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March 06, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-06

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir i4au


Partly cloudy today with a
high in the mid-30s and a
low tonight around 5.

Vol. XCII, No. 121 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 6, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages

in Union
toC lose
The Michigan Union bowling alley, a fixture in the
Union for more than 50 years, will be shut down per-
manently at the end of this term.
The decision to close the alley was made at a
February meeting of the Union's Board of Represen-
tatives. The vote of the board, which has 11 student
members, was unanimous.
RICK SLINE, director of the Office of Student
Organizations, Activities, and Programs said repetted
machine breakdowns combined with poor student in-
terest prompted the board's decision.
"We've made every possible effort to restore the
machines to working order and the investment was not
suported by the students," he said.
"It's too bad," said Sline, "but some things have to
die and be allowed to die gracefully."
See UNION, Page 2

of jobless
highest in
40 years
WASHINGTON (UPI)- The number
of unemployed Americans rose to a
post-Depression record of 9.6 million in
February, the government reported
yesterday. But the Reagan ad-
ministration saw "relatively en-
couraging signs" the recession may be
nearing an end.
Michigan's unemployment rate rose
from 16 percent in January to 16.1 per-
cent in February with a record 684,000
people out of work, the Michigan Em-
ployment Security Commission repor-
LABOR Department data showed the
national unemployment rate returned
to a recession peak of 8.8 percent,
erasing the previous month's drop of 0.3
percent that most economists con-
sidered anaberration.
The total of 9,575,000 unemployed in
February eclipsed by 4,000 the previous
post-Depression record set in Decem-
The figures were seasonally adjusted
to take into account normal changes
during the year caused by such factors
as school closings and weather,
IN ACTUAL non-adjusted figures, the
survey of 60;000 households estimated
that 10.4 million Americans were
n without a job during February.
;h The administration reacted op-
h timistically.
"We see relatively encouraging
signs," said White House Com-
e munications. Director David Gergen.
He noted that total employment, which
remained at 99.6 million, "is stabilizing
y after large declines in previous mon-
n ths."
e "The president's economic advisers
n continue to believe we will continue to
- see signs of recovery in the second
quarter and rebound in the second half
n of the year," Gergen said.
"The president is sensitive to the
I plight of the unemployed and he's often
e said that if there's one person whowan-
y is to work andis unable to do so, that's-
a one too many."
Gergen said, however, that
joblessness "may well go higher."

JIM SLOAN, RIGHT, watches Bill Godfrey follow through on a gutterball
Ii the University's bowling alley in the Michigan Union. The Union's

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Board of Representatives voted to close the alley because of machine
breakdowns and a lack of student interest.

'Saturday Night's' Belushi dead

LOS ANGELES (AP)- Comedian John Belushi,
whose wayward eyebrows and bulging belly
animated his portrayal of the consummate slob on
TV's original "Saturday Night Live" and in the
movie "Animal House," was found dead yesterday at
a Hollywood bungalow.
A security guard at the Chateau Marmont Hotel
said Belushi was found nude on a bed in a bungalow
behind the hotel and appeared to have choked on
"IT APPEARS to be death by natural causes," said
Lt. Dan Cooke of the Los Angeles Police Department.
"The detectives here found nothing to make it seem
A woman, who arrived at the bungalow in Belushi's
Mercedes while authorities were there, was handcuf-
fed and taken to a police station for questioning.
Police, who did not identify the woman, said she was
a potential witness and the handcuffs werejusfstan-
dard procedure.
Homicide detective Tony Diaz said the woman ap-

parently was the last person with Belushi -when he
became ill and she had gone for help.
"THERE DOESN'T appear to be any foul play,"
said Diaz.
Belushi married his high school sweetheart, Judith
Jacklin, in 1967. It was not known if the woman taken
into custody was his wife.
Cooke said a heart attack was a possible cause of
death. He said an autopsy would be performed,
probably this weekend.
Tony di Domenico of the Los Angeles Fire Depar-
tment said the 33-year-old star of such movies as
"The Blues Brothers" and "1941," was pronounced
dead in the bungalow, on a winding road off Sunset
Strip, where the hotel is located.
BELUSHI, WHO made his home in New York City,
checked into the hotel last Sunday. He came to Los
Angeles to make the movie "Noble Rot" for
Pararotuit --
Cooke said one of Belushi's friends, later identified
as Belushi's physical trainer William Wallace, found

the comedian's nude body at 12:15 p.m. on a bed i
the bungalow.
"He tried to administer mouth-to-mout
resuscitation, and the paramedics were called,
Cooke said.
Belushi had been dead for two or three hours befor
his friend arrived, Cooke said.
Belushi last appeared as a regular 'on "Saturday
Night Live" in'1979, when he left to pursue a career ii
Hollywood. Garrett Morris, a fellow member of the
"Not Ready for Prime Time Players" troupe or
"Saturday Night Live," said he was "deeply sad
dened" by Belushi's death.
"It was a great loss of a great talent," he said ii
New York.
"He was one of the most intrinsically funny menl
have ever known ... I count myself lucky to hav(
*nown him. We will all miss him," fellow- "Saturda)
Night Live" comedian Chevy Chase said ina
statement in Los Angeles.I

apparently chokes on food

'U' center may lose
funds in federal cuts

Bono's tenure

The University's Great Lakes and
Marine Waters Center stands to lose
$200,000 from its budget if President
Reagan follows through on plans to
close down a federally funded research
program from which the GLMWC gets
some of its funds.

The fiscal '82 and '83 budget proposed
by the Reagan administration calls for
the elimination of the Ann Arbor-based
Great Lakes Environmental Research
Laboratory, which operates in
Michigan as part of the U.S. Depar-
tment of Commerce.
See FEDERAL, Page 3



attempt school coup

The LSA Executive Committee
denied Monday for a second time,
English Prof. Barbara Bono's request
for tenured status at the University.
Bono originally was denied tenure
late in February, when the committee
- comprised entirely of LSA faculty -
reviewed and rejected the English
department's recommendation that
Bono receive tenure. Some of Bono's
students, however, protested the
decision citing the professor's
reputation for superior teaching.
Marc Dann, student member of the
LSA Curriculum Committee, said Bono
was denied tenure because she was not
publishing scholarly works fast enough.
LSA Dean Peter Steiner declined to
comment on the situation.
Tenure - job security for professors
- is usually granted to "deserving"
professors after their sixth year at the
Dann expressed concern over the
decline in the importance of teaching in
tenure decisions made by the ad-
ministration. "This case is an example
of the continued conscious increase in
the importance of research in a
scholar's life at the expense of
teaching, which is contrary to the
mission of a public university."

Bono, however, feels she had made
substantial progress in her publishing
efforts. The University of California
Press has formally accepted for
publication her book, From Virgilian
Epic to Shakespearean Tragicomedy.
The book is scheduled to be released in
the spring or summer of 1983. Cornell
University has also offered Bono a-
year-long fellowship to support work on
her next book.
Bono said she understands the dif-
ficulty involved with judging tenure
cases, but she added that :the Univer-
sity's tenure review process warrants
some criticism.
The executive committee bases its
decisions on three primary criteria:
teaching excellence, community ser-
vice, and scholarship or research.
While Bono said she believes all of
these criteria are valid, she also
believes a balance between the three
must be achieved. Bono said these
criteria are "vitally integrated and I
have shaped my career to the produc-
tivity and achievement in those three
"Tenure committees need to be ex-
traordinarily careful," she said.
Bono won the Class of '23 Award last
year for teaching excellence.

BEAUFORT, N.C. (AP) - Tvo eighth enrolled.
graders wielding a loaded shotgun took Beauford Police
a principal and teacher hostage briefly said the boys also ha
yesterday after planting two homemade combat knives, a te
bombs in a restroom and filling their military clothing -
lockers with food, knives and military dungarees and gunk
clothing. lockers.
Authorities said the 14-year-old boys, "There were seri
who apparently wanted to fly to Brazil to planned for two or t
become mercenaries, were disarmed said.
by another teacher who happened to "APPARENTLY
come up behind them. The bombs, a hostage situation,
which did not explode, were discovered said. "I guess they
after the youths were in custody. . me for three or four
NO ONE WAS injured in the incident an airplane and go t
at Beauford Middle School, where 350 mercenaries. They
sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders friends about it for
from the quiet, coastal town are one took them seriou
The Native Look
N A MOST curious form reversal, the Africa of
the old National Geographic photos that teased the
prurient in adolescent days has undergone a start-
ling cultural change. The gorillas are still in the bush
beating their hairy chests and the crocodiles still raise their
tusky snouts from steaming rivers. But now it is the white
man, or more specifically the female of the species, who

Chief Marvin Knox
ad stored food, three
argas container and
-camouflage suits,
belts-in their school
ous. They had this
three weeks," Knox
they were planning
" principal Ben Day
were going to hold
days; commandeer
o Brazil and join the
'd been telling their
about a week and no

This is Ohio? AP Photo
The winter sun glows through the clouds as Audrey Ross and her horse enjoy
the solitude in a pasture near Warren, Ohio.

provincial French girls, conservative shop~irls from
Liverpool, vacationers from the posh convent schools of Swit-
zerland, and all bourgeoise Belgian housewives have all led
the back-to-basics trend. Q
Rhymes of judgment
One magistrate just couldn't wait to demonstrate to other
candidates that there can be no rhyme and reason in the
election season. Vanderburgh Superior Court Judge Ran-
dall Shepard said he noticed that people were putting out
+hmtein irrn m rr tr-et .. &. 4..« LA-e - ..11

Wood-burning VW
Jack Soderstrom traveled in warmthhis winter, thanks to
the wood-burning stove he installed in his yellow
Volkswagon. Soderstrom, of Duluth, installed the stove in
the place of the front passenger seat. He read about the idea
in "Mother Earth" magazine and built the stove two weeks
ago. He chops his own wood and keeps a few logs in the back
seat to feed the fire. Soderstrom, who lives in northern
Minnesota, said for the first time he has had warmth and,
clear windows while driving.

* 1953-Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin dies.
. 1942-Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the University's
history department warned the United States against
retireat into its isolationist shell if astable peace is to be
established at the end of World War II.
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