a . _ .. i - I b% . * bi 1M. '+#". 3# .. r 'q' 4.. a.. .-rr. . ,..w..' - x " " 1 -t A l.." t, .".a" ...' . IIA. S- ubscrib'Cer ~~j: ~ri0 e: TI Page 6-Friday, January 8, 1982-The Michigan Daily Presidential tasi shapes GI educati Y k force on planR. " Service secretaries would b1e authorized to add a "kicker" amouip-: ting to several thousand dollars for young men who enroll in the infantry or other combat branches. The Army chronically has had trouble recruiting enough combat soldiers. SINCE WOMEN are barred from; combat assignments, it is unclear whether they would be eligible for the y extra college subsidies if they sign up for a difficult non-combat skill. A soldier would retain rights to* college education payments for 10; years after leaving service. Thus, heor; she could work awhile before takinig advantage of the college education benefits. Full moon may affect 1 physical, emotional 4 processes CHICAGO (AP)- When the moon s- full, people with problems such a ulcers should be especially sure to take their medicine, a University of Illin6l researcher says. Ralph Morris, a professor of phr macology at the university's medical center, said he studied more than tOo patients over five years, and found tlfit bleeding ulcers and chest pains becam more frequent in two-thirds of th patients at times of a full moon. MORRIS SAID his preliminatr research is designed to "sound a wa ning." People who have problems, sueb as ulcers, should be more careful atid take their medicine during full-mgofl periods, he said. His findings are discussed in the Jan. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Scientific reaction varied, with some specialists expressing skepticism and others saying it was quite possible lunar cycles t alter physical co ditions. MORRIS SAID yesterday, that the research suggested a full moon ch coincide with some health crises: In- creased incidences of health problerhs may be linked to changes 4i . gravitational and electromagnefict fields, he said. While no one has pinpointed a causE and-effect relationship, Morris said there is a theory that magnetic interc- tion between the earth and the moK may affect physical or emotional processes. Magnetic interaction would affee humans, Morris explained, because ?of * electrical charges and metals-such'as iron-in the body. "I CERTAINLY have no qualm' (believing) the moon is producing a effect on the body," he said. Morris cited one study in whichia" magnetic field was induced and mic were placed inside. Their circulation was reduced or stopped. Among those who say the moon coul affect. humans is J. Allen Hynek, professor emeritus of physics ad0 astronomy at Northwestern University' The effect of lunar cycles on humans' is "just pooh-poohed as astrology," Hynek said. "I don't think it should beh' Hynek cited studies showing +nt creases in arson, violent crimes, an, strange behavior in mental hospit when the moon is full. Daily Classifieds Get Results-