Debaters prepare verbal duel over creationism By CHRIS SALATA Both participants in tonight's Hill Auditorium debate over the teaching of creationism and evolutionary theory in public schools say they are ready to duke it out verbally. University anthropology Prof. C. Lorin Brace, arguing in favor of evolutionary theory, will face off with Duane Gish, the associate director of the California-based Institute for Creation Research, tonight at 7 p.m. "I WILL present scientific evidence for the theory of creationism, which demands it be recognized and taught as a scientific explanation for man's origins," Gish said in a telephone inter- view yesterday. He added that he thinks creationism is a more rational and reasonable theory than that of evolution. Brace, however, said creationists are merely religious fundamentalists, whose theories have no basis in science. "Creationists are not interested in truth or reality," he said. "They are only interested in getting their religious viewpoint shoehorned into the public domain." Tonight's debate follows by only one week a decision by the Michigan State Board of education to adopt a resolution opposing the teaching of creationism as a scientific theory. AFTER A federal judge declared un- constitutional an Arkansas law requiring that creationism be taught alongside evolution, creationists had to find a different strategy to keep their theory in the discussion of public scien- ce classrooms. Despite discouraging decisions both on the federal level, in Arkansas, and on the state level, in Michigan, creationists continue to carry their fight forward. Gish admitted that these decisions have had a "negative effect" on the campaign for creationism, but said creationists will only "intensify their efforts" to "get creationism taught in public schools." HAPPEI- HIGHLIGHT A creation-evolution debate will be held tonight in Hill Auditorium, 7 p.m. Duane Gish, associate director for the Institute For Creation Research, will argue in support of the creation model. Opposing Gish will be C. Loring Brace, a professor of anthropology at the University. Admission is $1. FILMS CFT-Seven Samuri, 4 & 8p.m., Michigan Theatre. Alice Lloyd. Pilot Program-Hearts & Minds, 9:30 p.m., Red Carpet Lounge, Alice Lloyd. International Center-Brown bag travel film, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, noon, Rec. room, International Center. PERFORMANCES Ark-St. Patrick's Day Hootenanny, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill St. UAC-Laugh Track, 9p.m., U Club, Union. Brass Ring-Hall & Oates, 8p.m., Fox Theater, Detroit. The Clown Conspiracy of New York City-"You Can't Hurry Love," 8 p.m., Cariterbury Loft. School of Music-Viola recital,Nancy Nehring, MM, 8 p.m., Recital Hall. SPEAKERS Henry Russell Lecture for 1982-Emmett Leith, "Holography-Illusion, Re-creation, and Reality," 4p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Dept. of Chemistry-Rees Michley, 'Hormone Immunoassay,'1 4 p.m., 1200 Chem; Roberto Fernandez, "Recent Approaches to the Synthesis of Carbocyclic Five-membered Rings," 4 p.m., Rm. 1300, Chem. Statistics De pt.-George Wong, "Stochastic Models for Directed Graph Data," 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.1 Classical Studies-T. James Luce, "Tacitus and the Uses and Value of History," 4:10p.m., Rm. 2009, Angell Hall. Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-James Jackson, "Preliminary Research Findings from the 'National Survey of Black Americans'," noon, 246 Lorch Hall.. Academic Women's Caucus-James Richards, "Affirmative Action and the College of Pharmacy," noon-1:30 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. CEW-Research-in-progress tray lunch, Jane Gould Torous, "Suscep- tability of Women to Television Messages About Job Aspiration and Career Image," noon-1:30 p.m., rooms 4& 5, Michigan League. Museum of Art-Art break, Barbara Krause, "Landscape: Three Points of View," 12:10-12:30 p.m., Museumof Art. Michigan Map Society-Thomas Cross, "New England Whaling Maps," 7:30 p.m., 3001, School of Public health. Mich. Diabetes Research & Training Center-Irene Schultz, "Regulation of Intracellular Ca2 Concentration &Triggers of Exocytosis in the Exocrine Panceas," 4:30 p.m., 2903 Learning Resources Center. Biological Sciences-Stephen Easter, "Growth of the Visual System in Adult Goldfish," 4 p.m., MLB 1. MEETINGS The TM Program - Introductory lecture, 8 p.m., Rm. 4315, Mich. Union. American Indian Law Students Association-American Indian Rights: A Legal Paradox, Mary Jane Foster, Alaskan Tribal Judiciary, 3 p.m.; Russell Means, Yellow Thunder Camp, 4 p.m., both in Rm. 150, Hutchins Hall; Reception, Trotter House, 7:30 p.m. Bahai Club-8 p.m., International Center. Biological Science-Informational meeting for potential concentrators in Biology, Botany, Cellular and Molecular Biology, and Microbiology, 3 p.m., 3082 Nat. Sci. Gay Undergraduates-9 p.m., for location and other information, call 763- 4186. MISCELLANEOUS CREES-MARX-Brown bag with doctoral student in Political Science, Pat Willerton, noon, lane Hall. U.S.-Japan Automotive Industry Conference-"Industry at the Crossroads," Chrysler Center, North Campus. Center for Fine Woodworking and Craft Arts-Power Tools, 6-8 p.m., 537 SAB. WAAM, Radio 16-Jimmy Barrett program, 5:30-10 a.m.; Stacy Taylor "Nightwatch" program, 6-10 p.m. WCBN-"Radiofree Lawyer: Discussion of Legal Issues," 88.3 FM, 6 p.m. Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring, 7-11 p.m., 307 UGLi and Alice Lloyd, 2332 Bur- sley, 8-10 p.m. Extension Service-22nd Annual Mich. School Testing Conf., 8 a.m., Rackham. CEW-Counseling group, "Onward & Upward," 7:30-9:30 p.m. International Center-Representatives from BUNAC & USIT available to answer questions, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Fishbowl. To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of: Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109. BRACE SAID these decisions are "necessary first steps" toward defeating the creationism movement. But, he added,"creationists will continue their efforts to get their patented sec- tarian religious beliefs into public schools." Brace said he has no qualms with creationism taught in public schools as long as it is not taught under the guise of science. "Creationism can be taught in the public schools, but not in the science class. 'Myth and Belief' or a 'Comparative Religion' class would be a fine place for it," he said. BUT GISH said he will defend creationist theory tonight before the public and will show that evolutionary theory is full of holes. Gish said, using scientific theory of probability, the chance of human life evolving as evolutionists claim is as probable as "a tornado going through a junkyard and a Boeing 747 plane being the end result." According to Stephen Jay Gould, a staunch defender of evolutionary theory and a professor of geology at Harvard University, debates are a favorite forum for creationists. He said there have been 90 such debates in recent years, and the creationists have won every one. Gish agreed, claiming proudly that "one reason for the creationists win- ning all the debates is we have all the scientific evidence." Brace, however, sees it differently. "They are devious, using verbal tricks, little deceptions and obfuscation to discredit evolution," he said. Brezhnev announces missile freeze (Continued from Page t) Brezhnev announced the missile moratorium in a speech opening the national trade union congress, which is held every five years. WESTERN diplomats in Moscow said Brezhnev's offer appeared to be a new bid to encourage Western European opposition to NATO plans to deploy 572 U.S. Pershing 2 and cruise missiles beginning in 1983. NATO governments are committed to deploying the missiles but large segments of the public are opposed and have held massive rallies to pressure their governments to rescind the decision. THE SOVIET decision came just a day after the State Department claimed the Soviets have now deployed 30 of their modern SS-20 missiles, ar- med with a total of 900 nuclear warheads. The United States says this gives the Russians a vast advantage over the West. In West Germany, government spokesman Kurt Becker said: "Wheth- er this is a step in the right direction depends-on whether it will mark a tur- ning point for the Soviet Union in its medium-range missile arming, that is, whether it will not only end the further amassing of rockets but is ready for a real reduction in the framework of the Geneva negotiations. 'U' researchers pump for brain By KRISTIN STAPLETON sally fatal," Cha On the heels of last week's Food and tage to this syst Drug Administration approval of an in- "continuous exj fusion pump developed at the Univer- drugs," he adde sity for treating liver cancer, This system pioneering researchers are examining monkeys and i the device for use in the treatment of and Chandler terminal brain cancer, have been "enco "We have, clearly, patients who are The second responding," said Dr. William Chan- pump in the tr dler, assistant professor of tumors. The p neurosurgery at the medical school. He tumors of this ty stressed, however, that while results "blood-brain b are promising, it is still too early :to brain and the cir assess overall success. isolates somew ACCORDING TO Chandler, ap- bloodstream. plications of the pump for brain cancer "IF YOU PU treatment "have never been done stream, it nev anywhere else before," and that he has fluid," Chandler been using the system for about two spinal fluid) is is years on the brain. way from the bl At present, two methods of using the In the treatm pump to treat brain cancer are being cer, the pump i studied at the University. The first is a directly into the method designed to reduce primary avoiding the" malignant tumors, or gliomas, in the Chandler explair brain, The ventricle According to Chandler, with this brain filled wit method a cathetor from the pump is in- chemotherapeut serted in one of the two carotid arteries around the bra (central arteries which supply the pump mechanise brain with blood), and UNIVERSITY chemotherapeutic drugs contained ii bers involved in the device are then pumped directly in planning to expe to the artery. for one more- GLIOMAS ARE "virtually univer- Chandler. examine liver cancer treatment Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL THE LIVER INFUSION pump, recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration is now showing promise in the treatment of fatal brain tumors. Research is being conducted at the medical center's Clinical Research Center. andler said. The advan- tem of drug injection is posure to the tumor of d. has been tested on n six human patients, said the experiments ouraging." method employs the eatment of spinal fluid roblem with treating ype is the presence of a barrier" between the rculatory system which hat the brain from the T a drug in the blood- er gets to the spinal r said, adding, "It (the solated in a very unique ood system." ent of spinal fluid can- is used to inject drugs ventricles of the brain, blood-brain .barrier," ned. s are pockets in the 1 spinal fluid and the ic drugs are circulated in in the fluid by the M. Hospitals staff mem- n this project are also eriment with the pump purpose, according to He said researchers plan to inject "radiosensitizer" drugs into the brain through the carotid artery. These drugs are used in conjunction with x-ray therapy. "Radiosensitizer drugs make the x- ray therapy work better," Chandler explained, adding that the pump is valuable because "to have a drug werk, you have to give the drug continuously for two weeks before the therapy, and then during x-ray therapy." ACCORDING TO researchers, the primary advantage of the pump is that it can continuously provide high con- centrations of drugs for up to two weeks in humans. Chandler added that because the pump is so powerful, "it will pump against artery pressure." The pump is implanted under the skin covering the chest, causes no restric- tion of movement, and is designed to last indefinitely., At present, the pump sells for about $2,500. The research being conducted is' a cooperative effort between physicians contributing from various departments in the medical school. r TH E UNIT ED ST A TES OF A ME RIC A v a ~THIS NOTE IS NOT LEGAL FOR ANYTHlING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE 15%OFF AlMerchandise WITH THIS COUPON (except sale items) e Washington at FourthWe stock a full line of clothing, boots, camping OpenFsat. 9-6 994-3572 equipment, hunting clothing & winter coats. (h Expires Saturday, March 27, 1982 ttl -T 45,t]PnN c U r r S WN .z.* Elr UP N k, R LVLlI V1 L.V Vi Vi N LV Vi Will LV VI VI\ ::r+ W.- 9 $M rm - m m ma - -- ---s ------ ansu om mma - am - em - m mo m m ------ U REDEEM PROMPTLY I 1.00 $1.00 i o. PEPS WHEN YOU PURCHASE THREE (3) 8-PACKS OTl Q w OF -LITER BOTTLES OF PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, D Mi __ .. . E...m l