The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 10, 1982-Page 5 Antitrust official calls dual deals coincidence THE PUZZLE By Don Rubin S WASHINGTON (UPI)- The gover- nment has called a truce in its antitrust war against two giants- International Business Machines Inc. and American Telephone & Telegraph Co.-but the Justice Department says it still will be tough on violators. In, a pair of stunning moves that rocked the business world, the ad- ministration announced Friday it is set- tling a 7-year-old suit to break up the Bell System and abandoning a 13-year- old monopoly case against IBM. It was coincidence that the two ac- tions came on the same day, according to William Baxter, the assistant attor- ney general in charge of the depar- tment's antitrust division. He called it "sheer serendipity." AND THE cases were quite different, Baxter said at a news conference. "Therefore I don't think anyone can draw any messages from the two cases in combination," Baxter said. "I think one can draw one message. The an- titrust division will be very very tough when it thinks it has a good case, and it will not attempt cosmetic solutions when it thinks it has a bad one." But the Justice Department's actions are likely to open a new era in the world of communications and computers. The AT&T settlement, which must be approved by a federal judge, calls for the Bell System to spin off 22 local operating companies worth $80 billion, twothirds of its total assets. THE BREAKUP of the Bell kingdom may well be compared to the 1911 agreement that divided, Standard Oil Company, the Rockefeller family domain, into 33 subsidiaries. But the settlement will allow the company to enter the previously prohibited fields of data processing and unregulated non-telephone service. The effects for the consumer of the antitrust actions, the most dramatic yet in the Reagan administration, still are being assessed. They may well drive up the cost of local telephone service, and cut the cost of long distance calls. About 30 per cent of the cash flow from long distance calls now goes to subsidize local lines but that would stop under the new arrangement. This week's puzzle is a simple substitution cipher - a cryp- togram, in other words - which we obtained by touch- typing a messae on an Ara- bic typewriter. You really don't have to speak a word of the language to translate it. The directions alone should give you a fair sheik. LAST PUZZLE ANSWER: The "holes" from the paper punch were, in no particular or- der: 1) a Queen of Clubs 2) a TV Guide 3) an 18-cent stamp 4) a dollar bill 5) a box of Kellogg's Rice Kris- pies (that was "Crackle") 6) a pack of Marlboro's 7) a calendar 8) a Garfield comic strip 9) a weather map 10) a road map 11) a Band-Aid brand wrapper 12) a Nabisco product 13) a Universal Product Code 14) a Hallmark greeting card ("Congratulations") 15) a crossword puzzle THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE ANSWERED THE LAST PUZ- ZLE CORRECTLY: Dana Rose Karen Wigen Michael Rafeld Suzi Weidenthal Sue Deziel Mark Erichson Send your completed puzzle to the Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Ar- bor, MI 48109 by Wednesday of next week. One person will be selected at random from the correct entries to win a free Michigan Daily T-shirt. Fed up with these crazy puzzles? Would you like to get even with Don Rubin and win $10 to boot? Then send your original ideas for The Puzzle to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, 48109. All entries wll become the property of United Feature Syndicate, Inc. (You only win the big bucks if we use your puzzle idea.) Get. She iking ^ . . w l t " ' ' l 's ; i t " v + . . . t t ' I ": , " ; " t+. .7 . . . . .y ~ y " I " .. . . . .,f 404 *'.. 4,4 .4 t4.." lg \,s: '" t ~ . 'A. :.iv:t"\ yt{ri 'L. /' c : f L :. ..+. " 7 ' "" "'" ' t : 'itJt1i s r; + i~r/ J "+: t, " " ++ M ri P -1e U.j ' a".;,~ ,.~t'..,at ,N 1 .i '" tU "y..t A "n t"L St 4fy 2 ' " ' A is Nf ,, - .t r s ; ,- s ; r Jh . tt tt,' "..""' "t ' "t ~ ""t _ , ... t ( '" .. L 'r" BL """ .I :f " ""+ "t* . .e\ ' , ""a =y "ri tl F f/" i.« 4" 4 ?Jr7 st ""rt+ + i." * eX ra ;.,s -"i" r }q t t", 's f s; !S t ii 2 yf' " i ~Lt1" {', " " :i~ ~//lJ~I1 tW ;wV\\\\X". ~ C- s-. lo +M'sy t" " I I'.j l" ' st """:t. .'"n I "i t' ," '. " "'." " t A ..U "*Ai i''{ +C '" ''!! ~ r " {t .. t t'i 'u ' t *':i .,"t -f ".;'t .:f ;:a . . t f'", :r ;!l r tt v. d .X. .t.4 "1 "" y t .'. a s" .. o I44 Walesa stil powerful despite his confinement VIENNA, Austria (UPI) - Gen. operation, and became a sobbing Wojciesch Jaruzelski can mobilize wreck, or how he defiantly went on a Poland's tanks. But it may be that Lech hunger strike before Christmas to show Walesa is still the only rman who can the military council he would never mobilize Poland's people. turn quisling - but none of them has .That fact helps explain why Walesa been verified. has been held incommunicado since "We don't even know for sure where before dawn on Dec. 13, when tanks Walesa is being held," said a Western rolled across the streets of Warsaw, correspondent who had been in Warsaw Gdansk and most of the country's other throughout the martial law period but provincial capital4. left Poland Thursday. Even silenced and cut off from the "At the moment there are two world, the 38-year-old electrician who theories - either that he is at the army led the 9 -million-member Solidarity staff headquarters or Rakowiecka union is still the most powerful person Street in Warsaw or that he has been in Poland. taken to a military compound at the .The power. is all potential, though, airport," the Western traveler said. since Walesa now seems to be com- "But it's impossible to get near either pletely isolated. Under the air-tight place." controls in which Jaruzelski, the The government's extreme nation's martial law leader, wrapped precautions concerning Walesa Poland, even the union chairman's illustrate his powerful status. * whereabouts are a mystery. "East day that goes by with Lech Almost nothing about Walesa is Walesa still in custody is a sign that known.for sure after 3 a.m. on Dec. 13, Jaruzelski is unwilling or unable to when he was led away from his wife and make a deal with the union, despite all six children at the family's apartment of the regime's promises that Solidarity in Gdansk and taken off to Warsaw un- will continue to operate," said an der detention. analyst with wide experience in Dozens' of detailed stories have since Eastern Europe. circulated about the Solidarity leader's "If Jaruzelskiis unable to deal with subsequent fate - how he broke down Walesa, it may mean that the Soviets within hours of learning of the won't let him, and ,that could be the thoroughness . of the martial law worst news of all." Government eases U C. N ... U C n .. Rf Q> L C7 03 fl+. J : ' CY"r'tt w" ...a _: ..w vr ...w......... . ....: :..+" ea.4 ....,.. _}__ _ !! )_!v.._t t..._ .:_S _.___ ... .. __ ._______. .__. .. ________ __..-.____. ___. ..:. .:: lS1 ' i. - t:'2t:11it:.3i.:fST'.' "fil:X':.' .''" :'.'.t '.S? ._ ; ' +rwt r""r;i ::s% rt;r:.:.t{~:,_ t: - i: itir :"m"yZp:"zir="i'y .rr.::rK."Y: K" va" q ~ r..r 3:.:;s.:.r¢ ._«. ss.,:.s.:a,.. .sL...fir : L...... F f 7 Read and Use Daly Cla ssif ieds Q. What's Available, Accessible, and Almost Free? Polish censorship (Continued from Page 1) acknowledges about 5,000 other Poles have been interned in camps around the country. JANUSZ OBODOWSKI, deputy prime minister in charge of economic reform, also addressed the news con- ference, and termed Poland's hard currency balance and its level of prod- cuction at the start of the new year "fatal." He said the foreign debt in- creased to $28.5 billion due to increased food imports. About $2 billion of the debt was owed to the Soviet bloc, and the rest to Western nations and commercial creditors, Obodowski said. He appealed for $6 billion in import credits to help the country recover economicaly. Up to now Poland's foreign debt had been pegged at $26 billion. Obodowski, described by Urban in his introduction as "a strong man of our weak economy," said Poland last year suffered a 14 percent decline in revenue with a 16 percent decline in industrial production and building. At the same time, he said, salaries increased 25 per- cent. "THERE IS A great decrease in ex- port," he said. "The only good result we can speak about now is agriculture. But the purchase of meat is still fatal," meaning supplies were in desperate shortage. Obodowski also criticized Reagan's -decision to cut aid to Poland as a move +Iit* made it "still mnr difficult to improve now that Poland has "no strikes now, no anarchy, no chaos." "The possibilities for the Polish economy are still great," he said. "Economic reform and peaceful, inten- se work are the best guarantees for Western banks. We hope they will keep cooperating, granting credits for im- port and giving us a bridge for finan- cing." - RADIO WARSAW said Poland's coal exports, the nation's chief source of foreign capital, plummeted to 15 million tons during last year's labor unrest from a previous annual average of more than 40 million tons. It predic- ted that this year's coal exports could top 18 million tons. Poland depends on its coal exports to help repay the billions it owes Western banks and governments. The Communist Party, whose authority had been eclipsed by the military council running Poland for the pgst month, moved to reassert its prominence by planning a plenary session next week. A purge of the party's ranks has been underway for sorhe time and word that the party was ready to meet indicated the purge was nearly complete, analysts said. A GOVERNMENT spokesman also said the Polish parliament would meet for the first time since martial law was imposed to hear a major address by Jaruzelski. A State Department official in Washington, who requested anonymity, A A Michigan Daily Box Number! -2 ' Wit~ I N "1 1Ui N, 1 I - r U For only a single dollar over the regular cost of a Classified Ad, you can make use of a Box Number for up to 30 days. These boxes are - U \ i