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March 12, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-12

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Niniety- Two Years
Editorial Freedorin


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Vol. XCII, No. 126

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 12, 1982

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages

'U' plans for better-not smaller-research

Given the University's current
retrenchment, administrators have
ome fairly ambitious plans-a
massive replacement hospital project,
a multi-million dollar robotics center,
and a new chemistry building, to name
a few.
"You have to take initiatives," said
Charles Overberger, University vice
president for research. "The decision to
expand had primarily academic
motivations-teaching and research."
And, according to University of-
icials, muchof the expansion will have
be in the field of research, if the
University is to maintain its academic
ALTHOUGH MANY students claim
the University already puts too much
emphasis on research to the neglect of

teaching, administrators say the two
are inextricably tied: When the quality
of research goes up, so does the quality
of teaching. "You're a better teacher at
any level if you're on the forefront of
your area," said Overberger, "in other
words, if you're carrying out resear-
Therefore, the University plans to
greatly expand its research.
Research will probably be a big win-
ner in the large shifts in the Univer-
sity's budget that result from the ad-
ministration's Five-Year Plan. In ad-
dition, the University is already moving
ahead with plans for the creation of a
"world class" research center in
molecular biology and a massive
robotics research center to be funded
by the state government and private

SOME administrators are also
pushing a plan to establish a Michigan
Research Corporation which would
market University research to private
And, in the future, observers can ex-
pect even greater cooperation between
the University and the private sector in
promoting research efforts, ad-
ministrators say.
"Great plans" are underway to draw
more private gifts to the University,
Frye said, adding that there is a
possibility of a major capital campaign
in the next two or three years.
UNIVERSITY research expenditures
haven't been keeping up with those of
peer institutions according to Alan
Price, assistant to the vice president for
research. It used to be ranked first or
See 'U' RESEARCH, Page 8

Even for
at the 'U,'
the price
was right'
Who actually wins the Publisher's
Clearing House Sweepstakes? Who
wins the McDonald's Build-a-Big-Mac
Contest, or the trip around the world
from "The Price is Right"? Who are
these lucky devils like Ida Smith from
Leesville, La., and Betty Tomlinson
rom Worthville, Ky., who each recen-
y. won $100,000. from the American
Family Publisher's Sweepstakes? Are
they always southerners? Do they
really exist?
Not only do they exist, they exist in
Ann Arbor. From "The Hollywood
Squares" to Children's AZoG rafflewin-
ners, this city has them all.
Charmaine Deadman, for instance.
She grossed $8,000 in prizes on "The
Wollywood Squares" in Las Vegas last
Deadman, who was in California last
year with the Young Americans singing
group to appear on Liberace's
television show, auditioned for
Hollywood Squares and was chosen
from a large pool of applicants.
As it turned out, she won two out of
three games, and was in the middle of
the furth when time ran out. Her prizes
included a trip to Mexico, a grandfather
Slock, a moped, a 35mm camera - with
accessories - a $500 wardrobe from
"an exclusive Hollywood boutique," a
brass ceiling fan, a $1,000 bed, $50 in
upholstery cleaner, $40 in Jovan
See PRICE, Page 9

Sen. Williams quits,
blames FBI tactics

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON- Harrison Williams
resigned yesterday after 23 years in the
Senate, vowing that "history and
Almighty God will vindicate me" even
as his colleagues were poised to cast
him out in the first expulsion since the
Civil War.
Williams called his ordeal a "two-
year nightmare" and accused the FBI
of "heinous conduct" in its in-
vestigation that resulted in his convic-
tion and those of seven House mem-
FOR SIX months, Williams has asked
other senators, many of them close
friends, to believe that the FBI targeted
him without cause to believe that he

was corruptible, then twisted his ac-
tions to frame him.
But his own words on videotapes
made by the FBI's undercover team
contradicted' his insistence that Ab-
scam "was a net that was so crudely
wrapped around me."
Williams, 62, was the only senator
among seven members of Congress en-
snared in the Abscam net. He was sen-
tenced last year to three years in prison
and fined $50,000.
SEN. HOWELL Heflin of Alabama,
the senior Democrat on the Senate
Ethics Committee, said yesterday that
the case was built mainly "on the un-
coerced words from the mouth of
Harrison Williams himself."

Almost all of Williams' 99 colleagues
had watched the tapes of seven
meetings in which he met with under-
cover FBI agents, informants, and two
political supporters from New Jersey,
who were also implicated.
Williams was convicted of accepting
a hidden interest in a Virginia titanium
mine in exchange for promises to ob-
tain government contracts for the ven-
ture-and to introduce a private im-
migration bill for an Arab sheik, who
actually was an undercover agent.
THE SHOWDOWN began March 4,
and for six historic days, members sat
in their chairs and listened-sometimes
intent, but often bored and uncomfor-
See SENATOR, Page 2

'U' officials say case of FBI

agents 01
The recent FBI investigation of a
visiting Russian scholar's research ac-
tivities on campus is a "closed case" as
far as several University officials are
After press reports of the incident, in
which FBI agents sought information
about materials the Soviet
mathematician had been requesting
from a University library, surfaced in
February, bureau representatives
spoke to University General Counsel
Roderick Daane to clarify their actions,
Daane said yesterday.
"BOTH THE FBI and the University
acted in an acceptable way," Daane
said. "As far as I'm concerned, the in-

ncampus is closed'

Dolly Photo by LINDA KELLEY
Taking it of f
The portrait of the late Judge Talbot Smith is unveiled during yesterday's
ceremonies celebrating the opening of Ann Arbor's new federal court.
Several local figures were on hand to dedicate the courtroom, including
Mayor Louis Belcher and Universty Law School Dean Terrance Sandalow.
Officials said the opening of the i ew district court will mean that area
residents will no longer have to travel to Detroit when involved in federal

cident's closed."
When the agents came to campus last
month to investigate the scholar, the
head librarian of the Engineering-
Transportation Library refused to
release any information, in accordance
with a long-standing library regulation
prohibiting its release, according to
library officials.
An associate director of the Univer-
sity libraries, Jane Flener, said that the
recent incident was the only one she
had known of in the five years she has
been at the University.
* FLENER SAID the library policy
continues to prohibit the release of any
information on the activities of library

The incident at the library follows a
number of cases in recent months in
which federal agencies have been wat-
ching more closely the activities of
foreign scholars on campuses across
the nation.
Most of the universities that have
been asked to restrict the activities of
visiting professors and students have
refused to comply with the gover-
nment's requests.
THE FACULTY Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs in
January set up an ad-hoc committee to
investigate the issue on a University
level, although that group has not met

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LSA moves
to begin TA
English tests

LSA administrators have taken the first steps
toward implementing a newly-formulated college-
wide requirement designed to ensure that foreign
teaching assistants are proficient in spoken English.
Assistant Dean Jens Zorn sent college chairpersons
and directors notification of the new requirements
last month, and has asked them to estimate the num-
ber of TAs who will be effected by the new rules.
UNDER THE new rules, all TAs who hold high school.
diplomas from schools outside of the United States
will have to be certified as competent in spoken
English before they are allowed to teach LSA cour-
ses. The new rule is to apply both to new TAs and to
TAs who have taught previously at the University.
TAs who fail the exam will not be allowed to teach un-
til they have taken English courses and have passed
the test.
Since TAs may come to the University with intentions
of securing a teaching job for financial support, those
who fail will be reassigned to non-classroom jobs
such as grading tests for the remainder of the term.
REACTION TO THE plan has been mixed. Many

students and faculty members have praised the new
requirements, but several teaching assistants have
expressed reservations.
Introductory sociology TA Kyung Song, who is
from South Korea, said the measure made him
"very, very uncomfortable," and that he was afraid
it might lead to discrimination against foreign
students in the future.
In the mathematics department, which has a high
concentration of foreign TAs, Associate Chairman
Peter Hinman said he was "delighted when the dean
(Zorn) took some interest and offered to find some
funds" to pay for English classes for foreign TAs
ZORN'S OFFICE has already paid for English
classes for a dozen volunteer TAs in two six-week
pilot programs through the Michigan Language Cen-
ter, a private language instruction institute.
Mathematics department Chairman Fredrick
Gehring said he hopes the rules won't have much ef-
fect on the department, but said the requirements
may make it more difficult to recruit foreign students
who want to be TAs.
"If someone sees they're going to have to take a

competency test, they may think twice about
(coming to the University)," Gehring said.
CHEMISTRY CHAIRMAN Thomas Dunn said he
doesn't think the requirements will affect his depar-
tment adversely. He said his department already
"looks at these people fairly carefully."
Dunn said he could see the program's merits, as
TAs need to be able to stand up in front of a class and
communicate with students, but ,said he felt the
college is "being simplistic."
"They're selecting out a certain group," Dunn said.
He said student compaints about courses taught by
TAs often find their basis in problems other than
language difficulties. He said students often have
trouble with just generally poor quality teaching and
with inherently difficult material.
THE CHEMISTRY department requires its TAs to
take teaching courses before starting their teaching
term, and already moves TAs to non-classroom
positions if they receive sustained complaints about a
TA, Dunn said.
While many TAs said that communication is a

V~q:. s, ....,s.,s,,,...a.:

Frankly, Scarlett, I don't
give a hoot
F RANKLY, RHETT cared a lot about Scarlett, but
Oh Ashley! She may be falling for you
now. Scarlett is a member of the endangered
peregrine breed of falcons. She has r'ested for four
years on a 33rd-floor ledge of an insurance company"
.mss___..__ n .. .. t ...... ..r . .. 'r na n ollZ nvr

................................................................ ...... ........................................................................

than the males and often are aggressive," said Steve
Sherrod, who accompanied Ashley to Baltimore and works
for the Peregrine Fund. Peregrines are numbered among
the world's most endangered species and are capable of
flying at up to 200 mph as they dive for pigeons and
starlings. o
Computerized bingo
At a time when comnuters. calculators, and automatic

we'll let the bingo players around here give it a permanent;
The Daily almanac
On this date in 1970, 13,000 people attended the kickoff
rally for the University's "Give the Earth a Chance" teach-

" 1973- The Student Government Council, the Michigan
Daily, and the Michigan Student News filed suit to end the,
Board of Regents' practice of holding private meetings.
On the inside...
The Opinion Page takes a look at George Gamota, direc-
tor of the University's Institute of Science and Technology
... Arts has a review of Jerzy Kosinski's Pinball and a look




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