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January 08, 1982 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-08

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, January 8, 1982-PageJ =,

continue in
SANTA CRUZ, Calif (AP) - Critical
water shortages and thick mud thwar-
ted rescue workers yesterday as they
struggled to unearth landslide victims
and repair destruction from a storm
that killed 23 people and caused an
estimated $200 million damage.
President Reagan declared five nor-
thern California counties - Contra
Costa, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz
and Sonoma - major disaster areas,
making them eligible for help from
federal agencies.
IN BEN LOMOND, 10 miles to the
north, efforts continued to locate up to
20 people believed killed when their
homes were buried in a massive mud-
Officials of the state Office of
Emergency Services said the storm
and mudslides tht followed destroyed
100 homes in Santa Cruz County, 70
miles south of San Francisco, damaged
300 others and displaced 1.800 residents.
County Administrator George Newell
estimated property damage at $100
More than half the county's 190,000
residents were asked to conserve water
or were without it. Thirty-six roads
were closed or limited to emergency
use. California 17, the main route into
the countyw as closed to non-residents.
THE STORM severed a 24-inch water
main that supplied this city's reservoir.
It could take a week to repair the
damage, Newell said.
"We don't want people coming here
rubbernecking and sightseeing," said
Newell, who noted sightseers were con-
suming precious water. "People will be
allowed in on Highway 17 if they can
prove they live in the county."
Newell said all industry and
restaurants in Santa Cruz were closed
to help conserve water and that
emergency suplies of water for
firefighting were being hauled in from
Campbell and San Jose.

I p rDaily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
A freshly cut ribbon hangs inside the doorway.of the University's new Emergency Services section of the Ambulatory
Care unit. The new facility, officially dedicated yesterday by President Harold Shapiro, is one of the more advanced
emergency units in the country, hospital officials said.
xpert wiess teee

In A tlai
ATLANTA (AP) - The bodies of two
young blacks were most likely dumped
into the Chattahoochee River from the
bridge where Wayne Williams was first
spotted by police, an expert witness
testified yesterday at Williams' murder
Williams, 23, is accused of killing 27-
year-old Nathaniel Cater and 21-year-
old Jimmy Ray Payne, whose bodies
were found about a month apart in the
same general area of the river north-
west of Atlanta.
CATER AND Payne were two of the
28 young blacks killed in a 22-month
string of slayings that haunted this
Southern capital. No arrests have been
made in the 26 other deaths.
sing topographical maps, aerial

vta s la Ityings case
photographs and a 10-foot-long scale debris" in the river there and because it
model of the bridge, water expert Ben- would be difficult for someone to shove
jamin Kittle described for the jury what a body out into the current from the
would happen to a body dropped into bank.
the river. Williams, a black free-lance
Kittle, a U.S. Army Corps of cameraman and self-styled talent
Engineers hydrologist, said his two scout, first came to police attention
studies of the river's flow indicated that when he was stopped at the Jackson
a body found where Pyane's and Parkway Bridge May 22, 1981, two days
Cater's were discovered could have before Cater's body was found down-
been dumped into the river from one of stream. Payne's body had been found
five locations, in the same area April 27.
HE SAID HE narrowed the Kittle had alleged earlier that Cater's
possibilities to two - the James body was dropped from the bridge, but
Jackson Parkway. Bridge and the Kittle's testimony was ' the first in-
riverbank just upstream from where dication that they believe Payne's body
Payne's body was found. may have been dumped from the same
Kittle said he decided the riverbank location.
location was unlikely "because of the

Researcher says
criminal behavior



linked to gene make-up
WASHINGTON (AP) - problems would be eliminated if the
Measurements of brain .waves and treatment programs were voluntary.
other physical characteristics can Sales said he was not familiar with
predict whether children are likely to Mednick's latest work, but said he has
become habitual criminals years later, been impressed with his earlier resear-
a psychologist said yesterday. ch in Copenhagen, where the studies
Sarnoff Mednick, professor of concerning the future behavior of
psychology at the University of children are centered. The U.S.
Southern California, said his research National Institute of Mental Health has
has shown that some people have a helped finance the programs.
genetic predisposition to commit "Obviously the social implications
crimes. are significant and troubling, but scien-
THE WORK IS controversial because tifically it appeared to me to be ex-
it raises the question of what should be cellent research," he said.

done with individuals who are identified
as likely threats to society.
Charles Sims, staff counsel with the
American Civil Liberties Union in New
York, said ida telephone interview that
any move to require these people to un-
dergo treatment would be uncon-
;American law, he said, is based on
conduct, rather than any assessment by
the state as to the prospect of future
BRUCE SALES, a lawyer and
psychologist at the University of
Arizona, said the constitutional

AT A MEETING of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science, Mednick described several
studies underway in Copenhagen.
In a continuing study, Mednick has
measured brain waves, heart rates,
and electrical properties of the skin in
9,000 children, and has been watching
the children as they grow.
Those three measurements can
predict criminal behavior as much as
10 years in advance, he said. He did not
provide specific figures concerning the
accuracy of those predictions.

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