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January 09, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-09

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 9, 1982-Page 3

U.S. settles
anti-trust suits

Reagan may sell federal lands

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan pondered possible 1983 tax in-
creases yesterday as administration of-
ficials 'proposed that he sell land, tim-
ber, and other federal assets to narrow
the budget deficit.
The plan calls for sale of relatively
small plots of federal land in urban
areas to raise $2 billion in 1983 and 1984.
Total federal holdings of this type of
land are worth about $11 billion.
PRESIDENTIAL Counselor Edwin
Meese said Thursday the ad-
ministration is considering such sales.
He suggested the money be put into a
separate account to retire existing

federal debt rather than be counted in
the 1983 budget as a way to reduce
future deficits.
As another money-saving move, the
administration was reported to be c on-
sidering reductions or delays in cost-of-
living increases in federal benefit
programs other than Social Security.
Estimated savings would be as much as
$6 billion in fiscal 1983, which begins
Oct. 1.
Administration sources, asking that
their names not be used, said the
president is prepared to seek at least
some new tax increases as part of the
1983 budget he will propose to Congress

next month. However, the size of the
tax package and the types of increases
were still under discussion, they said.
DEPUTY WHITE House press
secretary Larry Speaks refused
yesterday to discuss any of the
proposals under study. "We're not
going to conduct the president's
decision-making in a fishbowl," ie
Reagan already has decided to
propose $31 billion in cuts in social
welfare and other domestic programs..
but most of those savings will be offset
by his plan for a sharp increase in the
defense budget.

As- a result, Reagan faces a record-
deficit of nearly $110 billion next year
unless he acts to raise taxes or other
revenue sources, according to ad-
ministration estimates.
THE PRESIDENT, who met yester-
day for the second day in a row with his
senior economic advisors, frequently
has expressed reluctance to raise
taxes. However, his economic advisers-'
have formed a solid front in favor of at
least $10 billion in new taxes for 1983,
primarily by narrowing tax
"loopholes," sources said.

From AP and UPi
WASHINGTON - The American
Telephone and Telegraph Co. agreed
to sell its 22 Bell operating com-
panies, worth an estimated $80
billion, in the settlement yesterday of
the government's 7-year-old an-
titrust case against the world's
largest corporation.
Only hours later, the Justice
Department dropped a 12-year-old
suit against International Business
Machines, Inc., thereby clearing the
slate of the biggest antitrust cases
inherited by the Reagan ad-
ASSISTANT Attorney General
William Baxter said the agreement
with AT&T will mean more com-
petition in the telecommunications
industry. But he conceded that local
phone rates are likely to go up in
those areas served by the Bell cor i-
panies which AT&T must divest
within 18 months.
The operating companies com-
prise about two-thirds of AT&Ts
Meanwhile yesterday the chair-

man of Michigan's Public Service
Commission said the settlement of
the AT&T case could have a "highly"
unfavorable" impact on Michigan
A SPOKESMAN for Michigan Bell
Telephone Co., Lee Lindberg,
declined to speculate on what im-
pact the agreement would have on
rates for the company's three
million customers.
Baxter, the department's antitrust
chief, relayed to a federal court in
New York that he had concluded the
separate case against IBM,
originally brought during the John-
son administration was no longer
appropriate. That suit sought to
break up the computer firm on
grounds that its pricing' and
marketing policies discouraged
competition, but since 1969 the in-
dustry has seen enormous growth
and a proliferation of competitors.
Baxter said "The costs of con-
tinuation, weighed against the
government's likelihood of success
and the potential benefits to be ob-
tained, warranted dismissal" of
the IBM suit.

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in Poland

WARSAW (AP) - Poland's martial
law regime reported severe grain shor-
tages yesterday, indicated military
rule will continue for some time, and
said a Solidarity leader will be tried for
urging that government officials be
The head of the Communist Party's
Warsaw province branch, Jerzy
Boleslawski, warned that "political op-
ponents continue to act, and their
weapons are rumors, lies, and leaflets
often calling for resistance," according
to Warsaw radio broadcasts.
RADIO WARSAW said daily pur-
chases of grain were running betwen
250 and 300 tons, "far short of the coun-

try's requirements despite indications Council recommending university rec-
that there is plenty of it in the coun- tors "create prerequisites for resuming.,
tryside." and continuing lectures by mid
It said farmers had sold less than half February under martial law.
the grain they had contracted for and The broadcast and another tran-
were holding back because they regar- smission indicated the state of
ded grain "as the safest currency, par- emergency imposed Dec. 13 would con-
ticularly in view of the promised price tinue at least another five weeks, and.
reform." that censorship would remain in force..
Deputy Premier Jerzy Czdowski was According to the radio telephone ser-
quoted as saying the most rampant vice will resume tomorow in all provin-
form of speculation at the moment was cial capitals. But it noted that "censor-
hoarding in anticipation of price in- ship bodies set up under martial law
creases. He said the government would have the right to control and interrupt
deal with the issue next week. telephone conversations in order to
THE RADIO also broadcast a com- prevent their use for activity' that
munique from the ruling Military threatens the security of the state.

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Solidarity will not be crus hedSays member

v "

Nation's unemployment
soars to 8.9% m December
<hin ued from Pae 1). -

boarding a helicopter with his wife en
route to the presidential retreat at
Camp David, Reagan said his program
is the only way to return to a job-
creating economy.
"I don't know any other way to do it,"
he said. "If you will remember, there
were 2 million who lost their jobs the
last six months of 1980 during the elec-
tion., And then we held our own for a
while until this recession came along."
Reagan bristled when a reporter
asked whether high unemployment was
necessary to bring down inflation.
.No," he said, adding anyone who
would suggest that the rise in unem-

ployment was the result of deliberate
policy "is again inventing something
out of whole cloth."
In the past, administration officials
have said rising unemployment is the
price the nation must pay for bringing
down double-digit inflation. And White
House deputy press secretary Larry
Speaks said Friday that the ad-
ministration had expected a rise, in
White House sources, requesting
anonymity, acknowledged, that unem-
ployment "could move somewhat
higher" than the previous post-World
War II high of 9 percent at the peak of
the 1974-75 recession in May 1975.

(Continued from Page 1)
all of a sudden it showed a gun," he
KNAUFF, WHOSE wife is with him
in the United States, but whose mother
and aunt remain in Poland, has set up
an information bureau in New York for
Poles currently outside of their
This new bureau gets its information
from reports smuggled out of Poland by
exiting foreign visitors or defecting
countryment. "We don't know much
more than you do," he admitted.
Knauff said that he now has a list of
some 600 people, all members of the
Solidarity Film Agency, who currently
are interned in Polish jails or concen-
tration camps.
"IF I HAD BEEN in Poland I would
have been arrested too," he said.
Every leading intellectual who had
any connection with Solidarity~has been
arrested, Knauff said, although he added
that the internationally famous film
director Andre Wadja had been arrested
and then released.
There are only five to ten Solidarity
leaders currently in Poland who have
not been arrested, he said. These few
leaders escaped arrest because they
had been out of their houses at the time
of the crackdown, he said.
Knauff claimed that the Soviet Union
was behind the imposition of martial
law. "I have been living in the country
36 years, and this is long enough to
know that, of course, the Kremlin was
behind the martial law," he said.
THE SOVIET government refuses to
accept the existence of Solidarity, he
claimed. "The whole thing was inter-
vention by proxy," Knauff said of the
Knauff explained that the Polish
government, in league with the Soviets,
had been planning to impose martial law

'The whole resistance against this (regime) is as
natural as the milk of the mother. You don't even
need to teach it. '
Richard Knauff,
Solidarity- member

A three-day Michigan Gala, sponsored by the Michigan Community
Theatre Foundation for the benefit of the Michigan Theatre, continues today
with a celebration dinner, cash bar, ragtime piano concert, and Judith Dow
in concert with the Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra.
Alternative Action-Casablanca, 7, 10:25 p.m., MLB 4; Deadline USA, 8:50
AAFC-Badlands, 6:45, 10:20 p.m., MLB 3; East of Eden, 8:20 p.m., MLB
Cinema Guild-Superman, 7, 9:30 p.m., Lorch.
Cinema II-Annie Hall, 7, 8:45, 10:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Mediatrics-Notorious, 7 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.; Psycho, 9 p.m., Nat. Sci.
Gamelan Ensemble-Javanese music and dance, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
CREES-Festival of Yiddish culture, "An Evening of Sholem Aleichem,"
8p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Gray Panthers-Monthly meeting, "Young People's Stake in Social
Security," Ruth Campbell, Daniel Fusfeld, Bea Harrison, 3 p.m., Ann Arbor
Firehouse second floor conference room.
Ann Arbor Community Development Program-Local government of-
ficials discuss how the city will spend its development resources in an era of
federal andstate budget-cutting, 12:30 p.m., Tappan Intermediate School.
Theosophical Society-Video Series, "Death and Dying," Part I, 3 p.m.,
Carriage House, 1917 Washtenaw.
University Planetarium-"Winter's Gems," 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 2, 3, 4 p.m.,
Exhibit Museum Planetarium.
Men's basketball-vs. Purdue, 4 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Ann Arbor Friends of Traditional Music/University Folklore
Society-Dancing, 8 p.m., Michigan Union.,
Universal Life Church-Full Moon Medtation Ceremony, 8 p.m., Galaxy
Room, Crystal House.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

ever since Solidarity was formed 16
months ago.
"It was a tricky game," he said. "It
was very well planned and very well
Knauff claimed that no one within
the Solidarity leadership thought
Jaruzelski would call on Polish troops
to suppress the labor union. Solidarity
leaders believed that the Soviet army
would be called in to calm the situation,
he added.
USE OF THE Polish army should
have been beneficial to Solidarity,
Knauff claimed. "The (Polish) army
was trusted because they were the sons
of Polish mothers, and indeed a part the
army refused to take part."
Knauff claimed that the section of the
Polish army that participated in the.
violent suppression of the union were~
special "paramilitary" forces who had
been trained in camps that were
isolated from the Polish population.
"They didn't know who they were
shooting at," Knauff paid. He also
claimed that many of the soldiers
responsible for the deaths reported
during the imposition of martial law
were drunk or on drugs during the
"IF YOU ASK a little girl in Warsaw
what she thinks of Jarulzelski, she will
tell you this," Knauff said, making an
insulting ge ture with his arm.
"The whdle resistance against this
regime is as natural as the milk of the

mother. You don't even need to teach
it. It is built into the Polish blood, ex-
cept in some traitors," he said.
Knauff, whose English is slow but
fluent, said the Polish people are like a
compressed spring, waiting to explode
into freedom at the first chance.
"Solidarity was another attempt by the
Polish people to be free," he added.
in other Eastern-bloc countries did not
have the history of freedom that the
Poles had. For this reason an uprising
as lengthy as that of Solidarity's would
take much longer to develop in a coun-
try such as Czechoslovakia or Bulgaria.
Knauff worked for an underground
publishing firm, NOWA, in Warsaw
before he joined Solidarity's film agen-
cy. NOWA helped to westernize Poland
even before the trade union.came into
existence, he said.
NOWA published books that would

have been censored had they been prin-
ted through a firm operated by the
DURING THE existence of Solidarity .
the amount of censorship imposed was.'.
reduced drastically. Censors in other
Soviet satellite countries "would get
heart attacks if they read the things,
printed in Poland," Knauff stated.
Knauff said he found some of the
recent defections by Polish diplomats
to the West hypocritical. He explained
that one must sympathize with the
regime to get an important diplomatic
post in Poland, and those defecting
diplomats never expressed any pro-
Solidarity sentiments before the crack-
One must ask the diplomats, Knauff
said, "what the hell have you been
doing for the past 36 years, that you are
now so courageous (to defect for the
cause of Solidarity)."
Knauff claimed he will only return to
Poland when the government relaxes
its martial law.




In yesterday's Daily, the caption to
the picture of the Economics Building
was incorrect. The caption said the
walls of the building were deemed un-
stable and implied that the entire
building was to be destroyed. However,
only the building's south wall, due to a
crack in its upper middle section, was

declared unstable and demolished. No
decision has been made to destroy the
entire building.
On Wednesday, the Daily incorrectly
reported that a new Taco Bell
restaurant will open on Church Street in
Ann Arbor. The correct address of the
new restaurant is 615 E. University.

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