40 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, March 10, 1982 The Michigan Daily Campus militarism in the bad old days. By Bret Eynon Imagine this scene on campus: Two- tlirds of the student body is enrolled in ROTC; they march to classes and prac- trce digging trenches on hills overlooking the Huron River. Univer- sity scientists do research on chemical *jrfare and new systems of weapons nmanufacture. Professors, who are un- dek surveillance, are fired for showing signs of "disloyalty." including a future vice president for research, worked on the atom bomb. When peace came the military did not fade away, however, as it had in the 1920s; instead, military research con- tinued at high levels through the "Cold War" era of the 1950s and into the 1960s. The military presence on campus peaked during the years preceding the Vietnam war. In 1963 the University received nearly $20 million in Pentagon research grants-more than any other educational institution in the nation. One special Army program was even titled "Project Michigan." The Air Force alone sponsored 142 research projects at the University in 1961. During the Vietnam era most campus military research was performed at the University's Willow Run Labs, located at the site of a famous World War II bomber factory in Ypsilanti. There, researchers developed infrared sen- sors, radar devices, and guidance systems for missiles. The Pentagon considered this work to be invaluable, and termed the University "the free world leader in battlefield surveillance technology." THE ELECTRONIC devices and in- frared sensors developed at Willow Run Labs were designed for what the Pen- tagon called "target identification and acquisition." A former Air Force pilot described what "target acquisition" meant in practice in the following way: "Charlie (the Viet Cong) used to feel safe in his jungle redoubts. But now we fly over him in RC-4C Phantoms with infrared camers and take pictures, in which his campfire shows up as a white IN 1967, peace activists launched a campaign to end campus military research. This campaign, which lasted for five long years, was successful in many respects. The initial effort was sparked by student groups, such as the Daily and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Faculty members gradually joined the students in their campaign, and eventually they carried the day. This student-faculty coalition staged rallies, passedpetitions, and held a non- violent sit-in at the administration building. The SDS invaded a top-secret meeting between University officials and a Navy admiral. In February, 1971, faculty activists demonstrated their commitment to the anti-war cause by holding a week-long hunger strike. The long campaign climaxed in the fall of 1971, at a Senate Assembly meeting. There the peace activists argued that an institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and civilization should not take part in war research. After heated discussion, the faculty body decided to ban most classified research and prohibit research which contributed to the development of weapons systems. A FEW MONTHS later, in March, 1972, the Regents passed a similar resolution, which included a clause reading: "The University shall not. . . accept any grant the clearly foreseeable and probable result of which, the direct application of which, or any specific purpose of which is to destroy human life or incapacitate human beings." The Regents created a review com- mittee to see that all classified military research adhered to the guidelines. They failed, however, to set upia similar committee for nonclassified military research, thus leaving a large loophole in the system. This exclusion drew little notice at the time, perhaps because, unlike today, most military research was classified during Viet- nam. The peace activists' victory, although not total, did have significant effedt. The University sold Willow Run Labs (which became ERIM-the Environ- mental Research Institute of Michigan), and the volume of campus military research droppd dramatically. By 1974 there was less than $4 million in military research grants at the University. THE 1970s were a time of general retreat for the Pentagon, but the military returned to universities in the late 1970s, and the controversy over military research has rekindled. The man behind the Pentagon's renewed in- terest in campus research was none other than George Gamota, then direc- tor of Department of Defense Research and Development. It is ironic, yet fit- ting, that Gamota has now come to campus as director of the University's Institute of Science and Technology. Eynon is a comnlunity historian and Michigan Student Assembly 4n- vestigator. His articles will appear periodically on the Daily's Opinion Page. Protesters gather in 1969 to oppose the war in Vietnam. Is this some futuristic fantasy? No, it really happened here. According to Howard Peckham's The Making, of the University of Michigan, our campus was virtually taken over by the military during World War I. And this was only " the first of several successive waves of campus militarism occurring prior to. I or during American involvement in I war. What are we seeing on our campus . today may well be the beginnings of the 5 next wave. i CAMPUS MILITARISM subsided af- * ter World War I, but it revived during $ World War II, when University scien- tists designed several new weapons systems for the Pentagon. Some faculty 4 U ~Itt4~41, dot with a tail. overruled, but he explained his prin- "We turn these pictures over to the ciples in a letter to a friend: ARVN (South Vietnamese) gunners; "If the world would stop in its mad the coordinates are established; and rush and listen to me for one minute, I suddenly, out of a peaceful sky, a large would say just one thing: War under explosive shell falls in the middle of any name is murder." Charlie's meal. . . Charlie never knew Opposition to campus militarism what hit him, or why." reached unprecedented heights in the A PERSISTENT thread of op- late 1960s, when Vietnam confronted position has existed throughout the Americans with the horrors of modern history of campus militarism. During war. Ann Arbor was alive with peace World War II, for .example, University activists during these years. They President Alexander Ruthven argued challenged the draft, University ROTC that the University's proper role was programs, and campus military not contributing to war, but training research, each of which they saw as an students for the coming peace and unwanted intrusion of the Pentagon into popular support. Ruthven was their lives. rv irttfin Otth1itn Weasel Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCII, No. 124. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board AM I D REAMING? H-AVE I GMNEINSANE.? THESE PEOPL$. t-DONt RiAVE ANY FACE;.' jC 1f F-xGUSE ME... BUT... AM Z MISTAKEN/ OR DO YOU Nor 14AVB A FACE? LAW SCHOOL. HUN? r-&j By Robert Lence LAW BUSINESS. GIMME. SCi40L MEp MONEY. SCHOOL.. St1 ~T n Questionable protection HE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency is having a little trouble ately figuring out what it's supposed lo be doing. The agency under the Reagan administration seems to be of- ering the environment anything but protection. y The actions of the agency's leader- hip offer one example of the current problem. When EPA director Anne Gorsuch assumed office, she started er term off by proposing a dramatic. put of her own agency's funds. Ap- iarently, less money was necessary §ince less protection was in store. Another example involves the Clean Air Act. When congressional leaders wanted to relax restrictions on how nany pollutants the Clean Air Act allows, the EPA approved - and then uggested even further weakening the ct. Last week the agency topped off its on list of perplexing policies with a fecommendation on chemical dum- >ing. The EPA now wants to reverse ts ban on burying hazardous liquid vastes. Claiming that the current ban s too stringent and too costly for the government to enforce, the agency ow proposes letting U.S. landfills con- ain up to 25 percent toxic liquids. Strong opposition to the plan has come from an unusual coalition of en- vironmentalists and businessmen. Environmentalists fear the plan would provoke another Love Canal, where the leaking of buried liquid waste caused widespread health hazards and forced a community to evacuate. And businessmen, who have invested in alternate disposal methods, complain they will have wasted their investment if the EPA changes its rules. The agency has pushed ahead with its unsafe and uneconomical plan. The ban on liquid waste disposal has already been temporarily lifted for a 90-day test period. Proposals on liquid waste are just another example of the abysmal job the EPA has done in fulfilling its role as environmental watchdog. With the Reagan administration's guidance, the EPA has become more devoted to saving the government's money than to health or safety concerns. The EPA was never meant to strive for economic efficiency as its primary function, however; it was created to help keep the nation's environment safe and clean. Until its policy takes the: environment more into con- sideration, the Environmental Protec- tion Agency will hardly be deserving of its name. State budget plan may pawn the University 's resources By Sarah Goddard Power Editor's note: Regent Power presented this address at the Feb. 18 University Regents meeting. The current budget recommendations from the Executive Office of Gov. Milliken propose that the state not pay to the University of Michigan its fourth quarter appropriation of $38 million because of the state's cash flow shortages. In effect, the University, on its own, will have to borrow enough money to operate through the end of the fiscal year. The state has also pledged to make up that sum (without interest cost on the borrowings) sometime during the first quarter of next fiscal year (starting October 1, 1982), together with a proposed sweetener of a 14 percent appropriations increase for the rest of the year. The director of the state Office of Management and Budget, Dr. Gerald Miller, claims that his economic forecast shows that Michigan will have enough tax revenues to pay the University back next year. WHAT'S REALLY going on is this: The state proposes to pawn one of its most valuable family jewels, the University of Michigan. There are enough people out of work in Michigan who have visited their local pawn shop recently to know if they don't get back to work they won't ever get their valuables out of hock. I'm very concerned that just the same thing will happen to the University's pawned ap- propriation. The basic question is simple: Will the economy of Michigan come back far enough and fast enough to get the University out of hock without the terrible damage of delayed repayment or-ghastly thought-no repayment at all? THEsSTATE'S forecast, based on fall 1981 data, says. "Yes." And in fairness, the University's own highly respected Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics reached THE PURPOSE of all this is not to get into a complex discussion of whether the state's forecast or RSQE's forecast is better. It is merely to point out that the newest respon- sible data are at significant variance with the state's assumptions. Therefore, the state's ability to generate enough money to pay the University back on time and to provide a 14 percent increase in appropriations must be regarded as doubtful. This whole issue needs to be looked at in the perspective of the two key problems facing Michigan - jobs and economic development and diversification. Everybody accepts the idea that the surest way for people to get jobs is to get an education. And nearly everybody accepts the idea that the core source of human and in- tellectual resources to lead an economic resurgence in our state is Michigan's great universities, of which the University of Michigan is one. Against this is the pattern of support for the University set by the state over the last ten years: " In 1970-71 Michigan allocated $11.91 per $1,000 in citizen personal income to higher education. At that time, the state ranker twenty-first among the 50 in state support to higher education. In 1981-82, Michigan provides $9.19 per $1,000 personal income to. higher education. That amount ranks thirty- seventh among the states and is 15 percent less than the $10.16 national average. " Since 1974-75, state appropriations to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor have in- creased from $95.7 million to $132.2 million. This represents an annual growth rate of 4.7 percent per year, far less than the 8.7 percent plus average rate of inflation, or a sharp cut in real terms. In 1974-75 dollars, the current appropriation is $40.3 million less than what it would have been if inflationary adjustments only had been provided by Michigan. " Since 1974-75 tuition charges to an6- tering resident freshperson have grown from -$400 per term to $808 per term. This represen- ts an annual growth rate of 10.6 percent pet year. Had tuition increases been held to the rate of inflation, 1981-82 rates would hake been $722, or nearly 11 percent less than current amounts. * Since fiscal year 1974-75 the University's general salary program has averaged in- creases of only 6.4 percent .per year, or 2.4 percent per year less than the rate of in- flation. Over the past twenty months, four specific actions by state government have resulted in reduced appropriations to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Three executive orders (1980-3, 1981-8, 1981-9) cut $10.2 million, and the 1980-81 appropriation act provided $7.2 million less than the reduced 1979-80 amount. Because of unfavorable timing in reference to the University's fiscal year, the shortfall as a result of these four actions actually totals some $20.4 million. The 1982 appropriations will total only $439,000 more than the amount received in 1979-80, a mere 0.3 percent in- crease in two years. The conclusion is inescapable: The state has failed to keep up even with inflation in its support to the University of Michigan, let alone increase support in real terms. In so doing, it is seriously threatening the quality base of the University, at precisely the time that the University constitutes one of the few state resources that can produce vitally- needed jobs and diversification for our economy. Now, to top off a decade-long pattern of weakening support for the University, the state proposes the terribly risky expedient of pawning the University's present ap- propriation. What happens to the University if the state can't raise enough money to get its pawned $38 million out of hock? Letters and columns renresent -t- ,I l I.LWUUUill '*L ';li, I.A-jf'g'~7 I 111 IK Mi 1 1