OPINION Page 4 Thursday, March 25, 1982 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. XCII, No. 137 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board student consumer's key to a golden opportunity A swami comes to Ann Arbor Swami Chetanananda, leader of a spiritual movement based in Bloomington, Indiana, came to campus recently. The swami visited the Ann Ar- bor ashram on Oxford-the place where his followers come for instruction and meditation. What is it like to be a swami in 20th century America? The swami talked to Opinion Page editor Julie Hinds about his unique job this week, and abouthis atypical lifestyle. The swami also elaborated on the way to pure con- sciousness-which he considers the sure path to inner peace. 0 SOME HONORS are just too dear to accept. For the smart achievement shopper, the Golden Key National Honor Society is the newest arrival to the University market for scholastic "pats on the back." The society is limited to juniors and seniors nationwide who have sustained a grade point average of 3.5 or better-certainly a feat worthy of merit at our competitive university.. But the Golden Key society wishes to supplement any personal satisfaction inherent in high grades with official recognition. The society has sent some 1,200 applications to campus. However, here are some facts for the prospective honorees. The society isn't yet on the list of University-approved honors organizations, so a record of member- ship won't appear on transcripts. This keeps the honor private between the student and the society, discouraging prospective employers from nosing in- to academic achievements. Membership for the society costs only $35. That price, reasonable as the awards market goes, includes lifetime England's, ra HEN EVENTS occur that shake the very foundations upon which a society is built, one assumes there will be an attempt within that society to avoid duplication. And yet in Great Britain, the same racial violence that erupted last July now threatens to recur. The race riots that swept through the streets of the industrial cities of England last summer left a wake of destruction that paralyzed the nation. Rampant fear and chaos turned Lon- don and its suburbs into a wasteland. Immediately after the violence, shops closed and businesses ground to a halt. The end product: A society so shaken that it may not recover its psychological footing for years to come. And yet now the English people still cannot find their stability. Racial tem- pers may flare once again, and that same destruction may descend upon England's cities with an equal ferocity. The London Police Department recently released figures claiming that black people commit most of the street crime in that city. Blacks, who make up 10 percent of the total population of London, commit 55 percent of the city's crime, the statistics say. The publication of such statistics had predictable results. London's papers, never known for their mild coverage of a potentially volatile issue, raged from both sides. Some called the release of the figures provocative and racially unsound. Others, with a decidedly less open viewpoint, said the figures were just another reason England's open im- membership and is put to good use. While 25 percent is squandered on scholarships for members, 50 percent of the cash goes toward what really counts-increasing mailing lists and covering printing costs, so that even more honorable folk can be let into the club. Although these bonuses are tempting- the high fee brings an attractive legitimacy to the organization- students can hold out for better buys. An appearance on the University's honor roll, for example, calls for the same qualifications as Golden Key, and it comes scot-free. Those in a real economic bind with low grade points may even have to settle for com- pliments from friends and co- workers-honors lacking in flash but available at no cost whatsoever. We recommend thinking twice before shelling out for the Golden Key National Honor Society. If savvy student consumers wait awhile, the glut on the honors market is sure to drive prices down. The award might then be had for the inexpensive sale rate of $19.95. icial troubles migration gates should be shut. The miniroties in question, because they have such a minor voice in British politics and media, have so far been unable to express indignation. But a reaction should be expected-and given recent history, such minor provocations may ultimately lead to more tragedy. What should scare the citizens of London most about recent events is -their decided similarity to events that erupted during last July's riots. The deep-seated mistrust, which at times turned to hatred, of the English police that surfaced during last summer's tumult is a problem that runs constan- tly through England's middle and lower-class life. Cries of police harassment and brutality echoed through Liverpool streets during those tension-filled weeks, and those same cries may reappear. There is obviously no simple answer, if indeed there is an answer, to these racial problems. Unfortunately, the English have a habit of turning their attentions away from such internal problems and focusing on more pleasant events-the royal wedding publicity provides an example. But now England can no longer af- ford to ignore its racial problems. The people of that nation must turn inward and search for a harmony acceptable to all who inhabit the island. An inter- nal peace, constituted of conciliatory actions-not the release of inflam- matory racial materials-is the only possible solution to the potentially disastrous problems facing the once peaceful isle. Daily: What is your group's philosophy? Swami: It's very simple, really. Whencyou completely still your mind, pure con- sciousness remains. That consciousness is the essence of life itself and we strive to get it. When a person becomes aware of this con- sciousness, then all worries disappear. Daily: How do you reach this state of pure consciousness? Swami: First a person must contact someone who already has it-a guru like me. Let's face it, you can say there are a lot of techniques but they don't lead to awareness. The best step is to follow the guru's teaching. Daily: What are the rules you follow in your ashram? Swami: The rules are that you practice meditation-the people who live here meditate twice a day for forty minutes-and that you lead a simple, disciplined life. Daily: Do you consider your movement a religion? Swami: Spirituality is not like a religion. We don't have a dogma. We don't like to be categorized as a religion, because we don't have any program we are pushing. We don't practice intolerance. Religions have this problem often. Daily: Do you conduct a campaign to recruit students? Swami: We are who we are and we share something with people who want to par- ticipate. Isn'ththat better than dragging people in here and trying to stuff something down their throats? Daily: Do you consider yourself a cult? Are people suspicious of your actions? Swami: Like you? Sure, we have that all the Doily Pnoto by MIK LUCAS Swami Chetanananda explains his spiritual following. time. It doesn't hang us up. It might hang you up and that's too bad. There are a number of groups out there trying to recruit, mocking spirituality. There are a number of things I wouldn't join myself. Daily: Where do you get your funds from? Are you a money-making proposition? Swami: People who live here pay $225 a month plus $200 a year in dues. That takes care of my plane fare and promotional expen- ses. We have a modest set-up. We're not out to take over the world. Daily: Doesn't the attention you pay to in- ner consciousness lead you to ignore the problems of the outside world? Isn't it selfish? Swami: If I had all the political power in the world I would take care of the situation. Since I don't, we try to promote the welfare of.the people around us. We do a lot of community work 'through the ashram. We're not foggy- headed people who are forgetting mankind. We do what we can. We don't go around. spreading a lot of bullshit. We don't care. about hot air or talk. Daily: How does one become a swami? What was your life like before? Swami: Ideally swamis shouldn't talk about their past life. It's finished. When a per- son becomes a swami, the first step in the ceremony is recognizing the death of your own personality, the end of the self as an in- dividual being. Before I became a swami I went to a college in Indiana. I was a member of a social frater- nity. I was a member of the student senate, and very active in student politics. ThenI became active in the anti-war movement. My main concerns were with peace in the world and the quality of life for everybody. But I came to the realization that I couldn't bring peace to anybody unless I had it myself. I was forcing my ideas on other people, saying my; ideas were better. That launched me on the spiritual trail. I met Swami Rudrananda, whom we call Rudi. He was a great man, spiritual and slightly irreverrent. Upon his death I became leader of the ashram. Daily: What type of people belong to your ashram? Swami: Most people are graduate students in -law, medicine, etc. By far most of the people here are very well educated. Daily: Is there significance in that? Swami: I push higher education. Spirituality is not for those who are uneducated. But that doesn't mean you have to be educated. I'm one of the exceptions myself, I never got my degree. Daily: What exactly does your name mean? Swami: Swami means a person who has mastered the senses. Cheta means universal consciousness and anananda means joy. Daily: How is a swami treated by his followers? Swami: My style personality is that I wear orange clothes and I shave my head; that's enough of a symbol. I don't need to be overly aggrandized. We have an informal at- mosphere. Dialogue is a weekly feature of the Opinion Page and will appear every Thur- sday. LETTERS TO THE DAILY al We can s To the Daily: I am delighted to see that the Daily has approved the aims of the Michigan Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. Your editorial of March 24, "Nuclear Prac- ticalities," takes a very sensible view of the issue. It demands comment, however, on several counts. First, it should be noted that the Michigan freeze campaign began, not at last Monday's petition party here on campus, but weeks ago, when freeze committees across the state began organizing a drive to attain 230,000 signatures in order to place the freeze proposal on the November ballot. In Ann Arbor, the effort began with a petition party held during spring break. Eight hundred people attended, many of whom are now cir- culating petitions. Second, I believe you un- derestimate the potential in- fluence of the freeze campaign. Even in its infancy, the freeze ef- fort has had a remarkable effect top the ni on the public discourse. Barely a month ago, practically no one had even heard of the freeze campaign. Since then, major newspapers and television news programs' have devoted substantial atten- tion to the campaign, as have many nationally syndicated columnists. In a twinkling, the freeze campaign has started people talking about nuclear war and arms control. Experts are weighing arms control strategies in the public print. People are wondering what nuclear war would really be like. Even the Reagan administration, despite its denunciation of the campaign, is now scrambling to convince the public that it takes arms control seriously. Iftthe freeze initiative is placed on the ballot this November in Michigan (and in the other states where the campaign is under- way), and millions of voters en- dorse it, certainly this would be a highly significant expression of national sentiment. No doubt the Reagan administration would not iclear arms race alter its arms policy in such cir- cumstances, but there can also be no doubt that a sea change in opinion about nuclear war would have occurred. Something resembling the European disar- mament movement would be alive in the United States, and politicians of all parties would be on notice that Americans are frightened, and that they connect national security with nuclear disarmament. If an acutal freeze is not achieved, if negotiators seek and find other ways to reduce the level of nuclear weapons, well, 'that is all right. At the heart of the freeze campaign is merely a desire to relieve the awful peril by the soundest, surest means. Finally, I am disappointed the Daily was so glum about endor- sing the freeze. You are skeptical about the possibilities of change; that is understandable. But a vigorous editorial voice in favor of the petition drive here on cam- pus, which has only the rest of the winter term in which to succeed, would make a genuine con- tribution to the Michigan cam- paign. The Daily has a chance to lead on this issue, as it has so of- ten in the past. I hope you will make the most of it. -Jim Tobin March 24 0l ..................'...'...........,.}. Letters and columns represent the opinl ions of the individual author(s) and do not- necessarily reflect the attitudes or beliefs ofQ the Daily. .emsm~mm5aeasmmmmsom - i Weasel By Robert Lence Is THAT , A' BIG 6 Ytou RE (KONT YOU KOWTHIS is "WRL.V F"46w ip PzFES NY Ij EVERY A.( ArON WE TAKE R4PS cOSaW44CE5. 6Y EATJW T4AT 11316 MAC ' YoL>R- SUPPflN tA H4UGE M)ITNA11ciAL cDRomAoN. FAST FOOD C6,M'AIS ARE ONE OF 111E 13166E6T U. f FNOW - UMh1cjS AwrnmgeS. IN FAST THAT IMrBR- 13UT I ThO V(3r IT Nor THE MWT)ONA4P& 5URRI~4N6 foU FOL.KS WER~E. EMEMBER TH t NICE. PEOP'LE. SL-OEAN RE, 51 IL ON' COWNLERE P f iOOMILiAOH A EAR FFC WN w MY APVYEt.It6, TRYI*b lb' I*ALIA AD 1 ~f~vLTF.t*:n,_I ~A~i N~?N0. ITs I ii: i \ \ i ' ~ U~ ~ *'. kI II II I 1 'F