance to prove one's worth is a mistake, as Frye has declared. Although the positive approach will be more pleasant for the next few months, somebody is in for a rude awakening next year. for fuel such price increases. But the poor, already reeling from drastic cuts in social programs, would suffer the most. Because gasoline is a necessity, the poor can neither escape, nor ab- sorb higher prices. . The benefits, however, are worth the costs, argue proponents who believe the plan would mean an end to OPEC. Contrary to popular belief, the cartel is far from dead, and the tax would merely indicate the United States' willingness to pay more for its oil. President Reagan is considering the import fee as a way to reduce the budgetary problems he has helped to create. But he is doing so at the expen- se of the poor and the homeowners of the northeast who rely on heating oil to stay warm. If the administration endorses the import fee, it is putting yet another burden on an already beleaguered poor. Not only is the fee unfair-it just won't work. By John Adam There are deep and intriguing social questions that are raised when man tries to build machines in exactly his own image. Robots, modeled after the image of man, have arms, hands, eyes, and brains. In many areas, robots are better and more efficient than their own designers. Some scientists have speculated that as research continues in artificial intelligence, computers and robots will some day think independently and possibly be able to actually "create." WHERE WILL this innovation leave man? Will he be master or servant of his new technology? Granted, these are old questions, but now, as the University prepares to establish world class centers in robotics and biotechnology on campus, these questions on- ce again become relevant. Many activists at the University, who cen- sor robotics because of its relationship to in- dustry and the military, fail to grasp the fact that robotics and integrated manufacturing will soon be an integral part of man's future. The question then becomes, not are robots necessary, but how do we implement their use? This is one important reason the University, should become involved in robotics: at least it can have some direction and voice in this new wave of the future. Would one rather have in- dustry doing all the research and develop- ment in robotics behind sealed corporation doors? A RECFNT Carnegie-Mellon University report, written in conjunction with the Robot Institute of America, states that most recent work done in the field focuses on bypassing and eliminating potential pockets of resistan- ce to robotics. However, not much attention to date has been focused on the social consequences of robotics. There has been little serious discussion on how to cope with human factor concerns, such as retraining displaced workers, the study claims. This is the area where the University should now take the initiative in establishing a multi- disciplinary center for conducting research on the social trends and implications of new technologies such as robotics and bio- technology. WITH A MINIMUM of effort, the Univer-. sity could immediately become the nation's leader in a program or center of this sort. The state and the University should im- mediately attempt to establish a "Social Im- plications of Technology Task Force" to con- sider the development of such a revolutionary institute. All that is needed for such a center is for various elements to coalesce. The state already contains certain unique assets that could be used. Consider these examples: The Robotics Institute of America, the 6 a Workers ready robots for a promotional show. AP Photo only trade association in the United States dealing with robotics, is headquartered in Michigan. It helps sponsor educational seminars, conferences and expositions and has a membership of more than 155 major companies. Robotics International, a society of engineers and other professionals, also has its headquarters in Michigan and, although founded in 1980, it already has a membership of more than 3500 people. - Michigan is in the center of the manufac- turing area of the country. In other words, it is in the center where the effects of robotics will be most immediate. Thus, conducting surveys and technology assessment with help from the United Auto Workers union is a distinct possibility. " In the Institute for Social Research, the University already has a strong foundation with their sophisticated computer network and data base, their research techniques, and a large cluster of-social scientists. " If the state's Industrial Technology In- stitute and .the., University's Center for Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing are in fact successful in creating a world class robotics center near Ann,Arbor, then a social institute of this sort will be in the crux of the state-of-the-art robotics technology and will be in a better position to react to social problems created by robotics. In short, the centers of technology and social research will be complementary. Both ITI chief Arch Naylor and Engineering College Dean James Duderstadt have em- phasized the need to conduct.social research on the effects of these new technologies. But the social scientists have remained silent. What can a center like this do and why are existing social institutions inadequate, a per- son might respond. Thefirst part of thy question implies the latter part-today's social research institutions are largely inadequate. They react, rather than predict. They concentrate on alleviating problems of ten years ago rather than anticipating poten- tial ones. a OF COURSE IT can be argued that no one will ever be able to predict social upheavals created by technology. In any case, the lag time must be narrowed. It is also conceivable that in the near future, citizens may have to make a choice about controlling technology?, (For instance, do we want to clone humans order babies to our specifications from Sears catalogues-or do we want robots who can win Nobel prizes?) Thus, it is essential that we are well informed as to the possible im4 plications of various scenarios, rather than basing our opinions on some, science fiction horror film. - The University can now become a leader and innovator. It should not wait for Stanford or MIT to develop such centers. In the words of Engineering Dean James Duderstadt, the University is "tailor:made" to carry out social research of this nature. What is thu University waiting for? Adam is a Daily staff writer. II. Weasel By Robert Lence \I f =7 0?om .mid4* LaJ w&A to-~ r, c - rneak 46 .$ - 614 THEE.. THAT "OUGH-TA TEACH V -: .LILE NooDLuPXS. 600y WORK, I LO. NcAOW LE.TS BEAT IT BEFORE THE Dcae oI~. V' 0 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Witt gets low marks for generalizing I I - - i. 0 -CARIOTS OF FIRE To the Daily: The one thing that I have lear- ned from reading The Michigan Daily is that it is perfectly accep- table to state that Howard Witt, of the Opinion Page, deals only in generalizations and self- aggrandizement. I have read Witt's column most every week for the past few years and have noticed that the only development in his comprehen- sion of the world, or of the University community, or even of himself, has been the trying decision to alter the title of his column from "Witticisms" to "Howard Witt". Unfortunately, for Witt and we who read him, he compose juvenile generalizations of the "sour-grapes" ilk and proceed to announce to the University community, at large, that he does not wish to be a part of a club that would not have him as a member. I refer to Witt's chastizing those students who were listed by the University as James B. Angell Scholars (those who have earned straight A's for two or more terms). ,Witt sees such an honor as worthless, for everyone knows that a student cannot possibly "develop breadth and understanding unless you ex- tend yourself, take a few courses on subjects you know nothing about. And you don't get straight column is devoted to the young man's advice as to what courses one ought to enroll in if one wishes to achieve breadth. I agree that all students should take Art History 102, History of Music 341, and Shakespeare 367 (all large lecture courses, by the way, just like those useless cour- ses on Chemistry or Psychology). However, Witt cannot possibly mean that the University ought to give up praising scholastic ex- cellence and automatically assume that everyone who receives A's is taking only a narrow range of courses. The courses that Witt mentions, and the professors he praises, are all ticular course material. Witt, I am sorry you have suf- fered the .stinging insult of "B's and a few C's" - most of us have - but you weaken your valid argument for students actively seeking a liberal arts education by stupidly linking breadth of un- derstanding with average or below average performance (i.e., B's, C's, and heaven forbid, D's on one's transcript). Oddly enough, a student can, simultaneously, become exposed to different ideas and ways of thinking and do well in his or her coursework. Perhaps that piece of information sits uncomfor- tably in the singular mind of Un.'. r ...4 U74 .i