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February 05, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-05

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom


lilt iguu


Increasingly cloudy today
with a chance of snow. The
high is expected in the low

Vol. XCII, No. 104 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 5, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Public Health
officials to check
'U' renovations


Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
State officials from the Departmeit
of Public Health said yesterday they
will be investigating two University
renovation projects, which preliminary
tests show may involve harmful
building materials.
Construction projects in the Frieze
Building and the Michigan Union raised
concern among students and faculty
last week over the possible presence of
asbestos in materials which had not
been tested by the' University or the
Bailus Walker, director of the
Michigan Department of Public Health,
said yesterday he "can't believe" the
materials were not tested prior to con-
struction by the University, which he

said has "probably one of the best in-
dustrial health units in the country."
WALKER, WHO said he is familiar
with both the Frieze Building and the
Union, pointed out that asbestos is
commonly found in older buildings. He
is sending investigators from the
Division of Industrial Health and
Hygiene today or tomorrow, he said, to
evaluate the situation.,
After reports surfaced Saturday
linking the renovation projects to
possible health hazards, the University
Monday began testing the building
materials for the carcinogen asbestos.
No results have come in as of yet, ac-
cording to University officials.
TESTS ON materials collected last
week by the Daily have yielded incon-
See STATE, Page 2

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
PHD STUDENT David Blake operates the electron microscope used to test various building materials for asbestos. The
controversy over the material has prompted a state investigation.

Fake IDs get f
* - TOO FAR! '
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ramed at liquor store

partial ba
on school
yesterday approved a stringent,
retroactive ban on busing to
desegregate public schools-an action
one opponent called part of an "ab-
solute rout" of America's commitment
to civil rights in the Reagan era.
The Senate voted 58-38 for an amen-
dment that would prohibit federal cour-
ts from ordering busing as a remedy for
school desegregation if the bus ride
lasts more than 30 minutes or covers
more than 10 miles round-trip.
THE BAN would apply to future court
orders and also permit school districts
now busing children under past rulings
to seek an end to the controversial prac-
Sen. Bennett Johnston (D-La. ), spon- .
sor of the amendment, has conceded
that the time and distance limitations
would effectively stamp out busing to
integrate classrooms.
A second part of the amendmert
would prohibit the Justice Department
from initiating or pushing school
desegregation suits that require busing.
"IT IS A pernicious precedent," said
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who voted
against the measure. "The courts are
going to be hobbled by this kind of ap-
Levin said if judges are restricted on
how they enforce minority rights, there
i& nothing to prevent Congress from in-
truding on other constitutional rights
like free speech. '
Levin, one of a handful of senators
who took part in a frequently
acrimonious debate, said busing works
well in some communities as a method
for resolving racial imbalance in public
school systems.
But in Detroit, Levin said, he opposed
a busing plan ordered by a federal
judge because it encouraged middle
class whites and blacks to flee to the
He said a national limitation : on
busing orders is a direct threat to the
constitutional rights of minorities. "I
dislike busing," Levin said, "but I like
the Constitution even more."

If you try to use a fake ID card to pick
up a six-pack at Marshall's Liquor on
South State St., there's a good chance
that it will be confiscated. But don't
wbrry. You'll probably see it again,
and so will a lot of other people.
Marshall's has a policy of hanging
confiscated identification cards above
the check-out counter - handily near
the liquor shelves - to discourage,
minors from purchasing alcohol
"It's our privilege to take it (an ID)
away," said Sheila Johnson, a manager
at Marshall's. Johnson suggested the
idea last fall, in hopes that em-
barrassment might be the key to
solving the problem with minors.
THE TECHNIQUE has been fairly ef-
fective, she said. "You can always tell
(possible offenders). They glance up at
the others and get shakey."
If someone makes trouble about the
confiscation, Johnson said, Marshall's
will turn the card over to the police.
Johnson said taking the cards and
hanging them up in "fun, especially on
Friday and Saturday nights." But, she
added, many of the owners of the cards
don't enjoy seeing their pictures on

ONE UNIVERSITY student whose
falsified driver's license is hanging at
Marshall's was surprised when it was
confiscated. "I'd used it a whole lot,
and it had never been questioned
before," said the South Quad resident,
Who asked that his name not be used.
Sgt. Norman Olmstead of the Ann
Arbor Police Department said that if a
clerk knows that an ID card is falsified,
it is the store's "social responsibility"
to report the misdemeanor. However,
he continued, there is no law com-
pelling the store to confiscate the ID or
to turn it over to authorities.
Village Corner, located on South
University, does not display con-
fiscated ID cards, according to
manager Michael McKee. But since.
last fall, he said, after Ann Arbor police
conducted a widespread investigation
to determine which bars and retail
stores were selling alcohol to minors,
the store has confiscated more than 300
fake IDs.
BECAUSE OF complaints from.
parents and the juvenile court about the
number of minors drinking in the area,
Police Chief William Corbett met with
several local retailers to discuss the
problem of fake IDs. Lt. Dale Heath of
the police department's investigation

division said that the chief's message to
the retailers -was, "If you don't do
something,-we will."
But the Village Corner staff grew
tired of handing the IDs over to police
who didn't seem to be doing anything
about the problem, according to
manager McKee.
"Just don't take them anymore, was
essentially the message they gave us,"
McKee said. "Police were upset that
minors were getting drunk, and they're
still getting drunk. They (police) seem
to want to be rid of the "problem, but
don't seem to want to continue the in-
vestigation," he added
Stana Warren, manager of Campus
Corner, at the corner of State and
Packard, agreed with McKee that
police should put more pressure on the
minors who are breaking the law,
rather than concentrating their efforts
on the retailers.
"POLICE NEED to spend at least as
much time with the people perpetrating
the fraud as they do in catching those
selling the liquor to them," Warren
Falsified ID cards that are turned
over to police will usually lead to

Plan to freeze
state salaries
called impossible

Seminar discusses
national park olicy

A proposal to freeze teacher and state
* employee salaries for one year, submit-
ted earlier this week to Gov. William
Milliken, "is not possible," according to
state officials.
Milliken has no authority to make
such a budgetary decision, according to
Pat McCarthy, assistant state budget
director. "The governor can negotiate,
but final approval is still retained by
the Civil Service Commission," McCar-
thy said.
The Middle Cities Education
Association, formed by 20 Michigan
public school districts, sent Milliken a
proposal Monday asking that he
declare astate of financial emergency
in Michigan to avoid further cutbacks
in state school financing.
THE GROUP'S proposal also

requests a one-year salary freeze of all
school district employees at curent
levels, the closing of all educational in-
stitutions for one week, and a five-day
layoff without pay of all state em-
Harry Howard, Ann Arbor school
superintendent and a director of the
Middle Cities Association, said he fears
an executive order from Lansing which
could increase Ann Arbor's funding loss
to more than a half million dollars.
A five-percent statewide pay in-
crease has already been approved for
the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1982,'and
the University exects to receive a 14
percent increase, according to McCar-
"WE DON'T feel the money will be
there," said Howard. "There will be
See PLAN, Page

Growing conflict over whether
recreation and preservation can co-
exist in Michigan's national parks
brought environmentalists,
homeowners, and businessmen
together last night for a seminar
sponsored by several University
Private concessioners and
homeowners from the Sleeping Bear
National Lake Shore and Isle Royale
National Park complained that
pressure imposed on them by the
federal government violates their
rights as owners of the land.
"WE NEED our rights defined,"
said Kathy Stocklen, a homeowner
and operator of a canoe service in
Sleeping Bear National Park.
Stocklen said she and other
homeowners are being unfairly
restricted by the National Park Ser-
vice in what she claimed was an ef-
fort to make the park a "living lan-
dscape. The people are a part of the
culture, which is being destroyed,"
she said.
National Parks officials countered

that they were merely carrying out
the ants of Congress designed to
preserve the areas as national
"The parks are areas set aside for.
naturalist purposes," said Richard
Brown, superintendent of Isle
Royale National Park. Preservation
is more important in' the world
today," he said
ACCORDING to Stocklen,
Secretary of the Interior James
Watt is supporting the homeowners
,and businessmen in the parks.
"Watt is trying to be more fair to the
people," she said.
But in an article by Joseph Sax,
University professor of environmen-
tal law and moderator of the
seminar, Watt is accused of "em-
bracing and encouraging con-
cessioner aggressiveness."
He is taking the side of com-
petition in violation of the Con-
cessins Policy Act of 1965, according
to Sax's article, which emphasizes
detachment between the interior
department and the desires of con-

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER

PROFESSOR JOSEPH Sax was the moderator at yesterday's,seminar
discussing congressional policy toward national parks.




Most wanted


HO ARE THE 10 most-wanted men in Amer-
ica? They range from Dudley Moore to O.J.
Simpson to New York's Ed Koch. So says
Harper's Bazaar, which came up with its most-
wanted list of bachelors. Others on the list were Reggie
Jackson, George Hamilton, Donald Sutherland, Peter Mar-
fi. 1n. Tl n av ..A.. (-ih nti Rnhprt.4NaveWhenAtheflf

that only the pizza knows for sure. The Ann Arbor News
reported yesterday that Thanos Inc., which runs the
Thano's Company restaurant at 514 E. Washington St., had
filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the federal
bankruptcy code. Chapter 11 allows a business to
reorganize and pay creditors while remaining open. But
Thano Masters, owner of the establishment, denied the
whole thing. "It's all talk," Masters said. "People think
they know more about my business than me." He
threatened to sue the Ann Arbor News for printing the
story. However, a check with U.S. Bankruptcy Court in

familiar this winter-but Rodney Uptin may be the only one
marooned all night on his own roof. Upton, in his early 40s,
said he saw cracks in the ceiling of his split-level home and
went up on the roof about 9 p.m. Tuesday to shovel off some
of the two-and-one-half feet of snow to relieve the stress. As
he shoveled, it began to sleet, then rain, and around mid-
night he decided to come down. But his ladder was en-
crusted with ice and he was afraid to climb the 10 feet to the
ground. He yelled and banged on the roof but said he
couldn't attract attention or rouse his wife, who was
sleeping in a room below. To keep warm, he kept shoveling.
T'%- A nn- -.., - , .. , .. h r whncp f n

determine which of these mod mentors deserve recognition
for acquiring theis stylish skill. Send us your nomination,
including the name of your favorite fashionable professor,
his or her department and an explanation of why he or she
merits a place on the list of the Ten Best-Dressed
Professors. Address your letter to the Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard, attention: Supplement-News, or just drop it by.
But please hurry. We need all nominations by Feb. 10. The
results will appear in the Daily's Spring Fashion Sup-
plement, March 3. Q




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