Page 2-Sunday, February 7, 1982-The Michigan Dail I Pilot judgment WASHINGTON (AP) - "Forward, motorists on the t forward....come on, forward," pilot AS THE invest Larry Wheaton pleaded as First Officer unfolded, exper Alan Pettit vainly fought to keep the creasingly like a faltering Boeing 737 in the air. cident in which But it was too late for Air Florida recognized pi Flight 90, possibly crippled by the same weather and pil ice and snow that Wheaton and Pettit combined for disa had dismissed in lighthearted banter The NationalI just moments before as the aircraft Board won't reac awaited takeoff. cause of the cras After struggling to lift off from But investigators National- Airport's snow-covered run- things contribute way on Jan. 13, Flight 90 stalled within " The actions o seconds and plunged into a bridge and who may not hav the ice-filled Potomac River. Seventy- danger posed by1 four of 79 people aboard plus four co-pilot called th faulty in crash, bridge were killed. igation of tragedy has rts say it looks in- a classic aviation ac- a number of long- roblems, including ot action, may have aster. Transportation Safety *h a conclusion into the h for several months. s believe strongly these d significantly: f the pilot and co-pilot, ve fully recognized the the bad weather. The he snow probably the worst he'd seen. " Snow and ice on the wings which could have prevented the plane from flying once it became airborne. " Snow on the runway which may have slowed the aircraft's acceleration. " The Boeing 737's history of rolling severely or pitching its"nose up sud- denly after takeoff if there is even a small amount of ice on the front edge of the wings. " Engine sensors may have been frozen, giving the crew false indication of how much power was being generated during takeoff. In- vestigators have determined the engines produced only about 80 percent ,x pertssay of normal power during the takeoff roll. WHILE AIRPORT tower tapes shed little light on the accident, the 737's flight data recorder has disclosed the plane struggled to take off, almost im- mediately lost acceleration and began to fall after climbing only 337 feet. A transcript of the cockpit voice recorder made public Thursday showed that while the pilots expressed concern they did not feel threatened by the weather. The transcript starts at 3:31 p.m., 14 minutes after the plane was last de-iced and 30 minutes before the crash. President celebrates birthday WASHINGTON (AP)- President Reagan celebrated his 71st birthday yesterday, becoming the first chief executive to reach that age in the White House. The President, who enjoys joking about his age, took a line from Jack Benny, who never admitted to being over 39, and called this the 32nd an- niversary of his 39th birthday. The president spent the day with his wife Nancy, in the residential quarters of the executive mansion. POETRY READING, with. JUDITH DONAWAY and BARBARA FELDMAN Reading from their works U MON., FEB. 8-8 p.m. C GUILD HOUSE " 602 Monroe (662-5189) ADMISSION FREE IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports Reagan tours three states to promote 'New Federalism' WASHINGTON- President Reagan takes his "New Federalism" show back home again to Indiana next week during a jet-age whistle-stop tour to three of the nations' breadbasket states. In two days, the president, a native of Tampico, Ill., will address state legislatures in Iowa and Indiana, and a Republican fund-raiser in Bloomington, Minn., about the virtures of his controversial plan to decen- tralize the federal government. For the most part, his reception should be warm in the Midwest. However, protesters are scheduled to gather at all three stops. Haig attends conference to plan Poland protest WASHINGTON- Secretary of'State Alexander Haig leaves today for the European security conference in Madrid to lead the West's attack on the Soviet-sponsored repression in Poland. The West will use the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which resumes Tuesday, as a forum to voice its outrage over the crushingof Poland's labor and political reform movement. However, the disclosure by the State Department late Friday that U.S. taxpayers may eventually repay as much as $2, billion in Polish government debts to American banks could cause the expression of indignation at Madrid to ring hollow in some quarters. Chernenko leading field of successors to Brezhnev MOSCOW- Konstantin Chernenko, a close ally of President Leonid Brezhnev, is off to a flying start and appears to be leading the field -in the Kremlin powerstakes to succeed the ailing Soviet leader. The jockeying to succeed Brezhnev intensified with the death last month of 79-year-old Mikhail Suslov, top Communist Party ideologist and a ranking member of the ruling Politburo. Had Suslov outlived the 75-year-old Brezhnev, he was expected to have played a major role iQ selecting the new Soviet leader. But with Suslov's death, it was left to his Politburo survivors to fight it out among themselves. Weinberger visits Saudis to discuss arms production RIYADH, Saudi Arabia- Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, arriving here yesterday for a four-day visit, said he will raise the possibility of the United States and Saudi Arabia coproducing U.S.-designed weapons. "Coproduction might be a possibility, a very real possibility, Weinberger told reporters at Riyadh airport. He did not say what weapons he had in mind. In recent weeks, the Saudis have championed the concept of establishing a collective security system by the Persian Gulf states, including a military industries complex, an air defense umbrella based on AWACS planes, and a joint rapid deployment force. Ford won't make threats in bargaining talks with UAW DEARBORN- Ford Motor Co.'s chief bargainer said yesterday he will make no General Motors-type threats of plant closings or layoffs to the United Auto Workers during current talks. Bargainers spent the day in subcommittee meetings with no main table sessions or briefings scheduled until tomorrow in the discussions called in an effort to alleviate the industry's crippling slump. Peter Pestillo, Ford vice president for labor relations, said the firm will not hold plant closings or massive layoffs over the UAW's head in an effort to force the union to come to terms. Vol. XCII, No. 106g Sunday, February 7, 1982 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer- sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub- scription rates: $12 September through April(2 semesters); $13 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor- nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar- bor, MI 48109. The Michigan Ualy is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International. Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Field Newspapers Syndicate. 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