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February 18, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-18

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Page 2-Thursday, February 18, 1982-The Michigan Dal
UAW, Ford reach agreement


From AP and UPN
CHICAGO - The United Auto Workers' Ford
Council voted overwhelmingly yesterday to approve
a tentative concessions contract that wotild help save
Ford Motor Co. up to $1 billion, UAW President
Douglas Fraser said.
"I am very, very pleased,' Fraser said at a news
conference after the more than three-hour meeting,
where 132 council members voted to recommend that
the rank-and-file ratify the pact. Only 12 voted again-
st the recommendation.
"I THINK THE agreement is in the best interest of
the Ford workers, and the council realized that we
would not bring it to them unless it was in the best in-
terest of the Ford workers," Fraser said.
Union officials said only 144 of the council's 225
members - local union leaders from around the
nation - attended the meeting.
The contract will now be submitted to a vote by the
170,000 eligible Ford hourly workers. Of that group,
about 60,000 are indefinitely or temporarily laid off.
ERASER SAID THE ratification process would

begin immediately and set a Feb. 28 deadline. If the
pact is-approved, it would take effect the next day
and run through September, 1984.
UAW leaders will meet Saturday in Detroit to plot
strategy for selling the contract to the rank-and-file.
Donald Ephlin, vice president of the union's Ford
department, said he was confident that Ford workers
"will vote in relatively the same measure as their
leadership di.''
A TINY BAND OF dissidents denounced the pact at
a press conference earlier in the day. Their leader,
Local 600 member AlGardner, vowed to fight the
pact during the ratification process.
Under the 31-month pact, Ford promised to main-
tain current jobs, which might be lost by future sub-
contracting of work to non-union domestic and
foreign sources, and replace jobs to the best of the
company's ability.
Workers with 15 years experience are guaranteed
50 percent of their pay in the event of layoffs. The
company will beef up its depleted Supplemental

Unemployment Benefits funds, enabling laid off
workerswho have run out of SUB benefits to again
receive the funds.
FORD AGREED TO A two-year moratorium on the
closing of plants due to subcontracting.
The company, which lost $1 billion last year, also
agreed to implement a profit sharing plan when it
again makes money.
In return, the UAW agreed to a wage freeze for the
life of the contract. Cost-of-living allowances will be
frozen at the current $2.03 per hour level for the next
nine months. Workers will lose the 26 paid personal
holidays they now receive over the three years of the
current agreement.
Dissidents claimed the loss of paid time off under
the contract would mean the elimination of 3,000
union jobs because more members would be working
at a time.
Ephlin confirmed there would be a job loss but said
it would be phased in over the life of the contract. He
added the "overall impact on jobs will be good;"

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inter-CooperativeCouncil 662-4414
4002 Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

FBI seeks information on
visiting Russian scholar

(Continued from Page 1)
At the University of Minnesota last fall,
the State Department sent a letter to
Prof. W.R. Franta of the computer
science department; asking for infor-
mation on a Chinese exchange student,
and telling the university to restrict the
student's activities in certain academic
Franta showed the letter to the
university's president, C. Peter
MaGrath, who called it "Appalling."
MaGrath wrote back to the State
Department, saying he would have
nothing to do with such a request.
tative Keith Powell called the Min-
nesota situation. a misunderstanding.
He said it was a routine affair that had
been handled clumsily.
The State Department has also tried
to place restrictions on Soviet scientists

visiting various research universities.
Recently, Stanford University and the
University of Wisconsin were ordered
to restrict the access of Nikolay Um-
nov, a Russian robotics expert, only to
those documents approved for public
release with unlimited distribution.
Umnov is visiting several research
universities during a three-month ex-
change program. Both universities.
refused to accept the restrictions.
At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, officials refused to accept
similar restrictions. on the visit of
Mikhail Gololobov, a Soviet organic
chemist. The State Department said
Gololobov's visit -would be approved
only, if MIT officials agreed not to ex-
pose him to any work there on
nutritional research, food supplements,
or genetic engineering.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
U.S. commander assesses
military aid in El Salvador
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador- Lt. Gen. Wallace Nutting, the senior U.S.
Army commander in Latin America, met yesterday with El Salvador's
defense minister, Gen. Jose Guillermo Garcia. to assess American aid to the
beleaguered Salvadoran military.
In a related development, the Salvadoran military high command said
only 28 leftist guerrillas were killed during a five-day army offensive last
week in southeastern Usulutan province. A field commander in the operation
had previously claimed 400 guerrillas killed.
The command also denied reports that 400 peasants were massacred
during the sweep.
A U.S. Embassy source, who asked anonymity for diplomatic reasons,
said Nutting would 'assess the effectiveness of our military assistance"
during his three-day visit.
He said Nutting "will visit places where our trainers are working with the
Salvadorans" as well as meet with top military officials.
Common Market head says
Reaganomics hurts Europe
WASHINGTON- The president of the Common Market complained
yesterday to President Reagan that high U.S. interest rates, long a concern
among the allies, were complicating European efforts to solve their own
economic woes.'
The official, Prime Minister Wilfried Martens of Belgium, told Reagan
that "the Atlantic Alliance and the western economies are going through
very difficult times and our solidarity is being put to a test."
Martens was dispatched as an emissary from the 10-nation Common
Market, bearing European concerns about the U.S. economy, particularly
interest rates and the $91.5 billion deficit that Reagan has forecast for fiscal
year 1983.
Fire on jet forces landing
MIAMI- A Pan American World Airways jet aborted takeoff after an
engine blew yest'erday and veered onto another runway, forcing an
emergency evacuatiop in which two People were slightly injured.
The pilot of the Boeing 727, flight 175 from Miami to Orlando carrying 45
passengers and a crew of seven, aborted the takeoff after a controller repor-
ted flames were leaping from the jet's rear engine.
The passengers left the plane by sliding down emergency chutes as airport
firefighters extinguished the fire. The injuries were reported to be ankle
sprains from two passengers who slid down the chute.
"The fire is out and everything is under control, although there is quite a
bit of smoke out there," said Ed Newbern, chief of the Miami International
U.S. industrial output down
WASHINGTON- The nation's industrial output plunged 3 percent last
month, matching the biggest decline in seven years and providing convin-
cing evidence that the recession is deepening, new government figures in-
dicated yesterday.
Nevertheless, analysts inside and outside government still said the
economy should pick up somewhat by late spring. But Robert Ortner, the
Commerce Department's chief economist, said that if interest rates keep
rising "the recovery may be anemic."
Several major banks raised their prime lending rates ffrbm 16.5 percent to
17 percent yesterday. As recently as two weeks ago, the prime had been 15.75
January's drop in U.S. industrial production was the largest of six suc-
cessive monthly declines and showed industrial output one percentage point
below the lowest point of the 1980 recession, the new Federal Reserve Board
report said.
01ibe £tbtunIutl
Vol. XCIi, No. 115
Thursday, February 18, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
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Michigan family of 7 killed;.
one-year old girl survives


by George Bernard Show
Febary 24-27
8:00 pm


(ContinuedfromPage1) a mailman and local school board
did not appear. treasurer; his wife, Vaudrey, 42; their
The sheriff said the pending divorce two daughters, Garnetta Haggart, 23,
did not automatically make Haggart a and Helen Gaffney, 29; and Gaffney's
suspect but, "it's going to cause us to three children, Angela, 10, Tom,"8, and
look into it, most definitely." Amy, 7.
ALEK SAID it, was not known Another of Gaffney's children, 1-
whether the .victims knew their year-old Mandy, was found relatively
assailant, or were taken, by surprise. uninjured under the bodies of her
But he described the scene inside the mother and siblings on the floor of a
home as "almost immaculate" with pickup truck.
few indications of a struggle. The exact sequence of events was not
The firing, he said, appeared immediately known. The sheriff said
"erratic," with some bullets missing relatives discovered the murders and
the mark, and done quickly. notified a family friend, who called
"It was not like an execution," he police. He speculated the incident oc-
said. curred between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
THE DEAD included George Post, 53, Tuesday.
Polish authorities impose


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(Continued from Page 1)
fines or a month in jail.
IN ADDITION, 3,500 people were
detained at police stations, the official

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for the spring


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news agency said, but again did not
elaborate. Those detained presumably
were held for more serious violations.
In another development, Radio War-
saw monitored in Vienna criticized
Poland's Roman Catholic Church,
saying some priests were acting
"irresponsibly" by criticizing inter-,
nment camps and other martial law
~ Meanwhile, Deputy Planning.Com-
mission Chairman Stanislaw Dlugosz
criticized U.S. sanctions against the-
martial law government.
"IT'S APPARENT that the United.
States counts on the complete break-
down of our economy, followed by
social dissatisfaction," he told PAP.
"It's symptomatic that, the American
sanctions apply mainly to food and
there is so much discussion of
humanitarianism there."
Dlugosz said U.S. sanctions deprived
Poles of 170 tons of fish from American
waters, and crippled the chicken
breeding and producing industry which
was dependent on U.S. feed credits.
His remarks came as West Germany
announced new measures against the
Soviet Union, including a ban on state
visits, because of the continuing mar-
tial law in Poland.

Editor-in-Chief-........----------DAVID MEYER
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before 5:00 pm February 22, 1982
(Feb. 23-March 19 cost is $14)

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