Ninety-Two Years E of Editorial Freedom C I be Air-o 143IaiIg BOOM Rain today with a chan- ce of thundershowers. The high will be in the 50s. r w - I * f~IA fL AhL,... r.±I~ Vol. XCII, No. 132 Copyrigtgn 1W,, me icnigun DlyUt Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 19, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages i# ,. 3 I I schools t rgeted for c ts 'U' shows decline in black and minority 'enrollment By PAM FICKINGER Black enrollment at the University's nn Arbor campus has dropped 5.2 per- cent since Fall 1980, and overall minority enrollment here has fallen 0.2 per-cent, according to statistics released yesterday. But the same statistics also indicated an overall rise in minority enrollment of 2.3 percent over the entire, three- campus University of Michigan system. Officials said the overall in- crease was due to more black students nrolling at the Dearborn campus and ore Asian students enrolling in Ann Arbor. THE STATISTICS were released as part of the University's annual report on minority enrollment and affirmitive action efforts. The report is required as part of the agreement reached to end ' the 1970 Black Action Movement strike - and was designed to check up on the University's progress toward achieving goal-of 10 percent black enrollment. he latest drop brings black enrollment downlo 4.9 percent. Minority student leaders were shar- ply critical of the information contained in the report, and claimed the Univer- sity isn't trying hard enough to meet the 10 percent goal promised 12 years ago. George Goodman, director of the University's Opportunity Program conceded that the University's minority recruitment and enrollment hasn't n as successful as he would like. He said the University was unable to "attract highly qualified, out-of-state minority students." He blamed that problem on "the high cost of attending the . University and our inability to See 'U' REPORTS, Page 3 Nat. Resources,. Art, Education face reviews The University administration an- nounced yesterday that it has targeted the Schools of Art, Education, and Natural Resources for reviews that could lead to major cutbacks or their outright elimination. It is the first time in recent Univer- sity history that the administration has considered closing completely one of the University's 17 schools and colleges. THE REVIEWS, which will be con- ducted by committees made up of faculty members, administrators, and students, should begin within the next two weeks, said Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye after yesterday's Regents' meeting. "If we need more time, we'll take it. We need to do these reviews well," Frye added. This is the first time since last year's review of the geography department Daily staff writers Andrew Chapman, Julie Hinds, Janet Rae, and Barry Witt filed reports for this story. It was written by Chapman. that an academic unit has been targeted for a review with budget reductions as a potential outcome. The Regents voted to eliminate the geography department last July. All the schools will be treated equally in the reviews, said University For'brief histories of the three schools now under review, see Page 10. The Regents also heard from students on a hazing policy and the CEW review; see Page 5. Presirent Harold Shapiro. But ad- ministrators would not say why these particular schools had been named for possible cutbacks. Frye said, however, that the administration has prepared a list of reasons for why these schools were selected, and that he may release it in the near future. THE COMBINED budget of the three' schools totals $9,459,000, and the See 3 SCHOOLS, Page 10 Fr ye: TI By JANET RAE "T Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy unce Frye painted a bleak picture for the University pivel in the coming year, warning that if the state does tivel not increase its appropriations to the University, situa faculty salaries may continue to erode and He tuition may have to rise again. the s Speaking at yesterday's Regent's meeting, thes Frye said that faculty salaries and keeping case tuition down are top priorities for the University deci in planning its budget for the coming year, but he added that the administration may be left with tou few choices if state appropriations do not out u materialize. "T ough tii HE PROBLEM we now face is one of great rtainty concerning the level of state ap- iriations," he told the Regents. "This effec- .y prevents any rational planning until that tion is cleared up." said the University might receive as much 14 percent increase in the money it gets from tate in'the "best case," and in the "worst appropriations might not rise at all or t even dive. He said he hopes the state will de on its appropriations by next month, gh he added the University might not find ntil later. he amount of uncertainty is unusual, even rues still ahead compared to recent years," said University President Harold Shapiro. DESPITE EARLIER hopes that any tuition increase would be announced before students leave campus at the end of next month, ad- ministrators said yesterday they cannot say un- til later, probably in the summer how much tuition will be hiked. Administrators are waiting for legislative ac- tion on a state budget package recently proposed by Gov. William Milliken. Among other things, the package calls for a slight increase in the state's personal income tax rate and deferment of the University's fourth quarter appropriations for July, August, and September until the begin- ning of the fiscal year 1983. If the legislature gives blanket approval to Milliken's proposal, the University will receive a 14 percent increase in its state appropriation, minus the interest lost on the money it had to take out of investments to cover the fourth quar- ter deferment. FRYE'S "BEST CASE" plan relies on ap- proval of this deferment and the subsequent 14 percent increase; his-"worst case" plan calls for no increase at all. Frye added that ap- propriations might be even lower, should the leg- See FRYE, Page 3 U I Prof. Tanter oses position on Security bCouncil By SUSAN SHARON Raymond Tanter, a University professor of political science, will be leaving his post as a senior staff member of the National Security Council, it was revealed yesterday. Tanter's departure from the council has been attributed to a broad NSC staff shake-up set in motion by National Security Advisor William Clark. Reports have indicated that Tanter will be transferred to a new position ,,within the administration. "THE TRANSFER was a joint decision," said Tanter yesterday. "It has not yet been worked out where I'll be going," he said. "But I'm willing to serve the president wherever I'm needed." Tanter denied any knowledge of speculation See TANTER, Page 3 Replacement hospital project ,may be in jeopardy By ANDREW CHAPMAN and LOU FINTOR A lack of desperately needed state funds may jeopardize completion of the University's $285 million Replacement Hospital Project, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President James Brinkerhoff told the Regents yesterday. Approximately $140 million in state bonds needed for the construction of the University's new hospital have not yet been sold. These bonds must be sold by the beginning of the 1983 calendar year, or construc- tion of the hospital may be halted, according to Brinkerhoff. See HOSPITAL, Page 5 Anti-Nazi groups vary in approach By FANNIE WEINSTEIN Although opposition to a rally scheduled by a neo-Nazi group for noon tomorrow at Ann Ar- bor's City Hall has been strong, a philosophical debate over how to respond to the rally continues. Two local groups have ealled for direct confrontation of the Security Services Action Group at City Hall; another leading a rally "affirming human dignity and freedom" in a dif- ferent part of the city; and still others contend the rally should be completely ignored. THE Committee to Stop the Nazis is planning a head-on coun- ter-demonstration tomorrow, at City Hall, but Committee Spokesperson Al Nelson, stressed the group is not seeking a violent confrontation. "We have no intention of having any kind of a brawl," Nelson said. "In those situations, people get hurt. Nobody wins." At a press conference given by the Committee yesterday, Nelson said "The last thing we want is a confrontation with police." The Nazis must be opposed, he claimed, because "if they are successful, they will be back, bigger and bolder." NELSON also accused what he called the "Ann Arbor liberal establishment" of "Burying their heads" in response to the march. "The city is giving the Nazis a platform from which they can break out of their racist enclaves and attack Ann Arbor and Detroit." An alternative rally scheduled for the same time at the Federal Building-three blocks from City Hall-is aimed toward "affir- ming human dignity and freedom," according to its spon- sors. See OPPOSITION, Page 5 Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK UNIVERSITY CHIEF Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff tells the Regents yesterday that the Replacement Hospital Project may be jeopardized if funding from state bond issues does not materialize. TODAY The ambulance party, T 'S NOT UNUSUAL to see an ambulance on a city street. But a police officer looked twice when he heard music coming from the vehicle's loudspeake Volunteer first-aid officials later suspected the am- bulance driver. Matthew Cairnes. 19. of Northfield. N.J. Entertainment Center to take its K.C. Munchkin video game off the market because it is too similar to its forerun- ner and arch rival, Pac-Man. U.S. District Judge George Leighton's ruling, made Tuesday, followed a U.S. Court of Appeals decision earlier in the month that determined the K.C. Munchkin game violated the Pac-Man copyright, held by Atari, Inc. Pac-Man, made by Midway Manufacturing Co. has been the most frequently played video game in the country since its introduction to the public about a year and a half ago. E Carolina hogs. On Wednesday, Barbeque Bowl judges from the Virginia and Georgia congressional delegations declared chef Short Sugars of Leesville, N.C., the winner. Second and third place were captured by South Carolinians from Hemingway and Bennetsville. Hundreds of politicians, staffers and dignitaries converged on Capitol Hill for the occasion. "Everybody had a swine time," John- ston said. El " 1947-Senate rules committee overrode the standing committee and voted to allow Louis Lantier, a black correspondent, into the Senate press gallery. " 1921-Daily reporters armed with letters from the Dean of Women were allowed to watch and then review the seventh annual Junior girls play entitled Seline Sue. This was the first time males were allowed to watch the all female production. D I I I