Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
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VOL. AU[.J, NO. I I/
%.vpyrlgnr 1 Yom, 1 n@ Ivilf-nlgun L ally
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 2, 1982
Ten Cents
Twelve Paaes
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meets with
in Moscow
MOSCOW (AP) - Poland's martial
law ruler, Premier Wojciech
Jaruzelski, blamed U.S. sanctions for
aggravating the Polish crisis and said
yesterday that Soviet aid is essential to
solving his nation's "very grave"
economic problems.
In a dinner speech after opening two
days of talks with Soviet President
Leonid Brezhnev, Jaruselski described
the Soviet-Polish alliance as "lasting
and inviolable" and pledged that
Poland will not be a "weak link" in the
Soviet bloc.
THE VISIT IS the first to the Soviet
Union by Jaruzelski since he
proclaimed the military government
Dec. 13 in a crackdown on social unrest
and the independent labor union
The Polish press gave lavish atten-
tion to Jaruzelski's visit to Moscow,
proclaiming a "new stage in
cooperation" with the Soviets.
Evening TV news showed Jaruzelski
in meetings with Brezhnev, who per-
sonally met the Polish military ruler and
other officials at Moscow s airport and
escorted them on a round of wreath-
laying ceremonies.
JARUZELSKI said Poland needs
more aid to bail out its economy, which
owes an estimated $26.5 billion to
Western governments and banks. The
Soviet Union has reportedly suplied
millions of dollars in aid to Poland since
Jaruzelski imposed martial law Dec. 13
and 16 months of labor unrest and
challenges to Communist authority by
the new suspended
trade union Solidarity.
"Our situation is also being
significantly complicated by the
economic sanctions introduced by the
American administration, as well as
under its pressure-by the governmen-
ts of some other capitalist countries,"
Jaruzelski said in the speech, later
distributed by Tass, the official Soviet
news agency.
Women's ed
center' faces
STUDENTS FROM ALL over the country protest president Reagan's planned cuts in financial aid in front of the White
House yesterday.
Thousans protest cuts,
rn student ai- atDC~rly
Special to the Daily
WASHINGTON - Thousands of
college students, gathered here for a
massive rally protesting proposed
administration cutbacks in student
finanical aid, converged on Capitol
Hill yesterday to lobby against the
president's budget package.
The students filled the hallways of
House and Senate office buildings,
asking to speak with their legislators
to urge them to vote down the
proposed cutbacks. After a full day
of lobbying, the students gathered on
the steps of the Capitol to listen to
addresses from a number of key
legislators, including House Speaker
Thomas "Tip" O'Neill (D-Mass.). .
AFTER travelling all night, about
40 students from three Michigan
colleges - the University's Ann Ar-
bor and Dearborn campuses and
Alpena Community College - filed
off of charter buses in Washington
and headed for the offices of several
Michigan senators and represen-
They joined about 5,000 other
college students, many of whom said
they came to Washington because
they were afraid more cutbacks in
financial aid would put a college
education out of reach.
They came from schools as dif-
ferent as the University of California
- Berkeley and Canisius College in
Buffalo, N.Y. Some schools sent just
a few students, others, like Connec-
ticut's Wesleyan University, sent as
many as 600. All were united in their
fierce opposition to the Reagan ad-
ministration's budget cuts.
"MY FAMILY is in a middle-in-
come bracket, so we're in a lot of
danger," said sophomore John
Allocca, who left school at
Georgetown University yesterday to
travel across town to lobby on the
See STUDENTS, Page 5
Key University administrators1
yesterday revealed that yet another'
non-academic unit-the Center for the
Continuing Education of Women-has
been targeted for a comprehensive
review which may result in severe
budget cuts or the Center's outright
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Billy Frye said the Center will join two
previously targeted units-the Institute
for Labor and Industrial Relations, and
the Institute for the Study of Mental
Retardation and Related Disabilities-
in cost efficiency reviews that will
begin within the next few days.
THE REVIEW process will be essen-
tially the same as last year's ad-
ministrative examination of the Exten-
sion Service and other non-academic'
units, said Frizell Vaughn,- a faculty
member of the committee which will
aid in the reviews. Last year's review of
the Extension Service resulted in a fund
reduction of 90 percent.
Vaughn's Budget Priorities Commit-1
tee is an advisory group composed of
faculty, administration; and student
The initiation of these reviews will
eventually be part of the ad-
ministration's massive retrenchment
effort-dubbed the "five-year plan"-
designed to reduce the University's
General Fund by $20 million over the
next five years.
review will be substantially different
from other recent unit examinations. A
review subcommittee under Frye will
first examine the Center's educational
performance and quality. Later in the
review process, a BPC subcommittee
will consider the center's budget for
possible reductions-or total
The ILIR and ISMRRD reviews will
both be carried out solely by the BPC.
According to Frye, the CEW review
has "been pending for about a year,"
and he hopes to have a examining sub-
committee appointed within the week.
THE CENTER'S 1981-82 General
Fund budget allocation is more than
$237,000. The center also received
$41,200 in funds earmarked for scholar-
ships and fellowships this year.
"Any review that is conducted will be
similar to those conducted last year,
said Jamie Moeller, a Michigan Student
Assembly representative on the BPC.
According to Moeller, the examining
subcommittee will consider the quality
of the program, its centrality, cost, and
level of services, as outlined in Regen-
tal guidelines.
"WE'RE NOT going, in with any
specific budget figures," said Moeller,
"if the review committee finds that the
program is good, I'm sure there won't
be too much of a reduction."
,Frye has charged his subcommittee
with looking at whether the center
duplicates services rendered by other
University units and whether there
exists a need for the center's continued
A document which Frye will give to
his subcommittee claims the review
was initiated because many of the ser-
vices offered by the center are already
offered by other offices at the Univer-
sity. Services cited specifically were
financial aid and counseling. The
document also said that because many
of the problems of inequality previously
See WOMEN'S, Page 5
Legislators work on
coalition to defeat cuts
Special to the Dpily
WASHINGTON - Legislators and
their aides who met with student
lobbyists here yesterday said they
hoped to form a coalition to defeat
cutbacks in financial aid to students
proposed by the White House.
While a number of legislators said
they remained convinced that
student aid must be cut, some said
the students' initiative in traveling
to Washington to protest the
proposals would help in their efforts
to block more cutbacks.
ABOUT 5,000 students pounded the
marble hallways of the.House and.
Senate office buildings yesterday,
fighting their way past receptionists
Local Nazis plan rally
for later this month
Regents debate hi-tech park deal
A combination of awareness and self-
control will be key in the Ann Arbor
community's reaction to a neo-Nazi
demonstration scheduled for later this
month in front of City Hall, officials
said yesterday.
The Security Services Action Group,
a local organization with about -15
members, is not expected to draw a
very large crowd.
ALTHOUGH THERE is a potential
for counter-demonstrations to the
Security Services Action Group rally,
planned for March 20, City Coun-
cilmember Lowell Peterson said he will
try to dissuade people from a direct
"That's just what they (the S.S. Ac-
tion Group) want. We'd be falling into
the trap, being provoked in the way
they want us to be provoked," Peterson
said. "They are clearly trying to get at-
Peterson said the community should
"show that the people of Ann Arbor are
unified in their opposition, to show that
we are aware," but to exercise .self-
THE S.S. ACTION Group probably
will not draw a very large crowd for its
demonstration, according to Richard
Loebenthal, State director of the Anti-
Defamation League in Detroit. Loeben-
thal's office acts as a watchdog over the
activities of organizations such as the
S.S. Action Group, which he said posesa
a "minimal threat.,'
"They're a bunch of crumbs,"
Loebenthal said. They chant slogans
and wave placards, he said, but most of
the time they don't stir much reaction.
"If not for theswastikas (worn at the
demonstrations), nobody would even
care," Loebenthal claimed.
THERE WILL be flexible police
protection for the group, according to
Councilmember Peterson, depending
on how the demonstration goes.
Feeling threatened by the scheduled
rally, Michael Brooks of the B'Nai B'Rith
Hillel Foundation called a meeting
yesterday for concerned citizens to
discuss possible measures against the
S.S. Action Group.
Several members of the Foundation
'are "concerned and outraged," accor-
ding to Brooks. He said there may be a
counter-demonstration in a different
sector of the city, but no definite plans
have yet been made.
Daily staff writer Lisa Spector
filed a report for this story.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
turned an otherwise routine Regents
meeting Feb. 19 into a heated
discussion of the board's role in for-
mulating University policy.
The debate sprang up around the
University's new role in helping to plan
a high technology research park for the
Ann Arbor area. Last month, Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff signed an
agreement with land developer Richad
Wood promising the University's aid in
planning the 400-acre site near North
AT THEIR February meeting, the
Regents said they had been briefed
earlier on Brinkerhoff's plans to deal
with Wood. According to Baker,
however, no decision authorizing
Brinkerhoff to sign an agreement was
made, and that Regents had asked that
they matter be brought to their atten-
tion before official action was taken.
"I don't mean to diminish what
you've done," Baker said. "I know how
important it is to the institution and the
state. But it was my understanding
these issues would be brought before
the Regents before agreement was en-
tered into.
"I don't know any more about it now
than I did then," Baker said. "I'm just
reading the papers."
BAKER SAID not enough infor-
mation-names of corporations, in-
dividuals involved in the agreement,
and more specific details about the
planning surrounding the project - is
available to the Regents or the public.
"The University is placing its
reputation and influence in the matter
with a private developer," he said. "I
should think that would be a matter of
policy (and therefore subject to the
board's approval)."
Regent Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor)
said she agrees that more care should
have been taken to inform the Regents
of the agreement's progress.
"I WOULD HOPE that as the ad-
ministration finds issues they wouild
make sure the board is involved in a
timely manner," she said.
And, according to Regent Robert
Nederlander (D-Birmingham), there
are problems within the agreement it-
See BAKER, Page 2
... wanted Regents to be consulted
State Rep.
research park
Results of a probe into the recent agreement bet-
ween the University and two private development
corporations to create a high technology research
park near North Campus are expected to be released
today, according to state officials.
In the wake of complaints about the agreement
from several members of the University Board of
Regents, investigators under State Rep. Gary Owen
(D-Ypsilanti) last week questioned University of-
ficials about the secrecy surrounding the agreement.
JAMES BRINKERHOFF, University vice
president and chief financial officer, signed the
agreement with two limited partnerships headed by
private developer Richard Wood early last month. It
calls for the development of 337 acres near North
Campus into a high technology research park.
An aide to Owed, who asked not to be identified,
said that Owen "is interested in two things: the
process used to reach the agreement and the contract
itself. The question with the process is, did they
follow a logical, out-front process in reaching an
agreement," the aide said.
According to Richard Kennedy, University vice
president for state relations, "In working with a
private developer there are certain considerations,
and that's what occasioned the secrecy."
REGENT DEAN BAKER (R-Ann Arbor) also has
voiced complaints about the agreement. (See related
story, Page 1). "It was my understanding that we
(the Regents) would see the agreement prior to its
signing," Baker said.
The agreement calls for the University to use its
See STATE, Page 5
Governing partners
MARRIED COUPLE-saying two hears are
better than one-have kicked off a campaign to
get themselves elected co-governors of Califor-
nia. Genevieve Marcus and her husband, Bob Smith,
said if elected on the Democratic ticket, they would combine
the two offices of governor and lieutenant governor and
share their powers. The couple, married 12 years, said they
agree on major issues, such as opposition to the death
Money isn't everything
George and Elaine Dawes are buying a sporting goods
store. They got bored at having nothing to do after winning
a $1.8 million lottery jackpot. "We don't want to be idle for
the rest of our lives," Dawes told reporters. After their big
win last year for guessing the results of soccer matches, the
couple stopped working. Dames, 39, gave up his job as a
salesman and his wife, 37, closed down her neighborhood
general store. They bought a luxury house with a swimming
pool and a Rolls-Royce and took holidays in the Caribbean,
who was finally found living in a ski area. Wood disap-
peared while escorting a group of students from Harlin-
Simmons University on a three-day snowshoe trip. The
sheriff's office, believing something might have happened
to him, searched six days for him. Sheriff Harold Thonoff
said Wood was traced to the Monarch ski area. "We can't
help but feel this man knew we were looking for him," the
sheriff said. The bill includes $4,770 for overtime paid
deputiessthe sheriff said.The remainder covers food,
gasoline, snowmobile oil and telephone tolls. "We know for
sure he's in Abilene," he said. "The paper down there
" 1957-The University. began experimenting with dorm
menus, offering a choice of entrees for the first time. If the
experiment was successful, nutritionists said they hoped to
later offer a variety of vegetables.
* 1972-Rewards totalling over $10,000 were offered for in-
formation leading to the apprehension of the arsonist(s)
who were respoonsible for over 60 dorm fires during the
previous two months. E