Ninety-Two Years
E of
Editorial Freedom
Lii i~au
Today will be partly
cloudy, a little warmer
with a high intthe mid-20s,
and a chance of light snow.
Vol. XCII, No. 111 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 13, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Cellar labor
stages 1-day
Employees of the University Cellar yesterday staged a
one-day "sick-out" to protest what they term "salary
discrepancies" between themselves and management per-
U-Cellar officials said close to 100 percent of the union
members, who make up about 85 percent of the regular daily
work force, called in sick.
NANCY SIOVERROD, a spokeswoman for the Industrial
Workers of the World labor union-the official bargaining
body for U-Cellar workers-declined comment on the high
rate of absenteeism, noting only that "a lot of people didn't
seem to feel well today."
Neither U-Cellar management personnel nor employees
indicated any connection between the sick-out and the U-
Cellar's announcement earlier this week of its impending
move to a new site.
Members of the U-Cellar's Board of Directors joined with
managerial staff to keep the store open and functioning nor-
mally yesterday.
"I THINK IT will prove to be just a one-day flu streak," U-
Cellar manager Bob Carlson said. "It's been a heck of a good
experience for us. It's worked out very well."
According to several employees, who asked to remain
unidentified for fear of reprisal, the catalyst to the walk-out
Pdates back some time.
Employees say there is no rationale behind the tendency to
pay management as much as twice what labor personnel
earn. In the past two years, they said, management has
received raises of up to $2,000 in one year.
THE FINAL ACTION that lead to yesterday's sick-out was
the Board's decision Wednesday to pay managerial staff a~
$250 bonus based on retained earnings of the year before.
"Management has been given a certain responsibility that
warrants the higher pay," said Mary Anne Caballero, chair-
woman of the U-Cellar Board of Directors. "They have more
responsible positions. For instance, they didn't have to work
today. (But) a number of board members skipped a number
of classes to keep the store open. That's the kind of commit-
ment we're talking about."
But employees say there is little difference between the
See CELLAR, Page 2
Auto talks
focus on
job security
From AP and UPI
DEARBORN, Mich. - Ford Motor
Co.'s practice of subcontracting work to
non-union plants and overseas sup-
pliers is the major stumbling block to a
contract concession agreement bet-
ween the company and the United Auto
Workers union, UAW vice president
Donald Ephlin said Friday.
"It's the cornerstone to the whole
agreement," Ephlin said at an after-
noon news conference. "Our goal is to
keep in house all work that traditionally
has been done in-house."
According to Ephlin the UAW wants
to keep at union plants all union work
originally performed at U.S. plants and
to halt all new subcontracting.
THE UAW bargainer said a
moratorium on plant closings and
profit-sharing for hourly workers also
will be a part of any agreement reached
with the No. 2 U.S. automaker.
Ephlin also told reporters the
negotiators were making progress on
an industry-reviving contract and were
prepared to work into the night.
The UAW and Ford agreed Thursday
on the economic portion of the contract.
The cuts in wages and benefits will
save Ford a reported $1 billion-plus
over the 31-month life of the proposed
pact - an amount about equal Ao the
automaker's 1981 losses.
FORD WORKERS now earn about
$21.50 an hour in combined wages and
benefits. A $1 billion economic set-
tlement would mean cuts of around $2
an hour.
Sources said rank-and-file orkers
were successful in' eliminating from
Ford's original proposal a one-week cut
in vacation time. Senior workers now
get up to four weeks off each year.
However, they said the union had to
See UAW-FORD, Page 2
Economy blamed for
growing city vacancies
Twisted path Daily Photob
The stairway twists its way to the first floor to the University's Museum of Art.
Fighting in El Salvador escalates
Local rental agents blame rising
tuition and housing costs and a
generally poor economy for the
unusually high vacancy rate of 13.7
percent last fall and for recent changes
in the Ann Arbor housing market.
Although the agents said the vacancy
rate-which they attributed primarily
to students "doubling up" on their
leases-decreased by mid-October,
several said they see the situation as
part of a trend which is creating a more
competitive housing market and for-
cing agents to make some changes.
"PEOPLE (.rental agents) could
charge whatever they wanted before,
within reason, because of the housing
shortage," explained David Copi, an
independent agent. "But now there is
more competition. I'm sure people will
have to start making compromises to
get these places rented."
Several agents faced with empty
units last fall have already begun to
compromise. Many lowered their rent
or shortened leases, and at least one
agent sold a building that wouldn't rent.
A spokesperson from Ravalp
Management Co. said he started to
price his units on an individual basis
last fall, and plans to continue to do so.
"If, after showing it to a number of
people, aiplace didn't rent out, I went in
and reassessed it and lowered the rent
accordingly," he said.
THE SPOKESPERSON explained that
this is an unusual practice, because
agents typically increase rent for apar-
tments in one building by equal percen-
In an effort to attract more tenants,
From AP and UPI
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -
Heavy fighting was reported yesterday
in the southeastern Usulutan province
of El Salvador where crack American
trained troops pressed a campaign
against leftist guerrillas, an army
source said.
Over 1,000 soldiers from the army's
Atlacatl and Atonatl regiments,
specially trained by the United States in
anti-guerrilla warfare, launched a pin-
cer operation before dawn Thursday in
an attempt to trap leftist guerrillas
near the town of Juacaran.
MILITARY sources estimate there
are 1,000 guerrillas in the area. The
Usulutan area has long been an in-
surgent stronghold..
In a related development, a White
House spokesman in Washington said
the administration wants to question a
group of American military advisers
photographed carrying M-16 rifles and
other combat equipment in an area of
El Salvador frequented by guerrillas.
Spokesman Larry Speakes said the
Pentagon told him the group included a
warrant officer and four enlisted men.
Defense officials in Washington said the
Americans in El Salvador are allowed
to have M-16 rifles in their quarters to
protect themselves, but they are not
supposed to take the weapons out with
them on jobs.
THE AMERICANS were shown on a
television tape shot by Cable News
Network. Speakes said the men were
on a project to train Salvadorans to
build temporary bridges.
President Reagan, asked yesterday
about the CNN report as he was
preparing to leave Washington, said he
thought it was "understandable" that
the U.S. troops would be carrying M-
"The only thing I can assume is they
were for personal protection and I think
that's understandable. I'm asking for a
full report and we'll have one from the
Defense Department," he said.
Sen. Paul Tsongas (D-Mass.) told
CNN the tapes may have triggered a
provision requiring the president to
report to Congress whenever U.S.
military personnel enter, situations
where imminent involvement in
hostilities is clearly indicated." The
senator said he would ask for a report
on the status of U.S. military personnel
in El Salvador as soon' as Congress
reconvenes on Feb. 22.
THE PENTAGON issued a statement
which stressed that U.S. military per-
sonnel shown on the television tape
were not and have not been involved in
combat activities, nor were they ac-
companying Salvadoran combat for-
ces." But the statement added that "it
would appear from the video tape that
at least some of the trainers were
carrying M-16 rifles." Not long after
the statement was distributed, aides
visited reporters' desks to try to get it
back, but it was too late.
Congress proposes
alternate budget plans
50 activists retrace historic march to Selma
SELMA, Ala. (AP)- About 50 people retracing the
steps of the 1965 voting rights marchers laid a wreath
on the grave of a slain black hero yesterday before
parading through rain into this landmark city of the
civil rights era.
The marchers, clad in orange ponchos against a
steady drizzle, sang and chanted on the way into
Selma, the rallying site of the 1965 march to Mon-
tgomery that helped give birth to the Voting Rights
THEY LEFT Pickens County in western Alabama
Feb. 6 for Montgomery-a 150-mile march and
motorcade. The 1965 march to Montgomery
originated in Selma-50m iles away.
Joseph Lowery, president of the Atlanta-based
Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
organized the event to urge Congress not to abandon
the federal law that guaranteed ballot rights for
Southern blacks.
The Voting Rights Act is now under review by
Congress and could be changed or terminated.
THE DEMONSTRATORS, who rode in cars and
vans for most of the 30-mile stretch from Marion
yesterday, planned to depart Selma Sunday on the
final leg to Montgomery, retracing the steps of the
1965 march.
"Whether we have rain, sleet, or snow, hot or cold,
we're determined to continue the journey begun by
Jimmie Lee Jackson and those like him who gave
their lives for freedom," Lowery said in a rain-swept
ceremony at Jackson's grave in a small cemetery
outside Marion.
Jackson, 27, was shot to death during racial turmoil
at Marion several weeks prior to the Selma-to-
Montgomery march, led by the late Martin Luther
Jackson's gravestone is pocked with several bullet
scars. Local black leaders said shots were fired at the
monument and someone tried to pull it down after it
was erected several years ago.
THE MARCH, which concludes Feb. 18 with a rally
at the state Capitol, was inspired by the vote fraud
convictions of Julia Wilder, 70,, and Maggie Bozeman,
The two women, both active in Pickens County civil
rights causes, are now work-release inmates in
Macon County. Wilder is serving a five-year term;
Bozeman is serving four years.
March organizers said they will devote the
weekend to voter registration work, with evening
rallies highlighted by speeches from civil rights
figures Julian Bond, a Georgia state senator, and
John Lewis, former director of the Voter Education
LEWIS WAS clubbed on the head in 1965. as he
helped lead the first attempt to cross Selma's Ed-
mund Pettus Bridge on a voting rights march that
was routed by mounted troopers withbilly sticks.
After that rout, a federal judge granted a parade
permit and King led a second parade that made it all
the way to Montgomery.
Unlike the 1965 demonstrations, the march and
motorcade that is crossing rural Alabama has been
peaceful. A convoy of state troopers and local law of-
ficers have escorted the marchers.
Secretary Donald Regan said
yesterday the administration is open
to new ideas for reducing budget
deficits but remains opposed to
either raising taxes or cutting defen-
Noting that President Reagan has
talked of giving Congress "running
room" to consider alternative
budget proposals, the secretary told
a news conference, "We are always
open to a better plan."
"BUT I WANT to re-emphasize,"
Regan said, "that we expect that
plan to be constructive, and not one
that destroys the very fabric of the
Reagan program."
"Running room' requires that we
define the width of the track. And
the Reagan track is not wide enough
for tax increases or defense cuts."
"We will not balance the budget on
the backs of taxpayers," Regan
said. "Nor will we jeopardize the
security of this nation. But we cen-
tainly welcome any better ideas
about how to cut federal spending.'
REGAN criticized a proposal by
Regan to suggestions
Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) to
freeze spending for social and defen-
se programs at 1982 levels, delay
this year's scheduled income tax cut
and reduce next year's planned tax
See CONGRESS, Page 2
Keep on busing
EST EASY, North Campus residents. Rumors
that there has been a change in the University
bus schedule are completely false, according to
Bob Kepler, foreman of the University's tran-
sportation system. Kevin Ireland, a resident of Baits
housing on North Campus, said residents of Bursley and
flnfc, ° pr in annit" this weepk when an inacurate bus
said that "Penelope P.. for Pinchpenny Piper, who is a
pleasingly plump, paunchy protuberant, and perennially
provocative person, ate Peter Piper's peck of pickled pep-
pers in the postprandial period. Penelope Pinchpenny Piper
is probably prematurely pregnant by Peter Piper, who
picked Penelope as a precipitant participant for premarital
play, prompting Papa Pinchpenny's parental protection
from Penelope and promises of Pow ! Pow ! Pow! to Peter if
he procrastinated proposing. Plausible? Perfectly." Pier-
ce's winning entry appeared in December's "Four Star
D.,nnvlarNa cam tha . +'. n~nhan vc. to ,,rit "a n newr with
brawl, authorities said. "The lady's just real lucky she got
out" safely, said Assistant District Attorney Jeff manning.
About eight other inmates discovered she was in the cell
and "they all wanted a piece of the action, so to speak," he
said. Manning said he woman faces a sentence from six
months to four years if convicted, but the usual sentence is
one to two years or probation. EC
Thne Daily almanac
ri '"..a. ~.I£Y In14nUixinci P cDntc ra4f mpd to
after a brief fact-finding mission. In his farewell statement
to government leaders, Humphrey said he was "sure vic-
tory will be won."
" In 1914, rare animals, curiosities of all kinds, gypsy for-
tune tellers, and many other attractions were featured in
the annual Women's League Circus in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Other activities included the Women's Dramatic
Association's presentation of "Ici On Parle Francais" in
Angell Hall. Popcorn, horns, ice cream cones, and confetti
was sold from booths and the entertainment closed with an