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February 17, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-17

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upsets I
u (Continued from Page 1)
review because she is an out
teacher rather than a research
Marc:Dann, a student memb
Curriculum Committee, said
case is similar to those of s
professors who won the Clas
award and were later denied te
One committee member ref
the Class of '23 award - which
ded to a professor for out
teaching each year - as "th
present at the committee meet
there is probably no correla
ween the award and the fact
was not granted tenure. 'Bono
she thinks "there is an emerg
tern of distinguished teache
denied tenure."
"The Curriculum Commit
raised an important issue,"s
"The factor of teaching is per
stressed enough in tenure decis
Bono said she was denied

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 17, 1982-Pago 3
professor's tenure denial
1SA committee members
because of "a very subtle configuration emphasis on teaching skills as criteria
standing of issues." She said it is likely that she for granting tenure.
er. was not awarded tenure because it was ASSISTANT LSA DEAN Jens Zorn-
er of the believed her scholarship did not match countered charges that good teachers:
I Bono's her teaching abilities. lose out to good scholars in tenure:-
six other SOME MEMBERS of the Curriculum reviews by noting that "four instructors:
ss of '23 Committee also suggested that Bono's reviewed recently have been denied::
nure. case may also be representative of a tenure due to poor teaching."
ferred to trend in which women professors may At the moment, 'Bono's appeal for
'is awar- ble intimidated when seeking tenure. tenure is being handled by the Depar-:
standing The members said a disproportionate tment of English, which will represent'
e kiss of number of women were being denied her before the Executive Committee:
tenure. tomorrow. If the Executive Committee' M
History Prof. Louise Tilly, who is a were to uphold the decision to deny her
was not member of the committee, said there tenure, however, she could appeal it:
;ing, said appears to be "a pattern here (of herself.
tion bet- women being denied tenure) which After a faculty member has taught at
that she must be analyzed." the University for seven years, his or
did say "There are major sections of depar- her performance is reviewed to decide
gent pat- tments in which women who compose a* whether or not he or she will be granted
rs being substantial chunk of the department tenure. The review is handled by the
have never been granted tenure," said professor's academic department and
ttee has committee member Vern Carroll, an most department chairpersons say that
she said. anthropology professor. the review focuses on the faculty mem-
haps not The committee passed a resolution ber's scholarship and research,
lions." yesterday asking the Executive Com- teaching, and service to the University
d tenure mittee to consider placing a greater and community.

Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
Summer thaw
Warmer climes are indeed just behind the melting snow as this mural and shrinking pile of snow illustrate. The mural
becomes more visible each minute as the snow melts in the alley by Eden's Deli off of Maynard.
New group to decide MSIJ gay's case

Jordan ian force to aid Iraq



The question of whether a gay mem-
ber of a Michigan State University
fraternity was unjustly discriminated
against when his fraternity voted to
oust him last year has been turned over
to a special fact-finding committee.
The decision to refer the dispute bet-
ween John Nowak, 20, and the Delta

Sigma Phi fraternity came after earlier
mediation efforts failed.
NOWAK HAD filed charges with
MSU's Anti-Discrimination Judicial
Board last month, after he was suspen-
ded by his fraternity because other
members said his lifestyle was not
compatible with their own.
An attempt to mediate the conflict by
the judicial board fell through, accor-

ding to the board's executive secretary,
Sallie Bright. "The parties were unable
to agree on a settlement," she said.
The fact-finding committee, with
which the decision now rests, was ap-
pointed by the chairperson of the
judicial board, Bright explained. The
committee is made up of one faculty
member, one student, and one staff
After the committee reviews the case
and releases a decision, both parties -
Nowak and the fraternity - will have 14
days to appeal the decision.

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - King
Hussein, fearing an Iraqi defeat in the
16-month-old war against Iran will
threaten the entire region, has formed a
2,000-man volunteer brigade to fight
alongside the Iraqis.
Jordanian officials .say the special
unit, known as the Yarmouk Force, will
leave for the front in a matter of weeks.
Hussein is expected to personally lead
the expeditionary unit.
HUSSEIN'S MOTIVES have not been
explained officially. Diplomats suggest
that Iraq's fading fortunes on the bat
tlefield since last fall and a recent
Iranian-inspired coup attempt in
Bahrainspurred him to act.
In a recent newspaper interview,
Hussein warned that "the real problem

is that the Iranian menace does not stop
at Iraq but extends to the entire Arab
region, particularly the Persian Gulf
and the Arab peninsula."
A high-ranking Jordanian official,
who declined to be identified, said in
another interview the war options had
been reduced to only two possibilities:
an Iranian victory or a decisive
breakthrough by Iraq that would force
Iran to negotiate.

Winners of the School of Music's annual Concerto Competition will per-
form with the University Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gustav Meier
tonight at 8 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The concerts are free and open to the
Musical Society-The Feld Ballet, 8 p.m., Power Center.
UAC-Laugh Track, 9 p.m., University Club, Union.
CAAS-Pauline Terrelonge, "The Political and Legal Dimensions of
Recent Cuban and Hatian Immigration to the U.S.A.," 12 p.m., 246 Lorch
Academic Women's Caucus-Robert C. Metcalf, "Affirmative Action and
the College of Architecture and Urban Planning," 12-1:30 p.m., 3050 Frieze.
Young Workers Liberation League/Ctr. Afro-American and African
Studies-James Steele, "Youth in the Struggle for Southern Africa," 7:30
p.m., Schorling Auditorium, School of Education.
Chemistry-Barbera Ewels, "Pseudophase chromatography," 4 p.m.,
1200 Chem; Neil Canter, "Synthesis of Organophosphazene Polymers," 4
p.m., 300 Chem.
Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "ZPattern Matching in File
Editor," 7-8:30 p.m., B114 MLB.
CEW-Patricia Johnson, "When Dying is Better Than Living: Female
Suicide Among the Gainj of Papua, New Guinea," 12-1:30 p.m., Rms. 4 & 5,
Mich. League: Counseling Group, "Onward and Upward," 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Nuclear Engineering-George Summerfield, "Elementary Theory of
Neutron Scattering II," 4 p.m., Baer Rm., Cooley Building.
Mathematics-Nancy Heckman, "Sequential Test Using Random
Allocations," 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Slavic Languages and Literatures-Ljiljana Gjurgjan, "Collage of Serbo-
Craotion Poetry," 7:30 p.m., East conf. Room, Rackham hall.
Washtenaw County Coordinating Council for Children at Risk-Kathleen
Faller, "Sexual Abuse/Incest, a Family Problem: Identification and Inter-
vention Strategies for Children and Their Families," 12-2 p.m., Assembly
Room, Juvenile Court, 2270 Platt Road.
Germanic Languages and Literatures-Bert Schierbeek reads from his
own works, 4 p.m., East Conf. Room, Rackham.
Education-David P. Meikert, "Young Children Grow Up: Effects of the
Perry Preschool Program," 4 p.m., Whitney Auditorium, School of
Science Fiction Club-"Stilyagi Air Corps," 8:15 p.m., Ground Floor Con-
ference Room, Union.
"UM Research Club-Ziyaeddin Akcasu, "Evolution of the Theory of
Brownian Motion,", and Aram Yengoyan, "Ontology, Myth, and language:
The Pitjantjatjara of Central Australia," 8 p.m., West Conference Room,
Michigan Association of Gerontology Students-General Membership
Meeting, 6-7 p.m., 3065 Frieze Bldg.
LSA Student Government-Weekly Meeting, 6:15 p.m., MSA Chambers,
,3rd Floor, Union.
Greenpeace-Meeting, 8 p.m., Pendelton Room, Union.
AATU-Voter Registration, 9 a.m. .3 p.m., Fishbowl, 6-9 p.m., ' UGLI._
Humanities 497 Debates-"Should Congress Relax Future Mobile
Emission Level Goals Of the Clear Air act?" 7 p.m.; "Should It Be Illegal To
Knowingly Employ an Illegal Alien?"8 p.m., 1508 East Engineering.
WCBN-"Radio Free Lawyer: Discussion of Legal Issues," 88.3 FM, 6
Meekreh-Felafel study break, Mo-Jo Jordan Lounge.
Int. Ctr.-"Surviving and Thriving in Europe," 12 p.m., 603 E. Madison St,
Russian and East European Studies-Brown Bag, Vladimir Goss, "The
Croatian Primitives and Twnetieth Century Traditionalism as a Contem-
porary Value," noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Ark-Open Mike Night, 9p.m., 1421 Hill Street.
Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring, 7-11 p.m., 307 UGLI and Alice Lloyd, 8-10
p.m., 2332 Bursley.
Housing Special Program-Soul Food Dinner, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Alice Lloyd

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