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February 16, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-16

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir igau

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Skies will be cloudy most of
today with a slight chance
of rain this afternoon.
Temperatures will be mild
with a high, of about 40.

Vol. XCII, No. 113 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 16, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages
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Making waves
Cars swim through the wet mass of yesterday's unseasonably early thaw near Liberty and S. Division.

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK


Fisher, Hunter victorious


After weeks of reviewing drafts
before advisory groups, Vice President
for Academic Affairs Billy Frye has
deemed the "Five-Year Plan"-a com-
prehensive framework for reallocation
of some $20 million in general funds-
ready for public unveiling.
Frye presented the still-rough draft
for the plan to members of the Senate
Assembly at their regular meeting
yesterday. While Frye's presentation
held few surprises, news of a com-
promise between Frye and Michigan
Student Assembly leaders signalled an
end to the student participation con-
AS THE PLAN now stands, Frye told
the faculty governing board, the
University intends to free some $10
million for reallocation by dismissing
some personnel while reviewing selec-
ted programs for' heavy budget cuts or
outright elimination.
Further savings would be made
through "variable shared reductions"
on all units not scheduled for heavy
reduction. Frye said he expects
academic units' budgets in this
category will average a five percent
reduction over the five years. Ad-
ministrative units' budgets will bear an
average ten percent cut over the course
of the plan.
Frye will present the proposal to the
Regents during their monthly meeting
at the end of this week.
FRYE SAID the funds would be
reallocated toward higher priority
areas, including faculty salaries, merit-

based support for graduate students,
improvement of research and teaching
environments and incentives, and "new
intellectual developments"-growth
and development of selected academic
The framework calls for reallocation
of approximately $4 million during each
of the plan's five years, Frye said. He
noted the process to target units for
review has already begun and that the
first round of reviews should begin no
later than March 1.
Frye added that, "to avoid creating
undue anxiety," all reviews planned for
the near future would be announced by
July 1, the beginning of the University's
1982-1983 fiscal year.
IN THE CQURSE of implementing
the plan, Frye said, tenured faculty
members may be discharged if their
program is eliminated and no alter-
native position is available for them.
"I do. not expect the University to
begin, rampantly discharging tenured
faculty," Frye said. "The damage that
would do. . . would more than offset any
benefits we expect from the proposal."
Frye said the University will attempt to
relocate or re-train all displaced
tenured faculty.
The student participation debate en-
ded in compromise late last week,
student leaders reported yesterday.
Earlier in the month,. Frye had
proposed that MSA provide him with a
pool of qualified students from which he
could select representatives for review
See SENATE, Page 3

Cty ouncil primary

Incumbent City Councilmemt
Green lost his seat to challenge
Hunter in yesterday's Firs
Democratic primary, mar
typically light voter turnout.
In the Third Ward Rep
primary, incumbent David
overwhelmed Gary Hann.
Hunter received 503 votes to G
414 in an election described b
city political observers as an
Although Greene might havet
pected to win as the incumbent
not running in the ward which h
ted him two years ago.,
ment of the city's wards moved
from the Second Ward to th
Ward. The majority of his su
could not vote in the First Wa
allowed Hunter, who has been
in city politics - especially in t
Ward - for several years, to
"We had no support from
districts," Richmond B
treasurer of Greene's campaig

"Hope students are happy with what
ber Earl they get."
er Larry Greene said he was disappointed in
t Ward the student turnout, also. "Students
ked by simply didn't vote," he said. "We were
disappointedin the low turnouts in the
ublican precincts we expected to carry," he ad-
Fisher ded.
GREENE SAID Hunter concentrated
Greene's on key districts he could count on for
y many heavy support. In the fourth precinct,
n upset. Hunter received 70 votes to Greene's 25.
been ex- In the 10th precinct, Hunter received 97
, he was to Greene's 35, and in the 11th, Hunter
had elec- received 127 votes to Greene's 37.
"Hunter had a hard core of suppor-
portion- ters that turned out," Greene said.
I Greene "The heavy black vote worked to Mr.
he First Hunter's advantage."
pporters Hunter could not be reached for
rd. This comment.
he First PHILLIP BOKOVY, a campaign.
win the worker for Greene, said that "the
student precincts are voting much less
student than two years ago," when Greene ran
Browne, in the second ward. Bokovy said
gn, said. See FISHER, Page 2

Hunter Fisher
... wins key precincts ... not surprised

Regent Baker runs for Senate

LANSING (UPI) - University of
Michigan Regent Deane Baker for-
mally launched his U.S. Senate cam-
paign yesterday with a bid to occupy
middle ground in the Republican
primary field.
Speaking at a capital news conferen-
ce, Baker defined himself as less con-
servative than former U.S. Rep. Robert
Huber, but to the right of former U.S.
Rep. Phil Ruppe and former state
licensing director William Ballenger.
THE TWO-TERM regent stressed his
background as a businessman in the
construction industry, saying

"Michigan and its shattered economy
needs a builder."
The Ann Arbor Republican, who
finished dead last in the 1976 senatorial
primary, said polling data and his
strong showing in regent elections give
him optimism about his prospects. He
sought to turn his relatively modest
fundraising accomplishments to his
political advantage.
Baker announced his candidacy at
news conferences in Detroit and Lan-
sing. The soft-spoken businessman
wore a dark blue suit with a Polish
"Solidarity" button and read from a

lengthy, prepared campaign statement
before taking questions.
MICHIbAN'S U.S. senator must
provide proven economic leadership,
he said, noting that he is "a builder and
a businessman" who has constructed
housing in depressed urban areas and
worked with unions.
Baker, in response to a question, said
there is "no doubt Robert Huber is on
the right side of the spectrum" in the
GOP contest. "I think that I fall bet-
ween him and Mr. Ruppe and Mr.
Ballenger.. . who represent the further
See 'U', Page 7

... pledges economic leadership

new, stricter
GSL. standards.,

Students hoping to qualify for assistance next year
through the Guaranteed Student Loan program will
have to comply to new, stricter standards, according
to University financial aid officials.
A congressional subcommittee is restructuring the
GSL program, developing a "tighter definition of
financial need," Elaine Nowak, the University's GSL
coordinator, explained.
THE SUBCOMITTEE is expected to deliver a
revised eligibility plan late in March, just five mon-
ths after a revision restricting GSL assistance to only
those students whose families earn less than $30,000
per year was enacted.

"It's a wait and see situation," Nowak said. All
governmental financial aid programs are linked to
President Reagan's fiscal 1983 budget, she explained,
a formula expected to squeeze expenditures for
higher education.
The subcommittee is considering four proposals,
according to Harvey Grotrian, University Director of
financial aid.
THERE ARE several ways in which the gover-
nment could ease the burden of financing GSLs,
Grotrian said. One proposal being considered in
Washington would 'hike the origination fee-the
processing fee charged off the top of the loan-from 5
See CONGRESS, Page 2

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK

Rescue efforts
Ann Arbor emergency medical service personnel take a heart attack victim
to the hospital yesterday from the Federal Building at Liberty and Division.

Monsters coming at you
HREE-D monsters are on the rampage again.
This time, however, the creatures cannot be held
ingthe confines of movie theatres; they are in-
vading the living rooms of fascinated 3-D fans. A
New Orleans television station recently became the
nation's first to offer a 3-D movie. The station revived a

to buy the glasses because demand was so high. A switch-
board operator for the station which offered the show told
reporters that "one man was screaming at me into the
phone about how he had spent $20 in gas driving all over
town" looking for the glasses. The show hasn't hit Ann Ar-
bor yet, but local 3-D buffs might want to stock up on the
glasses ahead of time-just in case. Q
'Madam Chairmfan'has nice ring

they said they believe that the term "man," as used in the
Bible and in literature, in a fine generic term for any Homo
sapiens-male or female-and is much preferable to the
bland "person" genre. The letter assured the legislators
that this "is not a sexist urge. Nope, our
desire-specifically-is just to purge our idiom of
abominations such as 'chairperson.' We still believe the
salutation 'Madam Chairman' has a nice, mellow,
traditional ring to it." Cough. Q

*1952-The FBI. arrested 10 Ku Klux Klan members in
the Carolinas on charges of flogging a white man and
" 1943-American tank forces and combat teams, rising
in their first great test of World War II, threw back Nazi
armored forces six miles in a counterattack west of Faid
Pass in North Africa.
" 1942-German submarines shelled a giant oil refinery
in Aruba and sank three tankers. There were no casualties.




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