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January 12, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-12

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom




Temperatures will rise
slightly today, with high's
expected in the teens.

Vol. XCII, No. 83

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 12, 1982

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

cold spell
The current record-breaking cold
spel has claimed at least 52 lives
nationwide, including five in Michigan,
and left hundreds of travelers stranded
on the road throughout ,the state, but
life at the University and in Ann Arbor
has continued almost as usual.
It is very unlikely that the University
will cancel classes according to
University spokesman Joel Berger, ex-
plaining that an inlement weather day
is usually declared because of ex-
cessive snowfall, not cold weather.
EVEN WHEN an inclement weather
day is declared, Berger said, "The
University never closes down entirely."
Each department decides which ac-
tivities will continue.
Colleges in some of the harder hit
areas of the state cancelled classes for
the day, including Western Michigan
University in Kalamazoo, and Northern
Michigan University at Marquette.
For the first time in seven years, all
Ann Arbor public schools closed
because of the extreme cold, according
to Assistant Superintendent Bob
Moseley. Moseley added that the
schools shut down an average of two to
three days each year because of heavy
UNIVERSITY President Harold
Shapiro and other University ad-
ministrators make the decision to
declare an inclement weather day. The
last one occurred on Feb. 10, 1981
because of excessive snow, Berger
About 12 cases of frostbite, treated at
University Hospital and the University
Poison Center, were the only weather-
related injuries reported at the
University. Barbara DeLancey, of the
center, also reported several cases of
respiratory problems.
See ANN ARBOR, Page 3

Flint OKs
'U' therapy

'Te Faculty Assembly of the University
of Michigan-Flint yesterday
unaminously approved the proposal to
relocate the University's Physical
Therapy Department to the Flint cam-
The Regents will vote Thursday on
whether to transfer the department,
which, if approved, will take place next
ACCORDING TO Margarette Eby, -
provost and vice-chairman for
academic affairs in Flint, the proposal
passed in its original form except for a
few "minor recommendations"
suggested by the Program Develop-
ment Committee at Flint.
Eby said the minor recommendations
included requests that the Regents
guarantee financial support from foun-
dations and hospitals for the program,
a mechanism for review, and the
creation of a new physical therapy unit
at Flint in which to maintain the
Eby said that the program will be
temporarily housed in the College of
Arts and Sciences, but the University
Code and Governance Committee plans
to create a new unit soon and will
deliver a progress report at the Assem-
bly's March meeting.
"I WOULD LIKE to say we are very
pleased," Eby said, "and it is our ex-
pectation and desire to have this unit in
place in time for the program's move in,
the Fall."
According to Eby, there is "strong
support from (Flint) area hospitals,"
noting that five have communicated
their support directly to the Flint ad-
However, Jim Dolecki, Chief
Physical Therapist at Ann Arbor
Veteran's Administration Hospital, ex-
pressed concern over long-range effec-

... happy with Flint vote


ts the program's move would have on
Ann Arbor area hospitals.
"THE PURPOSE of this program is
not to stock therapists for Flint
hospitals," Dolecki said. "One of the
goals of the program is to stock
therapists for the whole state."
According to Dolecki, there would
probably be no immediate impact on
the VA hospital,butas staff members
leave to take other positions, "it will
effect the program considerably."
"I would have liked to see the
program stay on main (the Ann Arbor)
campus," Dolecki said, adding that VA
Physical therapy staff members see
their role as educators in the physical
therapy department decreasing as the
See FLINT, Page 3



Daily Photo by BRAN MASCK
STACEY ROSS bundles against the arctic air yesterday outside the Graduate Library.


critici ze
Responding to complaints that
students are being denied easy access
to voter registration in Ann Arbor, City
Administrator Terry Sprenkel yester-
day promised to set up classes for
training deputy voter registrars early
next month.
Members of several campus
organizations met with Sprenkel
yesterday after having been unsuc-
cessful for several months in their ef-
forts to arrange -for the training
sessions, which are required before a
person may be deputized.
DEPUTY registrars may go door-to-
door or set up tables in the community
to register voters for elections. In
previous years, members of the Public
Interest Research Group in, Michigan
have been deputized and have
registered as many as 1,500 students
each year, according to PIRGIM mem-
ber Dave DeVarti, a deputy registrar.'
The February classes will enable
deputy registrars to register voters for
the April city general election, but no
new deputies will be trained in time for

Students protest
troop training

... promises training classes
the Feb. 15 primary election. A person
must be registered 30 days prior to an
election in order to vote..
Representatives of the LSA Student
Government, the Ann Arbor Tenants
Union, and the Michigan Citizens Lobby
said last night they were disappointed
that the city was unable to arrange for
the classes in time for the primary, but
were pleased with Sprenkel's promise
to arrange for the training of at least 50
deputy registrars next month.
GWYNNE KOSTIN, a representatii*
of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, said
she has been trying since early Novem-
ber to arrange for the classes. Kostin
said she had been given a tentative date
for two sessions, but they were later
canceled by the city clerk.
The campus groups were given a
See CAMPUS, Page 3

Chanting "Two-four-six-eight, Bonzo
is the head of state," about 85 demon-
strators braved sub-zero temperatures
on the Diag yesterday to protest the
training of Salvadoran troops in the
United States.
Sponsored by the Latin Solidarity
Committee, the noon rally was one of
more than 100 protests scheduled
around the country demonstrating
against the training of Salvadoran in-
fantrymen at Ft. Bragg, N.C. By mon-
th's end, 1500 soldiers - at least seven
percent of El Salvador's army - will be
receiving training in the United States
at a reported cost to the taxpayers of
$18 million.
AS THE FIRST group of Salvadoran
soldiers began infantry training
yesterday at Fort Bragg, more than 200
protestors demonstrated against the
program, saying it would lead to
another Vietnam war.
An advance party 6f 60 Salvadoran
soldiers began basic training in the use
of firearms, anti-tank guns and howit-
zers, navigation, leadership, physical
training and medical combat support.
The soldiers arrived at Pope Air Base
THE DIAG RALLY culminiated in a

march to ROTC headquarters at North
Hall - billed as the first such march
since the vietnam era.
Describing the training program as
"an attempt to bolster the Salvadoran
military while avoiding "the political
risks of sending more U.S. military ad-
visors to El Salvador," Peter Petesch,
the LASC spokesman who led the rally,
accused the United States of fostering
"genocide" in the Central American
"Over 30,000 people - mostly
civilians - have been murdered by
military and paramilitary forces in just
the last two years," Petesch claimed.
'The U.S. has been the sustaining force
in financing and preparing the junta for
these atrocities."
ALTHOUGH THE event's sponsors
said that due to the weather any turnout
would have been encouraging, the
demonstrators who defied the bitter
winter weather were a much smaller
group than the more than 40 who
gathered on the Diag last March on the
first anniversary of the asassination of
Salvadoran leftist Archbishop Oscar
Most people attending the rally ap-
peared to be affiliated with the event's
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Daily Photo by BRIA(N MASCK
KATHY HAYES carries a sign in yesterday's rally protesting the training of
El Salvadoran soldiers in the United States.

Alarming timing
S TUDENTS ATTEMPTING to hide from the chilly
weather in Modern Language Building classrooms
received an unwelcome interruption yesterday.
A fire alarm went off dunn 11 a.m. classes,
forcing the evacuation of the building. ile firemen, ac-


Are rarely as polite. At 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Lynn Hawkins
was at home when he received a call saying, "Hello, this is
Sears." Although at first it appeared that Sears employees
were putting in double overtime, the call actually came
from a machine telling him to pick up his catalogue order
within the next 12 days. Hawkins went to the store the
following morning and found embarrassed employees
apologizing for the startling hour of the call. Apparently the
machine, programmed to make calls and leave messages
on catalogue orders, either malfunctioned or was not shut
off when the store closed. The machine continued to dial

advancement usually reserved for two-footed patients.
Navajo, a male basset hound, was given braces when he
had some teeth removed, to improve his chances of
becoming a top star of the dog show circuit. Navajo, owned
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, received the services of a
veterinarian and an orthodontist for his delicate operation.
Six of his teeth were removed and a brace was installed,
designed to straighten and strengthen his teeth. The dog
will require special brushing each day, until the braces
come off within the next nine months. Doctors say braces
for canines are becoming more and more common and
n P~dietears ill also become a common canine orthodontic

Brunsberg said. "I don't have that. I don't like to see good
people suffer." Brunsberg said his only monthly expenses
besides food are electricity and water bills. He lives alone,
has no dependents, and said he doesn't want to use his
seniority to cause others hardship. "I've got enough money
stashed away. I can live on it for two years, until I get a
pension," Brunsberg said, adding, "Besides, I've got a good
heart." . o
Oan the inside - -

- I



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