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January 10, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-10

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



Snow showers likely today
with a high near 10.


Vol. XCII. No. 82

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 10, 1982

Ten Cent.s

Ten Pages


A&P staf
con used by
Most employees and officials of the Great Atlantic and'Pacific
Tea Co., popularly known as A&P, continue to remain tight-lipped
about the upcoming shutdown of three local A&P supermarkets.
"I can't tell you anything," said John Boycott, assistant manager
of the Plymouth Mall store. "Our company officials won't even
respond to us," he said.
A&P VICE PRESIDENT of Communication and Corporate Af-
fairs Mike Rourke said in a phone interview from New Jersey that
unprofitability was the major reason for the closing of several hun-
dred A&P stores nationwide.
Rourke claimed that a final decision had not yet been made con-
cerning the Ann Arbor stores, but would be made this week.
However, several local A&P personnel indicated the stores would
shut down on Jan. 30, as previously reported.
Several employees already have been laid off. Pat Derryberry, a
checker-cashier with A&P for 13 years, said yesterday was her last
day of work. "I don't know what I will do after tonight," she said.
"It's a shame, but when you've been in the business for 13 years,
you can see it coming," she said.
Helen Burack, a meat-wrapper at the Stadium Boulevard store,
said she got her layoff slip on Thursday, but that the company was
not volunteering any information about the future.
BURACK SAID she would not know for nearly two months,
whether her layoff was permanent or she would be transferred to
another store.
"They don't tell us anything," she said.
Manager Patrick Crowe of the Stadium Boulevard store said
about 40 employees there would be affected by the upcoming shut-
dpwn. He said he did not know how many would be transferred to
different stores. Managers of the other A&P supermarkets would
not reveal the number of employees that would be affected.
THE COMPANY'S contract with the United Food and Commer-
cial Workers union, which represents A&P employees, calls for
laid-off employees to be transferred to other stores on a seniority,
basis ,according to Rourke. This could mean some employees in
stores remaining open could lose their jobs to employees from the
closed stores who have more seniority, he said.
Rourke added that negotiations were in progress with the union.
"Labor costs are a major problem," he said. Officials at the union's
See A&P, Page 3

eases Polish
From AP and UPI Parliament will meet Jan. 20 to discuss
WARSAW, Poland - Gen. Wojciech martial law and other issues.
Jaruzelski lifted censorship for foreign Radio Warsaw, in another sign of ap-
correspondents and met with Arch- parent easing of the situation, said
bishop Jozef Glemp yesterday in what theaters, movies, concert halls, art
appeared to be a dramatic sign that the galleries and other "cultural and
Polish crisis was easing after four cultural-educational establishments"
weeks of martial law. will reopen in the capital and Warsaw
But the communist regime said province Friday, but that the nightly
President Reagan's sanctions made it curfew will remain in effect.
"still more difficult to overcome the URBAN ALSO said that one
crisis" and termed the economic Solidarity leader, Marian Jurczyk of
Szczecin, would stand trial on charges
of slandering the state.
Urgan would not elaborate on the
The whereabouts of meeting between Jaruzelski, the mar-
Solidarity leader Lech tial law chief, prime minister and
Walesa is still a mystery. See Communist Party chief, and Glemp,
story5Poland's Roman Catholic primate. It
y, Page apparently was their first meeting sin-
ce Jaruzelski declared martial law
situation "fatal." It said Poland's Dec. 13 and suspended the independent
foreign debt had risen to $28.5 billion union Solidarity.
and appealed for $6 billion in import Radio Warsaw said that during the
credits and a Western "bridge for meeting "intentions aiming at the nor-
financing." malization of life in Poland were ex-
GOVERN MENT press spokesman pressed" but said no more.
Jerzy Urban said Foreign correspon- JARUZELSKI AND Glemp last met
dents accredited in Warsaw could now Nov.4 in a session with Solidarity chief
file uncensored stories, but, only Lech Walesa that launched talks on a
through the telex at the government's "front of national agreement." But on
foreign press center, which is only open Dec. 12 Solidarity leaders called for a
during regular business hours. It was national referendum on whether
not known if other transmission Poland should remain communist, and
facilities for fdreign correspondents martial law was declared the next day.
would be opened soon. Walesa, head of the first union free of
Urban told a news conference that party control in the Soviet bloc, is said
foreign correspondents may be allowed to be sequestered in or near Warsaw
to travel outside ,Warsaw soon, that and has not been heard from since mar-
telephone service will be restored tial law was imposed. The government
across the country today, and that See POLISH, Page 5,

Photography as art Daily Photo by KIM HILL
The Slusser Gallery in the Art and Architecture Building is the site df a national exhibition of color
photography by 22 contemporary artists. Titled "Fugitive Color," it is the first major show of
color fine arts photography in Michigan, according to David Litschel, the University graduate art
student who organized the show. The exhibition opened yesterday and will continue through Jan.

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Earthquake hits New



By the Associated Press -
A sharp earthquake that "sounded
like thunder" jolted residents of
eastern Canada awake yesterday mor-
ning, rattling dishes and shaking fur-
niture as far south as Connecticut. It
was the first significant quake in the
area in more than a century.
The National Earthquake Center said
the quake measured 5.9 on the Richter
scale, which is strong enough to cause
considerable damage, but no injuries or
major damage were reported.
It was followed abut three hours later
by an aftershock with a 4.9 Richter
scale magnitude. Don Finley, a

spokesman for the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey in Golden, Colo., said the after-
shock was felt at about the same locatim
as the quake.
HE SAID earthquake center officials
received some reports of minor struc-
tural damage at Presque Isle and
Caribou, Maine.
It was the first significant quake to
hit the area since Feb. 8, 1855, said
The quake "sounded something like
an airplane but the vibration was greater
- it was really shaking the house," said
Marion Pray, 55, of New denmark, New
Brunswick. "It sounded something like

thunder when it really roars
like it's in the floor."
THE 7:54 A.M. EST tremo
seconds and was centered in
populated area near New B
about 180 miles northeast o
The quake was felt from
Gaspe Peninsula in the north
Edward Island in the east,,
through New England to Co
It was felt in Montreal, Qu
and suburban Boston.
Donald Koons, head of1
College Geology Departmen
ville, Maine, said the tremo

and feels across 300 to 500 miles. Authoriti
reported countless phone calls fro
r lasted 30 startled residents who told of shaki
a sparsely houses, trees, furniture, pictures a
runswick, dishes.
of Bangor, AN ELLSWORTH, Maine, rad
reporter said windows were knock
Quebec 's out of a house in Bangor, and anoth
h to Prince house with a granite foundation "gho
and south noticeably."
nnecticut. ' In Waterville, one person said t
xebec City, tremor knocked a lamp off the tabl
said Superintendent Maurice Brann
the Colby the Maine State Police headquarters
t in Water- Augusta.
r rumbled Residents of one Enfield, Con

ies building were evacuated for a short
m time after expressing fear about the
ng quake, police said.
MASSACHUSETTS State Police said
io they-began receiving reports minutes
ed after the quake. "I first thought it
ier might have been an explosion, but no
ok one reported any damage," aid Trooper
Alfred Dussier.
he "The chandelier in my house swung
e, just a little bit," said Lane Night of
at Plainfield, Bt. "I looked outside and the
in tree branches were moving, but there
-, wasn't any wind."


Salvadoran troops
in U.S. for training

Sixty army sergeants and of-,
ficers from violence-torn El
Salvador arrived yesterday to
begin 16 weeks of basic infantry
training with the U.S. Army's
Green Berets.
The group, arriving by com-
mercial jet at 4 p.m., was
greeted by Col. Edward
Richards, commander of the
7th Special Forces located at
Fort Bragg. He boarded the
plane to brief the Salvadorans
while members of the press
were kept 50 yards away.
THE Salvadorans were taken
to their quarters under tight
security, while in nearby Fayet-
teville people opposed to the
training gathered to plan a

demonstration scheduled for
At a news conference yester-
day before the leaders arrived,
officials said the Salvadorans
will get one month of training in
military leadership before a.
1,000-troop army battalion
comes from the Central
American nation in mid-
Spokesmen for the Pentagon
have said another 600
Salvadoran soldiers will go to
Fort Benning, Ga., beginning
Jan. 25.
Richards said his unit will be
responsible for the training. He
said the Salvadorans will be
taught various techniques so
they can help train the rest of
the battalion.

a r~i Q
A) C)
U rl t

If you are planning to take a walk today in
the brisk afternoon air, think again. Jack
Frost will be nipping viciously at your nose as
the temperature dips near zero.
This time of year is commonly known as the
cold and flu season but it is also the season for
FROSTBITE IS the constriction of vessels
of the extremities due to cold, according to
Jann Conley, a registered nurse at University
Hospital. Conley said there have been only a
few mild cases of frostbite at the hospital this
Every case of frostbite is different, Conley
said. Common symptoms include a feeling of
extreme coldness followed by numbness in
the extremities, which may begin to turn
white. In extreme cases, the affected areas
will be very dark blue, she said.
Frostbite is treated by applying warm

Threat of frost bite rises
as winter temperatures.fall

water to' the frostbitten areas, gradually
warming the extremities, Conley said. The
ears, nose, hands, and feet are most suscep-
tible to frostbite, she added.
"WET AND cold is worse than dry and
cold," Conley said. She advises people who
want to play in the snow to wear extra pair of
Hypothermia is a cold weather affliction
similar to frostbite. The symptoms are
basically the same, Conley said, but the entire
body is affected. A person can collapse if he
or she gets too cold, she said.
Factors in addition to the weather can
determine the severity of both frostbite and
hypothermia, Conley said. An older person,
one who is not very healthy, or one who
smokes could develop a more serious case
than someone in excellent physical condition.
Conley said those who think they might
have frostbite should call the Poison Infor-
mation Center at 764-5102.

22 and counting
HEN LEWIS AND Naomi Jenson married
29 years ago, they talked about having a large
family-maybe five or six children.
"Somehow, we got off the track," Mrs. Jenson
said after the birth last week of her 22nd child. Jenson, 49,
and Mrs. Jenson, 47, had 15 boys and 7 girls, all single bir-
. " _. . _i"'. _ !_. - _ S-_ _L1-2L. . n'ML _ .

The supply side of robbery
A disgruntled and gun toting critic of Reaganomics
decided to take the economic theory to a bank and came out
on the supply side of $2,700. ,A bandit wearing sunglasses
and a hooded sweatshirt entered a bank Friday morning
and confronted three tellers with a long-barreled handgun,
said police Officer Terry Branum. "You can thank Reagan
for this. I got laid off from my job," the man said as he
placed cash in a leather bag. Branum said the robber left
the bank on foot and jumped over a fence, disappearing into

pressurized to the equivalent of sea level on Earth, plus
magnifying panoramic windows and floating balconies.
And, of course, mama robots will baby-sit children free of
charge. There's skiing on the-planet Europa, where galac-
tic skis take you up as well as down hills. You can visit Mars
or Venus or Pluto, which the brochure calls a place only for
loners. The comforts of your hotel include 175 restaurants
run by telepathic waiters, an indoor-forest and sports
facilities ranging from sybarnetic fishing to laser archery.
"We've had people trying to register for space journeys for
about 20 years,"' said Edmund Swinglehurst ; group public
relations manager for Thomas Cook. "Because of the in-

Hampers, who headed a meeting of tax administrators
from 12 Northeastern states last November on what she
called the "underground economy," estimates
Massachusetts loses about $367 million a year in unpaid
taxes on such unreported income. The 1981 state tax form,
which carries the state advertising slogan, "Make it in
Massachusetts," as a new section on Underground
Economy warning that all income must be reported. Say a
person makes $100,000 holding up an armored car and
reports it as income. The state revenue department says
mum's the word. "We're bound by confidentiality
statements not to reveal that type of information," said
Rohert Sherman, the denartment's director of nublic




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