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March 20, 1982 - Image 1

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Ninety-Two Years


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Showers likely with
possible thundershowers
developing. The high will
be in the mid-40s.

Editorial Freedom

Vol. XCII, No. 133 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday March 20, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Two Regents
object to 'U'
policy on
S. African
University divestment in South Africa, an issue which
moved students to massive protests during the mid to late
'70s, resurfaced yesterday when two Regents complained
that the Board has been too flexible in complying with its
1978 anti-apartheid guidelines.
Regents Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) and James Waters (D-
Muskegon) said a report submitted yesterday updating the
efforts of 42 companies partially owned by the University
shows disappointing progress in anti-apartheid action.
THE REPORT, filed to conform to a March 1978 Regents'
resolution, reviews the efforts of the companies toward
desegregating, equalizing pay, and developing black
training programs in their South African subsidiaries.
According to the resolution, the Regents would sell the
University's investment stock if the corporations did not
"within a reasonable period of time take reasonable steps"
to implement anti-apartheid steps outlined in a set of
guidelines-the Sullivan Principles-or an equivalent plan.
Yesterday's report shows that the three companies in
question have continued to refuse to sign the Principles,
and 11 others, have been classified by a University-hired
research company as "needing to be more active" in either
their guideline compliance or failing to file review infor-
THE REPORT outlines defenses for those 11 companies,
claiming they were "miscategorized" because they had
recently consolidated subsidiaries, or because they had not
complied with recent additions to the Sullivan Principles.
Also, according to the report, Kimberly-Clark, Baxter
Travenol, and Owens-Corning should be exempt from com-
pliance with the resolution because they don't have
See TWO, Page 2

OPEC to cut



VIENNA, Austria (AP) - OPEC oil
ministers agreed yesterday to cut
production in an attempt to keep prices
from collapsing, Saudi Arabia's
minister said.
"We have reched an agreement on a
ceiling of 18 million barels," Sheik Ah-
med Zaki Yamani told reporters after
the 41/2-hour emergency meeting ad-
THE CEILING may not be low
enough to check falling oil prices, since
current OPEC production - estimated
at 18.5 million to 19 million barrels a
day - has left about 2 million barrels a
day unsold on the world market.
When asked if the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries would
maintain the $34-dollar-a-barrel ben-
chmark price, Yamani said, "Yes, we
Indonesian Oil Minister Subroto said
the ministers scheduled another
meeting for this morning because one
delegation needed to obtain approval
from its government before agreeing to
the price ceiling.

OPEC OFFICIALS declined to give
details of the agreement, but Subroto
and Iraqui Oil Minister Tayeh Abdul
Karim both confirmed that it included a
daily limit of 18 million barrels.
The cartel's secretary-general, 1heik
S. Nan Nguema of Gabon, said "minor
and secondary details" had to be
worked out at today's meeting.
Asked about Yamani's report of the
production ceiling agreement, Nguema
said, "This is his own responsibility,"
and declined further comment.
THE MINISTERS met under heavy
security at a Vienna hotel. the problem
they faced was satisfying the conflic-
ting interests of all 13 OPEC, whose
revenues are sagging because of the
falling prices, in a production-sharing
"The question is whether they will be
able to agree on a certain formula
whereby each country cuts, and whether
they will be able to enforce it," said an
American oil analyst, S. Fred Singer, a
professor of environmental s'ciences at
See OPEC, Page 3

Holdngcown the fortAhoto
Three volunteers rest on a tall pile of sandbags along the Maumee River in Fort Wayne, Ind. Hundreds
of workers stacked the sandbags to form a thick dike that prevented flooding in the Pemberton area of
the city. Flood waters are expected to recede despite the prediction of more rain.

Aft. St. Helens
erupts agai'n

Nazis change demonstration time

A group of neo-Nazis, who had planned to march in
front of Ann Arbor's City Hall at noon today, will
arrive at an earlier time to avoid counter-demon-
strations scheduled for noon, according to the group's
Ted Dunn, the leader of the Detroit-based Security
Services Action Group, said yesterday he and about
10 other neo-Nazis will show up at City Hall unan-
nounced some time before noon. Another member of
Dunn's group said earlier yesterday they would
arrive at 11 a.m.
DUNN SAID the change in schedule was made to
avoid counter-demonstrations planned by several
local community groups.
"We're going to try to get there (City Hall) before
noon," Dunn said. "It could be six in the morning, we
could drop in at eight: But we're not about to let a
mob get gathered. We're going to get there either fir-
st or afterward (after the counter-demonstrators
Dunn said his group does not want a confrontation

with the counter-demonstrators because he is afraid
police protection will be inadequate. He said,
however, that members of his group will be prepared
to defend themselves in the event of violence.
"WE DON'T want to set up like clay pigeons," he
said. "But if somebody makes a move, we'll have to
defend ourselves.
"It (violence) has always happened before.
They're always trying to injure people speaking up
for the white race. It wouldn't surprise me if that's
what they (the counter-demonstrators) have got
planned," Dunn said. He claimed his group will be
armed only with picket signs which can be used as
Leaders of the planned counter-demonstrations
have repeatedly insisted that they do not seek a
violent confrontation, and that they hope a large tur-
nout of counter-demonstrators will persuade the neo-
Nazis not to march.
RABBI ALLAN KENSKY, an organizer of the
counter-rally planned at the Federal Building -three
blocks away from City Hall - said the change in the

time of the neo-Nazi march will not affect their plans.
According to Kensky, his group still plans to hold its
rally at 1 p.m.
A member of the Committee to Stop the Nazis,
which is planning to confront the neo-nazis at City
Hall, said last night her group was unaware that the
neo.Nazis had rescheduled their march. No group
leader, however, could be reachad to say whether
they would reschedule their counter-demonstration.
Dunn said from 10 to 15 members of his group will
show up for the rally and that at least two members
will deliver speeches at City Hall. One speaker, he
said. will present "a different view" of the civil war
in El Salvador.
Dunn said he has been in contact with Ann Arbor
police officials to arrange security measures and that
he will meet with them again today before marching.
He added, however, that while police officials said
they would provide some protection, he is afraid it
may not be enough.

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount
St. Helens erupted last night sending
what was believed to be a cloud of ash
45,000 feet into the air, the National
Weather Service said.
The service spotted the cloud on
"It was .an eruption. There is no
doubt," said Kim Scattarella of the
weather service office in Seattle.
"We have an explosive eruption at
Mount St. Helens," said Larry Noshall
of the Washington state Department of
Emergency Services.
The weather service warned that
mudflows and flash flooding on the Nor-
th Fork of the Toutle River were likely
to result
Dozens of tiny earthquakes rippled
beneath the mountain yesterday. State
officials shut down the restricted "red
zone" around the mountain.
THE MUDFLOWS are not expected
to be as large as those touched off by
the first, May 1980 eruption, but people

in the immediate vicinity were warned
to take precautionary measures.
The eruption was picked up by
seismographs at the University of
Washington geophysics center at 7:28
"We lost a , crater seismographic
station three minutes later," said Chris
THE WEATHER service said any
ash fallout from the eruption would
probably be toward Northewastern
The ast eruption of the volcano oc-
curred in late October and early
November. It was a relatively peaceful
dome-building eruption - the same that
was expected this time.
The eruption followed warnings that
the mountain was about to blow. An
eruption alert was issued at 9 a.m. PST
It came almost two years after Mount
St. Helens began trembling to life with
telltale earthquakes March 20, 1980
following decades of inactivity.

Residents object to

Taco Bell
A group of concerned Ann' Arbor
residents is planning' to lodge a com-
plaint with the City Council against
plans for the Taco Bell currently under
construction on East University, across
from the School of Education Building.
"We have nothing against the Taco
Bell, just the ugly false 'front on the.
building," said Dr. John Farah, an Ann
Arbor dentist.
The residents object to the stucco
walls and the pseudo-adobe look of the
building, Farah said. "We're just
trying to keep Ann Arbor from
becoming another crummy city with
fast food signs everywhere."
IN AN EFFORT to gain more sup-
port, Farah recently wrote letters to
local newspapers urging people to con-
tact City Council members protesting

the Taco Bell, scheduled to open April 2.
"We are planning to go to City Council
soon, and we want them to be aware of
the problem," he said.
Farah said he also sent a letter to the
Potter's Guild hoping that they would
support his cause. Although he hasn't
yet received a formal response, a few
members said they agree with him.
"The city made McDonald's (on
Maynard Street) fit in with the campus
architecture, and I think they should
have upheld the same standards for the
Taco Bell and any other fast food
place," said Louise Piranian, a mem-
ber of the Guild.
The Maynard McDonald's was forced
to change its structural design when the
public pressured the City Council
before its construction in 1975. Mc-
See DESIGN, Page 2

record cost

WASHINGTON (4P)- The Pentagon announced a
record $114.5 billion increase yesterday in the
estimated cost of 44 major present and future
weapons programs.
Obviously sensitive to the probable political
tremors which will result from the report, defense of-
ficials called- a special briefing to explain the figures
to reporters.
As one of them who declined to be identified put it,
the vast boost over estimates made public three mon-
ths earlier reflected "a lot of extra capabilities and
quantities" of weapons to be produced as far ahead
as 1995, as well as what officials called more realistic
estimates of future cost inflation.
THE NEW FIGURE is not strictly comparable to
previous figures because the interval for some
weapons purchases covered by the report, 13 years, is
far longer than any that have been used in past repor-
ts. Typically, those reports would look eight years*
The $114.5 billion increase brings the total cost of
the 44 major weapons systems being produced,
developed and planned to $454.8 billion as of Dec. 31.
Eight programs in particular reflected huge cost
increases mostly because of bigger purchases plan-
ned by the Reagan administration.
They were:
" Air Force F-16 fighter planes, more than doubled to
a total of $4.9 billion because of addition of 597

planes, engineering changes and more spare parts;
. Air Force F-15 fighter planes, also more than
doubled to a total of $40.5 billion because of increase
of 360 planes, ground support equipment, spare parts
and engineering changes and the like;
" Navy F-14 fighter planes, nearly tripled in cost to
$35.8 billion with addition of 336 planes, planned per-
formance improvements and increased support
" Aegis air defense missile cruiser, up to $5.4 billion
to a total of $27.6 billion with the addition of three
ships, increased outfitting costs and not inflation
" Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered attack sub-
marines, up to $9.7 billion to a total of $24.3 billion
with addition of 12 subs, installation of new cruise
missile launch system and inflation changes;
" Perry-class guided-missile frigates, up by $3.9
billion to a total of $14.2 billion with an increase of nine
ships and new inflation estimates,
" Tomahawk cruise missile,increased about fourfold
to $12.6 billion principally because of increase of 3,350
missiles in the purchase plan, engineering im-
provements and changes in the inflation estimates;
* Air-launched cruise missile, rose by $2 billion to a
total of $8 billion largely because of 930 more missiles
planned, revised inflation estimates, increased sup-
port equipment development and more flight testing.

e fraud


p LANNING ON attending the April 7 Police
concert? If you called a phone number advertised
on flyers around campus and purchased main
floor seats (Section C), check your tickets
carefullly. If they are stamped "VOID," you can't use them
to get in. These tickets were stolen and not valid. The
culprits have been apprehended, but some tickets escaped.
If you want your money back with no penalty involved, con-
tact the Office of Major Events at 763-5110. Q

with his largest group to date consisting of 2,000 people at
Ohio State University. The mass hypnosis will take place
"May 6 at a Nevada theater. Q
Dog Days Done
The plight of Ohio's Geauga County Dog Catcher has
finally drawn the attention of county commissioners. This
week they authorized the purchase of a new truck to replace
Don Gossett's battered, rusty vehicle. County Ad-
ministrator Walter Selden told commissioners that

A suit for Warren
Two writers have filed a $20 million fraud suit against
Warren Beatty charging his celebrated movie "Reds" was
based on their work. The Superior Court suit filed Thursday
by William Greene and Helen Smith contends their un-
published manuscript was used extensively in the film.
Greene and Smith claim they submitted an unfinished
manuscript about Louise Bryant to Beatty in 1973 while the
actor-director was considering a film on the life on John
Reed. Beatty allegedly bought the film rights to the
manuscripts for $250 and assured the authors they would be

* 1968- Eight students filed suit against the Ann Arbor
City Clerk for refusing to allow them to register to vote in
the April first election, on the grounds that each of them
was a University student and therefore not a resident of
Ann Arbor.
" 1955- tentative plans for an off-street parking system
expansion program which would cost an estimated
$1,000,000 were announced by Mayor William Brown. At the
time, Ann Arbor's five parking lots and two carports had a
total capacity of 1,054 cars.
* 1952- University officials gave serious consideration to
the idea of making East Quad co-ed, due to a shortage of




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