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April 02, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-04-02

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir igan


Mostly cloudy, windy,
and warmer today with a
chance of rain by after-
noon, high in the mid 60s.

Ten Cents Twelve Pages

XCIL No. 144

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 2, 1982

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


'New faeulty



. (AP)- The same kind of strong
winds that delayed the landing of the
space shuttle Columbia by one day
thtreatened Thursday to delay the shut-
tle's return flight to the Kennedy Space
Jim Harrington, ground operations
manager at Northrup Strip, said gusts
more than 30 knots were blowing the
fine white gypsum into the air Thur-
sday afternoon, at times reducing
visibility to 200 feet.
0 "WE HAD some extra time factored
into our schedule, so we're not really
losing any time right now because
we're still ahead of schedule,"
Harrington said. "But we can't get
everything done while the wind is
blowing and how long that's going to
last is anybody's guess right now."
National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
Ministration officials are on a tight
schedule to ready the shuttle for its next
ission, scheduled for June 27. A key
rt of that schedule is the operation at
Northrup Strip, where technicains were
removing propellants and checking
pyrotechnics on the spacecraft Thur-

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
DIE-HARD FANS of the annual Hash Bash gather in the Diag yesterday. Turnout at the infamous event was significan-
tly down from previous years.
Hash Bash turnout declines

The first major faculty analysis of a
proposal to create a Michigan Research
Corporation gave a cautious endor-
sement of the plan to market some
University research breakthroughs.
The MRC, which was first suggested
by a faculty report last summer, would
be a University corporation that would
help. match University researchers
with private industries that could profit
from particular research projects.
ACCORDING to the plan, the results
of a researcher's work, if they had in-
dustrial applications, could be
marketed to private businesses so that
both the University and the individual
researcher could profit from the

Some faculty members, however,
were wary of the plan, claiming that
such .a corporation might distort the
goals of academic research and en-
courage applicable, profitable research
over "pure" research.
Yesterday's report, prepared by a
University faculty member and a
research staff member, acknowledged
that the establishment of an actual cor-
poration might not be necessary to
marketing research, but concluded that
the MRC plan is probably the best way
to find outlets for University research.
The new report-prepared by Walton
Hancock, professor of industrial
engineering, and Larry Crocket; a
program manager within the Univer-
,ee SECOND, Page 9

The sun was out, the weather was
warm, and a few hundred high school
students and area residents straggled
onto the Diag yesterday for the April 1
Hash Bash. But the turnout-the
smallest in years-and the fact that
very few of those who showed even

tried to smoke marijuana led police and
local officials to declare triumphantly
that the annual event was finally
"It's really dead," pronounced-police
Capt. Kenneth Klinge, who was one of
about 20 officers who strolled around
the Diag throughout the day, quickly

confronting anyone who displayed a
pipe or a joint.
POLICE arrested a dozen Hash
Bashers during the course of the day,
most of them on charges of possession
of marijuana. One young man led of-
ficers on a 200-yard chase over the
See HASH, Page 5


Blow advocates basic services

Running unopposed for the Second,
Ward City Council seat in the upcoming
April 5 election, Republican. James
Blow is centering his campaign on the
city's responsibility to provide basic
services without increasing taxes.
"It's not a good time to ask people to
tax themselves," Blow said. "Although
it may anger Ann Arbor residents, this
necessitates a cut in city services. It
wood be nice to please everybody, but
when push comes to shove, my first
city elections '82
concern is the welfare of the city," he
IT IS POSSIBLE to maintain the
basic services, according to Blow, by
eliminating the "extras" called.for by
many of this year's ballot proposals.
For instance, he said, he opposes
Proposal A, which would make the city

a public utility supplier of energy.
"City Council shouldn't be responsible
for energy," Blow said. "Energy
should be under the jurisdiction of
private enterprise. I'm not convinced
that there's enough validity or research
to warrant asking people for more
Proposal D - which calls for general
street repairs financed by tax dollars
- is unnecessary because taxes should
not be raised for a basic city service,
according to Blow.
THE MICHIGAN Theatre issue,
however, is one that should concern
both the city government and the tax-
payers. "Proposals E and F will
preserve the theatre," he explained.
"It benefits the city. All they need is
the half-million dollars for repair."
Blow also said he supports Proposal
B , which calls for specific street
repairs on South State Street and at the
intersection of Plymouth Road, Wall
See SECOND, Page 7

.. . keep basic services

Candidate from fourth
ward wants tax cuts

Cutting taxes is the most important
priority for the city, according to
Republican Gerald Jernigan, running
unopposed for the Fourth Ward City
Council seat.
"We need to keep expenditures low,'
Jernigan said. "This means everybody
taking a little less of the pie."
MAINTAINING a balanced budget
may involve a cut in city services, but
eliminating waste in the budget will be
an important part of the process, he
Jernigan said he opposes all but one
of the proposals on the April 5 ballot
because they are wasteful, and would

cause unnecessary tax hikes. "Ann Ar-
bor residents shouldn't be forced to pay
for basic city services," he said. "The
economy's current condition doesn't
allow room for extras."
Proposal B-which calls for new road
construction on South State Street and
the intersection of Plymouth Road,
Wall Street, and Maiden Lane-receives
Jernigan's support, he said, because
the federal government will match city
funds for the projects.
HOUSING AND energy, however, are
two areas which are not major concer-
ns for the City Council, according to
See TAX, Page 7

Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Law Quadrangles
The Law Quad lighting at night provides different reflections than what we otherwise see. The magazine Architectural
Digest features the library in its current issue.

...no room for extras

Doggy diet
D UKE'S PROBLEM was the battle of the bulge.
The dog was nine pounds overweight and faced
being evicted by a condominium association

tee that the association won't bother him or his dog again.
"After all this, I'm not going to drop this," he said, adding
that the case has "ruined my life for a year." He said he
and Duke were "put on scales like a couple of dogs."
"They're wrong and they know it," Sattler said.
A computerized joke collection containing dirty, racist
and sexist humor has been removed from Stanford Univer-

McKay is coming out with a history of toilet paper, but he's
missing examples from the Royal family. "The Ultimate
Leaf Book" chronicles toilet paper from it's earliest ap-
pearance to the present. "The text is authoritative and
lavishly furnished with actual samples taken from such
places as the Louvre, and the Vatican he said. "All I really
need is 30 sheets from the royal family," McKay said. Q
T h ano J T) > rl rn

* 1946 - University president declares need for more
stringent punishment for students caught cheating. He
suggested a discontinuance of the honor system.
*1921 - West Quad resident wins $10 for eating ten gold-
fish in the dorm cafeteria.
On the inside. .
Th pnio n P a, iloka theasfo elino





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