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March 24, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-24

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



A chance of showers today
with a high in the upper 40s.

Vol. XCII, No. 136

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 24, 1982

Ten Cents

Redistricting sparks controversy

State legislators are building a bad record for their ability
- or inability - to decide on that most sensitive of all
issues to politicians: redistricting.
Ten years ago, after the figures of the 1970 census showed
that more Michiganders were moving from the farm to the
city, the state legislature talked and talked about the best
way to carve up the state into congressional districts to
represent these new population shifts.
BUT WHEN THEY continued to talk, reaching no
agreements, and when the primary election was only two
months away, a federal court had to step in and settle the
issue of what candidate would be running in what district.
Today, candidates and their staff members talk more and
more of the possibility of a repeat of that scenario. They
say that as the Aug. 3 primary nears, the court will be in-
creasingly tempted to intervene if protective partisans in.
Faced with overcrowded classrooms,
a staggering number of freshperson
applicants, and insufficient financial
resources, the College of Engineering is
caught in a classic "Catch-22"
situation, said Engineering Dean
James Duderstadt.
"If we were logically to estimate how
to 'deal with our problem, we would
reduce enrollment by about 25 percent.
Yet there are two problems with doing
this," Duderstadt said.
FIRST, THERE is both an enormous
demand for graduating engineering
students and a tremendous number of
applicants looking to currently enter
the school, Duderstadt explained. As temperatur
Second, Duderstadt said, "The putting up tenn
See COLLEGE, Page 3

the state legislature can't seem to agree on a compromise.
The stalemate comes after leading Republicans and
Democrats, all eager to draw the boundaries which will
determine their future constituencies, proposed a number
of different plansfor dividing the state into nine
congressional districts.
BUT THE REAL problem is that, because the 1980 census
showed that Michigan lost a fair number of its residents to
faster-growing parts of the country, like the South and
West, the state loses one congressional district. So, next
year Michigan will have only 18 congressmembers
representing it in Washington, rather than the 19 it sent last
That means that one incumbent Michigan
Congressmember is going to end up the odd man out in the
redistricting. And that means that the 19 congressmem-
bers, naturally protective of their stable constituencies,
have taken a special interest in this year's redistricting bat-

the result of the battles will probably be that, among
other things, Ann arbor ends up in a fundamentally dif-
ferent district than it is in today.
'ANN ARBOR itself is usually considered to be a
moderately Republican city, despite its reputation as a
liberal college town. Ann Arbor is lumped together with
Ypsilanti - a Democratic , largely blue-collar city - and
Plymouth, an affluent, basically conservative area. The
result is Michigan's second district, a strange mixture of
liberalism and conservatism that has formed a strong base
for its congressman, Carl Pursell, who has acquired a
moderately liberal record in his eight years in Congress.
But, according to the three leading plans for recarving
the state, Ann Arbor might wind up in the same district as
East Lansing, or in the same district as Pontiac or Jackson.
The difference is crucial to the three candidates who hope
to make it to Washington to represent the area.

president of

res in Ann Arbor begin to rise, Nancy Nersesian and David Nelson prepare for an annual rite of spring,
nis nets at Palmer Field.

Golden Key opens door to questions at 'U'

"As a result of your outstanding scholastic.
achievement at the University of Michigan, you have
been selected for membership in the Golden Key
National Honor Society."
Sound like an offer too good to refuse? Well, there
is a $35 fee for initiation and life membership, and
Golden Key isn't on the list of University-approved
honors organizations - so it doesn't appear on tran-
THESE FACTS have caused some skepticism
among the more than 13,000 University un-
dergraduates who received a letter with the above of-

fer to join the newly established Michigan chapter of
the honor society. "I would be very careful and in-
vestigate this before I sent them any money," said
Douglas Woolley, University associate registrar.
At the request of President Harold Shapiro, Jack
Meiland, director of the Honors Council, investigated
the Golden Key. After speaking with the society's
staff, reading its publications, and discussing the
society with other universities which have chapters,
Meiland recommended to Shapiro that he approve
the organization. Meiland said he hopes this year's
confusion will disappear when students "realize it's
an established organization."

The Golden Key Society, formed in Atlanta, Ga. in
1977, limits its membership to juniors and seniors
with a GPA of at least 3.5, who have been enrolled for
at least one year.
UNLIKE MANY of the older, more established
societies, Golden Key is open to students from all
schools, with any major. "I think it might be an at-
tractive arrangement for some students," said
Donald MacDonald, professor of insurance in the
School of Business and faculty adviser to the
A letter from MacDonald on University School of
See GOLDEN KEY, Page 3

Nader: Industry must
become 'responsible'
By LISA SPECTOR new jobs by developing robotics in-
Those who could not find standing dustry and research, when "the fun-
room gathered outside the doors of ction of Robots is to replace jobs.
the Business School's Hale "There is an air of unreality and
Auditorium last night to hear con- ironic absurdity" about a university
sumer advocate Ralph Nader speak developing an industry whose
on incentives for corporate respon- ultimate goal is to replace people,
sibility and - more specifically - when it could be developing com-
criticize the University and its puter and telecommunications in-
students for not fighting social in- dustry instead, he said.
justice. NADER ALSO criticized the
Nader visited the state to help School of Business for not offering
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the enough courses in clinical education,
Public Interest Research Group in and for relying too heavily on "the
Michigan, which he helped establish corporate model."
on campuses nationwide. Business students are "like
AT A PRESS conference before Medieval peasants who never do
the speech, Nader criticized the research," he said, pointing out the
University for its role in develop- "abundant fields open to them "to
ment of robotics research in the change the world in areas like
state, and said that students are not pollution control."
responding to the "great social in- He urged students "not to un-
justices" they face in robotics and derestimate the baleful influence of
other areas. a business-school philosophy,"
Nader claimed it is "ironic," that which he said trains students for
the University thinks it will create See NADER, Page 3

From AP and UPI
GUATEMALA CITY - Rightist ar-
my officers ousted Guatemala's
military President Romeo Lucas Gar-
cia yesterday in a coup backed by
tanks, planes and hundreds of soldiers
who surrounded the presidential
residence and seized control of the
capital, rebel spokesmen said.
One spokesman said Lucas Garcia,
himself an army general, surrendered
to dissident army officers and was led
away from the presidential palace,
which was ringed by tanks and troops
armed with submachine guns and
"THEARMY has control of the entire
national territory" the rebels said in
claiming victory after its forces took
control in the capital, including the
radio station. "All military brigades in
the provinces must remain on the
alert," they added.
Earlier this month, in elections tain-
ted by opposition claims of fraud, Gen.
Angel Anibal Guevara won a four-year
term as president, defeating three
other rightist candidates.
In an earlier broadcast, the rebel of-
ficers said the March 7 election of Gen.
Angel Anibal Guevara was
"manipulated" and promised to restore
'peace and authentic democracy to
THE STATE Department said in
Washington that Gen.Lucas Garcia was
believed to be in the presidential palan-
ce and that the U.S. ambassador had
spoken to President-elect Guevara, who
was safe.
Downtown Guatemala City was cor-
doned off by troops and no bloodshed
was reported, but there were reports of
shooting near the military garrison in,
Quetzaltenango 120 miles west of the
Martial music was being played over
national radio and television, the State
Department said.
HELICOPTERS and planes flew over
downtown Guatemala City and the
capital's international airport was
Cannon were brought up and aimed
at the presidential palace. The national
radio station then urged civilian em-
ployees still inside to come out, one at a
time with their hands up.
A statement broadcast on radio and
television by Col.Jaime Rabanales, the
army's public relations chief, said a
five-man military junta had been
named, to rule the country.

.. . ousted in coup

He said the junta was headed by
retired Gen. Efrain Rios Montt, who
ran unsuccessfully for president in 1974
with the backing of the Christian
Democratic Party.
IN THE broadcast, the insurgents
announced creation of a junta to govern
this Central American country, where
left-wing guerrilas have been waging a
bloody campaign to overthrow the
right-wing government.
Although the coup leaders condem-
ned the presidential election as corrupt
and fraudulent, their political leanings
were not immediately known.
Some sources said they were suppor-
ters of Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre, a
Christian Democrat and the most centrist
trist candidate among the four right-
wingers who ran for the presidency.
BUT THE broadcast statement was
read by Leonel Sisniega Otero, the vice
presidential candidate of the National
Liberation Movement, which was con-
sidered the most conservative party en-
tered in the election that ws boycotted
by leftists.
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
was asked about the coup and said, "We
are following it very closely. It's too
early to make any substantive com-
ment, and I'll reserve on that until the
situation is clarified."
None of the four candidates - Gen.
Guevara and three civilians - won a
majority in the March 7 election and
Congress on the following Sunday elec-
ted Guevara, who had received the
most votes in the presidential balloting.

Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
RALPH NADER, consumer advocate, .spoke last night at an education
school press conference criticizing robotics development at the University.

Playing for popes
THE HIGH COURT of London imposed a temporary
ban Monday on sales of the board game Popopoly,
which pokes fun at the visit of Pope John Paul II to
Britain in late May. Roman Catholic leaders say
the nav n e i s ng in hadi tasgteThe eamewas invented byh

Don 't call back
Thelma Jean Harms, of Boise, Idaho, spent $36 for a
newspaper ad announcing that she was fed up with
telephone solicitors who call her at home during the
evening attempting to sell her something. She warned local
businessmen in the weekend ad that they lose a lot of
business by annoying people that way. The result? Sunday,
Mrs. Harms said she got another 30 telephone calls, most
agreeing with her. She said she didn't mind the supportive

beamed, and Wanda Smith received her diploma from
Valdosta State College in a ceremony staged just for her.
Smith, 23, of Columbus, Georgia, had to miss the college's
regular graduation last week because of a previous com-
mitment with the Army, so her friends arranged a solo
ceremony for her one day earlier. "I wanted the ceremony
for my family," Smith said, adding that she was the first in
her family to graduate from college. "They worked so hard
and did everything they could to see that I graduate." The
speech communications major wants to be an Army officer,
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arms conference spurned a U.S. proposal for an atomic test
ban on all atomic weapons, despite major concessions of-
fered by American representatives.
Also on this date:
In 1953, Queen Mary, often referred to as "the grand old
lady of British royalty" died at the age of 85. Her husband?
... King George the fifth.
" In 1948, hundreds of University students took steps to
establish an "unlimited code of academic conduct and
freedom" and sent the proposal to the United Nations which




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