A OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, February 9, 1982 The Michigan Daily Thoughts of a former sorority member ..y:i I usually don't like to belabor issues that I've: raised in past columns, but today I'm going to make an exception. Last week, the Daily received a letter from a. woman who had decided to resign from her sorority. It was a very interesting letter, I think you'll agree. Certainly the Daily has not Howard Witt only if the identity of the author is known to the editors. It's a good policy, really. The editors feel that the Daily's readers have a right to know who is saying what. But every once in a while it means swallowing hard and throwing out a really good letter. I JUST couldn't let that happen this time. So I'm publishing the letter here. I must tell you that because it's unsigned, there is of course a possibility that the letter is a fake. But it sure doesn't read like a fake, and I'm hoping its author will call me to confirm its veracity. In the meantime, read on and decide for yourself. "I'm writing this letter in reply to Howard Witt's criticism of Greeks. Last year Irushed, pledged, and was initiated into a sorority. I had heard all the terrible things about Greeks but, had decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. "In fact, I met a lot of interesting, friendly women during rush, which is why I decided to join a house. However, now I'm having severe second thoughts. Witt's article made me think even more about this controversial group of people. "MANY THINGS are coming to my attention this year that make me want to caution any person thinking about rushing to think again. Unless you're a totally immatgre person, Greek life is not for you. "A perfect example of a 'fun' event spon- sored by a Greek organization can be found in Delta Gamma's 'anchor splash,' which was held two weeks ago in Angell Hall. I left after 20 minutes of that disgusting display, which was so thoughtfully done for charity. I was so ashamed of being in that group that I rushed out of Angell Hall wishing I had never been af- filiated with Greeks and all they represent. "In case you weren't lucky enough to have been there, I'll tell you a little about it. Any fraternity could enter a member to run for the title of 'Mr. Anchor Splash.' The contestant was required to dress up like a typical Delta Gam- ma member, answer a question, and par- ticipate in a bathing suit contest (I didn't stay long enough for that part). "THE FIRST question presented to the first fraternity man by a DG moderator set the tone for the evening: 'Many fraternity men think of sexual intercourse as just another athletic ac- tivity. When you're intimate with a woman,. what sport are you playing?' And then the DG said 'Let me repeat the question,' which she proceeded to do. "It was also interesting to see what was con- sidered 'typical' attire for a Delta Gamma member. One contestant walked up on stage with a mattress tied to his back. Good for you, DG's-ydu're setting a great example for Greeks. "Of course, during this time the audience was yelling out crude remarks. When one par- ticipant went up on stage wearing a flannel night gown with a basketball strategically placed against his stomach, someone yelled out, 'Why didn't you try a hanger?' at which point I decided it was time to leave. I walked out to the sound of Greek men and women alike. laughing at the comment. "I'M TURNING IN my resignation to my house today (February 3). There are people there that I care about who I know would have had nothing to do with that particular group of Greeks at the anchor splash contest. But as long as I know that that group represented the majority of the Greeks-for whom I have ab- solutely no respect-I can't and won't be a part of it." The letter was signed "A New God Damned Independent." w About a dozen fraternity and sorority mem bers called me last week to complain about my- column excerpting passages from The Forum-, a Greek newsletter. One woman from Alpha"- Phi was especially appalled that I frequently . criticize groups to which I don't belong. (Whig" means, I suppose, that I ought to join the'KU t Klux Klan before I condemn it.) In fact, three years ago I rushed and pledged a fraternity, participating in its activities for'a little over three months. I decided not to joi the night a few of my would-be "brothers!~ stripped a visiting fraternity official and tied him to a tree in the bitter December cold. Of course, three months as a pledge does not an experienced Greek make. I'm the first to admit that I'm pretty much an outsider. But not the new God Damned Independent.' Certainly she knew what Greek life was all about. And she decided to quit. Witt's column appears every Tuesday. received anything like it in the four years I've been working here. Unfortunately, the author of the letter failed to sign her name or provide any means of iden- tification. That meant the letter was destined for the reject file-the Daily has a policy prohibiting the publication of unsigned letters except in extreme circumstances, and then i +. 6~j Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Weasel By Robert Lence , y 8" , Vol. XCII, No. 107 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board HI KARL-A. WH-AT GL-ASS ARE- SHAKESPEARE. 1- Ir Ss REAK iT wRfAT RtPMrF-v T MO C"r YOU LoE> S- hEAK E .-. 49 &j~L, 'hj;~1 I Ke. Education for the few +t 1 -.,-r,* 4f1.41Z -o. BU's" TE, LEC-TURE5 WEREF. 6IM AT TSAME -nME.MY' PAVORITE SOAP cOPERA I5cN-J 014 No. .. ~' ~Z STATE universities traditionally have been a place where students from a broad social spectrum find the opportunity to receive an education. But current college enrollment levels sadly imply that such opportunities may decline sharply in the future. A recent survey shows that state universities across the country, reac- ting to sagging government support, have steadily decreased their enrollment. As this support dwindles, these institutions have been forced to admit fewer and fewer students, while raising admissions standards. Some educators praise enrollment cutbacks as a positive step toward in- creasing the quality of the educational institutions. Others warn that restric- ting enrollment will limit access for students from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. The hazards of limited access, however, should carry the most weight. Current federal and state budget cutbacks to education center around student financial aid programs. Slashing a student's finan- cial aid is a sure way to weed economically strapped scholars out of our colleges. In addition, due to clim- bing tuition costs at private colleges, state universities may now receive in- creased applications from upper and middle class students, thus competing with and possibly forcing out lower income applicants. Limited access may soon hit home at the University. President Shapiro has speculated recently that economic burdens may push the University toward increased class elitism. Shapiro offered the disheartening prediction that soon "only peopleawho can afford it will be able to come" to the University. Elitism at state universities presents a two-fold question. Academic elitism, or setting high academic standards for students, can prove a useful way to en- sure quality. But the current enrollment cuts seem disturbingly linked to an elitism that restricts entry into college to those who can pay the most. Social elitism violates the respon- sibility of a state university to serve a diverse student body. Such elitism also fosters and perpetuates class barriers that remain apparent in American society-barriers that can be broken down through a broad-based educational system. If, through a low priority status, federal and state governments con- tinue to forego higher education needs, the consequences will be alarming. The nation as a whole will suffer if budget contingencies lay waste to the potential and promise that these universities offer America's youth. ..-, , , , . . . - i i .._ w? ; A R LETTERS TO THE DAILY: L bertar To the Daily: My compliments to Dan Aronoff for his outstanding ar- ticle "Screwing the poor: Right and Left" in the Daily of Feb. 3. He brings out the point that politics and the poor just do not mix. He also says that both the Right and the Left have personal political motives behind their so called help for the poor. Mly only complaint is that Aronoff is making it seem like there are only two positions, on the issue: Right and Left. Recent studies have shown that there are more. In the last few months, many major research and educational institutes have shown that there are four major political groups in the United States. These include the Right and Left as we know them, and two others: the populists and the libertarians. The populists favortgovernment intervention in both economic and personal areas, while the libertarians favor no intervention in either. Of these four, only the liber- tarians (i.e., the Libertarian Par- ty) offer a solution whereby the ians offer chartablesolution poor neither are scapegoats or gain a large measure of self- work." Their goal is not to send a decoys, and no elected official or respect and self-esteem in not monthly check to cover rent or to bureaucrat keeps his job by having to pander to politicians buy a new car, it is to get the pretending to care for the poor and in being free to choose if they people working again. This is while really padding his own wish to receive financial why there are almost no Mor- pocket. The solution is to get assistance. mons on welfare. government out of the welfare In the last hundred years Only through private charity business and turn it over to many private charity groups organizations can the poor be ef- private enterprise. have existed and worked well. fectively helped through tem- Among the advantages to such The best example is the Mormon porary difficulties and, be led to a system is incentive. Church. The Mormons have their find new work as soon as Private profit-making charities own charity system for church possible, while at no time losing would have to be efficient in or- members, and its primary fun- the all-important self-respect. der to stay in business. They ction is to "place in gainful em- -Steve Horwitz wouldn't have a printing press to ployment those who are able to February 8 churn out the money they need, like the government does now. GE less than beneficial Second, the competition bet- ween charities would also force them to be efficient and per- To the Daily: cerned about whether or not such sonable, unlike most government Last fall, the Graduate Em- employment violates the con- workers who don't know or care ployees Organizations, an ditionsof their visas. about their clientele. Third,.they organization claiming 100 mem- Well done, GEO. It is doubtful would have good reason to not bers which purporteduto that this university, which -s keep people on the dole for long, represent the 1600 graduate unable to provide faculty with periods of time, because that teaching and research assistan- cost-of-livingrraises will be able means losses for the company. ts at the University of Michigan, to give such to assistants, much Therefore, they would probably "won" the fight in getting those less make up this effective pay be very efficient in finding new assistants declared employees of cut imposed by the union's ac- jobs for the unemployed or poor, the University. tions. Thus representation by unlike the government is now r Last week, those employees GEO will likely have an adverse Most importantly, the poor would received the first benefits of GEO effect upon its member' finan- 6 r MUSKET lacks fair play To the Daily: You have no doubt heard of MUSKET, the student musical organization that is a branch of UAC. They are a group that urges students to audition for past Broadway shows, with Diag ban- ners and school-wide posters.. They recently presented highly successful productions of Grease, Godspell, and Fiddler on the Roof. Well, if you've considered auditioning for a MUSKET show, you should be forewarned that the odds will be stacked against you. MUSKET, under the leader- ship of Craig Brennan, has shown a predilection to casting non- students in its shows. These non- students have not been getting small chorus parts, but rather lead roles. Tevye (Joshua Peck) in last term's Fiddler as well as Jesus (Jon Zimmerman) and Judas (Loren Hecht) in the ,,iant Jieu Christ Snperstar. quoted in the Grease program as saying "MUSKET is a theater organization comprised entirely of students, a unique feature of UAC." He goes on to say that, "hopefully, MUSKET will be ableJ to maintain its tradition of providing students with a showcase for their talents, whatever the future holds." The future has not held up. MUSKET, as a division of UAC, owes its existence to the student body. Its huge budget (several thousand dollars per show) is derived from student tuition. Non-students do not sup- port MUSKET and have no right to be considered for its produc- tions. I feel that MUSKET should be held responsible for its actions. Just as college athletic teams are reprimanded for the use of ineligible players, college theater groups should be ronrimnndpd f n the a"tinc nf representation: a 1o percent to t5 percent reduction in take-home pay. Apparently, GEO forgot that employees have to pay federal and state taxes on their income, whereas the educational grants which used to be the University's compensation were non-taxable. Further, those assistants atten- ding the University while under, student visas must now be con- ces. Such callous disregard for those it supposedlyrepresents can only make, this teaching assistant wonder if GEO is the right group to represent graduate teaching and resear- ch assistants at the University of Michigan. -Benjamin Bates February 5 Fresh airfor freedom To the Daily: Mark Gindin, where have you been all my life? Your column of Feb. 5 "Of Students and Liberalism" was an incredible blast of fresh air. How nice to hear something other than the stale liberal rhetoric that is con- tinually espoused by the Daily editorial staff. Now is the time for Americans to reassert the commitment to freedom made by our founding fathers. This nation never (until the last forty years) guaranteed anyone a free ride-it only made would usurp our most precious freedom in the name of equality, As Justice Louis Brandeis said in 1928, "Experience should teach us to be most on our guard' to protect liberty' when the gover- nment's purposes are beneficial. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greater dangers "to liberty lurk in insidious en- croachment by men of zeal, well- meaning but without understan- ding." I'll look forward to reading