0 Michras UniversityActivities Center ARTS _.+ 4 4 Page 6 Friday, March 12, 1982- The Michigan Daily SATURDAY MARCH 13 8:00 p.m,- 1:00 a.m. Kosinski rings low on 'F By James Clinton MICHIGAN UNION $2.50 CASINO, BAND: "WHIZ KIDS," ENTERTAINMENT, ARCADE, FOOD, DRINKS, AND MUCH MORE! !!! l K OSINSKI'S LATEST novel, Pin- ball, bears startling similarities to it's predecessors, in content, style and form. No doubt it will prove pleasing to the author's cult audience, as that seems to be it's sole intention. Unfor- tunately, it's a weak and despairing book, that essentially maps the hazards indiginous to the author's route. Predic- tably, the emphasis is on the sadistic and it stretches to the maximum man's indifference and cruelty to man. Goddard is the eccentric hero of this work, a rock 'n' roll star who conceals his identity with a hideously preventive zeal. The search to penetrate the man's, identity is the ambition of an obscure composer and his debauched girlfriend. Obviously, the surface action and premise are less than original, however the dual identity sets up a number of intriguing subplots and interesting am- biguities in the main character. The strain of anxiety that permeates the underside of adulation is nicely con- veyed, certainly it's augmented by our own knowledge of yesterday's headlines. Yet, Kosinski belabors the frightening aspects of such a dichotomy as if it's an original idea. He even in- vokes the ghosts of Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon, lest we not get the point. Actually, this book is a veritable smorgasbord of cultural symbols such as Chopin, Yeats, Auden and James Joyce. The increasing tendency to den- sely populate the pages of a book with other artists is becoming annoying. The popular misconseption is that by assigning an artist a position in the narrative, the reader's accessibility to strategems of locality and inspiration will be increased. In Ragtime it worked, here it is preponderously out of place. Kosinski is an interesting novelist, however inflated his reputation. In this book, he has done his leg work; his ob- vious knowledge and passion for music places him in a milieu well within his resources. The descriptions of the musical, scenes are by far the most rewarding sections of the novel. But he gets into trouble, as usual, by the severity and one-dimensional servings of contemporary life. The search for Goddard becomes an excuse for plunging headfirst into the seamy underlife of American life. It's little more than an unrelenting journey through the sewer of modern experien- ce, with continued detailing of man at his most vile. These scenes are starkly lit and enveloped in a purplish, colloquial prose that is more cinematic than literary. The hideeous surface and extremity of violent details reminded me of The Warriors; an operatic sur- face exploding with violence, yet vapid at the core. In Kosinski's work, lovers debase one another with regularity, bestial inevitabilities lurk in the shadows and it's all delivered with prose as tiresome and autonomous as the action it depicts. Too frequently the message is pleasure without beauty, observation devoid of reason, and most importantly, pain without any possibility of redemption. Kosinski's journey limits the viable possibilities of his characters. By exaggerating conditions to the point of hallucination, in a desperate attempt to reveal the futility of our lives. he has boxed himself into a metaphysical cor- ner. It's a perilous course for any novelist to take unless he is a Genet or Cheever. Certainly, Kosinski has never demonstrated an ability to shape the decomposition of form into art. Once again he leads us to the sewer and poin- ts. While his descriptive power ac- Pin ball Jerzy Kosinski Bantam; 287 pages 'inbali' frequently emerge as mechanized degenerates, who are without personal angst, because little guilt penetrates their actions. Needless to say, thi4 results in a dark and foreboding outlook. In his first three novels Kosinski gav every indication of being a heavy hitter' It was interesting to see how confuse4 and distorted the American condition was to one who possessed an ostensibly "iron curtain" sensibility. His off-beat handling of the ugly side of our ex; perience was of genuine interest. Ever, the violent angularity of his prose vta4 well suited to the disturbing brushstrokes he set down. Often he achieved a delicate balance betwen the primitive world and man's inhumanity to man. Along the way it seems he's los a great deal of curiosity in his art and MW given himself over entirely to what his audience expects.. He is no longer a heavy hitter, but is content to bunt his: way on base. He has stopped swinging for the fences and appears content in his role as a cross between Kafka and Sidney Sheldon. The message in this novel, as in his' recent books seems to be "Let's take a: good look and then get out the razor; blades." To yield to the territorial im- perative in his work is to breathe the, stagnant air of defeat. He seems, hideously incapacitated by hiso'bseri vations, like a tired soldier galloping: through the darkness, on a blind horse, into the eternity of his wounds. Pinball is a sad and disturbing work by an. author who'd be better served to forget the desires of his peculiar cult and begin writing with what Henry Miller called "the wisdom of the heart." curately opens up the abyss, we can only stare into it, rather than observing from within the interior and fastening a heighened perception. We can't view the process because his characters lack the temperment and spiritual reserves necessary for the journey.- As a writer;Kosinski is frequently be- trayed by his own limitations. He lacks the prose strenth and spiritual insight to unlock the key to his characters psychic torment. The people he creates act out of neurotic predisposition and Records David Thomas and Pedestrians-'The Sound of Sand and Other Songs of Pedestrian' (Rough Trade) the the the Given the backgrounds of the collaborators on this LP (Pere Ubu, Young Marble Giants, Lounge Lizards, Henry Cow, just to name a few), you would rightfully expect an eclectic mix- ture of the most unlikely sounds.. However, nothing could fully prepare you for the worlds (this one and others) cruise represented on this LP. But with David Thomas (lead singer for Pere Ubu) as tour guide, the only thing you really need to count on is that this musical exploration won't be un- dertaken as some drily academic treatise. Thomas has a way of skipping wantonly and merrily through a grab- bag of genres, playfully spilling avant- garde jazz into African percussion and mischievously dragging simple rock and roll through the territory of the most ungodly distortion. All of this he does with a child-like cheeriness that invites the listener into the mischief in- stead of making one simply the recipient of paternalistic, pedantic lec- ture.. It should be abundantly clear, though, that trying to describe a musical work like this is inappropriate, if not antithetical to the work itself. No matter what your.expectations for The Sound of Sand, they are sure to be trashed. Obviously, the best way to ap- proach this album is un- prepared-ready only to be dragged along just for the fun of it. So, please remember this review (if at all) only fA1 ~ftI7 J-M SchoOl of Music Dance Company MarCh 19-21 at the Power Center long enough to get near a copy of The Sound of Sand. I think you'll know what to do from there. -Mark Dighton0 Kano-'New York Cake' (Mirage-Atlantic) Kano are an. excellent example of) something I have come to 'call" Foreigner Syndrome" (no relation to the rock band of the same name). What T.F.S. means to me (What does T.F.S. mean to you?) is that foreigners often have the distance to appreciate and in- corporate trends in American music in ways that would never seem possible on home turf. The British, especially, seem to have an unerring knack for tapping the ex- citement of Black American music. There have been other good examples, though. Germany's Vic Vergat takes the overkill ethos of heavy metal to new heights of sublime absurdity. Japan's Sheena and the Rokkets appreciate the trashier nuances of girl-group pop like no one else (save perhaps Joan Jett). And Italy's Kano provide a unique viewpoint on modern dance music. What Kano achieves that most others wouldn't even attempt is a synthesis of pop-funk, Eurodisco, and disco. For ob- vious reasons, their forte is Eurodisco. Unfortunately, nothing on NY Cake is quite as synthetically surreal as "It's a War" or "I'm Ready" off the last album, but at least "Don't Try to Stop Me" is an impressive try. Their pop-funk is a bit on the thin side, though. Most of the time it sounds only like Chic with a slightly harder edge. At the worst, it simply refers to some of the more disappointingly ob- vious popular trends of the day (Kool & the Gang's pap-funk, etc.). But I guess you have to take thegood with the bad on an album of such difer- sity. And when they're good, Kano sono molto bravi, brother. -M . Tickets at PT-* in the Michigan 7A4-0450 -eague Wih Sounds 01 Rock and azz -r- tia- ANN ARBOR'S ONLY oriental food S s.C HIN THEF HNNAIIAN STYLE to take out al ZUN ON 11 A . . A v 0 Ami