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April 06, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-04-06

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ria e f
gu nmal
The 26-year-old Ann Arbor man
charged in last Tuesday's shooting
spree downtown may plead temporary
insanity if he is found to be competent
to stand trial, his attorney said yester-
Any defense for William Hackett -
charged with assault with intent to
murder, and malicious destruction of
property valued at more than $100 -
will be decided after Hackett undergoes
psychiatric testing, according to Chief
Public Defender Lloyd Powell.
POWELL SAID he requested the
tests, which are being conducted by the
Center for Forensic Psychiatry in York
Township, because Hackett was
"disoriented and could not converse
normally" when they met. The tests
will determine whether Hackett is
competent to stand trail, and whether
he "knows the difference between right
and wrong," Powell said.
Police arrested Hackett last
Tuesday night on North First Street, af-

may be
ense for
ter a shooting spree in which he is ac-
cused of firing more than 30 rounds
from a .22 caliber rifle at more than 50
policemen and at nearby buildings.
Among those shots, six were
allegedly directed at policed sharp
shooter Gary Stewart, who returned the
fire and hit the ledge of a window from
which Hackett was allegedly firing.
IF HE IS convicted of the assault
charge, Hackett could receive a
maximum sentence of life in prison,
although police said such a severe sen-
tence is unlikely.
The property destruction charge
against Hackett carries a maximum
penalty of five years in prison.
Public Defender Powell said that "it
is still too early in the game" to decide
Hackett's defense. If his client is found
competent to stand trial, Powell said,
an insanity defense will probably be
used. "It is my understanding that he
(Hackett) was receiving psychiatric
treatment before the shooting," he

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 6, 1982-Page 3v
Students to vote in

MSA elections
By GEORGE ADAMS must rank
order of
Students from every sector of the number ofF
University will be heading for the polls also may v
today and tomorrow to cast their votes the position
in the Michigan Student Assembly's The balls
general elections. or no answ
Students will be voting for president, STUDEF
vice president, and 35 representatives roughly in
for the campus-wide student gover- mal poll by
nment. There also will be two ballot questioned
proposals, the results of which will be six said th
non-binding and will serve only to in- undecided.
form MSA officials of the opinions of they had n
students. tions were1
ALL STUDENTS may vote for a LSA s
president and vice president, but may echoed the
vote only for those representatives he will vol
from the school in which they are about thec
enrolled. for me just
When voting for president and vice' nothing ab
president, students will simply place a Some stu
mark next to the names of the can- positive at
didates they wish to vote for. When Rebecca S
voting for the representatives of the said she wi
particular schools, however, students who wins.'

candidates numerically in,
preference, up to the total
seats in the school. Students
write in candidates for any of
ot proposals require only yes
NT DESIRE to vote is split'
half, according to an infor
y the Daily. Of the 16 students.
d, seven said they would vote;
ey would not, and three were:°
. Of those last three, two said
ot been aware that the elec,-
being held.
ophomore Jeffrey Milstein.
se feelings, saying he doubts
te because "I know nothing:-
candidates. It would be silly'
t to put down choices if I knot
out them."
udents, however, had a more
titude toward the elections;
Smith, an LSA sophomore,f
ll vote because "I care about

.. :
, ,.

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Bird's eye bargains
As seen from the unusual height of nearly 30 feet above, these Nickels Ar-
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HAPPENINGS- Seniors make pledges
to Business School.

Dotes: WED. APRIL 7 8:30 PM
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y n

The College Democrats have invited U.S. Senator Don Riegle to meet with
students today at Good Time Charley's, 1104S. University, from 6:30 to 9:00
p.m. Tickets are available in the fishbowl, Union, College Democrats, and at
the door. Donation: $1.00, includes off on first pitcher of beverage.
Women's Studies - In the Best Interest of Children, 12-1 p.m., 2203 Angell.
RC/AC - The Year of the Communes, 8 p.m., 126 E. Quad.
Mich. Theatre-Mark of the Beast, 7 p.m., A Flight of Rainbirds, 9 p.m.
Russian and East European Studies - George Breslauer, "Is There a
Generation Gap inthe Soviet Political Elite?" noon, Lane Hall.
Near Eastern and North African Studies - Joseph Szyliowicz,
"Technology, Culture;& Politics in the Contemporary Middle East," 8p.m.,
E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Bioengineering and Physiological Acoustics - Shyam Khanna, "Inter-
ferometry & Basilar Membrane Motion in the Cat," 4 p.m., 1213 E. Eng.
Christian Science Student Org. - Gordon Clarke, "Christian Science: The
Touch of Spirit," 8p.m., Pendleton Rm., Union.
ECB-ECB Faculty, "Fvaluating Students' Progress in Writing II," 4
p.m., 2553 LSA.
Urban Planning - Jack Rothman, "Perspectives on Social Intervention,"
11 a.m., 1040Dana.
Hispanic-American Student Services - Anthony Bonilla, "The Disman-
tling of Affirmative Action: What it Means for Hispanics," 4 p.m., Rackham
Geological Sciences - Turner Piper, "Subsidence Resulting From
Solution Mining," 4 p.m., 4001 CC Little.-
National Lawyers Guild - Chokwe Lumumba, "Do Political Dissidents
Lose the Right to Their Attorney's," 7:30 p.m., 116 Hutchins Hall.
Rudolph Steiner Inst. - Ernst Katz, "The.Mystery of Golgotha," 8 p.m.,
1923 Geddes Ave.
Ecumenical Ctr. - Elissa Miller, "Repression and Resistance in
Guatemala," noon, Int. Ctr.
Psycobiology - Donald Nielson & Robert Turner, "Cochlear
Micromechanics," 12:30 p.m., 1057 MRHI.
Chemistry - Paul Rasmussen, "Tetracyanobiimidazole: A Polyploid of
Distinction," 4p.m., 3003 Chem.
Program In American Culture - Gerald Moran, "Woman and Religion in
Early America," 4 p.m., E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
CCS Bag Lunch -Raoul Birnbaum, "Divination and Prognostication in
Chinese Religion," noon, Commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Baptist Student Union - 7:30 p.m., 2408 Mason Hall.
Botticelli Game Players - noon, Dominick's.
Folk Dance Club - Beginning Instruction, 7 p.m., request, 8 p.m., Advan-
ced Beginners, 8:30 p.m., Union.
Amnesty International -7 p.m., Welker Rm., Union.
Wildlife Society - 4 p.m., 1040 SNR Dana.
CEW -12 p.m., Center Library.
Tau Beta Pi - 7:30 p.m., 140 BSAD.
Amer. Chem. Soc. Students - tutoring, 10-12 noon, 1210 Chem.
Ann Arbor Tenants Union - Workshop, "Rights and Responsibilities of
Tenants,"7-9 p.m., Couzens Lounge.
Michigan Council for the Arts - Grants Assistance Days, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Ann Arbor Music Mart - Clinic by Tommy Tedesco on guitar, 3 p.m., 336
S. State.
Field Museum - Kroc Environmental Field Trips-Registration opens.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings; The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
TEUEE'enA w Ev I L M Rc ieimiaKu


By the time of graduation, some
students swear they'll never give
another dime to the University. Yet
many seniors in the School of Business
have decided that a few more checks
for the school's "student pledge
program" are worthwhile.
Initiated by business students three
years ago, the pledge program solicits
five-year pledges from graduating
bachelors students and second-year
masters students.
"THE MONEY is used to smooth out
areas which are underfunded," said
Frank Wilhelm, director of alumni
relations and the business school
general fund. The University en-
courages the program, Wilhelm said,
because it "contributes to the Univer-
sity's reputation, particularly since
more and more emphasis is being
placed on professional schools."
Because expectations from in-
dividuals vary, the pledge campaign
committee has established a three-
part program: A$50-x plan, the $25-x
plan, and the do-it-yourself plan. Under
the first two plans, students pledge the
amount multiplied by the number of
years since graduation, and the first
pledge gift is due in the fall after
By last Friday, 75 students had
pledged, and committee members said
they expect a lot of last-minute
pledges. The campaign ends this
"WE'RE LOOKING to get more
participation, but the campaign has
been successful in that we're getting
people involved, and aware of the cam-
paign," said Jane Marsden, a member
of the committee. "It's sort of a
grassroots effort to help the school."
Marsden said the reactions of
business school seniors to the program
runs the full gamut. "A lot of people tie
their pledges to their job offer," she
Committee member Cindy Green-
berg said the majority of students who
won't pledge say they aren't willing to
eI eVI

make the decision. But "even if studen-
ts haven't given in the student cam-
paign, in the future it will be easier to
get money from them."
DURING LAST year's campaign,
one-third of the school's bachelors
graduates pledged, and one-half of the
masters students pledged.
Charlie Rothstein, a graduating MBA,
explained that the goal of the program
is "to create a lasting tie, a bond," bet-
ween faculty, alumni, and students in
order to raise $15 million for new
"I think it's a good thing," said
second-year MBA Greg Wishbow.
"Historically, it's not been easy to get
help from alumni. We're going to have
to compensate for it with student sup-
"BUT I would want to earmark my
money for a certain fund - for exam-
ple, placement," he said. "After
talking with the campaignmembers, it
sounds like it won't be done this way. If
I can't, I'll probably give less."
Although the School of Business is
unique among schools and colleges on
this campus in its student pledge
program, Wilhelm said other Univer-
sities and colleges - including Texas
Christian, TheeUniversity of Chicago,
and the University of California at
Berkley - have similar programs.
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