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February 17, 1982 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-17

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Page 6-Wednesday, February 17, 1982-The Michigan Daily
£ Listing of movies for a contest 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY
* 0 If you find your name and ad -sponsored by ITATE THEATRE No Contest To Enter
dress in today's Michigan Doily
* classified page Airnlane ~ ~ Just look through todays Classified Ads.
YOU WIN r IVIIUE~ I~FhU Five U. of M. students will find their
names hidden in this section. If your
£ £ TWO FREE TICK ETS .* ~ name and address appear, come to our -
to any one of "Bnk~, ~ fl~vv~ business office at 420 Maynard St. within
STATE 48 hours. Two free tickets for a State .2.
12~'~34 Fri. & Sat. 3.4 Midnight Movie of your choice*will be
* g Midnight Movies Rosemary" (X) and Mauae presented you. courtesy of The Michigan
Feb. 1920 Daily Classified Department.
Golleen Stoddard-Celebrate the end of mid terms 1 1 1 1 1 1
by coming dawn to the Daily to pick up your two free NEW ~ HIGHLANDS Summer Job Openings: CAMP AKIBA has positions Fast, accurate typing and transcription. Medical,
tickets to the State Theatre. dAO2 ~' New homes NORTH CAMPUS available for male and female general and specialty scientific technical editing/rewrite. 971-2809. 67J02196
car garage with automatic opener, full basement, two i1V jIfI.J~-L'b1LjLj counselors. A brother/sister camp, AKIBA is located PROFESSIONAL TYPING-Academic and
with fireplace, three or four bedrooms, 2 Taking applications for Fall rentals on these one and We are currently leasing efficiencies, I bedroom and in the picturesque Pokono Mts. of Pennsylvania.
* wood deck, use of tennis court and pool. Approx. 1 bedroom apartments from $307. Visit resident 2 bedroom modern, furnished apartments for next recruiter will be on campus Feb. 18. F information Business Affordable, accurate, quick service. Call
_________ miles from campus. Dahlmann Apartments, 543 managers at 1693 Bradway, Apt. 302 or call 769-3672. fall. Stop by or call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 contact Career Placement office at 764-7460 or call Ruth 971-0676. dJo3l9
Magneplanar Speakers. Model SMG. Brand new Church 76l~~7~ cCtc cCtc
condition. Half year old. $300 for pair. 761-6336. Church, at South Univ., 761-7600. cCtc Michael Goldberg at 996-4912 between 5-7 pm. TYPING, low rates, fast, helpful, 663-5788, messages
78i.s0218 BEAT THE SPRING RUSH! Share the rewards of T FURNISHED ROOM, single, $130, on campus for ~ at 995-1008. cJ0417'
UN yE I TY ~4Ha917 ____________
Cooperative living. Immediate openings on our 2 & 3 .5 men, 995-3276. cC02I9 FASHION kLLUSTRATOR-Free lance for depar- All phases of typing. Cheaper than Maggie. Charlotto
ICELANDIC SWEATERS, JACK~TS, ETC. FOR bedroom units. Country atmosphere with bus service m iyr~g-~r'1 TFFT7~ tment specialty store. Must have transportation. 973-6148 persistently. 86J0219
SALE. Cheaper than Bean's. Call Bradley at 764- to campus. Children and pets welcome. Call 1IJ~C~fflj.J.:1~,~ tA2AA.I LI Please forward resume and sample of recent work
~654. 47B0217 FOREST HILLS COOPERATIVE. 971-9270. cC0220 to: Personnel Mgr., L. H. Field Company, div. Allied TYPING and EDITING-experienced legal
KILLER BASS AMP!! And at a great price! Alembic FALL RENTAL: Furnished, modern, large, 1 and 2 Furnished Apartments Angela Letica-get out of S. Quad and head down to Stores Corp., 201 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich. secretary-reasonable rates-call Gretchen at 662-
~.28 tube preamp, Traynor 300-watt power amp, two bedrooms, parking, laundry, utilities included. Rent Ideally Located the Daily to pick up ydur two free tickets to the State 49201. An equal opportunity employer. 84H0219 9120. 91J0217
~ ~y 15 bottoms-one .JBL Cabaret, one Gauss. Ex- $335-500/month. 121 E. Hoover, near IM Building; Theatre. dE0217 EARN while you learn. Mail resume Stamos Travel
t~.as thrown in-"Guitar Player" 5 yrs., MXR Dyna- Corner of Glenn and Fuller near Med Center. ~ We offer... /
~Qmp, pickups, cords. $950-all in great condition. cCtc * Competitive Rates ROOM AND BOARD in friendly, economical stpdent P.O. Box 11, Ypsilanti, MI. 48197. 38H0217
________________ _______ _______ 0
fpff 662-4673 anytime. 62B0218 0555,769-4350. ____________________ * Furnished Apartments cooperatives. North, central campus. Shared meals, . .
Convenient Location chores Call ICC, 6624414,4002 Michigan Upion. SPRING SUMMER FALL JOBS Van driving to Florida looking for riders. $80. round-
AKAI GX-F-80 cassette deck, top of line, $2'7s ~fl 0 1 T~AT3~T~ Q * New Study Lounge cEtc CAMPUS INFO CENTER SEEKING INFOR- trip. Call 665-9101. 55P0217
l~jarantz C-320 portable deck-$175 best offer. Andy U~,t-1Li2~ * New TV Lounge & Lobby EAT WELL among friends: Join the Student Co-op
662-6859,763-5924. 58B0219 eDPTNTfl. A1%TTh PAT V * New Game/Vending RM Meal Plan ICC, 4002 Michigan Union, 662-4414. SHOULD HAVE SUPERIOR INTERPERSONAL 1.14 1 I Wi ~ I j7i] I L
Skis/Classic Head 360-185S. Poles, bindings/$60 ~Jj.JiJ.J~~J ~ 3*f~j~Jj..~J * Laundry Facilities cEtc SKILLS, BE INQUISITIVEABLE TO SEEK OUT
Raichie boots M8. $40. 763-6267. 56B0~17 Efficiency, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six INFORMATION, BE FAMILIAR WITH CAMPUS Available for house sitting April 1. Currently doing so
OLASSICAL RECORD COLLECTION-Over 100 Bedroom Apts and Houses. Year Leases. No Pets. Visit Our Model 4 ~ AND COMMUNITY, BE AT LEAST A SOPH. AP- for professor on sabbatical leave. Please call 971-
4iscs. $400 or best offer. Call 663-6760 evenings before 663-5609. -___ ____________ cC0220 A PLICATIONS CIC, MICHIGAN UNION DESK, 7:00 6401. 28M02~6
________ _________ - artments AM-1:00 AM. 763-INFO. 60H0218
midnight. dBo217 THOMPSON APARTMENTS HELEN-The thousandth ship sank. See Village Blake Zuidema-What a great way to get ready for
Summer Jobs National Park Co's. 21 Parks, 5000 Spring Break-See a movie with a friend at the State
FALL RENTALS 761-2680 Apothecary cosmetician for help-Paris. cFtc
Located on Central Campus. Efficiency 1 & 2 bed- NEVER BUY ANOTHER MUFFLER! Our lifetime Mission Mtn. Co., 651 2nd Ave. W.N. Kalispell, MT dM0217
Openings. Complete Information $5.00. Park Renort Theatre. Pick up your two free tickets at the Daily.
~ i i ~ i i ~ room furnished or unfurnished apartments available university Tovvers guarantee is good across America. Call 769-Spl3 for 59901. cHtc
(~atnpus-beautiful, 2 bedroom air conditioned, fully for Fall occupancy. Attractive modern building and Ann Arbor Muffler's best price over the phone. Only 0
furnishings. Some subleases available. Call 434-0561 Ideally Located 2 miles from campus. cFtc PHOTO MODELS-age 18-24. Some experience help- . Oriental
c*rpeted townhouse in prime location for Fall. Call
668-0275 or 662-3578. 83C0305 for information or appointment. cCtc 536 S. Forest Ave. Ann Arbor John Schillinger-Yae-You-You are now the proud ful. 761-6758. 17110217 We buy, sell, repair, clean rugs and appraise. 7.69-
cCtc ___________________________________________ 8555 or ~ 320'E. Liberty. cM0417
San Souci CAMPUS AREA four and five bdrm. houses newly father of two bouncing baby tickets to the State .Available for house sitting April 1. Currently doing so
Fall Rentals renovated and restored. In excellent condition. Fur- Fall Campus Hospital, 3 furnished apartments, 2 Theatre. Come to the Daily to pick up these two free for professQr on sabbatical leave. Please call 971-
nished, laundry facilities, well-equipped kitchens, no bedroom, 1 3ft bedroom, 2 room efficiency in prizes. dF02l7
I~rge one and two bedroom furnished or unfurnished May leases. 769-1534. 80C0219 historic house, heat, parking, air. ~ s1Co2l9 TYPING-Experienced. Dissertation, thesis, 6401. 28M0211
~pkrtments available in Fall occupancy~ Apartmen- pe, __________________________________________ Elyse, Debbie, Benna-Good luck on mid-terms this manuscript, business. Fast and reasonable. 662-9948.
t~ Thclude heat, free parking, and large balcony or BILL SWAD wants to rent you a car in Florida for the Extraordinary 2000 square ft., two story for 4 people. week. (I think we'll all make it). Have a great cJ04I7 .L1~kA.i.
patio. Located across from UM stadium. Bus service spring break for as low as $79 a week. We have Fireplace, 2 baths, garage, washer, dryer. Reduced vacation. Hil. dF0217
- t0~ind from Central Campus daily. Some subleases primary insurance. Call 800-327-2298. 14C0218 rent through April. 994-5259 or 994-0400. Ask for PERSONAL LIVES-Phyllis tells Annelise all about Wedding photography by Thomas. Personalized. Tammy Thomas-Totally Terrific I-You have won
~ilable. Call 434-0561 for information or appoin- Jackie. 52C0219 Keith's new romance with her sorority sister. Creative. Phone 973-8390 for appointment day or two free tickets to the State Theatre, pick them up at
ttn7ont. . cCO2tc n ~i~ rxin~ .iiENTING! . -- . evenin. 79J0219
ARROWWOOD HILLS COOPERATIVE Lacking a cohort, Keith abandons scheme against g the Daily * dP0217
It cap be done! Call us today for a tour. Why knock on Annelise. dFo217 Need to hear some new options. Call for appointment
i"A Ijj~ M O D E R N doors when we'll do the driving? We have a wide One bedroom townhouses $215.00. two bedroom town-. XEROX 665-7607 days, evenings. cJtc ~V ~I.I4II.JJII4'~*
variety of 1, 2, & 3 bdr. apts. and houses. Furn., houses $259.00. Three bedroom townhouses $286. OFFSET AND INTERVIEWING? How to avoid the most common L I
Furnished 2bedroom3or4person parking, laundry, air cond., 24 hour maint. serv. Children andsmall pets welcome. 665-3116. FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING mistakes. Prepared by experienced college Needs a good home. Puppy 6 months old. Has shots.
2 blocks to diag, next to CCRB MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906/663-3641. cCtc £1CVr)~7I~TTTI1T7 ~ recruiter. Send $4.00 for 1982 guide. Satterfield Part German Shepherd and Doberman. Trained.
Free parking ONE AND TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED AFAR- Have a share in a community ~.JrIW UI~~IX IU~U&IUU Assoc., P.O. box 443, Oak Brook, Illinois 60521. Call Alan at668-0M7. 80T0~I8
Laundry facilities 1 TMENTS, in modern 17 unit building very near main cC0417 1217 S University 40J0219
Storage lockers campus, parking, laundry facilities on premises. 715 ~zF0417 _________________________________________
WORD PROCESSING UNIT-Institute for Social
Air conditioner Church St. 996-1569. . 64C0219 BELI~~71~ T'T' (MZ? 1%.TA~r
Rent includes heat and water A.J1A.J ..A. 'iLl. J.~'.JA FELAFEL STUDY BREAK on Wed., Feb. 17 at 10:00 Research, U.M. Business or academic jobs. Disser- of two bedroom unfurnished apartment available
VERY LARGE, VERY BEAUTIFUL, TWO E 'VE HELD THE LINE ON pm in Mo-Jo Jordan Lounge. Sponsored by Meekreh. tations, resumes, manuscripts, multiple letters, now thru July 30. Female non-smoker. N. Campus.
Fall listings for furnished efficiency; 1 and 2 ~ FIREPLACE, SCREENED PORCH. 662-9429. 1982-83 FALL RATES cF02l7 rocures. DIT avaia e. Low rates, Laundry, parking, buses, pool, tennis courts. Rent
quick service. 764-9398. * 69J0219
soom apartments in older campus homes are now 63C0219 HAVE YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED BUMPER- - negotiable. Call 665-3452 persistently. 82U0218
4vailable. . MANY OF OUR FINE CAMPUS APARTMENTS STICKER! ANY MESSAGE. $2.00. K. GILL, 521 GET HIGH PAYING JOBS in your career field. Do Roam available now in 3 bedroom house. $150/inon-
* ** SUMMER SUBLET.. AND HOUSES ARE GOING AT 1981 RATES GERANIUM PLACE, OXNARD, CALIFORNIA you know where or how to secure the job of your th. Call Bonnie 663-2495 or 662-7302. 82U0219
337 East Huron, corner of Huron ~nd Division across We have an extensive list of low-priced sublets for . * * Efficiencies 93030. 36F0302 choice? We have a proven successful step-by-step ~ 4
t~om the Ann Arbor News. spring and summer. 1, 2 & 3 bdr. furnished apar- * 1,2,3 Bedrooms Say it with BALLOONS. Helium filled bouquets program that is designed to help you beat your com- ~7i!~YTYT'~7I
tments located on and off campus. For the best selec-
Campus Mana ement, Inc. tion call today MODERN MANAGEMENT ~ * Whole Houses, 2-4 Bedrooms delivered in tux. Party decorating. 995-1972. cF04l7 petition and make you a standout in securing the job _______________________________
Want to tell someone Happy Birthday? Happy An- you want. This program entails evaluating the 3 Female roommates needed. Individual rooms or
______________________________________________ marketplace, secrets of winning resumes, inter- suite
663-4 01 6906/663-3641. cCtc Complete Listings Available niversary? Congratulations? I Love You? I Hate viewing skills, follow-up techniques, employers 9151 (negotiable) p!us utilities. 665-6660. 54Y03I9
cCtc * HILL & MAIN AREA * JANUARY 11,1982 You? Perhaps You Want To Propose Marriage? thought process, choosing the offer best for you and FEMALE ROOMMATES needed to share a beautiful
EXTRA LARGE 1 & 2 BDR. APTS. SEND A SINGING TELEGRAlVI much more. First time offered through direct mail at 2 bedroom townhouse on campus for pext school
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE INMODERN BUILDING . . at UNIVERSITY SINGING TELEGRAM SERVICE a cost. you can live with. Send $10.00 plus $L00 year.Nan-ske~sbnly:pleasecall96~357s44-ytj903
T I F F P E A C E V ~ $ T * F'URNISHED/UNFURN. iN1iciKIIN'LiE~ V. has inexpensive telegrams for any occasion. We'll postage and handling to Career Insights, P.O. Box -______ _____________________
: i~ ~ ARGON ALOE .BALCONIES deliver anytime, anywhere in Ann Arbor. 229,BirminghamMI48012.Youoweit~toyourselfto
SCAREC ROWS GAUL eLAUNDRY P ROPE RT IE S FEBRUARY SPECIAL. ONE-HALF OFF make this investment in your future! 12J0219
IIASSLES PUER I LE OPARKING BIRTHDAY TELEGRAMS Typing and editing. Experienced. Dissertations,
STORAGE Call 665-8349 term papers, resumes, and letters. Low rates, fast flD~Ir
CAMPUS DIVISION cF0219 service. 6632587 Laurie c~320 lVlerc h ant.
'~, A S C 0 T I I N U N C A P * BUSROUTE 6I1CHURCH CAMPUSARCADE _____________________________
* NOW RENTING FOR FALL '82 * 769-8520 EXT. 41 Artists! Experienced male figure model available TYPING ELECTRONIC PROPORTIONAL (I.B.M.) 0
Call today for an appointment and we will escort you 769-8520 EXT. 41 for private drawing sessions. Write Daily Box 9. Articulate editing. 100% cotton bond, Superb texts. Did
_____________ _____________ _____________ you know
thru our bldg. MODERN MANAGEMENT 669-0906/ HOURS: M-F 9-6, SAT. 10-2 76F0303 $1.50. 663-3461. cJtc
ENAT LEA ANDES 663-3641. cCtc cCtc CHEAP COPIES! DISSERTATION EDITING. University Microfilms fl .~; I
_ DowntownCampusAvailablenow.4bedroomnew Highest Quality! Fastest Service! contractor. All phases. Humanities, science, L/UIiV
~ A A M P A N T A A E 0 L A E CAMPUS-i bedroom and very large efficiencies in stove/refrigerator, newly decorated, clean!!! 662- Accu-Copy, 402 Maynard, 769-8338 business. Finest quality. 663-3461. cJtc J
Fall. Single or double occupancy. $315/mo, includes 6910. 75C0307 MAKE LOVE-NOT WAR I cF0417 Hair Studio. Hair cuts and perms. Call ~ read ers
AL E A S T ER .L i i~7 modern building-carpeting, air conditioning-for 46J0217 spend
G I~ A A 0 ~ ~ A N A M ~ heat andhotwater. Call668-0275or662-3578. 45C0309 FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, $300. On (It's good for our business)
campus, lease Fall '82.995-3276 or 769-3078. cC0219 Austin Diamond TERM PAPERS, resumes, dissertatior~s. Quality v ~ I ') R
~ . CAMPUS-Beautiful 8 bedroom house available 1209S. University ,typing, reasonable rates, fast service. Maggie ~ ove1 4) 1 L ~J
DAILY II(U~WUKU 1F111111 May, furnished. 761-5243, 426-2272 after 5:00. 77C0219 663-7151 7345 persistently. cJtc
FALL '~2 NOW LEASING * Specializing in custom Do-it-yourself Michigan uncontested divorce, simple full I Cl fl ("'in
Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe Campus Area engagement & wedding rings. cF0417 will kits; write for brochure, Michael Maran, P.O. I '../ II ~J II
1982 Los Angeles Times Syndicate Box 391, Mt. Pleasant, MI. 48858. 71J0218
* rooms * dishwasher SCHOOL A PAIN IN THE NECK? Finding it hard to _________________________________________
ACROSS 57 Comprehend 26 Diamond features * efficiencies * air cond. concentrate because you're always feeling uncom-
6 Compass point 61 "The first martyr" 28 Nickname for * 1-6bdr. houses * parking Health, Spinal Adjustments. Call Dr. Bob or Joan items you
1 Colosseum attire 58 Wiggly one 27 Noted surrealist * 1-4bdr.apts. ~ * laundry fortable? We're here to helpyou. Massage, Vouch for
9 The Odyssey, e.g. 62 Short musical Scrooge * furnished/unfurn. * maint. serv. Rose/ROSE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC/668-6l 10. U O a tree
13 Toughen composition 29 Layer * kitchen appliances * bus routes cF0305
14 Hawkeye State 66 Hindu title 32 Mohammedan We take the hassle out of apt. hunting, no knocking on ERIC'S FACTORY CLOSEOUTS a sell?
- 16 - Lisa 67- vaccine religion doors. Make an appointment and we will escort you Footwear, bodywear, swimwear. 406 E. Liberty, 2
17 Newsman, for 68 Awakens 33 DDE'S theater thru out bldgs. and provide the transportation. blocks off State. . cFtc
____________________________ GET YOUR AD!
example 69 Ms Kett . 35 Mine, French MODERNMANAGEMENT668-6906/663~3641. cCtc
19 Ancient 70 Affirmative style STRATFORD APARTMENTS. Two bdrm. apts. Free World duped by Reds! Playboy's exclusive in-
terview with Lech Walesa reveals leader of Recycle CALL
inhabitant of 71 Young squealer 36 Friendless May-April lease. 'k block from S. University at 625, Solidarity 'union' to be Party faithful Communist.
Great Britain 37 Staffer 629, and 631 5. Forest. A/C, balconies, furnished. Devoted to preserving Poland's present system of ____ A -
____________ 76 05 4 6
20 Part of OPEC 40 One at a barn Parking, dishwashers, laundry facilities available. government. Read it!! Comrade Walesa is out in ~iu.u. ~
- 21 "Norma ____" dance All utilities included. 683-3061. 61C0219 open now. Exposed as State operative. Whole ~' ~ A~' _____________________________________
22 Hilaire -, Shaw DOWN 41 Going-going-gone Solidarity business a ruse and ploy!! 22F0226
contemporary 1 Broz affair FALL ~ TEST SUCCESS SEMINARS
24 Famous english 2 "The - love..." 44 "Hamlet" role 1J~
portraitist 3 Shore denizen 46 Revolution CAMPUS AREA Tern White RN, MS Hypnotherapist-Call 668-8843. * ~ m ---------- m mm
27 Dissuades 4 Part of "to be" 48 Paris street Caveat Emptor: Solidarity is slogan-motto of ~ FORGET -~
30 Tom and Dick's 5 Dry, as wine 49 Redolent root APARTMENTS AND HOUSES Bolshevists; symbol of Communism! Political scien- ~fl* , "~
pal, Cockney style 6 Hebrew month 51 "Not - in the WELL FURNISHED UNITS IN MODERN tists in Kremlin achieved propaganda coup in having
31 Talents- 7 Musical and bank world" BUILDINGS&UNIQUE OLDER HOMES
STOP BY SOON West pledge "Solidarity" with Captive Poles And to place your ad In
34 Hacienda room 8 Flock member 52 Moroccan capital adopt cause of World Revolutionaries, LEARN
38 Nautical term 9 Uses 53 River into the FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND MORE!!! 08F0319
39 Cobblers, at times 10 Doughboy of Ouse BEST SELECTION RED ALERTE. Cunning commissars advance 3 . 0
42 "Apres - France 54 Fiber source (IA .I~JIPTTg ppjtJ~~~g Communism via Solidarity disinformation cam- m m
- le deluge" 11 With identity con- 55 Onionlike plants ~ ~~LLB...J5~1 paign. Cruel hoax on both Poles and West. Comrades 3 uin* **E ~U
- 43 Japanese box cealed, for short 58 Singer Pinza S. UNIVERSITY AT Walesa and ~lemp aid the Purge and deception.
45 Not - (hear 12 5&Across, is one 59 O.T. name WASHTENAW Reagan too!! Likewise, UAW/CIO! DON'T BUY
everything) 15 Garden spot 60 - and found 665-8825 IT!!! 70F0304 I
47 Malay canoe 18 Beard of grain 63 Antonym for cCtc Earnextra cash $ fast man hourtotwohours twicea W
50 Camelot name 23 Commit a faux 70 Across week. Donate plasma $10.00 per donation-$5.00 ex- I
51 Prominent play- pas 64 Museum displays, ___________________________________ _______________________ __________________ I'
wright 24 Thicken -~ for short ************************* pointment. 50F0217
- 56 Vocation 25 Plant part - 65 Old verb ending Sopranos! Make beautiful music with U.M. Women's 3 Address I
Glee Club! 665-7408. MSF0218
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ ~ DAILY HOROSCOPE I Sopranos! We need you in the Women's Glee Club I Phone 10
Call Mrs. Edwards, 665-7408. M5F0218 _____________________________
ARIES: A previous mistake brings TWO INSTANT color passport pictures only $5 6'
TAURUS: Keep away from an-
good fortune. Van Dyck Dobos Photo, 407 E. William Street - C ost: only $1 2 I~
tagonistic people. They only cause * * *** * * before 5:00 pm on I
GEMINI: Superiors are impressed I February 22, 1982 1-
with your recent efforts. SPRING BREAK BUS TO CLEVELAND
CANCER: You succeed in romantic Feb. 19, 4:00pm to Feb. 28. Round trip $40. East and ($14 from Feb. 23 to Murds 19) 5
en eavors. west side dropoffs-Nonstop. Limited space
LE : Make a concerted effort to available. Joe 685-5643, Scott 995-5337. 70G0218
_______________ I Absolutely No Ads I
get along with those close to you. - -
VIRGO: You will hove luck with i4IX'I'~'hd1' __________________ Will Be Accepted I
competitions today. _____________________________________
38 39 LISRA: Find an outlet for your pent i I Af4'~r.Ma'urrk1@ 1~.

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