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March 16, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-16

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

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43 tiLI

Windy and rain developing
today with a chance of thunder-
storms. The high will be in the
upper 40s.


I Vol XCII No. 129

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 16, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Faculty poll

rejects unionization

The faculty Senate Assembly yester-
day strongly criticized a proposed
University policy on campus hazings as
too vague and effectively asked that it
be sent back to square one in its two-
year-long struggle for approval.
The Assembly overwhelmingly voted
to approve only the first sentence of the
policy, which states very generally that
the University condemns campus
hazings, and most members wanted the
rest to be rewritten.
THE PROPOSED policy has been
passed from committee to committee in
a long path to final approval. It has won
general approval from those faculty
and student groups until it came before
the Assembly yesterday. All of these
° committees, including the Senate
Assembly, serve only an advisory role
and their votes are non-binding.
Assembly members criticized the
polity yesterday for what they said was
its lack of a clear method of punishing
students or student groups who par-
ticipate in hazings, and for vagueness
in the definition of what constitptes
"We have to clear up some
definitions," said Herbert Hildebrandt,
a professor of. communications and
business, and a member of the Assem-
bly. "The document was kind of loose
and rambling." Hildebrandt said he
See SENATE, Page 7

But survey shows faculty
desire for voice in salaries

University faculty are opposed to
unionization and want an increased
voice in determining salaries, accor-
ding to this year's Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty survey.
CESF Chairman Ronald Teigan
released the survey results to yester-
day's Senate Assembly meeting, and
said that of the 2,740 questionnaires
sent to faculty members, only 905, or
about 33 percent, were returned.
"THERE WAS a clear indication of
unhappiness with last year's (salary)
programs," Teigen told the assembly.
He said one, questionnaire was sent
back unanswered with a note attached
saying that the professor was leaving it
unanswered to protest his salary.
According to Teigen, the survey also
categorized respondents by school or
college, department, rank, salary in-
crease for 1981-82, and years since the
respondent had earned his or her
highest degree.
"There were distinct differences
among schools," said Teigen. He said
the business schoolfor example, "was

always on one extreme, and social work
on the other"-business being more
content with salary programs and
social work being more unhappy with
last year's program.
ALTHOUGH THE statistics were
For the results of the CESF poll on the
issues of salaries and unionization,
see Page 7.
compiled for the objective portion of the
questionnaire, Teigen said some of the
responses contained "personal com-
Iments (which) attack certain people ...
and I'm not sure we want to publish
In a letter sent out with the question-
naires, Teigen said "The present finan-
cial situation facing The University of
Michigan, especially as it has affected
faculty compensation, has elicited a
sharp increase in expressions of faculty
concern." He said he received letters
from individual faculty members and
petitions from two LSA departments
See FACULTY, Page 7

the 're com in g! Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
You know those nasty potholes around town that eat cars? Well, Ann Arbor city workers have been working to patch up
those rough roads. Here, Ben Case (left) and Mike Killinger fill in some gaps on Fuller Road near Fuller Park.

Senate Assembly OKs staff redefinition

The faculty Senate Assembly voted unanimously
yesterday to accept a proposal which, if approved
by the University Executive Officers and the
Regents, will significantly alter current bylaws
that define the role of University faculty.
According to Edward Hayes, assistant director
of personel, the proposed changes come in respon-
se to complaints from various schools and colleges
that present definitions are inadequate for deter-
mining tenure status.
"OVER THE PAST several years, a number of
deans, directors, and departmental chairpersons
have suggested certain changes in the definitions
of instructional staff," the proposal states. "The

recommended changes would clarify the tenure
and non-tenure status of individuals appointed to
more than one unit within the University, allow
supplemental appointments for current non-
teaching staff, and also would provide more
flexibility in appointing individuals to 'temporary'
teaching roles."
The proposed changes would effect the
definition of "adjunct," "clinical," and
"visiting," instructional staff members.
According to the draft proposal, the current
definitions of "adjunct" professors include only
persons whose primary employment respon-
sibilities lie outside the University. The amen-

dment would expand current definitions to include
"persons whose primary responsibilities lie out-
side the University or in another capacity within
the University," and states that they may be ap-
pointed on a part-time basis as "adjunct
professor, associate professor, assistant
professor, instructor, or lecturer."
A SIMILAR expanded definition will apply to
"clinical" appointments.
The draft maintains that since these staff mem-
bes are untenured - regardless of status or
seniority - the college appointing the would not
assume tenure responsibilities or obligations.
The proposal's third point addreses the descrip-
tiona of ""visiting" professors, which according tos

the draft, are "identified primarily with another
institution of higher learning and participate in
the teaching function."
A broader definition would also include in-
dividuals "whose employment responsibilities
with the University will be explicitly temporary
(normally not exceeding twelve months)."
This would permit appointments, on a tem-
porary basis, of non-enrolled graduate students
and recent graduates awaiting regular apoin-
tment. It would provide units "with the oppor-
tunity to temporarily supplement the instructional
program through the use of 'temporary' types of

,Salvadoran troops kill

more than
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) Meanwl
- The commander of a 1,200-man army monitorec
sweep in eastern El Salvador said warned t
yesterday his troops killed more than prepare f
100 rebels in the four-day operation, un- pected sI
covered 17 guerrilla camps and suf- general e
fered only 10 dead. "WE A
He also denied rebel claims that his for the c
troops shelled and mortared thousands Alvaradc
of civilians caught in the fighting. operation

100 guerrillas

hile, rebel radio broadcasts
d in San Salvador yesterday
he El Salvador populace to
for a general insurection ex-
hortly before the up-coming
LWAYS leave an escape route
ivilians," said Col. Napoleon
o, who commanded the
that ended Saturday in the

southern edge of Cabana province and
northern sections San Vicente province,
some 40 miles from San Salvador.
The fighting in El Salvador came
amid meetings in New York between
Secretary of State Alexander Haig and
the foreign ministers of Mexico,
Canada, Venezuela, and Colombia on
ways to solve the Central American

Evacuations continue in state
.with more flooding predicted

The time has come for the United
States and the Soviet Union to "freeze"
their production of nuclear armaments,
said Jerome Weisner, former president
of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and this year's Walgreen
Professor of Human Understanding at
the University.
"You can't go on with this arms race
year after year without something
going wrong," said Weisner, who ser-
ved as a science and technology advisor
to presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy,
and Johnson, and who helped draft U.S.
policy during the negotiations of the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963.
AS WEISNER spoke last night at
Angell Hall, the Ypsilanti City Council
approved a resolution calling for just
such a freeze on the nuclear weapons
buildup. Weisner's speech and the
council's resolution last night are just
the most recent developments in a
nationwide movement to pressure the
Reagan administration to negotiate an
See EXPERTS, Page 3

By United Press International
A rapid thaw combined with some
light rain over the weekend flooded
many areas of Ann Arbor and
southeastern Michigan, including a 12-
mile stretch of U.S. 23 near Milan.
The River Raisin continued to spill
over its banks yesterday, sparking the
evacuations of at least 1,000 residents in
Monroe County and prompting fears of
greater flooding because of predicted
Some 148 elderly people were
evacuated from a flooded high-rise
senior citizen center on the banks of the
river in Monroe and at least 900

people-more than a third of the
population-were forced from their
homes in the small farm town of Dun-
GOV. WILLIAM Milliken's office said
there were no immediate plans to send
the National Guard to Monroe County
because "they have things under con-
trol as far as people problems."
The National Weather Service
predicted at least a quarter-inch of rain
over much of southern Michigan late
Monday. And more rain was expected
today and tomorrow.
Elsewhere; floodwaters in the Lan-
sing area appeared to be subsiding but

officials kept a close eye on potential
rain storms expected by nightfall.
Residents in some areas near the Red
Cedar River were notified, however, to
take precautions in the event of some
POLICE REPORTED that several
highways across southern Michigan
were closed to the flood waters, which
had risen as high as seven feet on U.S.
During the weekend at least one
death was blamed on the flooding. A
man whose canoe overturned Saturday
on swollen Hayworth Creek in Clinton
County was missing and presumed

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
JEROME WEISNER, former president of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and the University's Walgreen Professor of Human Understan-
ding advocates a need for a nuclear arms freeze while speaking yesterday at
Angell Hall.

Reach out and touch someone
HE CONTINENTAL Telephone Co. of Big Sandy,
Texas apparently thought Gary Thomas reached
out and touched a whole lot of people when it billed
him for more than $35,000 in long-distance calls
Thomas and his wife, Mary Kay, received 11 stacks of
itemized calls this week that cost the phone company $7.60
in nostage to mail. "At first I could have cried, but then it

Whales in uniform.
Two naval "recruits" weighing 900 and 1,100 pounds were
airlifted from Canada to San Diego, their latest mission
completed. The two swabbies are Beluga whales. Their
mission: to trainas deep-water retrievers with the Navy's
Oceans Systems Center at the Navy's Canadian test range
at Nanoose, B.C. Dick Meyer, spokesman for the Naval Un-
dersea Warfare Engineering Station, said the whales made
dives of over 1,000 feet wearing special harnesses that
would enable them to pick up tornedoes or other machinery

ct Martian volcano with a view of the Martian landscape
and the planet's twin moons, Phobos and Deimos. "You'll
have the first opportunity to explore unoccupied neigh-
borhoods," said planetarium director David Aguilar. "And
we guarantee there will be no hostile reprisals from the
natives-there aren't any." The "land sale" is a fun-
draising project in which buyers will be donating to an as
yet undetermined special project, Aguilar said. Buyers of
Martian land plots will get a deed, a topographical map
showing the exact site of the plot, and an insurance package
which covers everything but deep space walks and volcanic

in favor of establishing an independent student gover-
" 1933- Residents of Betsy Barbour dorm voted 51-47 to
allow smoking in the rooms. Betsy Barbour was the last of
the four dorms to allow smoking.
" 1961- The- Inter-Quad Council decided to study
criticisms of complaints of dorm residents about dorm con-
" 1967- The Fraternity Buyers Association admitted un-
fairness and inefficiency in purchasing supplies for frater-
nity residents. ©.




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