OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 19, 1982 The Michigan Daiiy Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Sinclair Vol. XCII, No. 132 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 a Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Fun with the von Bulows () NE OF THE most popular shows around ended Tuesday to the dismay of thousands of devoted fans. In the final episode, the jury decided that the husband, not the butler; did it. The show was not another television miniseries-although it was certainly treated as such by the media and the public. It was the real-life saga of Claus von Bulow, on trial for trying to murder his wealthy wife with insulin injections. Von Bulow's guilty verdict, announ- ced on Tuesday, ended a long-running show. The trial, in fact, aired enough dirty laundry to keep its audience titallated for nearly three months-if you count the pre-trial festivities. Newspapers and television did their best to keep the show running. Day af- ter day they offered the seamier aspec- ts of the trial-greed, lust, and sex- full and lengthy coverage. And since the trial itself was filmed, it provided some lively nighttime viewing. The home audience actually was able to hear the von Bulow maid tearfully testify, watch Claus von Bulow's mistress take the stand, and see the crucial evidence of the insulin needles found in Claus's closet. If you missed one episode, it was often hard to keep track., And the trial was not only enter- taining, but also educational. While we learned about the private lives of the von Bulows, we were able to learn many things about the darker sides of our own nature.' The trial showed how easy it is to provoke the worst aspects of voyeurism in both the media and the public. That we were willing to pay at- tention to, and even revel in, the von Bulow 's intimate troubles helped us C LETTERS TO THE DAILY Claus von Bulow learn a bit about how low our collective intelligence can sink. But these lessonsare not so new. A good show, such as trial, a murder, or even an execution, has always been able to draw a large crowd. Entertainment of the sort the von Bulow trial provides will continue in- definitely. The rich and famous provide us with the best fodder, but almost anyone's life will suffice if scrutizined closely enough. Personal details never hold up that well in the public eye. Those who bemoan the loss of the Claus von Bulow show need not mourn for long. The media and the public are sure to pick up soon on another story that we will, to our discredit, turn into a sensationalized show. Local Nazis cannot be ign ored _ i ,+ To the Daily: Self-proclaimed Hitler-lovers and white supremacists, the fascist "Special Services Action Group," has announced that it in- tends to flaunt its genocidal 'message' at the Ann Arbor City Hall on March 20. The Univ- sity and Ann Arbor communities are thus confronted with a challenge: Will the Hitler-lovers be stopped by a massive mobilization of students, trade unionists, Jews, blacks, Arabs, homosexuals, socialists and all the rest of us on the fascists' hit list for extermination? Or will the Michigan stormtroopers march again and again with greater numbers and ever-escalating terror against the bulk of the town populace? We say that the only answer can be to stop the Nazis.To ensure Individuals fighting Nazis Fun with guns AYBE THOSE folks in Kennesaw, Georgia, have finally found a solution to the crime problem. These Russian-fearing people have taken a cue from the courageous Reagan administration and started an arms build-up of their own. Tired of watching a bunch of leftist, subversive types run rampant and try, God forbid, to make possession of handguns illegal, the Kennesaw City Council passed an ordinance this week forcing each household to own at least one gun-with ammunition. This revolutionary crime-prevention tactic is an idea whose time has finally arrived for Kennesaw. Sure, a few sacrifices may have to be made. But what's the loss of a neighbor or two who is accidently killed during a drunken quarrel by a gun bought to comply with the law? Anything in the name of liberty and the right to fire away. And those yellow-bellied cowards who currently exercise their con- stitutional right of freedom from gun ownership will be forced to become real Americans and buy a gun. They will still have the option, of course, of hiding the weapon so that a curious youngster won't find it and try to find out how the fun little toy works. Yes sir, those folks are smart enough, to recognize that such dangers are negligible, and that no criminal would have the audacity to steal a gun and use it on them, or anyone else. The urgent need for guns in Ken- nesaw has never been more apparent. Although the 7,000 residents of this Atlanta suburb saw the overall crime rate increase by 16 percent last year, the most distressing statistic was a 400 percent increase in armed rob- beries-which soared from one in- cident to four. These are alarming statistics, indeed. Perhaps the pioneers in Kennesaw are trying to create a new adage: People don't own guns, guns own people. To the Daily: I write this letter as an in- dividual, not as a member of any of the political organizations on campus or the numerous ad hoc groups which have sprung up to deal with the fact that Nazis are holding a get-together ,in this town. It is apparent that the Nazi presence affects everyone and that there is a need to react. There will be two rallies coun- tering the Nazis on Saturday, March 20. One will take place at City Hall, the site of the Nazi demonstration, roughly one hour before the Nazis are scheduled to appear. The other will form several blocks away at the Federal Building. There is a modern consensus to be very wary of emotion and in- stinct. It's good that instinct doesn't control us, that rational thought dictates our action. However, such emotion should not always be ignored. Several religious groups in town feel that to let the instincts of self-defense and survival be acted upon is wrong. They know that their members need to react to the Nazis so they've engineered a catharic vehicle to keep them away from City Hall. They call themselves a "group for the af- firmation of human dignity and freedom" and they are imposing an injustice upon themselves through narrow thinking. In a newsletter, they call for a rally to "remind, not to confront." To remind people of what? That a Holocaust occurred? Whoever isn't aware of that now doesn't want to be. To remind people of the modern threat? The very presence of neo-Nazis accom- plishes such notification. A passive demonstration two blocks away will not get the media coverage necessary to sway public opinion, against the Nazis (it already is swayed against the Nazis). More impor- tantly, this invisible, intangible display of public opinion won't stop Nazis from marching where they're unwelcome. But the disp- lay of anti-bigotry philosophy in an act of confrontation to the threat itselfhasstopped Nazis from marching before. It can on Saturday. Howard Witt 'expressed a valid concern for safety in "Where will you be this Saturday?" (Daily, March 16). Although most atten- ding the City Hall rally have no intention of provoking or becoming involved with violence in any way, it is a possibility. To avoid the risk now, however, means a great probability of violence at a later date, when we are not forewarned. The bottom line is that freedom doesn't come for free. It isn't paid for in full with taxes. It must be earned, perhaps even fought for. While all of us cherish human dignity and freedom, those people confronting the Nazis at City Hall will be exercising that freedom and working to keep it. Not everyone confronting the Nazis at City Hall likes one another. There will be political radicals and conservatives. There will be gays and people who feel uncomfortable with gays. There will be people who don't particularly like Jews, blacks, or other minorities. But they've all come to recognize the need to confront the threat to in- dividuals. Individuals like you and me. -Jonathan Jaffe March 17 that the broadest possible anti- facist mobilization greets this goose-stepping provocation at City Hall, the Committee to Stop the Nazis has been initiated by the Spartacus Youth League. This call to action has the endor- sement of a large number of groups and individuals represen- ting labor, student, and minority organizations opposed to the "SS Action= Group" march. A partial sampling of endorsers include: Willia Jenkins, recording secretary of the Laborers Inter- national union, Local 334; Joseph King, president of AFSCME Local 23; Doug Packer, vice president SEIU Local 31M; Roy Greer, business manager, Laborers International Union Local 959; UAW Local 1776; the Arab-American Community Ad- visory Council; Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services; Richard Garland, for- mer black advocate and representative; AbdeenJabara, attorney; Mosher-Jordan Minority Council; and well- known civil rights activist Robert Williams. Much of the Daily's reportage of the threatened nazi march has had the general tenor of Howard Witt's article "Let's Ignore the Neo-Nazis" (Daily, March 2). Witt argues that the intended vic- tims of these criminal terrorists should blind themselves to the real threat presented by the Nazi march. He writes off the march as nothing more than "hollow taunts of some half-baked neo- Nazis." There was nothing "hollow" about the bombing of school buses in Pontiac for which Michigan Klansman Robert Miles spent several years in prison; Miles has close ties with the "SS" swine. Black victims of escalating Klan terror in the region like George Stewart--who was the target of attempted mur- der by the KKK because he frequented an integrated bar in Detroit-would also take issue with Witt's blithe dismissal of the race-terrorists as "half-baked." In January this same "SS" group stages a "Death to [Communist Party chairman] Gus Hall" rally outside a meeting of party mem- bers and workers. Such antics are the prelude to the real thing and these armed thugs in semi- political garn will seize the first opporunity to put their "death" slogan into action. Greensboro was not so long ago. The five slain anti-fascist demonstrators were not the product of media hype but rather the victims of cold-blooded Klan/Nazi murder. Greensboro was 1a fascist vistory. No more The "SS" scum don't call them- selves an action group for nothing-we must stop them here. Throughout southern Michigan, plant closures and layoffs have meant bitter poverty for workers, black and white. It is in just such conditions of economic crisis-when even the once omniscient General Motors has become a vulnerable part of the capitalist economy-that the race terrorists see the oppor- tunity to breed. To defeat them here in Ann Arbor can powerfully contribute to inhibiting the growth of fascist activity in the whole area. Witt and the "Committee on the Affirmation of Human Dignity, and Freedom," which has the mayor's support and plans to rally on March 20 at the Federal Building (i.e., nowhere near the Nazi march), claim to abhor everything the "SS" gang ad- vocates. But the liberal commit- tee and Witt oppose. taking the necessary measures to defend ourselves against the violence and ultimate genocide for which the group is organizing. Such shameless passivity is a recipe for bloody disaster. ; Ignore them? They don't ignore us. Witt writes, "We have it in our power to determine whether the neo-Nazis get a 20-inch story on Page 1 or three inches on Page 10." That's hardly the point. First the fascists must be stopped, then follows a well-deserved end to their publicity and, more impor- tantly, a severe decline in their recruitment. We have the power to send a message of victory over race-hate garbage everywhere: on every front page in the coun- try, the headline "Nazis Stopped in Ann Arbor. -Martin Greenberg Spartacus Youth Leagie March 15 4 ! ,// /' /I / /1 ii ' rj. i ijr ,// 1 ' i' / / . I ,t, Ihi I/ l' i, C- t K) r 1 1!' ('I' +( / , r ! 1 /11 6 Weasel By. Robert Lence '- "5 L N T PT E 6 r .....,, S T ThgKW,3LEIJ!L r TR tED YOUAVE "ABUT' '(cV WNrA6 WAY LATER... _______________ "VV - II I I S I I I 1 I- 1