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January 09, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-09

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

. E

LIE igan


Partly cloudy; cold, and
very windy today, with a
good chance of light snow.

Vol. XCII, No. 81

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 9, 1982

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Since 1971,
warned of
Econ. Bldg.
While much doubt remains concerning the
5exact damages to the Economics Building,
which was gutted by fire last month, fire officials
from both the city and University agree that an
interior sprinkler system could have saved the
125-year-old structure.
Fire inspectors have recommended such a
system in each of the past 11 years, according to
insurance reports revealed yesterday, but finan-
cial constraints forced University officials to
choose other, less expensive measures.
WILLIAM RYAN, director of the University's
Insurance and Risk Office, confirmed that a
sprinkler system for the building had been
recommended as far back as 1971. But that
proposal was accompanied by many others,
regarding additional campus facilities, which
were deemed more worthy of scarce University
"We have a very strong interest in preserving
our buildings and life safety," Ryan said, "but
everything in its place and within the budget
During this 11-year period, neither the city nor
;the state has inspected University buildings.
That responsibility rests with campus Fire Mar-
shal Russell Downing, and the University's in-
surance company, Industrial Risk Insurers.
Twice a year, Downing and IRI Agents inspect
campus buildings to determine where fire
prevention and detection equipment are needed.
AT THE conclusion of these biannual inspec-
tions, IRI issues an extensive listing of fire
safety recommendations, which are then sub-
mitted to the University. Beginning in 1971, this
0 listing included a section entitled "Economics
Building, No. 164.," calling for the installation of
"automatic sprinkler protection throughout
areas of the building having wood construction."
According to Ryan, these recommendations
are reviewed by the Fire Protection Project
Committee, of which he is chairman. This com-

Jobless rate
soars to 8.9%,



Doily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Steam heat
Students crossing the pedestrian bridge from central campus to the hill dorms watch the drifting clouds of
warm steam from the smokestacks of the University power plant as they hit the chilly air.
New technology v111roves
'U' emergency services

WASHINGTON (AP)- The gover-
nment reported yesterday that unem-
ployment last month soared to 8.9 per-
cent-a situation that President
Reagan called "tragic" while saying it
may get worse before it gets better.
"There are going to be a few months
of low periods, we can't help that,"
Reagan said. "But I think that as weget
down toward the spring and going into-
summer we're going to see the
economy begin to come back."
Joblessness among adult men
already is at an all-time high since the
government began compiling monthly
statistics in 1948, rising to 8 percent in
December as blue-collar workers were
hit hard by layoffs in manufacturing.
The Labor Department said the
widening recession cost 460,000
Americans their jobs in December as
overall unemployment jumped half a
percentage point from the 8.4 percent in
Unemployment in Michigan in-
creased by 2.6 percent to 14.4 percent
last month. The Michigan Employment
Security Commission blamed the rising
number of auto industry layoffs, low
construction, and retail employment
for the increase, which left 106,000
jobless during December.
The Labor Department,in its monthly
report, said 'the customary holiday
season surge in retail business failed to
produce the number of jobs evidenced
in earlier years.
Altogether, nearly 9.5 million people
were out of work last month. The
jobless rate among blacks was at a
record high 17.4 percent and the num-
ber of people forced to accept part-time
work to make ends meet climbed to an
all-time high of 5.4 million.

Adju sted
8.5 - Percent of
Work Force




A $300,000 renovation to the University Hospital's
Emergency Service has made it one of the more ad-
vanced emergency rooms in the country.
In addition to improving the efficiency of the
present emergency room, the new technology and
spatial design will act as a "testing ground" for
designing the replacement hospital's emergency ser-
vice, said James Mackenzie, chief of Emergency
THE MOST advanced features of the facility are
the three power columns in the treatment area. Each
free-standing column consolidates equipment, such
as oxygen and heart monitors, thus allowing access
to the patient from all sides.
"I think we're the first in the country to use these
(power columns) in an emergency service,"
Mackenzie said. The column measures about two feet

by one foot and reaches to the ceiling.
Curtains divide the treatment area into three
trauma bays, each with an $8,000 power column and
operating room lights. "The concept was to get rid of
as many walls as possible," enabling constant obser-
vation of patients, Mackenzie said.
SPACE IN THE waiting area has also been
designed so that a triage nurse can see patients im-
mediately and continuously observe them. The triage
nurse's job is to make an initial examination to
determine the patient's condition and what kind of
treatment is needed.
The treatment area is designed to efficiently han-
dle the 100 patients seen on an average day, and is
flexible enough to handle disaster situations,
Mackenzie said.
"(Thursday) there was a mass influx of minor

Soice. 19811
'SourceDept of Labor AP]
The number of so-called
"discouraged workers" - those who
have given up looking for work and are
thus not counted as unemployed -
reached a record high 1.2 million in the
fourth quarter of 1981, the Labor Depar-
tment said.
"I think it's tragic," Reagan said.
"It's been coming on for a long time."
But, speaking with reporters before
See NATION'S, Page 3

Solidarity will
not be crushed,
says member

"I think Jaruzelski will try to im-
prison part of the Solidarity leaders,
and some he will exile. He perhaps will
try to set up Solidarity again as a pup-
pet organization, under control of the
government, to make the Western
world happy," Richard Knauff, a
Polish Solidarity member in exile, said
"These are the plans of Jaruzelski
(the Polish Martial Law General),but it
will not work, becaue one cannot kill the
spirit of the Polish people with guns or
martial law," Knauff said in an inter-
THE 36-YEAR-old representative of
a Solidarity-controlled film agency was
in the United States to promote
American interest in Polish films when
the Polish government declared mar-
tial law two months ago.
Knauff, a burly, cigarette-smoking
union member, said that even if the
government succeeds in crushing the
current Solidarity union, similar crises
will erupt in the near future.
"People will show passive resistance

as longras possible," he said, adding,
however, that it is difficult to predict
what form resistance will take in the
future because events in Poland are
changing so rapidly.
"MARTIAL LAW will not be lifted
until all the leaders of Solidarity are
imprisoned or exiled," he said.
Solidarity leader Lech Walesa will not
allow Solidarity to be crushed com-
pletely, Knauff said, claiming
that the labor leader is too
committed to his cause to allow the
union to be stifled.
Knauff said that if martial law was
lifted immediately Solidarity would
renew its efforts to obtain fundamental
concessions from the Polish gover-
nment, but this time they would adopt a dif-
ferent perspective.
"We have learned that Solidarity's
counterpart (the Polish government) is
somebody who is not honest. The gover-
nment is a counterpart that had one
hand behind its back the whole time it
was talking (with Solidarity) and then


Local Democrats
appeal new plan for
county redistricting
By STACY POWELL Republican Chairman Robert Henry,
Prosector William Delhey, County
Local attorneys took the new Treasurer Michael Stimpson and Coun-
Washtenaw County redistricting plan to ty Clerk Robert Harrison. Democratic
court yesterday, claiming the proposal Party Chairman Walt Scheider is the
was the result of gerrymandering by only Democrat on the commission.
the Republican members of the Appor- "Fairness and understanding has not
tionment Commission. been demonstrated by the three
Two separate suits, filed with the Republican musketeers," said Sallade,
Michigan Court of Appeals, call for the refering to Henry, Delhey and Stim-
rejection of the nine-district plan ap- pson. "The Commission has tried to
proved December 10 by the Washtenaw reduce Democrats to no power at all on
County Apportionment Commission. the Board," he added.
The new plan, effective from 1982 to "We object," Sallade said, "to what I
1990, determines the voting districts for consider an arrogant display of power"
the election of the County Board of by the commission.
Commissioners. "IT'S VERY HARD not to cut into
THE LAWSUITS represent Yp- townships," County Treasurer Stim-
silanti Township residents who object pson responded. "The districts have as
to both th eboundaries of the new much of a rectangular shape as
districts, and the reduction of the num- possible."
ber of districts from fifteen to nine.Prosecutor Delhey said "The plan
The plan "will make second class submitted meets federal and state
citizens of minority groups in guidelines. I don't think partisanship
Washtenaw County by dispersing black g es n't tn ai"
- was shown at all."

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS

voting strength," said attorney
George Sallade.
"The plan will make black voters
unable to elect a black member to the
Board," he continued.
THE FIVE-member Apportionment
Commission consists of four
Republican members: County

_ Attorney Victor Adamo has filed a
suit representing four citizens who ob-
ject to the Commission taking a section
of Ann Arbor bounded by I-94, Stone
School Road and Ellsworth Road and
placing it in District 2, while extending
See LOCAL, Page 2

RICHARD KNAUFF, a member of Solidarity, explains the driving force
behind Poland's suppressed trade union in an interview yesterday.

Love beats the clock
WO WORLD WARS and one marriage apiece
came and went between the time Victor and Zella
fell in love and their wedding day. They became
Mr.and Mrs. Victor McPartland last month. The
groom was 84, the bride, 81. In 1915, they met at boarding
school in Fernley, Nev., but her parents said no to marriage
because she was just 16. After World War I, McPartland
returned from France and married someone else. His old
seeathanrt wn married and divorced. Over the vears thev

Some numbers don't count
There just weren't enough "givens" given for a math
question in November's Scholastic Aptitude Test taken by
some 400,000 high school students in Providence, R.I. The
Providence Evening Bulletin reported Thursday that the
question was especially tricky because it simply could not
be answered with the amount of material students were
given to work with. The question, which involved an
algebraic equation with two unknown numerals, will not be
counted toward the students' scores. "Overall, it should
have had no significant effect on scores," said James

pioneer of something he has dubbed "hypno-art"-art
produced in a hypnotic trance. Watkins said he was having
a modestly successful career as an illustrator when he ac-
cidentally discovered his new art form. He was using self-
hypnosis to relieve tensions and one day, following a 25-
minute trance, he awoke to find a sophisticated charcoal
drawing in front of him with his signature on it. The next
logical step after sleepwalking? Or the '80s answer to
Picasso. C
Does politics pay?
Stephen Thomas is still waiting for his salary as mayor of
Milton, Pa.-all 8 cents of it. And he'll take a check, thank

certificate from the Board of Elections and put the check in
there with a sign that reads, 'Who says politics pay?"
Gumming it up at work
The gumshoe who wanted to gum it won his battle- with
the help of the local gummint. Sgt. Vic Lyle wears dentures
in civilian life, but he grits his gums when he goes to work in
Grove, Okla. Police Chief Mike Prather pleaded with Lyle
to wear his false teeth while on duty, but Lyle thought he
looked toothsome enough without them and refused. The
chief bucked him to a lower rank. But Lyle went to the city
council on Tuesday, and the council voted unanimously to
allow Lyle to work without his dentures. They also restored




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