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March 26, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-26

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'R* lk*-kft "5 .ry, Ab-

Ninety-Tiwo Years
Editorial Freedom


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Cloudy today with a good
chance of snow showers.

Vol. XCII, No. 138

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 26, 1982

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Oakland U.
reels from
budget cuts
While University faculty and students await decisions
mn the recent string of program reviews, the Oakland
niversity community is facing a proposed immediate
elirination of seven academic programs, and consolidation
of five others.
In a report issued last week, the Oakland Committee on
Academic Missions and Priorities (CAMP) proposed the
immediate phasing out of the university's programs in
journalism, theater and dance, secondary education, in-
dustrial health and safety, and human resources develop-
The committee also recommended strengthening
'rograms in engineering, computer science, and health
CAMP compiled the report at the request of Oakland's
recently selected President Joseph Champagne, in an effort
to, find the best way to cope with a $4.6 million shortfall in
the university's state appropriation for the 1981-82 fiscal
Champagne told the administrators to review the
"mission" of the university, which has an enrollment of
11,000, to determine what its goals should be during the next
three tofive years.
According to George Feeman, Oakland's acting associate
Aroyost, the proposals are designed to achieve a "balance
teen liberal arts base and the graduate program."
CAMP proposed four criteria on which all departments are
to be reviewed:
Quality- How will the quality of students, faculty, and
general education at Oakland be affected by cuts?
* The relationship of the department to the selected goals
of the university: Which programs are essential.
*,The department's ability to match its goals with resour-
ces: If these goals are not attainable with the present
resources, what increases are necessary? Are these in-
.creases feasible?
' ti See PROGRAM, Page 5.




air controllers

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan
administration acknowledged yester-
day it has rehired three air traffic con-
trollers to the nation's flight system,
but insisted that it was not reversing a
general policy barring reinstatements
White House communications direc-
tor David Gergen said he assumed that
any controllers being rehired were
found to have been victims of
harassmept during the strike. "I am
not awar of any change in policy, cer-
tainly," he said.
THE FEDERAL Aviation Ad-
ministration acknowledged that it
retired Joan Plummer, an air traffic con-
troller from San Antonio, Texas, who
was among 11,500 striking controllers
Reagan fired early last August for
ignoring his order to return to work
within 48 hours.

The FAA also confirmed that two
others have been rehired, but they were
not identified.
FAA spokesman Fred Farrar said
the agency is reviewing 1,000 such
"hardship cases' and that "some"
fired controllers might be reinstated.
AT THE WHITE House, Gergen said,
"Shortly after the incident (the strike)
occurred, we said that individuals who
had been subjected to harassment and
were not able to meet that 48-hour rule
were allowed to come back in."
Linda Gosden, spokeswoman for
Tansportation Secretary Drew Lewis,
declared, "there has been absolutely no
change in -President Reagan's or
Secretary Lewis' position on rehiring
the striking controllers."
In a telephone interview from San

Job market bright
for business grads

*Daily Photo by BR IAN MASCK
Good as Goldfish
The festivities connected with this week's Greek Week celebrations continued last night at the
Michigan Theatre with the Mr. Greek Week competition.'Jay Van Derest of Lambda Chi Alpha
exhibits the style that made him one of the 10 semi-finalists, swallowing a few of the goldfish
that were swimming in the tank he is wearidg.

Union student groups discuss grievances

Although University seniors are
keenly aware of the dampening effect
the economy has had on the job market,
business graduates may not have it so
bad; the number of companies
recruiting in the School of Business last,
fall increased 34 percent over last year,
and salary offers are up about 9 per-
cent; according to administrators.
"The number of interviews conduc-
ted last fall were up 20 percent over the
fall of 1980, and the number of firms
went up 34 percent," said Peggy
Carroll, director of placement at the
School of Business.
BUT TWICE as many companies
recruit at the school in the winter than
in the fall, Carroll said, and at this
point, "winter recruiting looks about'
the same as last year."
While the economy has not adversely
affected the numbers of firms
recruiting at this campus, Carroll

claimed that employers are cutting
back at some other business schools.
"Companies look at how productive
their recruiting is, and decide to build
in areas where they're getting better
recruits,"said Carroll. "Michigan
students are a good value. They have
more realistic ambitions than students
at some other schools," she claimed.
BETSY STEVENS, assistant director
of placement at the school, said she has
noticed that companies are frequently
changing their scheduled times and
dates to recruit, noting that this is a
trend which "seems to. be a function of
the economy.
"Companies change their minds
about the time and dates of their
recruiting schedules and also about the'
type of degree they are looking for,"
she said. "But we haven't seen that
many more actual cancellations,"
Stevens said.
See JOB, Page 5

Members of student organizations criticized the
Michigan Union yesterday for its requirement that
groups using Union facilities hire the building's food.
The high prices of the Union's catering service are
stacked against student organizations putting on
functions," said Will Hathaway, vice president of the
LSA-Student Government, which has offices on the
Union's fourth floor.

When groups use the Union for functions, they must,
buy food from the Union Food Service because of
health regulations.
The resultacoCrding to Union Boa r,ofepresg-
tatives member Jennifer Skiertz, 'is tiat "the
prohibitive cost of the food services is taking people
out of the Union."
Frank Cianciola, director of the Union, insisted
that everything possible is being done to reduce costs
of food service, including-reducing the caterer's staff,

and cuting worker's salaries by 6 percent. Union
food service sales, however, have increased 47, per-
cent over the last year, he added.
Defending the high prices, he said "'the financial
realities are that if the food service doesn't make it,
we will have to subsidize them."
Gigi Bosch, membership coordinator of the Inter-
See UNION, Page 5

Pentagon strengthens ties
evith major universities







'In an effort to reverse trends started
during the last days of the Vietnam
War, the Pentagon is beginning to form
intimate relationships with major
research universities across the nation.
At Johns Hopkins University, for in-
stance, Department of Defense funds -
which originate from the Pentagon -
Pnounted to a staggering $163,490,000
for fiscal 1980 obligations. This total is
up 95 percent from 1973, when anti-
defense research sentiment'was at its
The majority of the funds at Johns
Hopkins are targeted for 'the school's
engineering department and its special
Applied Physics Research Laboratory.
STANFORD University recentiy
formed an $8 million contract with a
ecial projects agency of the DOD.
he money will be funneled into Stan-
ford's new Center for Integrated
Systems, which will specialize in
'in addition to the increased univer-
sity-related defense spending, the Air
Force branch of the DOD hopes to
establish two automated manufac-

turing (robotics) centers somewhere in
the United States.
Of the 12 applicants for the two huge
Air Force grants, the University of
Michigan is among the top four conten-
ders, according to former DOD Direc-
tor for Research George Gamota, who
now is the director of the University's
Institute of Science and Technology.
OTHER TOP competitors for the
grants are thought to be Stanford, the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and Carnegie-Mellon University. A
decision by the Air Force is expected
within a few weeks.
If the University wins the $7.3 million
Air Force grant, it will more than
double the amount of DOD money ear-
marked for research on campus, ac-
cording to fiscal year 1980 figures. This
will sharply reverse the declining trend
of DOD research obligations at the
University - a trend which has already
been reversed at many major research
GAMOTA, however, said he thinks a
negative stigma stil exists concerning
defense research on camus. "The DOD
should not be viewed as a separate

agency, but just one of the many
federal agencies (a researcher) may go
to to look for funds," he said.
SOME STUDENTS activists at the
University, claiming that research
sponsored by the military conflicts with
academic ideals of the University, want
the Pentagon research funds to go
elsewhere. A common complaint
among anti-defense spending activists
is that some of the DOD research on
campus violates a Regent's by-law
prohibiting research where the direct
application can be used for thedestrue-
tion of human life.
But Gamota disagrees with these
students claiming that "any work you
identify on campus has the potential to
be destructive." The decisive factor
involved in whether certain research
should be conducted at the University is
whether the results can be published
freely, he said. (Some research fin-
dings cannot be published because the
results are classified, and classified
material cannot be made available for
national security reasons.)
See PENTAGON, Page 5

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Defense research on cam puses
The figures above the bars show how much defense research has grown on various campuses between 1973 and 1980.
The figures that follow the names of the schools show how much of that school's federally-sponsored research is related
to defense projects. The schools represented are the 10 universities with the most research sponsored by the federal
government. Although defense research at the University of Michigan declined markedly over the eight years plotted,
it has begun to climb steadily over the past two years.


One for the road
OB HARTMAN, owner of Safeway Shell Tire and
Auto garage, continued his 99-cent "happy hour"
gasoline prices and the bargain prompted dozens
of idling customers to line up, causing a traffic
I that harna nn tn o nnearhv interstate highwavy "If

A bar s run-in with the law will mean free beer for elderly
mental patients. Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge
Clayton Shea has ordered a trendy downtown bar to provide
$1,000 worth of free beer and pretzels to geriatric patients at
Longview State Hospital in Cincinnati. Shea ordered
Flaningan's Landing to provide the libations for the hop-
sital's twice-monthly "happy hour" sessions after owners
of the singles-oriented bar pleaded no contest to a charge of
nverernwdina "I'm delighted we're getting this unexpec-

Alabama and the Florida Panhandle into one state called
the Gulf Coast. But Alabama Gov. Bob James decided to
better the deal by offering to buy part of Florida and add it
on to neighboring Alabama. James put up $500 million in
cash for a sizeable portion of the Disneyworld state. But
Florida Gov. Bob Graham has announced firmly that his
state-contrary to popular rumor-is not up for sale at any
price. One Forida lawmaker, however, hopes the Panhan-
dle will move to Alabama-and soon. State Sen. Tom
Tobiassen of Pensacola thinks the Panhandle should move
;wrnm _ . n~ fn Alh mnni-nahn n W nc l:n e.i na - - m : i in

bers cited low wages, lack of job security and lack of
representation as their major complaints.
Also on this date:
" In 1957, Prof. Lionel Laing of the Political Science
Department suggested a study be made of the freshman-
upperclassman structure of residence halls, saying that it
might lead to a "change in philosophy" toward the present
housing program.
* In 1951, 1,517 students were announced as candidates for
the 51 offices in the Student Legislature.
Tn 1Q91 President Warren G.Harina w aiven an






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